tron 302055fc15 (svn r2862) Return a proper version number, when testing the TTDPatch version in the SkipIf action. Pretend to be version 2.0.1 alpha 49 for now.
Also change the type of the variables, which get compared, to uint32, because the values are at most 32bits wide and always seem to be unsigned.
2005-08-13 16:23:07 +00:00

2256 lines
61 KiB

/* $Id$ */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "openttd.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "gfx.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "station.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "variables.h"
/* TTDPatch extended GRF format codec
* (c) Petr Baudis 2004 (GPL'd)
* Changes by Florian octo Forster are (c) by the OpenTTD development team.
* Contains portions of documentation by TTDPatch team.
* Thanks especially to Josef Drexler for the documentation as well as a lot
* of help at #tycoon. Also thanks to Michael Blunck for is GRF files which
* served as subject to the initial testing of this codec. */
extern int _skip_sprites;
extern int _replace_sprites_count[16];
extern int _replace_sprites_offset[16];
extern int _traininfo_vehicle_pitch;
GRFFile *_cur_grffile;
GRFFile *_first_grffile;
int _grffile_count;
static int _cur_spriteid;
static int _cur_stage;
static int32 _paramlist[0x7f];
static int _param_max;
/* 32 * 8 = 256 flags. Apparently TTDPatch uses this many.. */
static uint32 _ttdpatch_flags[8];
typedef enum grfspec_feature {
} grfspec_feature;
typedef void (*SpecialSpriteHandler)(byte *buf, int len);
static const int _vehcounts[4] = {
static const int _vehshifts[4] = {
/* GSF_TRAIN */ 0,
/* Debugging messages policy:
* These should be the severities used for direct DEBUG() calls
* (there is room for exceptions, but you have to have a good cause):
* 0..2 - dedicated to grfmsg()
* 3
* 4
* 5
* 6 - action handler entry reporting - one per action
* 7 - basic action progress reporting - in loops, only single one allowed
* 8 - more detailed progress reporting - less important stuff, in deep loops etc
* 9 - extremely detailed progress reporting - detailed reports inside of deep loops and so
typedef enum grfmsg_severity {
} grfmsg_severity;
static void CDECL grfmsg(grfmsg_severity severity, const char *str, ...)
static const char* const severitystr[] = {
int export_severity = 0;
char buf[1024];
va_list va;
va_start(va, str);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), str, va);
export_severity = 2 - (severity == GMS_FATAL ? 2 : severity);
DEBUG(grf, export_severity) ("[%s][%s] %s", _cur_grffile->filename, severitystr[severity], buf);
#define check_length(real, wanted, where) \
do { \
if (real < wanted) { \
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "%s/%d: Invalid special sprite length %d (expected %d)!", \
where, _cur_spriteid - _cur_grffile->sprite_offset, real, wanted); \
return; \
} \
} while (0)
static inline byte grf_load_byte(byte **buf)
return *(*buf)++;
static uint16 grf_load_word(byte **buf)
uint16 val;
byte *p = *buf;
val = p[0];
val |= p[1] << 8;
*buf = p + 2;
return val;
static uint32 grf_load_dword(byte **buf)
uint32 val;
byte *p = *buf;
val = p[0];
val |= p[1] << 8;
val |= p[2] << 16;
val |= p[3] << 24;
*buf = p + 4;
return val;
static GRFFile *GetFileByGRFID(uint32 grfid)
GRFFile *file;
for (file = _first_grffile; file != NULL; file = file->next) {
if (file->grfid == grfid) break;
return file;
static GRFFile *GetFileByFilename(const char *filename)
GRFFile *file;
for (file = _first_grffile; file != NULL; file = file->next) {
if (strcmp(file->filename, filename) == 0) break;
return file;
typedef bool (*VCI_Handler)(uint engine, int numinfo, int prop, byte **buf, int len);
#define FOR_EACH_OBJECT for (i = 0; i < numinfo; i++)
static void dewagonize(int condition, int engine)
EngineInfo *ei = &_engine_info[engine];
RailVehicleInfo *rvi = &_rail_vehicle_info[engine];
if (condition != 0) {
ei->unk2 &= ~0x80;
rvi->flags &= ~2;
} else {
ei->unk2 |= 0x80;
rvi->flags |= 2;
static bool RailVehicleChangeInfo(uint engine, int numinfo, int prop, byte **bufp, int len)
EngineInfo *ei = &_engine_info[engine];
RailVehicleInfo *rvi = &_rail_vehicle_info[engine];
byte *buf = *bufp;
int i;
bool ret = false;
switch (prop) {
case 0x05: { /* Track type */
uint8 tracktype = grf_load_byte(&buf);
ei[i].railtype_climates &= 0xf;
ei[i].railtype_climates |= tracktype << 4;
} break;
case 0x08: { /* AI passenger service */
/* TODO */
ret = true;
} break;
case 0x09: { /* Speed */
uint16 speed = grf_load_word(&buf);
rvi[i].max_speed = speed;
dewagonize(speed, engine + i);
} break;
case 0x0B: { /* Power */
uint16 power = grf_load_word(&buf);
if (rvi[i].flags & RVI_MULTIHEAD)
power /= 2;
rvi[i].power = power;
dewagonize(power, engine + i);
} break;
case 0x0D: { /* Running cost factor */
uint8 runcostfact = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].running_cost_base = runcostfact;
dewagonize(runcostfact, engine + i);
} break;
case 0x0E: { /* Running cost base */
uint32 base = grf_load_dword(&buf);
switch (base) {
case 0x4C30:
rvi[i].engclass = 0;
case 0x4C36:
rvi[i].engclass = 1;
case 0x4C3C:
rvi[i].engclass = 2;
dewagonize(base, engine + i);
} break;
case 0x12: { /* Sprite ID */
uint8 spriteid = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (spriteid == 0xFD && rvi[i].image_index != 0xFD)
_engine_original_sprites[engine + i] = rvi[i].image_index;
rvi[i].image_index = spriteid;
} break;
case 0x13: { /* Dual-headed */
uint8 dual = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (dual != 0) {
if (!(rvi[i].flags & RVI_MULTIHEAD)) // adjust power if needed
rvi[i].power /= 2;
rvi[i].flags |= RVI_MULTIHEAD;
} else {
if (rvi[i].flags & RVI_MULTIHEAD) // adjust power if needed
rvi[i].power *= 2;
rvi[i].flags &= ~RVI_MULTIHEAD;
} break;
case 0x14: { /* Cargo capacity */
uint8 capacity = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].capacity = capacity;
} break;
case 0x15: { /* Cargo type */
uint8 ctype = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].cargo_type = ctype;
} break;
case 0x16: { /* Weight */
uint8 weight = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].weight = weight;
} break;
case 0x17: { /* Cost factor */
uint8 cfactor = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].base_cost = cfactor;
} break;
case 0x18: { /* AI rank */
/* TODO: _railveh_score should be merged to _rail_vehicle_info. */
ret = true;
} break;
case 0x19: { /* Engine traction type */
/* TODO: What do the individual numbers mean?
