mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 15:41:15 +00:00
476 lines
16 KiB
476 lines
16 KiB
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file train_gui.cpp GUI for trains. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "zoom_func.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
* Callback for building wagons.
* @param result The result of the command.
* @param tile The tile the command was executed on.
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (for the #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (for the #CommandProc)
* @param cmd Unused.
void CcBuildWagon(const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd)
if (result.Failed()) return;
/* find a locomotive in the depot. */
const Vehicle *found = nullptr;
for (const Train *t : Train::Iterate()) {
if (t->IsFrontEngine() && t->tile == tile && t->IsStoppedInDepot()) {
if (found != nullptr) return; // must be exactly one.
found = t;
/* if we found a loco, */
if (found != nullptr) {
found = found->Last();
/* put the new wagon at the end of the loco. */
DoCommandP(0, _new_vehicle_id, found->index, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE);
InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TRAINS_LIST, 0);
* Highlight the position where a rail vehicle is dragged over by drawing a light gray background.
* @param px The current x position to draw from.
* @param max_width The maximum space available to draw.
* @param selection Selected vehicle that is dragged.
* @param chain Whether a whole chain is dragged.
* @return The width of the highlight mark.
static int HighlightDragPosition(int px, int max_width, VehicleID selection, bool chain)
bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
assert(selection != INVALID_VEHICLE);
int dragged_width = 0;
for (Train *t = Train::Get(selection); t != nullptr; t = chain ? t->Next() : (t->HasArticulatedPart() ? t->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr)) {
dragged_width += t->GetDisplayImageWidth(nullptr);
int drag_hlight_left = rtl ? std::max(px - dragged_width + 1, 0) : px;
int drag_hlight_right = rtl ? px : std::min(px + dragged_width, max_width) - 1;
int drag_hlight_width = std::max(drag_hlight_right - drag_hlight_left + 1, 0);
if (drag_hlight_width > 0) {
GfxFillRect(drag_hlight_left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + 1,
drag_hlight_right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, ScaleGUITrad(13) - WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM, _colour_gradient[COLOUR_GREY][7]);
return drag_hlight_width;
* Draws an image of a whole train
* @param v Front vehicle
* @param left The minimum horizontal position
* @param right The maximum horizontal position
* @param y Vertical position to draw at
* @param selection Selected vehicle to draw a frame around
* @param skip Number of pixels to skip at the front (for scrolling)
* @param drag_dest The vehicle another one is dragged over, \c INVALID_VEHICLE if none.
void DrawTrainImage(const Train *v, int left, int right, int y, VehicleID selection, EngineImageType image_type, int skip, VehicleID drag_dest)
bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
Direction dir = rtl ? DIR_E : DIR_W;
DrawPixelInfo tmp_dpi, *old_dpi;
/* Position of highlight box */
int highlight_l = 0;
int highlight_r = 0;
int max_width = right - left + 1;
int height = ScaleGUITrad(14);
if (!FillDrawPixelInfo(&tmp_dpi, left, y, max_width, height)) return;
old_dpi = _cur_dpi;
_cur_dpi = &tmp_dpi;
int px = rtl ? max_width + skip : -skip;
bool sel_articulated = false;
bool dragging = (drag_dest != INVALID_VEHICLE);
bool drag_at_end_of_train = (drag_dest == v->index); // Head index is used to mark dragging at end of train.
for (; v != nullptr && (rtl ? px > 0 : px < max_width); v = v->Next()) {
if (dragging && !drag_at_end_of_train && drag_dest == v->index) {
/* Highlight the drag-and-drop destination inside the train. */
int drag_hlight_width = HighlightDragPosition(px, max_width, selection, _cursor.vehchain);
px += rtl ? -drag_hlight_width : drag_hlight_width;
Point offset;
int width = Train::From(v)->GetDisplayImageWidth(&offset);
if (rtl ? px + width > 0 : px - width < max_width) {
PaletteID pal = (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) ? PALETTE_CRASH : GetVehiclePalette(v);
VehicleSpriteSeq seq;
v->GetImage(dir, image_type, &seq);
seq.Draw(px + (rtl ? -offset.x : offset.x), height / 2 + offset.y, pal, (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) != 0);
if (!v->IsArticulatedPart()) sel_articulated = false;
