Michael Lutz 32ce1ce347 Add: [OSX] Text layout using the native CoreText API.
By default, the native API will be used instead of ICU, but if ICU is
forced in using configure, it will take precedence.
2018-12-08 20:13:27 +01:00

902 lines
25 KiB

/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file gfx_layout.cpp Handling of laying out text. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gfx_layout.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "table/control_codes.h"
#include <unicode/ustring.h>
#endif /* WITH_ICU_LAYOUT */
#include "os/windows/string_uniscribe.h"
#endif /* WITH_UNISCRIBE */
#include "os/macosx/string_osx.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
/** Cache of ParagraphLayout lines. */
Layouter::LineCache *Layouter::linecache;
/** Cache of Font instances. */
Layouter::FontColourMap Layouter::fonts[FS_END];
* Construct a new font.
* @param size The font size to use for this font.
* @param colour The colour to draw this font in.
Font::Font(FontSize size, TextColour colour) :
fc(FontCache::Get(size)), colour(colour)
assert(size < FS_END);
/* Implementation details of LEFontInstance */
le_int32 Font::getUnitsPerEM() const
return this->fc->GetUnitsPerEM();
le_int32 Font::getAscent() const
return this->fc->GetAscender();
le_int32 Font::getDescent() const
return -this->fc->GetDescender();
le_int32 Font::getLeading() const
return this->fc->GetHeight();
float Font::getXPixelsPerEm() const
return (float)this->fc->GetHeight();
float Font::getYPixelsPerEm() const
return (float)this->fc->GetHeight();
float Font::getScaleFactorX() const
return 1.0f;
float Font::getScaleFactorY() const
return 1.0f;
const void *Font::getFontTable(LETag tableTag) const
size_t length;
return this->getFontTable(tableTag, length);
const void *Font::getFontTable(LETag tableTag, size_t &length) const
return this->fc->GetFontTable(tableTag, length);
LEGlyphID Font::mapCharToGlyph(LEUnicode32 ch) const
if (IsTextDirectionChar(ch)) return 0;
return this->fc->MapCharToGlyph(ch);
void Font::getGlyphAdvance(LEGlyphID glyph, LEPoint &advance) const
advance.fX = glyph == 0xFFFF ? 0 : this->fc->GetGlyphWidth(glyph);
advance.fY = 0;
le_bool Font::getGlyphPoint(LEGlyphID glyph, le_int32 pointNumber, LEPoint &point) const
return FALSE;
* Wrapper for doing layouts with ICU.
class ICUParagraphLayout : public AutoDeleteSmallVector<ParagraphLayouter::Line *, 4>, public ParagraphLayouter {
icu::ParagraphLayout *p; ///< The actual ICU paragraph layout.
/** Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font. */
class ICUVisualRun : public ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun {
const icu::ParagraphLayout::VisualRun *vr; ///< The actual ICU vr.
ICUVisualRun(const icu::ParagraphLayout::VisualRun *vr) : vr(vr) { }
const Font *GetFont() const { return (const Font*)vr->getFont(); }
int GetGlyphCount() const { return vr->getGlyphCount(); }
const GlyphID *GetGlyphs() const { return vr->getGlyphs(); }
const float *GetPositions() const { return vr->getPositions(); }
int GetLeading() const { return vr->getLeading(); }
const int *GetGlyphToCharMap() const { return vr->getGlyphToCharMap(); }
/** A single line worth of VisualRuns. */
class ICULine : public AutoDeleteSmallVector<ICUVisualRun *, 4>, public ParagraphLayouter::Line {
icu::ParagraphLayout::Line *l; ///< The actual ICU line.