* XXX: And in what base are they, in fact? --pasky */
uint8 traction = grf_load_byte(&buf);
int engclass;
if (traction <= 0x07)
engclass = 0;
else if (traction <= 0x27)
engclass = 1;
else if (traction <= 0x31)
engclass = 2;
rvi[i].engclass = engclass;
} break;
case 0x1B: { /* Powered wagons power bonus */
uint16 wag_power = grf_load_word(&buf);
rvi[i].pow_wag_power = wag_power;
} break;
case 0x1D: { /* Refit cargo */
uint32 refit_mask = grf_load_dword(&buf);
_engine_refit_masks[engine + i] = refit_mask;
} break;
case 0x1E: { /* Callback */
byte callbacks = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].callbackmask = callbacks;
} break;
case 0x21: { /* Shorter vehicle */
byte shorten_factor = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].shorten_factor = shorten_factor;
} break;
case 0x22: { /* Visual effect */
// see note in engine.h about rvi->visual_effect
byte visual = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].visual_effect = visual;
} break;
case 0x23: { /* Powered wagons weight bonus */
byte wag_weight = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].pow_wag_weight = wag_weight;
} break;
/* TODO */
/* Fall-through for unimplemented one byte long properties. */
case 0x1A: /* Sort order */
case 0x1C: /* Refit cost */
case 0x1F: /* Tractive effort */
case 0x20: /* Air drag */
case 0x24: /* High byte of vehicle weight */
case 0x25: /* User-defined bit mask to set when checking veh. var. 42 */
case 0x26: /* Retire vehicle early */
/* TODO */
ret = true;
} break;
ret = true;
*bufp = buf;
return ret;
static bool RoadVehicleChangeInfo(uint engine, int numinfo, int prop, byte **bufp, int len)
RoadVehicleInfo *rvi = &_road_vehicle_info[engine];
byte *buf = *bufp;
int i;
bool ret = false;
switch (prop) {
case 0x08: { /* Speed */
uint8 speed = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].max_speed = speed; // ?? units
} break;
case 0x09: { /* Running cost factor */
uint8 runcost = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].running_cost = runcost;
} break;
case 0x0A: { /* Running cost base */
/* TODO: I have no idea. --pasky */
ret = true;
} break;
case 0x0E: { /* Sprite ID */
uint8 spriteid = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (spriteid == 0xFF)
spriteid = 0xFD; // cars have different custom id in the GRF file
// This is currently not used but there's no reason
// in not having it here for the future.
if (spriteid == 0xFD && rvi[i].image_index != 0xFD)
_engine_original_sprites[ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + engine + i] = rvi[i].image_index;
rvi[i].image_index = spriteid;
} break;
case 0x0F: { /* Cargo capacity */
uint16 capacity = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].capacity = capacity;
} break;
case 0x10: { /* Cargo type */
uint8 cargo = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].cargo_type = cargo;
} break;
case 0x11: { /* Cost factor */
uint8 cost_factor = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].base_cost = cost_factor; // ?? is it base_cost?
} break;
case 0x12: { /* SFX */
uint8 sfx = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rvi[i].sfx = sfx;
} break;
case 0x13: /* Power in 10hp */
case 0x14: /* Weight in 1/4 tons */
case 0x15: /* Speed in mph*0.8 */
/* TODO: Support for road vehicles realistic power
* computations (called rvpower in TTDPatch) is just
* missing in OTTD yet. --pasky */
ret = true;
case 0x16: { /* Cargos available for refitting */
uint32 refit_mask = grf_load_dword(&buf);
_engine_refit_masks[ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + engine + i] = refit_mask;
} break;
case 0x17: /* Callback */
case 0x18: /* Tractive effort */
case 0x19: /* Air drag */
case 0x1A: /* Refit cost */
case 0x1B: /* Retire vehicle early */
/* TODO */
ret = true;
ret = true;
*bufp = buf;
return ret;
static bool ShipVehicleChangeInfo(uint engine, int numinfo, int prop, byte **bufp, int len)
ShipVehicleInfo *svi = &_ship_vehicle_info[engine];
byte *buf = *bufp;
int i;
bool ret = false;
//printf("e %x prop %x?\n", engine, prop);
switch (prop) {
case 0x08: { /* Sprite ID */
uint8 spriteid = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (spriteid == 0xFF)
spriteid = 0xFD; // ships have different custom id in the GRF file
// This is currently not used but there's no reason
// in not having it here for the future.
