belugas d921cf88a3 (svn r10963) -Revert(10700): Although the idea was good, it was more prone of errors than usefull.
So now, it will be better to jump to the overriden tile when it is been marked as an override
2007-08-22 01:16:08 +00:00

325 lines
14 KiB

/* $Id$ */
/** @file industry.h */
#ifndef INDUSTRY_H
#define INDUSTRY_H
#include "oldpool.h"
#include "helpers.hpp"
typedef byte IndustryGfx;
typedef uint8 IndustryType;
enum {
NEW_INDUSTRYOFFSET = 37, ///< original number of industries
NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES = 37, ///< total number of industries, new and old
INDUSTRYTILE_NOANIM = 0xFF, ///< flag to mark industry tiles as having no animation
NEW_INDUSTRYTILEOFFSET = 175, ///< original number of tiles
INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE = NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES, ///< one above amount is considered invalid
NUM_INDUSTRYTILES = NEW_INDUSTRYTILEOFFSET, ///< total number of industry tiles, new and old
INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE = NUM_INDUSTRYTILES, ///< one above amount is considered invalid
INDUSTRY_COMPLETED = 3, ///< final stage of industry construction.
enum {
CLEAN_RANDOMSOUNDS, ///< Free the dynamically allocated sounds table
CLEAN_TILELSAYOUT, ///< Free the dynamically allocated tile layout structure
enum IndustryLifeType {
INDUSTRYLIFE_BLACK_HOLE = 0, ///< Like power plants and banks
INDUSTRYLIFE_EXTRACTIVE = 1 << 0, ///< Like mines
INDUSTRYLIFE_ORGANIC = 1 << 1, ///< Like forests
INDUSTRYLIFE_PROCESSING = 1 << 2, ///< Like factories
/* Procedures that can be run to check whether an industry may
* build at location the given to the procedure */
enum CheckProc {
/** How was the industry created */
enum IndustryConstructionType {
ICT_UNKNOWN, ///< in previous game version or without newindustries activated
ICT_NORMAL_GAMEPLAY, ///< either by user or random creation proccess
ICT_MAP_GENERATION, ///< during random map creation
ICT_SCENARIO_EDITOR ///< while scenarion edition
/** From where is callback CBID_INDUSTRY_AVAILABLE been called */
enum IndustryAvailabilityCallType {
IACT_MAPGENERATION, ///< during random map generation
IACT_RANDOMCREATION, ///< during creation of random ingame industry
IACT_USERCREATION, ///< from the Fund/build window
enum IndustyBehaviour {
INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_FIELDS = 1 << 0, ///< periodically plants fileds around itself (temp and artic farms)
INDUSTRYBEH_CUT_TREES = 1 << 1, ///< cuts trees and produce first output cargo from them (lumber mill)
INDUSTRYBEH_BUILT_ONWATER = 1 << 2, ///< is built on water (oil rig)
INDUSTRYBEH_TOWN1200_MORE = 1 << 3, ///< can only be built in towns larger then 1200 inhabitants (temperate bank)
INDUSTRYBEH_ONLY_INTOWN = 1 << 4, ///< can only be built in towns (arctic/tropic banks, water tower)
INDUSTRYBEH_ONLY_NEARTOWN = 1 << 5, ///< is always built near towns (toy shop)
INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_ON_BUILT = 1 << 6, ///< Fields are planted around when built (all farms)
INDUSTRYBEH_DONT_INCR_PROD = 1 << 7, ///< do not increase production (oil wells) in the temperate climate
INDUSTRYBEH_BEFORE_1950 = 1 << 8, ///< can only be built before 1950 (oil wells)
INDUSTRYBEH_AFTER_1960 = 1 << 9, ///< can only be built after 1960 (oil rigs)
INDUSTRYBEH_AI_AIRSHIP_ROUTES = 1 << 10, ///< ai will attempt to establish air/ship routes to this industry (oil rig)
INDUSTRYBEH_AIRPLANE_ATTACKS = 1 << 11, ///< can be exploded by a military airplane (oil refinery)
INDUSTRYBEH_CHOPPER_ATTACKS = 1 << 12, ///< can be exploded by a military helicopter (factory)
INDUSTRYBEH_CAN_SUBSIDENCE = 1 << 13, ///< can cause a subsidence (coal mine, shaft that collapses)
struct Industry;
DECLARE_OLD_POOL(Industry, Industry, 3, 8000)
* Defines the internal data of a functionnal industry
struct Industry : PoolItem<Industry, IndustryID, &_Industry_pool> {
TileIndex xy; ///< coordinates of the primary tile the industry is built one
byte width;
byte height;
const Town *town; ///< Nearest town
uint16 produced_cargo_waiting[2]; ///< amount of cargo produced per cargo
uint16 incoming_cargo_waiting[3]; ///< incoming cargo waiting to be processed
byte production_rate[2]; ///< production rate for each cargo
byte prod_level; ///< general production level
uint16 this_month_production[2]; ///< stats of this month's production per cargo
uint16 this_month_transported[2]; ///< stats of this month's transport per cargo
byte last_month_pct_transported[2]; ///< percentage transported per cargo in the last full month
uint16 last_month_production[2]; ///< total units produced per cargo in the last full month
uint16 last_month_transported[2]; ///< total units transported per cargo in the last full month
uint16 counter; ///< used for animation and/or production (if available cargo)
IndustryType type; ///< type of industry.