ICULine(icu::ParagraphLayout::Line *l) : l(l)
for (int i = 0; i < l->countRuns(); i++) {
*this->Append() = new ICUVisualRun(l->getVisualRun(i));
~ICULine() { delete l; }
int GetLeading() const { return l->getLeading(); }
int GetWidth() const { return l->getWidth(); }
int CountRuns() const { return l->countRuns(); }
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun *GetVisualRun(int run) const { return *this->Get(run); }
int GetInternalCharLength(WChar c) const
/* ICU uses UTF-16 internally which means we need to account for surrogate pairs. */
return Utf8CharLen(c) < 4 ? 1 : 2;
ICUParagraphLayout(icu::ParagraphLayout *p) : p(p) { }
~ICUParagraphLayout() { delete p; }
void Reflow() { p->reflow(); }
ParagraphLayouter::Line *NextLine(int max_width)
icu::ParagraphLayout::Line *l = p->nextLine(max_width);
return l == NULL ? NULL : new ICULine(l);
* Helper class to construct a new #ICUParagraphLayout.
class ICUParagraphLayoutFactory {
/** Helper for GetLayouter, to get the right type. */
typedef UChar CharType;
/** Helper for GetLayouter, to get whether the layouter supports RTL. */
static const bool SUPPORTS_RTL = true;
static ParagraphLayouter *GetParagraphLayout(UChar *buff, UChar *buff_end, FontMap &fontMapping)
int32 length = buff_end - buff;
if (length == 0) {
/* ICU's ParagraphLayout cannot handle empty strings, so fake one. */
buff[0] = ' ';
length = 1;
/* Fill ICU's FontRuns with the right data. */
icu::FontRuns runs(fontMapping.Length());
for (FontMap::iterator iter = fontMapping.Begin(); iter != fontMapping.End(); iter++) {
runs.add(iter->second, iter->first);
LEErrorCode status = LE_NO_ERROR;
/* ParagraphLayout does not copy "buff", so it must stay valid.
* "runs" is copied according to the ICU source, but the documentation does not specify anything, so this might break somewhen. */
icu::ParagraphLayout *p = new icu::ParagraphLayout(buff, length, &runs, NULL, NULL, NULL, _current_text_dir == TD_RTL ? UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL : UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR, false, status);
if (status != LE_NO_ERROR) {
delete p;
return NULL;
return new ICUParagraphLayout(p);
static size_t AppendToBuffer(UChar *buff, const UChar *buffer_last, WChar c)
/* Transform from UTF-32 to internal ICU format of UTF-16. */
int32 length = 0;
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
u_strFromUTF32(buff, buffer_last - buff, &length, (UChar32*)&c, 1, &err);
return length;
#endif /* WITH_ICU_LAYOUT */
/*** Paragraph layout ***/
* Class handling the splitting of a paragraph of text into lines and
* visual runs.
* One constructs this class with the text that needs to be split into
* lines. Then nextLine is called with the maximum width until NULL is
* returned. Each nextLine call creates VisualRuns which contain the
* length of text that are to be drawn with the same font. In other
* words, the result of this class is a list of sub strings with their
* font. The sub strings are then already fully laid out, and only
* need actual drawing.
* The positions in a visual run are sequential pairs of X,Y of the
* begin of each of the glyphs plus an extra pair to mark the end.
* @note This variant does not handle left-to-right properly. This
* is supported in the one ParagraphLayout coming from ICU.
class FallbackParagraphLayout : public ParagraphLayouter {
/** Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font. */
class FallbackVisualRun : public ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun {
Font *font; ///< The font used to layout these.
GlyphID *glyphs; ///< The glyphs we're drawing.
float *positions; ///< The positions of the glyphs.
int *glyph_to_char; ///< The char index of the glyphs.
int glyph_count; ///< The number of glyphs.
FallbackVisualRun(Font *font, const WChar *chars, int glyph_count, int x);
const Font *GetFont() const;
int GetGlyphCount() const;
const GlyphID *GetGlyphs() const;
const float *GetPositions() const;
int GetLeading() const;
const int *GetGlyphToCharMap() const;
/** A single line worth of VisualRuns. */
class FallbackLine : public AutoDeleteSmallVector<FallbackVisualRun *, 4>, public ParagraphLayouter::Line {
int GetLeading() const;
int GetWidth() const;
int CountRuns() const;
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun *GetVisualRun(int run) const;
int GetInternalCharLength(WChar c) const { return 1; }
const WChar *buffer_begin; ///< Begin of the buffer.
const WChar *buffer; ///< The current location in the buffer.
