belugas fc35ad9ee9 (svn r13226) -Feature: Allow to have more than only two airports per town. The number of airports is now controlled by the noise each of them generates, the distance from town's center and how tolerant the town is.
Initial concept : TTDPatch (moreairpots),  Initial code : Pasky
Thanks to BigBB (help coding), Smatz Skidd13 and frosch for bugcatches and advices
2008-05-24 02:54:47 +00:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

/* $Id$ */
/** @file station_func.h Functions related to stations. */
#include "station_type.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "rail_type.h"
#include "road_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include <set>
void ModifyStationRatingAround(TileIndex tile, PlayerID owner, int amount, uint radius);
/** A set of stations (\c const \c Station* ) */
typedef std::set<Station*> StationSet;
StationSet FindStationsAroundIndustryTile(TileIndex tile, int w, int h);
void ShowStationViewWindow(StationID station);
void UpdateAllStationVirtCoord();
void AfterLoadStations();
void GetProductionAroundTiles(AcceptedCargo produced, TileIndex tile, int w, int h, int rad);
void GetAcceptanceAroundTiles(AcceptedCargo accepts, TileIndex tile, int w, int h, int rad);
const DrawTileSprites *GetStationTileLayout(StationType st, byte gfx);
void StationPickerDrawSprite(int x, int y, StationType st, RailType railtype, RoadType roadtype, int image);
bool HasStationInUse(StationID station, PlayerID player);
RoadStop * GetRoadStopByTile(TileIndex tile, RoadStopType type);
uint GetNumRoadStops(const Station* st, RoadStopType type);
RoadStop * AllocateRoadStop();
void ClearSlot(Vehicle *v);
void DeleteOilRig(TileIndex t);
/* Check if a rail station tile is traversable. */
bool IsStationTileBlocked(TileIndex tile);
/* Check if a rail station tile is electrifiable. */
bool IsStationTileElectrifiable(TileIndex tile);
void UpdateAirportsNoise();
#endif /* STATION_FUNC_H */