if (v->index == selection) {
/* Set the highlight position */
highlight_l = rtl ? px - width : px;
highlight_r = rtl ? px - 1 : px + width - 1;
sel_articulated = true;
} else if ((_cursor.vehchain && highlight_r != 0) || sel_articulated) {
if (rtl) {
highlight_l -= width;
} else {
highlight_r += width;
px += rtl ? -width : width;
if (dragging && drag_at_end_of_train) {
/* Highlight the drag-and-drop destination at the end of the train. */
HighlightDragPosition(px, max_width, selection, _cursor.vehchain);
if (highlight_l != highlight_r) {
/* Draw the highlight. Now done after drawing all the engines, as
* the next engine after the highlight could overlap it. */
DrawFrameRect(highlight_l, 0, highlight_r, height - 1, COLOUR_WHITE, FR_BORDERONLY);
_cur_dpi = old_dpi;
/** Helper struct for the cargo details information */
struct CargoSummaryItem {
CargoID cargo; ///< The cargo that is carried
StringID subtype; ///< STR_EMPTY if none
uint capacity; ///< Amount that can be carried
uint amount; ///< Amount that is carried
StationID source; ///< One of the source stations
/** Used by CargoSummary::Find() and similar functions */
inline bool operator != (const CargoSummaryItem &other) const
return this->cargo != other.cargo || this->subtype != other.subtype;
/** Used by std::find() and similar functions */
inline bool operator == (const CargoSummaryItem &other) const
return !(this->cargo != other.cargo);
static const uint TRAIN_DETAILS_MIN_INDENT = 32; ///< Minimum indent level in the train details window
static const uint TRAIN_DETAILS_MAX_INDENT = 72; ///< Maximum indent level in the train details window; wider than this and we start on a new line
/** Container for the cargo summary information. */
typedef std::vector<CargoSummaryItem> CargoSummary;
/** Reused container of cargo details */
static CargoSummary _cargo_summary;
* Draw the details cargo tab for the given vehicle at the given position
* @param item Data to draw
* @param left The left most coordinate to draw
* @param right The right most coordinate to draw
* @param y The y coordinate
static void TrainDetailsCargoTab(const CargoSummaryItem *item, int left, int right, int y)
StringID str;
if (item->amount > 0) {
SetDParam(0, item->cargo);
SetDParam(1, item->amount);
SetDParam(2, item->source);
SetDParam(3, _settings_game.vehicle.freight_trains);
} else {
DrawString(left, right, y, str);
* Draw the details info tab for the given vehicle at the given position
* @param v current vehicle
* @param left The left most coordinate to draw
* @param right The right most coordinate to draw
* @param y The y coordinate
static void TrainDetailsInfoTab(const Vehicle *v, int left, int right, int y)
if (RailVehInfo(v->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) {
SetDParam(0, v->engine_type);
SetDParam(1, v->value);
} else {
SetDParam(0, v->engine_type);
SetDParam(1, v->build_year);
SetDParam(2, v->value);
* Draw the details capacity tab for the given vehicle at the given position
* @param item Data to draw
* @param left The left most coordinate to draw
* @param right The right most coordinate to draw
* @param y The y coordinate
static void TrainDetailsCapacityTab(const CargoSummaryItem *item, int left, int right, int y)
StringID str;
if (item->cargo != INVALID_CARGO) {
SetDParam(0, item->cargo);
SetDParam(1, item->capacity);
SetDParam(4, item->subtype);
SetDParam(5, _settings_game.vehicle.freight_trains);
} else {
/* Draw subtype only */
SetDParam(0, item->subtype);
DrawString(left, right, y, str);
* Collects the cargo transported
* @param v Vehicle to process
* @param summary Space for the result
static void GetCargoSummaryOfArticulatedVehicle(const Train *v, CargoSummary *summary)
do {
if (!v->GetEngine()->CanCarryCargo()) continue;
CargoSummaryItem new_item;
new_item.cargo = v->cargo_cap > 0 ? v->cargo_type : INVALID_CARGO;
new_item.subtype = GetCargoSubtypeText(v);
if (new_item.cargo == INVALID_CARGO && new_item.subtype == STR_EMPTY) continue;
auto item = std::find(summary->begin(), summary->end(), new_item);
if (item == summary->end()) {
item = summary->end() - 1;
item->cargo = new_item.cargo;
item->subtype = new_item.subtype;
item->capacity = 0;
item->amount = 0;
item->source = INVALID_STATION;
item->capacity += v->cargo_cap;
item->amount += v->cargo.StoredCount();
if (item->source == INVALID_STATION) item->source = v->cargo.Source();
} while ((v = v->Next()) != nullptr && v->IsArticulatedPart());
* Get the length of an articulated vehicle.
* @param v the vehicle to get the length of.
* @return the length in pixels.