FontMap &runs; ///< The fonts we have to use for this paragraph.
FallbackParagraphLayout(WChar *buffer, int length, FontMap &runs);
void Reflow();
const ParagraphLayouter::Line *NextLine(int max_width);
* Helper class to construct a new #FallbackParagraphLayout.
class FallbackParagraphLayoutFactory {
/** Helper for GetLayouter, to get the right type. */
typedef WChar CharType;
/** Helper for GetLayouter, to get whether the layouter supports RTL. */
static const bool SUPPORTS_RTL = false;
* Get the actual ParagraphLayout for the given buffer.
* @param buff The begin of the buffer.
* @param buff_end The location after the last element in the buffer.
* @param fontMapping THe mapping of the fonts.
* @return The ParagraphLayout instance.
static ParagraphLayouter *GetParagraphLayout(WChar *buff, WChar *buff_end, FontMap &fontMapping)
return new FallbackParagraphLayout(buff, buff_end - buff, fontMapping);
* Append a wide character to the internal buffer.
* @param buff The buffer to append to.
* @param buffer_last The end of the buffer.
* @param c The character to add.
* @return The number of buffer spaces that were used.
static size_t AppendToBuffer(WChar *buff, const WChar *buffer_last, WChar c)
*buff = c;
return 1;
* Create the visual run.
* @param font The font to use for this run.
* @param chars The characters to use for this run.
* @param char_count The number of characters in this run.
* @param x The initial x position for this run.
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::FallbackVisualRun(Font *font, const WChar *chars, int char_count, int x) :
font(font), glyph_count(char_count)
this->glyphs = MallocT<GlyphID>(this->glyph_count);
this->glyph_to_char = MallocT<int>(this->glyph_count);
/* Positions contains the location of the begin of each of the glyphs, and the end of the last one. */
this->positions = MallocT<float>(this->glyph_count * 2 + 2);
this->positions[0] = x;
this->positions[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this->glyph_count; i++) {
this->glyphs[i] = font->fc->MapCharToGlyph(chars[i]);
this->positions[2 * i + 2] = this->positions[2 * i] + font->fc->GetGlyphWidth(this->glyphs[i]);
this->positions[2 * i + 3] = 0;
this->glyph_to_char[i] = i;
/** Free all data. */
* Get the font associated with this run.
* @return The font.
const Font *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetFont() const
return this->font;
* Get the number of glyphs in this run.
* @return The number of glyphs.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphCount() const
return this->glyph_count;
* Get the glyphs of this run.
* @return The glyphs.
const GlyphID *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphs() const
return this->glyphs;
* Get the positions of this run.
* @return The positions.
const float *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetPositions() const
return this->positions;
* Get the glyph-to-character map for this visual run.
* @return The glyph-to-character map.
const int *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphToCharMap() const
return this->glyph_to_char;
* Get the height of this font.
* @return The height of the font.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetLeading() const
return this->GetFont()->fc->GetHeight();
* Get the height of the line.
* @return The maximum height of the line.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::GetLeading() const
int leading = 0;
for (const FallbackVisualRun * const *run = this->Begin(); run != this->End(); run++) {
leading = max(leading, (*run)->GetLeading());
return leading;
* Get the width of this line.
* @return The width of the line.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::GetWidth() const
if (this->Length() == 0) return 0;
* The last X position of a run contains is the end of that run.
* Since there is no left-to-right support, taking this value of
* the last run gives us the end of the line and thus the width.
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun *run = this->GetVisualRun(this->CountRuns() - 1);
return (int)run->GetPositions()[run->GetGlyphCount() * 2];
* Get the number of runs in this line.
