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synced 2025-03-09 15:41:15 +00:00
This allows using the grfid without having to dereference the grffile pointer. Uses no extra storage as it fits within otherwise wasted padding space.
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file picker_gui.h Functions/types etc. related to the picker GUI. */
#ifndef PICKER_GUI_H
#define PICKER_GUI_H
#include "querystring_gui.h"
#include "sortlist_type.h"
#include "stringfilter_type.h"
#include "strings_type.h"
#include "timer/timer.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "timer/timer_window.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "window_type.h"
struct PickerItem {
uint32_t grfid;
uint16_t local_id;
int class_index;
int index;
inline auto operator<=>(const PickerItem &other) const
if (auto cmp = this->grfid <=> other.grfid; cmp != 0) return cmp;
return this->local_id <=> other.local_id;
/** Class for PickerClassWindow to collect information and retain state. */
class PickerCallbacks {
explicit PickerCallbacks(const std::string &ini_group);
virtual ~PickerCallbacks();
virtual void Close(int) { }
/** Should picker class/type selection be enabled? */
virtual bool IsActive() const = 0;
/** Are there multiple classes to chose from? */
virtual bool HasClassChoice() const = 0;
/* Class callbacks */
/** Get the tooltip string for the class list. */
virtual StringID GetClassTooltip() const = 0;
/** Get the number of classes. @note Used only to estimate space requirements. */
virtual int GetClassCount() const = 0;
/** Get the index of the selected class. */
virtual int GetSelectedClass() const = 0;
/** Set the selected class. */
virtual void SetSelectedClass(int id) const = 0;
/** Get the name of a class. */
virtual StringID GetClassName(int id) const = 0;
/* Type callbacks */
/** Get the tooltip string for the type grid. */
virtual StringID GetTypeTooltip() const = 0;
/** Get the number of types in a class. @note Used only to estimate space requirements. */
virtual int GetTypeCount(int cls_id) const = 0;
/** Get the selected type. */
virtual int GetSelectedType() const = 0;
/** Set the selected type. */
virtual void SetSelectedType(int id) const = 0;
/** Get data about an item. */
virtual PickerItem GetPickerItem(int cls_id, int id) const = 0;
/** Get the item of a type. */
virtual StringID GetTypeName(int cls_id, int id) const = 0;
/** Test if an item is currently buildable. */
virtual bool IsTypeAvailable(int cls_id, int id) const = 0;
/** Draw preview image of an item. */
virtual void DrawType(int x, int y, int cls_id, int id) const = 0;
/** Fill a set with all items that are used by the current player. */
virtual void FillUsedItems(std::set<PickerItem> &items) = 0;
/** Update link between grfid/localidx and class_index/index in saved items. */
virtual std::set<PickerItem> UpdateSavedItems(const std::set<PickerItem> &src) = 0;
Listing class_last_sorting = { false, 0 }; ///< Default sorting of #PickerClassList.
Filtering class_last_filtering = { false, 0 }; ///< Default filtering of #PickerClassList.
Listing type_last_sorting = { false, 0 }; ///< Default sorting of #PickerTypeList.
Filtering type_last_filtering = { false, 0 }; ///< Default filtering of #PickerTypeList.
const std::string ini_group; ///< Ini Group for saving favourites.
uint8_t mode = 0; ///< Bitmask of \c PickerFilterModes.
std::set<PickerItem> used; ///< Set of items used in the current game by the current company.
std::set<PickerItem> saved; ///< Set of saved favourite items.