static uint GetLengthOfArticulatedVehicle(const Train *v)
uint length = 0;
do {
length += v->GetDisplayImageWidth();
} while ((v = v->Next()) != nullptr && v->IsArticulatedPart());
return length;
* Determines the number of lines in the train details window
* @param veh_id Train
* @param det_tab Selected details tab
* @return Number of line
int GetTrainDetailsWndVScroll(VehicleID veh_id, TrainDetailsWindowTabs det_tab)
int num = 0;
if (det_tab == TDW_TAB_TOTALS) { // Total cargo tab
CargoArray act_cargo;
CargoArray max_cargo;
for (const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(veh_id); v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) {
act_cargo[v->cargo_type] += v->cargo.StoredCount();
max_cargo[v->cargo_type] += v->cargo_cap;
/* Set scroll-amount separately from counting, as to not compute num double
* for more carriages of the same type
for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
if (max_cargo[i] > 0) num++; // only count carriages that the train has
num++; // needs one more because first line is description string
} else {
for (const Train *v = Train::Get(veh_id); v != nullptr; v = v->GetNextVehicle()) {
GetCargoSummaryOfArticulatedVehicle(v, &_cargo_summary);
num += std::max(1u, (unsigned)_cargo_summary.size());
uint length = GetLengthOfArticulatedVehicle(v);
if (length > TRAIN_DETAILS_MAX_INDENT) num++;
return num;
* Draw the details for the given vehicle at the given position
* @param v current vehicle
* @param left The left most coordinate to draw
* @param right The right most coordinate to draw
* @param y The y coordinate
* @param vscroll_pos Position of scrollbar
* @param vscroll_cap Number of lines currently displayed
* @param det_tab Selected details tab
void DrawTrainDetails(const Train *v, int left, int right, int y, int vscroll_pos, uint16 vscroll_cap, TrainDetailsWindowTabs det_tab)
/* get rid of awkward offset */
int sprite_height = ScaleGUITrad(GetVehicleHeight(VEH_TRAIN));
int line_height = std::max(sprite_height, WD_MATRIX_TOP + FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WD_MATRIX_BOTTOM);
int sprite_y_offset = line_height / 2;
int text_y_offset = (line_height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2;
/* draw the first 3 details tabs */
if (det_tab != TDW_TAB_TOTALS) {
bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
Direction dir = rtl ? DIR_E : DIR_W;
int x = rtl ? right : left;
for (; v != nullptr && vscroll_pos > -vscroll_cap; v = v->GetNextVehicle()) {
GetCargoSummaryOfArticulatedVehicle(v, &_cargo_summary);
/* Draw sprites */
uint dx = 0;
int px = x;
const Train *u = v;
do {
Point offset;
int width = u->GetDisplayImageWidth(&offset);
if (vscroll_pos <= 0 && vscroll_pos > -vscroll_cap) {
int pitch = 0;
const Engine *e = Engine::Get(v->engine_type);
if (e->GetGRF() != nullptr) {
pitch = ScaleGUITrad(e->GetGRF()->traininfo_vehicle_pitch);
PaletteID pal = (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) ? PALETTE_CRASH : GetVehiclePalette(v);
VehicleSpriteSeq seq;
u->GetImage(dir, EIT_IN_DETAILS, &seq);
seq.Draw(px + (rtl ? -offset.x : offset.x), y - line_height * vscroll_pos + sprite_y_offset + pitch, pal, (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) != 0);
px += rtl ? -width : width;
dx += width;
u = u->Next();
} while (u != nullptr && u->IsArticulatedPart());
bool separate_sprite_row = (dx > (uint)ScaleGUITrad(TRAIN_DETAILS_MAX_INDENT));
if (separate_sprite_row) {
dx = 0;
uint num_lines = std::max(1u, (unsigned)_cargo_summary.size());
for (uint i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
int sprite_width = std::max<int>(dx, ScaleGUITrad(TRAIN_DETAILS_MIN_INDENT)) + 3;
int data_left = left + (rtl ? 0 : sprite_width);
int data_right = right - (rtl ? sprite_width : 0);
if (vscroll_pos <= 0 && vscroll_pos > -vscroll_cap) {
int py = y - line_height * vscroll_pos + text_y_offset;
if (i > 0 || separate_sprite_row) {
if (vscroll_pos != 0) GfxFillRect(left, py - WD_MATRIX_TOP - 1, right, py - WD_MATRIX_TOP, _colour_gradient[COLOUR_GREY][5]);
switch (det_tab) {
if (i < _cargo_summary.size()) {
TrainDetailsCargoTab(&_cargo_summary[i], data_left, data_right, py);
} else {
DrawString(data_left, data_right, py, STR_QUANTITY_N_A, TC_LIGHT_BLUE);
if (i == 0) TrainDetailsInfoTab(v, data_left, data_right, py);
if (i < _cargo_summary.size()) {
TrainDetailsCapacityTab(&_cargo_summary[i], data_left, data_right, py);
} else {
SetDParam(0, STR_EMPTY);
DrawString(data_left, data_right, py, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_NO_CAPACITY);
default: NOT_REACHED();
} else {
CargoArray act_cargo;
CargoArray max_cargo;
Money feeder_share = 0;
for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) {
act_cargo[u->cargo_type] += u->cargo.StoredCount();
max_cargo[u->cargo_type] += u->cargo_cap;
feeder_share += u->cargo.FeederShare();
/* draw total cargo tab */
DrawString(left, right, y + text_y_offset, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_TOTAL_CAPACITY_TEXT);
y += line_height;
for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
if (max_cargo[i] > 0 && --vscroll_pos < 0 && vscroll_pos > -vscroll_cap) {
SetDParam(0, i); // {CARGO} #1
SetDParam(1, act_cargo[i]); // {CARGO} #2
SetDParam(2, i); // {SHORTCARGO} #1
SetDParam(3, max_cargo[i]); // {SHORTCARGO} #2
SetDParam(4, _settings_game.vehicle.freight_trains);
DrawString(left, right, y + text_y_offset, FreightWagonMult(i) > 1 ? STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_TOTAL_CAPACITY_MULT : STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_TOTAL_CAPACITY);
y += line_height;
SetDParam(0, feeder_share);
DrawString(left, right, y + text_y_offset, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_FEEDER_CARGO_VALUE);