* @return The number of runs.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::CountRuns() const
return this->Length();
* Get a specific visual run.
* @return The visual run.
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::GetVisualRun(int run) const
return *this->Get(run);
* Create a new paragraph layouter.
* @param buffer The characters of the paragraph.
* @param length The length of the paragraph.
* @param runs The font mapping of this paragraph.
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackParagraphLayout(WChar *buffer, int length, FontMap &runs) : buffer_begin(buffer), buffer(buffer), runs(runs)
assert(runs.End()[-1].first == length);
* Reset the position to the start of the paragraph.
void FallbackParagraphLayout::Reflow()
this->buffer = this->buffer_begin;
* Construct a new line with a maximum width.
* @param max_width The maximum width of the string.
* @return A Line, or NULL when at the end of the paragraph.
const ParagraphLayouter::Line *FallbackParagraphLayout::NextLine(int max_width)
/* Simple idea:
* - split a line at a newline character, or at a space where we can break a line.
* - split for a visual run whenever a new line happens, or the font changes.
if (this->buffer == NULL) return NULL;
FallbackLine *l = new FallbackLine();
if (*this->buffer == '\0') {
/* Only a newline. */
this->buffer = NULL;
*l->Append() = new FallbackVisualRun(this->runs.Begin()->second, this->buffer, 0, 0);
return l;
int offset = this->buffer - this->buffer_begin;
FontMap::iterator iter = this->runs.Begin();
while (iter->first <= offset) {
assert(iter != this->runs.End());
const FontCache *fc = iter->second->fc;
const WChar *next_run = this->buffer_begin + iter->first;
const WChar *begin = this->buffer;
const WChar *last_space = NULL;
const WChar *last_char;
int width = 0;
for (;;) {
WChar c = *this->buffer;
last_char = this->buffer;
if (c == '\0') {
this->buffer = NULL;
if (this->buffer == next_run) {
int w = l->GetWidth();
*l->Append() = new FallbackVisualRun(iter->second, begin, this->buffer - begin, w);
assert(iter != this->runs.End());
next_run = this->buffer_begin + iter->first;
begin = this->buffer;
last_space = NULL;
if (IsWhitespace(c)) last_space = this->buffer;
if (IsPrintable(c) && !IsTextDirectionChar(c)) {
int char_width = GetCharacterWidth(fc->GetSize(), c);
width += char_width;
if (width > max_width) {
/* The string is longer than maximum width so we need to decide
* what to do with it. */
if (width == char_width) {
/* The character is wider than allowed width; don't know
* what to do with this case... bail out! */
this->buffer = NULL;
return l;
if (last_space == NULL) {
/* No space has been found. Just terminate at our current
* location. This usually happens for languages that do not
* require spaces in strings, like Chinese, Japanese and
* Korean. For other languages terminating mid-word might
* not be the best, but terminating the whole string instead
* of continuing the word at the next line is worse. */
last_char = this->buffer;
} else {
/* A space is found; perfect place to terminate */
this->buffer = last_space + 1;
last_char = last_space;
if (l->Length() == 0 || last_char - begin != 0) {
int w = l->GetWidth();
*l->Append() = new FallbackVisualRun(iter->second, begin, last_char - begin, w);
return l;
* Helper for getting a ParagraphLayouter of the given type.
* @note In case no ParagraphLayouter could be constructed, line.layout will be NULL.
* @param line The cache item to store our layouter in.
* @param str The string to create a layouter for.
* @param state The state of the font and color.