if (spriteid == 0xFD && svi[i].image_index != 0xFD)
_engine_original_sprites[SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + engine + i] = svi[i].image_index;
svi[i].image_index = spriteid;
} break;
case 0x09: { /* Refittable */
uint8 refittable = grf_load_byte(&buf);
svi[i].refittable = refittable;
} break;
case 0x0A: { /* Cost factor */
uint8 cost_factor = grf_load_byte(&buf);
svi[i].base_cost = cost_factor; // ?? is it base_cost?
} break;
case 0x0B: { /* Speed */
uint8 speed = grf_load_byte(&buf);
svi[i].max_speed = speed; // ?? units
} break;
case 0x0C: { /* Cargo type */
uint8 cargo = grf_load_byte(&buf);
// XXX: Need to consult this with patchman yet.
#if 0
// Documentation claims this is already the
// per-landscape cargo type id, but newships.grf
// assume otherwise.
cargo = local_cargo_id_ctype[cargo];
svi[i].cargo_type = cargo;
} break;
case 0x0D: { /* Cargo capacity */
uint16 capacity = grf_load_word(&buf);
svi[i].capacity = capacity;
} break;
case 0x0F: { /* Running cost factor */
uint8 runcost = grf_load_byte(&buf);
svi[i].running_cost = runcost;
} break;
case 0x10: { /* SFX */
uint8 sfx = grf_load_byte(&buf);
svi[i].sfx = sfx;
} break;
case 0x11: { /* Cargos available for refitting */
uint32 refit_mask = grf_load_dword(&buf);
_engine_refit_masks[SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + engine + i] = refit_mask;
} break;
case 0x12: /* Callback */
case 0x13: /* Refit cost */
case 0x14: /* Ocean speed fraction */
case 0x15: /* Canal speed fraction */
case 0x16: /* Retire vehicle early */
/* TODO */
ret = true;
} break;
ret = true;
*bufp = buf;
return ret;
static bool AircraftVehicleChangeInfo(uint engine, int numinfo, int prop, byte **bufp, int len)
AircraftVehicleInfo *avi = &_aircraft_vehicle_info[engine];
byte *buf = *bufp;
int i;
bool ret = false;
//printf("e %x prop %x?\n", engine, prop);
switch (prop) {
case 0x08: { /* Sprite ID */
uint8 spriteid = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (spriteid == 0xFF)
spriteid = 0xFD; // ships have different custom id in the GRF file
// This is currently not used but there's no reason
// in not having it here for the future.
if (spriteid == 0xFD && avi[i].image_index != 0xFD)
_engine_original_sprites[AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + engine + i] = avi[i].image_index;
avi[i].image_index = spriteid;
} break;
case 0x09: { /* Helicopter */
uint8 heli = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].subtype &= ~0x01; // remove old property
avi[i].subtype |= (heli == 0) ? 0 : 1;
} break;
case 0x0A: { /* Large */
uint8 large = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].subtype &= ~0x02; // remove old property
avi[i].subtype |= (large == 1) ? 2 : 0;
} break;
case 0x0B: { /* Cost factor */
uint8 cost_factor = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].base_cost = cost_factor; // ?? is it base_cost?
} break;
case 0x0C: { /* Speed */
uint8 speed = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].max_speed = speed; // ?? units
} break;
case 0x0D: { /* Acceleration */
uint8 accel = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].acceleration = accel;
} break;
case 0x0E: { /* Running cost factor */
uint8 runcost = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].running_cost = runcost;
} break;
case 0x0F: { /* Passenger capacity */
uint16 capacity = grf_load_word(&buf);
avi[i].passenger_capacity = capacity;
} break;
case 0x11: { /* Mail capacity */
uint8 capacity = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].mail_capacity = capacity;
} break;
case 0x12: { /* SFX */
uint8 sfx = grf_load_byte(&buf);
avi[i].sfx = sfx;
} break;
case 0x13: { /* Cargos available for refitting */
uint32 refit_mask = grf_load_dword(&buf);
_engine_refit_masks[AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + engine + i] = refit_mask;
} break;
case 0x14: /* Callback */
case 0x15: /* Refit cost */
case 0x16: /* Retire vehicle early */
/* TODO */
ret = true;
} break;
ret = true;
*bufp = buf;
return ret;
static bool StationChangeInfo(uint stid, int numinfo, int prop, byte **bufp, int len)
byte *buf = *bufp;
int i;
int ret = 0;
/* This is one single huge TODO. It doesn't handle anything more than
* just waypoints for now. */
//printf("sci %d %d [0x%02x]\n", stid, numinfo, prop);
switch (prop) {
case 0x08:
{ /* Class ID */
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid + i];
uint32 classid;
/* classid, for a change, is always little-endian */
classid = *(buf++) << 24;
classid |= *(buf++) << 16;
classid |= *(buf++) << 8;
classid |= *(buf++);