OwnerByte owner; ///< owner of the industry. Which SHOULD always be (imho) OWNER_NONE
byte random_color; ///< randomized colour of the industry, for display purpose
Year last_prod_year; ///< last year of production
byte was_cargo_delivered; ///< flag that indicate this has been the closest industry chosen for cargo delivery by a station. see DeliverGoodsToIndustry
OwnerByte founder; ///< Founder of the industry
Date construction_date; ///< Date of the construction of the industry
uint8 construction_type; ///< Way the industry was constructed (@see IndustryConstructionType)
Date last_cargo_accepted_at; ///< Last day cargo was accepted by this industry
byte selected_layout; ///< Which tile layout was used when creating the industry
Industry(TileIndex tile = 0) : xy(tile) {}
bool IsValid() const { return this->xy != 0; }
struct IndustryTileTable {
TileIndexDiffC ti;
IndustryGfx gfx;
/** Data related to the handling of grf files. Common to both industry and industry tile */
struct GRFFileProps {
uint16 subst_id;
uint16 local_id; ///< id defined by the grf file for this industry
struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup; ///< pointer to the different sprites of the industry
const struct GRFFile *grffile; ///< grf file that introduced this industry
uint16 override; ///< id of the entity been replaced by
* Defines the data structure for constructing industry.
struct IndustrySpec {
const IndustryTileTable *const *table;///< List of the tiles composing the industry
byte num_table; ///< Number of elements in the table
uint8 cost_multiplier; ///< Base cost multiplier.
uint16 raw_industry_cost_multiplier; ///< Multiplier for the raw industries cost
uint32 prospecting_chance; ///< Chance prospecting succeeds
IndustryType conflicting[3]; ///< Industries this industry cannot be close to
byte check_proc; ///< Index to a procedure to check for conflicting circumstances
CargoID produced_cargo[2];
byte production_rate[2];
byte minimal_cargo; ///< minimum amount of cargo transported to the stations
///< If the waiting cargo is less than this number, no cargo is moved to it
CargoID accepts_cargo[3]; ///< 3 accepted cargos
uint16 input_cargo_multiplier[3][2]; ///< Input cargo multipliers (multiply amount of incoming cargo for the produced cargos)
IndustryLifeType life_type; ///< This is also known as Industry production flag, in newgrf specs
byte climate_availability; ///< Bitmask, giving landscape enums as bit position
IndustyBehaviour behaviour; ///< How this industry will behave, and how others entities can use it
byte map_colour; ///< colour used for the small map
StringID name; ///< Displayed name of the industry
StringID new_industry_text; ///< Message appearing when the industry is built
StringID closure_text; ///< Message appearing when the industry closes
StringID production_up_text; ///< Message appearing when the industry's production is increasing
StringID production_down_text; ///< Message appearing when the industry's production is decreasing
byte appear_ingame[NUM_LANDSCAPE]; ///< Probability of appearance in game
byte appear_creation[NUM_LANDSCAPE]; ///< Probability of appearance during map creation
uint8 number_of_sounds; ///< Number of sounds available in the sounds array
const uint8 *random_sounds; ///< array of random sounds.