* @tparam T The type of layouter we want.
template <typename T>
static inline void GetLayouter(Layouter::LineCacheItem &line, const char *&str, FontState &state)
if (line.buffer != NULL) free(line.buffer);
typename T::CharType *buff_begin = MallocT<typename T::CharType>(DRAW_STRING_BUFFER);
const typename T::CharType *buffer_last = buff_begin + DRAW_STRING_BUFFER;
typename T::CharType *buff = buff_begin;
FontMap &fontMapping = line.runs;
Font *f = Layouter::GetFont(state.fontsize, state.cur_colour);
line.buffer = buff_begin;
* Go through the whole string while adding Font instances to the font map
* whenever the font changes, and convert the wide characters into a format
* usable by ParagraphLayout.
for (; buff < buffer_last;) {
WChar c = Utf8Consume(const_cast<const char **>(&str));
if (c == '\0' || c == '\n') {
} else if (c >= SCC_BLUE && c <= SCC_BLACK) {
state.SetColour((TextColour)(c - SCC_BLUE));
} else if (c == SCC_PUSH_COLOUR) {
} else if (c == SCC_POP_COLOUR) {
} else if (c >= SCC_FIRST_FONT && c <= SCC_LAST_FONT) {
state.SetFontSize((FontSize)(c - SCC_FIRST_FONT));
} else {
/* Filter out text direction characters that shouldn't be drawn, and
* will not be handled in the fallback non ICU case because they are
* mostly needed for RTL languages which need more ICU support. */
if (!T::SUPPORTS_RTL && IsTextDirectionChar(c)) continue;
buff += T::AppendToBuffer(buff, buffer_last, c);
if (!fontMapping.Contains(buff - buff_begin)) {
fontMapping.Insert(buff - buff_begin, f);
f = Layouter::GetFont(state.fontsize, state.cur_colour);
/* Better safe than sorry. */
*buff = '\0';
if (!fontMapping.Contains(buff - buff_begin)) {
fontMapping.Insert(buff - buff_begin, f);
line.layout = T::GetParagraphLayout(buff_begin, buff, fontMapping);
line.state_after = state;
* Create a new layouter.
* @param str The string to create the layout for.
* @param maxw The maximum width.
* @param colour The colour of the font.
* @param fontsize The size of font to use.
Layouter::Layouter(const char *str, int maxw, TextColour colour, FontSize fontsize) : string(str)
FontState state(colour, fontsize);
WChar c = 0;
do {
/* Scan string for end of line */
const char *lineend = str;
for (;;) {
size_t len = Utf8Decode(&c, lineend);
if (c == '\0' || c == '\n') break;
lineend += len;
LineCacheItem& line = GetCachedParagraphLayout(str, lineend - str, state);
if (line.layout != NULL) {
/* Line is in cache */
str = lineend + 1;
state = line.state_after;
} else {
/* Line is new, layout it */
FontState old_state = state;
#if defined(WITH_ICU_LAYOUT) || defined(WITH_UNISCRIBE) || defined(WITH_COCOA)
const char *old_str = str;
GetLayouter<ICUParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str, state);
if (line.layout == NULL) {
static bool warned = false;
if (!warned) {
DEBUG(misc, 0, "ICU layouter bailed on the font. Falling back to the fallback layouter");
warned = true;
state = old_state;
str = old_str;
if (line.layout == NULL) {
GetLayouter<UniscribeParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str, state);
if (line.layout == NULL) {
state = old_state;
str = old_str;
if (line.layout == NULL) {
GetLayouter<CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str, state);
if (line.layout == NULL) {
state = old_state;
str = old_str;
if (line.layout == NULL) {
GetLayouter<FallbackParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str, state);
/* Copy all lines into a local cache so we can reuse them later on more easily. */
const ParagraphLayouter::Line *l;
while ((l = line.layout->NextLine(maxw)) != NULL) {
*this->Append() = l;
} while (c != '\0');
* Get the boundaries of this paragraph.
* @return The boundaries.
Dimension Layouter::GetBounds()
Dimension d = { 0, 0 };
for (const ParagraphLayouter::Line **l = this->Begin(); l != this->End(); l++) {
d.width = max<uint>(d.width, (*l)->GetWidth());
d.height += (*l)->GetLeading();
return d;
* Get the position of a character in the layout.
* @param ch Character to get the position of.
* @return Upper left corner of the character relative to the start of the string.
* @note Will only work right for single-line strings.