switch (classid) {
case 'DFLT':
stat->sclass = STAT_CLASS_DFLT;
case 'WAYP':
stat->sclass = STAT_CLASS_WAYP;
/* TODO: No support for custom
* classes for now, so stuff
* everything to the single
* default one. --pasky */
stat->sclass = STAT_CLASS_DFLT;
//stat->sclass = STAT_CLASS_CUSTOM;
case 0x09:
{ /* Define sprite layout */
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid + i];
int t;
stat->tiles = grf_load_byte(&buf);
for (t = 0; t < stat->tiles; t++) {
DrawTileSprites *dts = &stat->renderdata[t];
int seq_count = 0;
if (t >= 8) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "StationChangeInfo: Sprite %d>=8, skipping.", t);
grf_load_dword(&buf); // at least something
dts->ground_sprite = grf_load_dword(&buf);
if (!dts->ground_sprite) {
static const DrawTileSeqStruct empty = {0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
dts->seq = &empty;
dts->seq = NULL;
while (buf < *bufp + len) {
DrawTileSeqStruct *dtss;
// no relative bounding box support
dts->seq = realloc((void*)dts->seq, ++seq_count * sizeof(DrawTileSeqStruct));
dtss = (DrawTileSeqStruct*) &dts->seq[seq_count - 1];
dtss->delta_x = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if ((byte) dtss->delta_x == 0x80) break;
dtss->delta_y = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dtss->delta_z = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dtss->width = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dtss->height = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dtss->unk = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dtss->image = grf_load_dword(&buf) - 0x42d;
case 0x0a:
{ /* Copy sprite layout */
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid + i];
byte srcid = grf_load_byte(&buf);
StationSpec *srcstat = &_cur_grffile->stations[srcid];
int t;
stat->tiles = srcstat->tiles;
for (t = 0; t < stat->tiles; t++) {
DrawTileSprites *dts = &stat->renderdata[t];
DrawTileSprites *sdts = &srcstat->renderdata[t];
DrawTileSeqStruct const *sdtss = sdts->seq;
int seq_count = 0;
dts->ground_sprite = sdts->ground_sprite;
if (!dts->ground_sprite) {
static const DrawTileSeqStruct empty = {0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
dts->seq = &empty;
dts->seq = NULL;
while (1) {
DrawTileSeqStruct *dtss;
// no relative bounding box support
dts->seq = realloc((void*)dts->seq, ++seq_count * sizeof(DrawTileSeqStruct));
dtss = (DrawTileSeqStruct*) &dts->seq[seq_count - 1];
*dtss = *sdtss;
if ((byte) dtss->delta_x == 0x80) break;
case 0x0b:
{ /* Callback */
/* TODO */
ret = 1;
case 0x0C:
{ /* Platforms number */
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid + i];
stat->allowed_platforms = ~grf_load_byte(&buf);
case 0x0D:
{ /* Platforms length */
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid + i];
stat->allowed_lengths = ~grf_load_byte(&buf);
case 0x0e:
{ /* Define custom layout */
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid + i];
while (buf < *bufp + len) {
byte length = grf_load_byte(&buf);
byte number = grf_load_byte(&buf);
StationLayout layout;
int l, p;
if (length == 0 || number == 0) break;
//debug("l %d > %d ?", length, stat->lengths);
if (length > stat->lengths) {
stat->platforms = realloc(stat->platforms, length);
memset(stat->platforms + stat->lengths, 0, length - stat->lengths);
stat->layouts = realloc(stat->layouts, length * sizeof(*stat->layouts));
memset(stat->layouts + stat->lengths, 0,
(length - stat->lengths) * sizeof(*stat->layouts));
stat->lengths = length;
l = length - 1; // index is zero-based
//debug("p %d > %d ?", number, stat->platforms[l]);
if (number > stat->platforms[l]) {
stat->layouts[l] = realloc(stat->layouts[l],
number * sizeof(**stat->layouts));
// We expect NULL being 0 here, but C99 guarantees that.
memset(stat->layouts[l] + stat->platforms[l], 0,
(number - stat->platforms[l]) * sizeof(**stat->layouts));
stat->platforms[l] = number;
p = 0;
layout = malloc(length * number);
for (l = 0; l < length; l++)
for (p = 0; p < number; p++)
layout[l * number + p] = grf_load_byte(&buf);
assert(p >= 0);
stat->layouts[l][p] = layout;
case 0x0f:
{ /* Copy custom layout */
/* TODO */
ret = 1;
case 0x10:
{ /* Little/lots cargo threshold */
/* TODO */
ret = 1;
case 0x11:
{ /* Pylon placement */
/* TODO; makes sense only for electrified tracks */
ret = 1;
case 0x12:
{ /* Cargo types for random triggers */
/* TODO */
ret = 1;
ret = 1;
*bufp = buf;
return ret;
/* Action 0x00 */
static void VehicleChangeInfo(byte *buf, int len)
byte *bufend = buf + len;
int i;
/* <00> <feature> <num-props> <num-info> <id> (<property <new-info>)...