/* Newgrf data */
uint16 callback_flags; ///< Flags telling which grf callback is set
uint8 cleanup_flag; ///< flags indicating which data should be freed upon cleaning up
bool enabled; ///< entity still avaible (by default true).newgrf can disable it, though
struct GRFFileProps grf_prop; ///< properties related the the grf file
* Is an industry with the spec a raw industry?
* @return true if it should be handled as a raw industry
bool IsRawIndustry() const;
* Get the cost for constructing this industry
* @return the cost (inflation corrected etc)
Money GetConstructionCost() const;
* Defines the data structure of each indivudual tile of an industry.
struct IndustryTileSpec {
CargoID accepts_cargo[3]; ///< Cargo accepted by this tile
uint8 acceptance[3]; ///< Level of aceptance per cargo type
Slope slopes_refused; ///< slope pattern on which this tile cannot be built
byte anim_production; ///< Animation frame to start when goods are produced
byte anim_next; ///< Next frame in an animation
bool anim_state; ///< When true, the tile has to be drawn using the animation
///< state instead of the construction state
/* Newgrf data */
uint8 callback_flags; ///< Flags telling which grf callback is set
uint16 animation_info; ///< Information about the animation (is it looping, how many loops etc)
uint8 animation_speed; ///< The speed of the animation
uint8 animation_triggers; ///< When to start the animation
uint8 animation_special_flags; ///< Extra flags to influence the animation
bool enabled; ///< entity still avaible (by default true).newgrf can disable it, though
struct GRFFileProps grf_prop;
/* industry_cmd.cpp*/
const IndustrySpec *GetIndustrySpec(IndustryType thistype); ///< Array of industries data
const IndustryTileSpec *GetIndustryTileSpec(IndustryGfx gfx); ///< Array of industry tiles data
void ResetIndustries();
void PlantRandomFarmField(const Industry *i);
/* writable arrays of specs */
extern IndustrySpec _industry_specs[NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES];
extern IndustryTileSpec _industry_tile_specs[NUM_INDUSTRYTILES];
/* smallmap_gui.cpp */
void BuildIndustriesLegend();
* Check if an Industry exists whithin the pool of industries
* @param index of the desired industry
* @return true if it is inside the pool
static inline bool IsValidIndustryID(IndustryID index)
return index < GetIndustryPoolSize() && GetIndustry(index)->IsValid();
static inline IndustryID GetMaxIndustryIndex()
/* TODO - This isn't the real content of the function, but
* with the new pool-system this will be replaced with one that
* _really_ returns the highest index. Now it just returns
* the next safe value we are sure about everything is below.
return GetIndustryPoolSize() - 1;
extern int _total_industries; // general counter
extern uint16 _industry_counts[NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES]; // Number of industries per type ingame
static inline uint GetNumIndustries()
return _total_industries;
/** Increment the count of industries for this type
* @param type IndustryType to increment
static inline void IncIndustryTypeCount(IndustryType type)
/** Decrement the count of industries for this type
* @param type IndustryType to decrement
static inline void DecIndustryTypeCount(IndustryType type)
/** get the count of industries for this type
* @param type IndustryType to query
static inline uint8 GetIndustryTypeCount(IndustryType type)
return min(_industry_counts[type], 0xFF); // callback expects only a byte, so cut it
/** Resets both the total_industries and the _industry_counts
* This way, we centralize all counts activities */
static inline void ResetIndustryCounts()
_total_industries = 0;
memset(&_industry_counts, 0, sizeof(_industry_counts));
* Return a random valid industry.
static inline Industry *GetRandomIndustry()
int num = RandomRange(GetNumIndustries());
IndustryID index = INVALID_INDUSTRY;
if (GetNumIndustries() == 0) return NULL;
while (num >= 0) {
/* Make sure we have a valid industry */
while (!IsValidIndustryID(index)) {
assert(index <= GetMaxIndustryIndex());
return GetIndustry(index);
#define FOR_ALL_INDUSTRIES_FROM(i, start) for (i = GetIndustry(start); i != NULL; i = (i->index + 1U < GetIndustryPoolSize()) ? GetIndustry(i->index + 1U) : NULL) if (i->IsValid())
extern const Industry **_industry_sort;
extern bool _industry_sort_dirty;
static const uint8 IT_INVALID = 255;
#endif /* INDUSTRY_H */