Point Layouter::GetCharPosition(const char *ch) const
/* Find the code point index which corresponds to the char
* pointer into our UTF-8 source string. */
size_t index = 0;
const char *str = this->string;
while (str < ch) {
WChar c;
size_t len = Utf8Decode(&c, str);
if (c == '\0' || c == '\n') break;
str += len;
index += (*this->Begin())->GetInternalCharLength(c);
if (str == ch) {
/* Valid character. */
const ParagraphLayouter::Line *line = *this->Begin();
/* Pointer to the end-of-string/line marker? Return total line width. */
if (*ch == '\0' || *ch == '\n') {
Point p = { line->GetWidth(), 0 };
return p;
/* Scan all runs until we've found our code point index. */
for (int run_index = 0; run_index < line->CountRuns(); run_index++) {
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun *run = line->GetVisualRun(run_index);
for (int i = 0; i < run->GetGlyphCount(); i++) {
/* Matching glyph? Return position. */
if ((size_t)run->GetGlyphToCharMap()[i] == index) {
Point p = { (int)run->GetPositions()[i * 2], (int)run->GetPositions()[i * 2 + 1] };
return p;
Point p = { 0, 0 };
return p;
* Get the character that is at a position.
* @param x Position in the string.
* @return Pointer to the character at the position or NULL if no character is at the position.
const char *Layouter::GetCharAtPosition(int x) const
const ParagraphLayouter::Line *line = *this->Begin();
for (int run_index = 0; run_index < line->CountRuns(); run_index++) {
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun *run = line->GetVisualRun(run_index);
for (int i = 0; i < run->GetGlyphCount(); i++) {
/* Not a valid glyph (empty). */
if (run->GetGlyphs()[i] == 0xFFFF) continue;
int begin_x = (int)run->GetPositions()[i * 2];
int end_x = (int)run->GetPositions()[i * 2 + 2];
if (IsInsideMM(x, begin_x, end_x)) {
/* Found our glyph, now convert to UTF-8 string index. */
size_t index = run->GetGlyphToCharMap()[i];
size_t cur_idx = 0;
for (const char *str = this->string; *str != '\0'; ) {
if (cur_idx == index) return str;
WChar c = Utf8Consume(&str);
cur_idx += line->GetInternalCharLength(c);
return NULL;
* Get a static font instance.
Font *Layouter::GetFont(FontSize size, TextColour colour)
FontColourMap::iterator it = fonts[size].Find(colour);
if (it != fonts[size].End()) return it->second;
Font *f = new Font(size, colour);
*fonts[size].Append() = FontColourMap::Pair(colour, f);
return f;
* Reset cached font information.
* @param size Font size to reset.
void Layouter::ResetFontCache(FontSize size)
for (FontColourMap::iterator it = fonts[size].Begin(); it != fonts[size].End(); ++it) {
delete it->second;
/* We must reset the linecache since it references the just freed fonts */
#if defined(WITH_UNISCRIBE)
#if defined(WITH_COCOA)
* Get reference to cache item.
* If the item does not exist yet, it is default constructed.
* @param str Source string of the line (including colour and font size codes).
* @param len Length of \a str in bytes (no termination).
* @param state State of the font at the beginning of the line.
* @return Reference to cache item.
Layouter::LineCacheItem &Layouter::GetCachedParagraphLayout(const char *str, size_t len, const FontState &state)
if (linecache == NULL) {
/* Create linecache on first access to avoid trouble with initialisation order of static variables. */
linecache = new LineCache();
LineCacheKey key;
key.state_before = state;
key.str.assign(str, len);
return (*linecache)[key];
* Clear line cache.
void Layouter::ResetLineCache()
if (linecache != NULL) linecache->clear();
* Reduce the size of linecache if necessary to prevent infinite growth.
void Layouter::ReduceLineCache()
if (linecache != NULL) {
/* TODO LRU cache would be fancy, but not exactly necessary */
if (linecache->size() > 4096) ResetLineCache();