* B feature 0, 1, 2 or 3 for trains, road vehicles, ships or planes
* 4 for defining new train station sets
* B num-props how many properties to change per vehicle/station
* B num-info how many vehicles/stations to change
* B id ID of first vehicle/station to change, if num-info is
* greater than one, this one and the following
* vehicles/stations will be changed
* B property what property to change, depends on the feature
* V new-info new bytes of info (variable size; depends on properties) */
/* TODO: Bridges, town houses. */
static const VCI_Handler handler[7] = {
/* GSF_TRAIN */ RailVehicleChangeInfo,
/* GSF_ROAD */ RoadVehicleChangeInfo,
/* GSF_SHIP */ ShipVehicleChangeInfo,
/* GSF_AIRCRAFT */ AircraftVehicleChangeInfo,
/* GSF_STATION */ StationChangeInfo,
uint8 feature;
uint8 numprops;
uint8 numinfo;
byte engine;
EngineInfo *ei = NULL;
if (len == 1) {
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("Silently ignoring one-byte special sprite 0x00.");
check_length(len, 6, "VehicleChangeInfo");
feature = buf[1];
numprops = buf[2];
numinfo = buf[3];
engine = buf[4];
DEBUG(grf, 6) ("VehicleChangeInfo: Feature %d, %d properties, to apply to %d+%d",
feature, numprops, engine, numinfo);
if (feature > GSF_STATION) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleChangeInfo: Unsupported feature %d, skipping.", feature);
if (feature != GSF_STATION)
ei = &_engine_info[engine + _vehshifts[feature]];
/* XXX - Should there not be a check to see if 'ei' is NULL
when it is used in the switch below?? -- TrueLight */
buf += 5;
while (numprops-- && buf < bufend) {
uint8 prop = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (feature == GSF_STATION)
// stations don't share those common properties
goto run_handler;
switch (prop) {
case 0x00: { /* Introduction date */
uint16 date = grf_load_word(&buf);
ei[i].base_intro = date;
} break;
case 0x02: { /* Decay speed */
uint8 decay = grf_load_byte(&buf);
ei[i].unk2 &= 0x80;
ei[i].unk2 |= decay & 0x7f;
} break;
case 0x03: { /* Vehicle life */
uint8 life = grf_load_byte(&buf);
ei[i].lifelength = life;
} break;
case 0x04: { /* Model life */
uint8 life = grf_load_byte(&buf);
ei[i].base_life = life;
} break;
case 0x06: { /* Climates available */
uint8 climates = grf_load_byte(&buf);
ei[i].railtype_climates &= 0xf0;
ei[i].railtype_climates |= climates;
} break;
case 0x07: { /* Loading speed */
/* TODO */
/* Hyronymus explained me what does
* this mean and insists on having a
* credit ;-). --pasky */
/* TODO: This needs to be supported by
* LoadUnloadVehicle() first. */
goto ignoring;
default: {
if (handler[feature](engine, numinfo, prop, &buf, bufend - buf)) {
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "VehicleChangeInfo: Ignoring property %x (not implemented).", prop);
* Creates a spritegroup representing a callback result
* @param value The value that was used to represent this callback result
* @return A spritegroup representing that callback result
SpriteGroup NewCallBackResult(uint16 value)
SpriteGroup group;
group.type = SGT_CALLBACK;
// Old style callback results have the highest byte 0xFF so signify it is a callback result
// New style ones only have the highest bit set (allows 15-bit results, instead of just 8)
if ((value >> 8) == 0xFF)
value &= 0xFF;
value &= ~0x8000;
group.g.callback.result = value;
return group;
/* Action 0x01 */
static void NewSpriteSet(byte *buf, int len)
/* <01> <feature> <num-sets> <num-ent>
* B feature feature to define sprites for
* 0, 1, 2, 3: veh-type, 4: train stations
* B num-sets number of sprite sets
* B num-ent how many entries per sprite set
* For vehicles, this is the number of different
* vehicle directions in each sprite set
* Set num-dirs=8, unless your sprites are symmetric.
* In that case, use num-dirs=4.
* For stations, must be 12 (hex) for the eighteen
* different sprites that make up a station */
/* TODO: No stations support. */
uint8 feature;
check_length(len, 4, "NewSpriteSet");
feature = buf[1];
_cur_grffile->spriteset_start = _cur_spriteid + 1;
_cur_grffile->spriteset_feature = feature;
_cur_grffile->spriteset_numsets = buf[2];
_cur_grffile->spriteset_numents = buf[3];
/* Action 0x02 */
static void NewSpriteGroup(byte *buf, int len)
byte *bufend = buf + len;
/* <02> <feature> <set-id> <type/num-entries> <feature-specific-data...>
* B feature see action 1
* B set-id ID of this particular definition
* B type/num-entries
* if 80 or greater, this is a randomized or variational
* list definition, see below
* otherwise it specifies a number of entries, the exact
* meaning depends on the feature
* V feature-specific-data (huge mess, don't even look it up --pasky) */
/* TODO: No 0x80-types (ugh). */
/* TODO: Also, empty sprites aren't handled for now. Need to investigate
* the "opacity" rules for these, that is which sprite to fall back to
* when. --pasky */
uint8 feature;
uint8 setid;
/* XXX: For stations, these two are "little cargo" and "lotsa cargo" sets. */
uint8 numloaded;
uint8 numloading;
SpriteGroup *group;
RealSpriteGroup *rg;
byte *loaded_ptr;
byte *loading_ptr;
int i;
check_length(len, 5, "NewSpriteGroup");
feature = buf[1];
setid = buf[2];
numloaded = buf[3];
numloading = buf[4];
if (numloaded == 0x81 || numloaded == 0x82) {
DeterministicSpriteGroup *dg;
uint16 groupid;
int i;
// Ok, this is gonna get a little wild, so hold your breath...
/* This stuff is getting actually evaluated in
* EvalDeterministicSpriteGroup(). */
buf += 4; len -= 4;
check_length(len, 6, "NewSpriteGroup 0x81/0x82");
if (setid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
_cur_grffile->spritegroups_count = setid + 1;
_cur_grffile->spritegroups = realloc(_cur_grffile->spritegroups, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count * sizeof(*_cur_grffile->spritegroups));
group = &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid];
memset(group, 0, sizeof(*group));
group->type = SGT_DETERMINISTIC;
dg = &group->g.determ;
/* XXX: We don't free() anything, assuming that if there was
* some action here before, it got associated by action 3.