/** Helper for PickerCallbacks when the class system is based on NewGRFClass. */
template <typename T>
class PickerCallbacksNewGRFClass : public PickerCallbacks {
explicit PickerCallbacksNewGRFClass(const std::string &ini_group) : PickerCallbacks(ini_group) {}
inline typename T::index_type GetClassIndex(int cls_id) const { return static_cast<typename T::index_type>(cls_id); }
inline const T *GetClass(int cls_id) const { return T::Get(this->GetClassIndex(cls_id)); }
inline const typename T::spec_type *GetSpec(int cls_id, int id) const { return this->GetClass(cls_id)->GetSpec(id); }
bool HasClassChoice() const override { return T::GetUIClassCount() > 1; }
int GetClassCount() const override { return T::GetClassCount(); }
int GetTypeCount(int cls_id) const override { return this->GetClass(cls_id)->GetSpecCount(); }
PickerItem GetPickerItem(const typename T::spec_type *spec, int cls_id = -1, int id = -1) const
if (spec == nullptr) return {0, 0, cls_id, id};
return {spec->grf_prop.grfid, spec->grf_prop.local_id, spec->class_index, spec->index};
PickerItem GetPickerItem(int cls_id, int id) const override
return GetPickerItem(GetClass(cls_id)->GetSpec(id), cls_id, id);
std::set<PickerItem> UpdateSavedItems(const std::set<PickerItem> &src) override
if (src.empty()) return {};
std::set<PickerItem> dst;
for (const auto &item : src) {
const auto *spec = T::GetByGrf(item.grfid, item.local_id);
if (spec == nullptr) {
dst.insert({item.grfid, item.local_id, -1, -1});
} else {
return dst;
struct PickerFilterData : StringFilter {
const PickerCallbacks *callbacks; ///< Callbacks for filter functions to access to callbacks.
using PickerClassList = GUIList<int, std::nullptr_t, PickerFilterData &>; ///< GUIList holding classes to display.
using PickerTypeList = GUIList<PickerItem, std::nullptr_t, PickerFilterData &>; ///< GUIList holding classes/types to display.
class PickerWindow : public PickerWindowBase {
enum PickerFilterModes {
PFM_ALL = 0, ///< Show all classes.
PFM_USED = 1, ///< Show used types.
PFM_SAVED = 2, ///< Show saved types.
enum PickerFilterInvalidation {
PFI_CLASS = 1U << 0, ///< Refresh the class list.
PFI_TYPE = 1U << 1, ///< Refresh the type list.
PFI_POSITION = 1U << 2, ///< Update scroll positions.
PFI_VALIDATE = 1U << 3, ///< Validate selected item.
static const int PREVIEW_WIDTH = 64; ///< Width of each preview button.
static const int PREVIEW_HEIGHT = 48; ///< Height of each preview button.
static const int PREVIEW_LEFT = 31; ///< Offset from left edge to draw preview.
static const int PREVIEW_BOTTOM = 31; ///< Offset from bottom edge to draw preview.
static const uint EDITBOX_MAX_SIZE = 16; ///< The maximum number of characters for the filter edit box.
bool has_class_picker = false; ///< Set if this window has a class picker 'component'.
bool has_type_picker = false; ///< Set if this window has a type picker 'component'.
PickerWindow(WindowDesc &desc, Window *parent, int window_number, PickerCallbacks &callbacks);
void Close(int data = 0) override;
void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) override;
void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override;
void OnResize() override;
void OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override;
void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override;
EventState OnHotkey(int hotkey) override;
void OnEditboxChanged(WidgetID wid) override;
/** Enum referring to the Hotkeys in the picker window */
enum PickerClassWindowHotkeys {
PCWHK_FOCUS_FILTER_BOX, ///< Focus the edit box for editing the filter string
void ConstructWindow();
PickerCallbacks &callbacks;
PickerClassList classes; ///< List of classes.
PickerFilterData class_string_filter;
QueryString class_editbox; ///< Filter editbox.
void BuildPickerClassList();
void EnsureSelectedClassIsValid();
void EnsureSelectedClassIsVisible();
PickerTypeList types; ///< List of types.
PickerFilterData type_string_filter;
QueryString type_editbox; ///< Filter editbox
void RefreshUsedTypeList();
void BuildPickerTypeList();
void EnsureSelectedTypeIsValid();
void EnsureSelectedTypeIsVisible();
IntervalTimer<TimerGameCalendar> yearly_interval = {{TimerGameCalendar::YEAR, TimerGameCalendar::Priority::NONE}, [this](auto) {
IntervalTimer<TimerWindow> refresh_interval = {std::chrono::seconds(3), [this](auto) {
class NWidgetBase;
std::unique_ptr<NWidgetBase> MakePickerClassWidgets();
std::unique_ptr<NWidgetBase> MakePickerTypeWidgets();
#endif /* PICKER_GUI_H */