mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 15:41:15 +00:00
The last parameter should point to the end of the buffer (eg lastof(buf)) Courtesy of Tron.
227 lines
6.6 KiB
227 lines
6.6 KiB
/* $Id$ */
void DoClearSquare(TileIndex tile);
void RunTileLoop(void);
uint GetPartialZ(int x, int y, Slope corners);
uint GetSlopeZ(int x, int y);
uint32 GetTileTrackStatus(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode);
void GetAcceptedCargo(TileIndex tile, AcceptedCargo ac);
void ChangeTileOwner(TileIndex tile, byte old_player, byte new_player);
void AnimateTile(TileIndex tile);
void ClickTile(TileIndex tile);
void GetTileDesc(TileIndex tile, TileDesc *td);
void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t);
bool IsValidTile(TileIndex tile);
static inline Point RemapCoords(int x, int y, int z)
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
Point pt;
pt.x = (y - x) * 2;
pt.y = y + x - z;
Point pt;
pt.x = (x + y) * 2;
pt.y = x - y - z;
return pt;
static inline Point RemapCoords2(int x, int y)
return RemapCoords(x, y, GetSlopeZ(x, y));
/* clear_land.c */
void DrawHillyLandTile(const TileInfo *ti);
void DrawClearLandTile(const TileInfo *ti, byte set);
void DrawClearLandFence(const TileInfo *ti);
void TileLoopClearHelper(TileIndex tile);
/* water_land.c */
void DrawShipDepotSprite(int x, int y, int image);
void TileLoop_Water(TileIndex tile);
/* players.c */
bool CheckPlayerHasMoney(int32 cost);
void SubtractMoneyFromPlayer(int32 cost);
void SubtractMoneyFromPlayerFract(PlayerID player, int32 cost);
bool CheckOwnership(Owner owner);
bool CheckTileOwnership(TileIndex tile);
StringID GetPlayerNameString(PlayerID player, uint index);
/* standard */
void ShowInfo(const char *str);
void CDECL ShowInfoF(const char *str, ...);
void NORETURN CDECL error(const char *str, ...);
/* openttd.c */
* Warning: DO NOT enable this unless you understand what it does
* If enabled, in a network game all randoms will be dumped to the
* stdout if the first client joins (or if you are a client). This
* is to help finding desync problems.
* Warning: DO NOT enable this unless you understand what it does
//#define RANDOM_DEBUG
// Enable this to produce higher quality random numbers.
// Doesn't work with network yet.
// Mersenne twister functions
void SeedMT(uint32 seed);
uint32 RandomMT(void);
static inline uint32 Random(void) { return RandomMT(); }
uint RandomRange(uint max);
#define Random() DoRandom(__LINE__, __FILE__)
uint32 DoRandom(int line, const char *file);
#define RandomRange(max) DoRandomRange(max, __LINE__, __FILE__)
uint DoRandomRange(uint max, int line, const char *file);
uint32 Random(void);
uint RandomRange(uint max);
static inline TileIndex RandomTileSeed(uint32 r) { return TILE_MASK(r); }
static inline TileIndex RandomTile(void) { return TILE_MASK(Random()); }
uint32 InteractiveRandom(void); /* Used for random sequences that are not the same on the other end of the multiplayer link */
uint InteractiveRandomRange(uint max);
/* facedraw.c */
void DrawPlayerFace(uint32 face, int color, int x, int y);
/* texteff.c */
void MoveAllTextEffects(void);
void AddTextEffect(StringID msg, int x, int y, uint16 duration);
void InitTextEffects(void);
void DrawTextEffects(DrawPixelInfo *dpi);
void InitTextMessage(void);
void DrawTextMessage(void);
void CDECL AddTextMessage(uint16 color, uint8 duration, const char *message, ...);
void UndrawTextMessage(void);
bool AddAnimatedTile(TileIndex tile);
void DeleteAnimatedTile(TileIndex tile);
void AnimateAnimatedTiles(void);
void InitializeAnimatedTiles(void);
/* tunnelbridge_cmd.c */
bool CheckBridge_Stuff(byte bridge_type, uint bridge_len);
uint32 GetBridgeLength(TileIndex begin, TileIndex end);
int CalcBridgeLenCostFactor(int x);
/* misc_cmd.c */
void PlaceTreesRandomly(void);
void InitializeLandscapeVariables(bool only_constants);
/* misc.c */
bool IsCustomName(StringID id);
void DeleteName(StringID id);
char *GetName(char *buff, StringID id, const char* last);
// AllocateNameUnique also tests if the name used is not used anywere else
// and if it is used, it returns an error.
#define AllocateNameUnique(name, skip) RealAllocateName(name, skip, true)
#define AllocateName(name, skip) RealAllocateName(name, skip, false)
StringID RealAllocateName(const char *name, byte skip, bool check_double);
/* misc functions */
void MarkTileDirty(int x, int y);
void MarkTileDirtyByTile(TileIndex tile);
void InvalidateWindow(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
void InvalidateWindowWidget(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, byte widget_index);
void InvalidateWindowClasses(WindowClass cls);
void InvalidateWindowClassesData(WindowClass cls);
void DeleteWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
void DeleteWindowByClass(WindowClass cls);
void SetObjectToPlaceWnd(CursorID icon, byte mode, Window *w);
void SetObjectToPlace(CursorID icon, byte mode, WindowClass window_class, WindowNumber window_num);
void ResetObjectToPlace(void);
bool ScrollWindowTo(int x, int y, Window * w);
bool ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileIndex tile);
bool ScrollMainWindowTo(int x, int y);
void DrawSprite(uint32 img, int x, int y);
bool EnsureNoVehicle(TileIndex tile);
bool EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(TileIndex tile);
void MarkAllViewportsDirty(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
void ShowCostOrIncomeAnimation(int x, int y, int z, int32 cost);
void ShowFeederIncomeAnimation(int x, int y, int z, int32 cost);
void DrawFoundation(TileInfo *ti, uint f);
bool CheckIfAuthorityAllows(TileIndex tile);
Town *ClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold);
void ChangeTownRating(Town *t, int add, int max);
uint GetTownRadiusGroup(const Town* t, TileIndex tile);
int FindFirstBit(uint32 x);
void ShowHighscoreTable(int difficulty, int8 rank);
TileIndex AdjustTileCoordRandomly(TileIndex a, byte rng);
void AfterLoadTown(void);
void UpdatePatches(void);
void AskExitGame(void);
void AskExitToGameMenu(void);
void RedrawAutosave(void);
StringID RemapOldStringID(StringID s);
void UpdateViewportSignPos(ViewportSign *sign, int left, int top, StringID str);
enum {
void ShowSaveLoadDialog(int mode);
// callback from drivers that is called if the game size changes dynamically
void GameSizeChanged(void);
bool FileExists(const char *filename);
bool ReadLanguagePack(int index);
void InitializeLanguagePacks(void);
const char *GetCurrentLocale(const char *param);
void *ReadFileToMem(const char *filename, size_t *lenp, size_t maxsize);
void LoadFromConfig(void);
void SaveToConfig(void);
void CheckConfig(void);
int ttd_main(int argc, char* argv[]);
void HandleExitGameRequest(void);
void DeterminePaths(void);
void CSleep(int milliseconds);
#endif /* FUNCTIONS_H */