* We should perhaps keep some refcount? --pasky */
dg->var_scope = numloaded == 0x82 ? VSG_SCOPE_PARENT : VSG_SCOPE_SELF;
dg->variable = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->shift_num = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->and_mask = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->operation = dg->shift_num >> 6; /* w00t */
dg->shift_num &= 0x3F;
if (dg->operation != DSG_OP_NONE) {
dg->add_val = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->divmod_val = grf_load_byte(&buf);
/* (groupid & 0x8000) means this is callback result. */
dg->num_ranges = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->ranges = calloc(dg->num_ranges, sizeof(*dg->ranges));
for (i = 0; i < dg->num_ranges; i++) {
groupid = grf_load_word(&buf);
if (groupid & 0x8000) {
dg->ranges[i].group = NewCallBackResult(groupid);
} else if (groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
/* This doesn't exist for us. */
grf_load_word(&buf); // skip range
i--; dg->num_ranges--;
} else {
/* XXX: If multiple surreal sets attach a surreal
* set this way, we are in trouble. */
dg->ranges[i].group = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
dg->ranges[i].low = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->ranges[i].high = grf_load_byte(&buf);
groupid = grf_load_word(&buf);
if (groupid & 0x8000) {
dg->default_group = malloc(sizeof(*dg->default_group));
*dg->default_group = NewCallBackResult(groupid);
} else if (groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
/* This spritegroup stinks. */
free(dg->ranges), dg->ranges = NULL;
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "NewSpriteGroup(%02x:0x%x): Default groupid %04x is cargo callback or unknown, ignoring spritegroup.", setid, numloaded, groupid);
} else {
dg->default_group = malloc(sizeof(*dg->default_group));
memcpy(dg->default_group, &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid], sizeof(*dg->default_group));
} else if (numloaded == 0x80 || numloaded == 0x83) {
RandomizedSpriteGroup *rg;
int i;
/* This stuff is getting actually evaluated in
* EvalRandomizedSpriteGroup(). */
buf += 4;
len -= 4;
check_length(len, 6, "NewSpriteGroup 0x80/0x83");
if (setid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
_cur_grffile->spritegroups_count = setid + 1;
_cur_grffile->spritegroups = realloc(_cur_grffile->spritegroups, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count * sizeof(*_cur_grffile->spritegroups));
group = &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid];
memset(group, 0, sizeof(*group));
group->type = SGT_RANDOMIZED;
rg = &group->g.random;
/* XXX: We don't free() anything, assuming that if there was
* some action here before, it got associated by action 3.
* We should perhaps keep some refcount? --pasky */
rg->var_scope = numloaded == 0x83 ? VSG_SCOPE_PARENT : VSG_SCOPE_SELF;
rg->triggers = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rg->cmp_mode = rg->triggers & 0x80;
rg->triggers &= 0x7F;
rg->lowest_randbit = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rg->num_groups = grf_load_byte(&buf);
rg->groups = calloc(rg->num_groups, sizeof(*rg->groups));
for (i = 0; i < rg->num_groups; i++) {
uint16 groupid = grf_load_word(&buf);
if (groupid & 0x8000 || groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
/* This doesn't exist for us. */
/* XXX: If multiple surreal sets attach a surreal
* set this way, we are in trouble. */
rg->groups[i] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
if (!_cur_grffile->spriteset_start) {
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "NewSpriteGroup: No sprite set to work on! Skipping.");
if (_cur_grffile->spriteset_feature != feature) {
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "NewSpriteGroup: Group feature %x doesn't match set feature %x! Playing it risky and trying to use it anyway.", feature, _cur_grffile->spriteset_feature);
// return; // XXX: we can't because of MB's newstats.grf --pasky
check_length(bufend - buf, 5, "NewSpriteGroup");
buf += 5;
check_length(bufend - buf, 2 * numloaded, "NewSpriteGroup");
loaded_ptr = buf;
loading_ptr = buf + 2 * numloaded;
if (numloaded > 16) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "NewSpriteGroup: More than 16 sprites in group %x, skipping the rest.", setid);
numloaded = 16;
if (numloading > 16) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "NewSpriteGroup: More than 16 sprites in group %x, skipping the rest.", setid);
numloading = 16;
if (setid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
_cur_grffile->spritegroups_count = setid + 1;
_cur_grffile->spritegroups = realloc(_cur_grffile->spritegroups, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count * sizeof(*_cur_grffile->spritegroups));
group = &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid];
memset(group, 0, sizeof(*group));
group->type = SGT_REAL;
rg = &group->g.real;
rg->sprites_per_set = _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
rg->loaded_count = numloaded;
rg->loading_count = numloading;
DEBUG(grf, 6) ("NewSpriteGroup: New SpriteGroup 0x%02hhx, %u views, %u loaded, %u loading, sprites %u - %u",
setid, rg->sprites_per_set, rg->loaded_count, rg->loading_count,
_cur_grffile->spriteset_start - _cur_grffile->sprite_offset,
_cur_grffile->spriteset_start + (_cur_grffile->spriteset_numents * (numloaded + numloading)) - _cur_grffile->sprite_offset);
for (i = 0; i < numloaded; i++) {
uint16 spriteset_id = grf_load_word(&loaded_ptr);
rg->loaded[i] = _cur_grffile->spriteset_start + spriteset_id * _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("NewSpriteGroup: + rg->loaded[%i] = %u (subset %u)", i, rg->loaded[i], spriteset_id);
for (i = 0; i < numloading; i++) {
uint16 spriteset_id = grf_load_word(&loading_ptr);
rg->loading[i] = _cur_grffile->spriteset_start + spriteset_id * _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("NewSpriteGroup: + rg->loading[%i] = %u (subset %u)", i, rg->loading[i], spriteset_id);
/* Action 0x03 */
static void NewVehicle_SpriteGroupMapping(byte *buf, int len)
/* <03> <feature> <n-id> <ids>... <num-cid> [<cargo-type> <cid>]... <def-cid>
* id-list := [<id>] [id-list]
* cargo-list := <cargo-type> <cid> [cargo-list]
* B feature see action 0
* B n-id bits 0-6: how many IDs this definition applies to
* bit 7: if set, this is a wagon override definition (see below)
* B ids the IDs for which this definition applies
* B num-cid number of cargo IDs (sprite group IDs) in this definition
* can be zero, in that case the def-cid is used always
* B cargo-type type of this cargo type (e.g. mail=2, wood=7, see below)
* W cid cargo ID (sprite group ID) for this type of cargo
* W def-cid default cargo ID (sprite group ID) */
/* TODO: Bridges, town houses. */
/* TODO: Multiple cargo support could be useful even for trains/cars -
* cargo id 0xff is used for showing images in the build train list. */
static byte *last_engines;
static int last_engines_count;
uint8 feature;
uint8 idcount;
bool wagover;
uint8 cidcount;
int c, i;
check_length(len, 7, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup");
feature = buf[1];
idcount = buf[2] & 0x7F;
wagover = (buf[2] & 0x80) == 0x80;
check_length(len, 3 + idcount, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup");
cidcount = buf[3 + idcount];
check_length(len, 4 + idcount + cidcount * 3, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup");
DEBUG(grf, 6) ("VehicleMapSpriteGroup: Feature %d, %d ids, %d cids, wagon override %d.",
feature, idcount, cidcount, wagover);
if (feature > GSF_STATION) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: Unsupported feature %d, skipping.", feature);
if (feature == GSF_STATION) {
// We do things differently for stations.
for (i = 0; i < idcount; i++) {
uint8 stid = buf[3 + i];
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid];
byte *bp = &buf[4 + idcount];
for (c = 0; c < cidcount; c++) {
uint8 ctype = grf_load_byte(&bp);
uint16 groupid = grf_load_word(&bp);
if (groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: Spriteset %x out of range %x, skipping.",
groupid, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count);
if (ctype != 0xFF) {
/* TODO: No support for any other cargo. */
stat->spritegroup[1] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
byte *bp = buf + 4 + idcount + cidcount * 3;
uint16 groupid = grf_load_word(&bp);
if (groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: Spriteset %x out of range %x, skipping.",
groupid, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count);
for (i = 0; i < idcount; i++) {
uint8 stid = buf[3 + i];
StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid];
stat->spritegroup[0] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
stat->grfid = _cur_grffile->grfid;
SetCustomStation(stid, stat);
stat->sclass = STAT_CLASS_NONE;
/* If ``n-id'' (or ``idcount'') is zero, this is a ``feature
* callback''. I have no idea how this works, so we will ignore it for
* now. --octo */
if (idcount == 0) {
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "NewMapping: Feature callbacks not implemented yet.");
// FIXME: Tropicset contains things like:
// 03 00 01 19 01 00 00 00 00 - this is missing one 00 at the end,
// what should we exactly do with that? --pasky
if (!_cur_grffile->spriteset_start || !_cur_grffile->spritegroups) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: No sprite set to work on! Skipping.");
if (!wagover && last_engines_count != idcount) {
last_engines = realloc(last_engines, idcount);
last_engines_count = idcount;
if (wagover) {
if (last_engines_count == 0) {
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: WagonOverride: No engine to do override with.");
DEBUG(grf, 6) ("VehicleMapSpriteGroup: WagonOverride: %u engines, %u wagons.",
last_engines_count, idcount);
for (i = 0; i < idcount; i++) {
uint8 engine_id = buf[3 + i];
uint8 engine = engine_id + _vehshifts[feature];
byte *bp = &buf[4 + idcount];
if (engine_id > _vehcounts[feature]) {
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "Id %u for feature %x is out of bounds.",
engine_id, feature);
DEBUG(grf, 7) ("VehicleMapSpriteGroup: [%d] Engine %d...", i, engine);
for (c = 0; c < cidcount; c++) {
uint8 ctype = grf_load_byte(&bp);
uint16 groupid = grf_load_word(&bp);
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("VehicleMapSpriteGroup: * [%d] Cargo type %x, group id %x", c, ctype, groupid);
if (groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: Spriteset %x out of range %x, skipping.", groupid, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count);
if (ctype == GC_INVALID) ctype = GC_PURCHASE;
if (wagover) {
// TODO: No multiple cargo types per vehicle yet. --pasky
SetWagonOverrideSprites(engine, &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid], last_engines, last_engines_count);
} else {
SetCustomEngineSprites(engine, ctype, &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid]);
last_engines[i] = engine;
byte *bp = buf + 4 + idcount + cidcount * 3;
uint16 groupid = grf_load_word(&bp);
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("-- Default group id %x", groupid);
for (i = 0; i < idcount; i++) {
uint8 engine = buf[3 + i] + _vehshifts[feature];
// Don't tell me you don't love duplicated code!
if (groupid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleMapSpriteGroup: Spriteset %x out of range %x, skipping.", groupid, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count);
if (wagover) {
// TODO: No multiple cargo types per vehicle yet. --pasky
SetWagonOverrideSprites(engine, &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid], last_engines, last_engines_count);
} else {
SetCustomEngineSprites(engine, GC_DEFAULT, &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid]);
last_engines[i] = engine;
/* Action 0x04 */
static void VehicleNewName(byte *buf, int len)
/* <04> <veh-type> <language-id> <num-veh> <offset> <data...>
* B veh-type see action 0
* B language-id language ID with bit 7 cleared (see below)
* B num-veh number of vehicles which are getting a new name
* B offset number of the first vehicle that gets a new name
* S data new texts, each of them zero-terminated, after
* which the next name begins. */
/* TODO: No support for changing non-vehicle text. Perhaps we shouldn't
* implement it at all, but it could be useful for some "modpacks"
* (completely new scenarios changing all graphics and logically also
* factory names etc). We should then also support all languages (by
* name), not only the original four ones. --pasky */
/* TODO: Support for custom station class/type names. */
uint8 feature;
uint8 lang;
uint8 id;
uint8 endid;
const char* name;
check_length(len, 6, "VehicleNewName");
feature = buf[1];
lang = buf[2];
id = buf[4] + _vehshifts[feature];
endid = id + buf[3];
DEBUG(grf, 6) ("VehicleNewName: About to rename engines %d..%d (feature %d) in language 0x%x.",
id, endid, feature, lang);
if (lang & 0x80) {
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "VehicleNewName: No support for changing in-game texts. Skipping.");
if (!(lang & 3)) {
/* XXX: If non-English name, silently skip it. */
DEBUG(grf, 7) ("VehicleNewName: Skipping non-English name.");
name = (const char*)(buf + 5);
len -= 5;
for (; id < endid && len > 0; id++) {
int ofs = strlen(name) + 1;
if (ofs < 128) {
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("VehicleNewName: %d <- %s", id, name);
SetCustomEngineName(id, name);
} else {
DEBUG(grf, 7) ("VehicleNewName: Too long a name (%d)", ofs);
name += ofs;
len -= ofs;
/* Action 0x05 */
static void GraphicsNew(byte *buf, int len)
/* <05> <graphics-type> <num-sprites> <other data...>
* B graphics-type What set of graphics the sprites define.
* B num-sprites How many sprites are in this set?
* V other data Graphics type specific data. Currently unused. */
/* TODO */
uint8 type;
uint8 num;
check_length(len, 2, "GraphicsNew");
type = buf[0];
num = buf[1];
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "GraphicsNew: Custom graphics (type %x) sprite block of length %d (unimplemented, ignoring).\n",
type, num);
/* Action 0x06 */
static void CfgApply(byte *buf, int len)
/* <06> <param-num> <param-size> <offset> ... <FF>
* B param-num Number of parameter to substitute (First = "zero")
* Ignored if that parameter was not specified in newgrf.cfg
* B param-size How many bytes to replace. If larger than 4, the
* bytes of the following parameter are used. In that
* case, nothing is applied unless *all* parameters
* were specified.
* B offset Offset into data from beginning of next sprite
* to place where parameter is to be stored. */
/* TODO */
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "CfgApply: Ignoring (not implemented).\n");
/* Action 0x07 */
/* Action 0x09 */
static void SkipIf(byte *buf, int len)
/* <07/09> <param-num> <param-size> <condition-type> <value> <num-sprites>
* B param-num
* B param-size
* B condition-type
* V value
* B num-sprites */
/* TODO: More params. More condition types. */
uint8 param;
uint8 paramsize;
uint8 condtype;
uint8 numsprites;
uint32 param_val = 0;
uint32 cond_val = 0;
bool result;
check_length(len, 6, "SkipIf");
param = buf[1];
paramsize = buf[2];
condtype = buf[3];
if (condtype < 2) {
/* Always 1 for bit tests, the given value should be ignored. */
paramsize = 1;
buf += 4;
switch (paramsize) {
case 4: cond_val = grf_load_dword(&buf); break;
case 2: cond_val = grf_load_word(&buf); break;
case 1: cond_val = grf_load_byte(&buf); break;
default: break;
switch (param) {
case 0x83: /* current climate, 0=temp, 1=arctic, 2=trop, 3=toyland */
param_val = _opt.landscape;
case 0x84: /* .grf loading stage, 0=initialization, 1=activation */
param_val = _cur_stage;
case 0x85: /* TTDPatch flags, only for bit tests */
param_val = _ttdpatch_flags[cond_val / 0x20];
cond_val %= 0x20;
case 0x86: /* road traffic side, bit 4 clear=left, set=right */
param_val = _opt.road_side << 4;
case 0x88: { /* see if specified GRFID is active */
param_val = (GetFileByGRFID(cond_val) != NULL);
} break;
case 0x8B: { /* TTDPatch version */
uint major = 2;
uint minor = 0;
uint revision = 10; // special case: 2.0.1 is 2.0.10
uint build = 49;
param_val = (major << 24) | (minor << 20) | (revision << 16) | (build * 10);
case 0x8D: /* TTD Version, 00=DOS, 01=Windows */
param_val = 1;
case 0x8E:
param_val = _traininfo_vehicle_pitch;
/* TODO */
case 0x8F: /* Track type cost multipliers */
if (param >= 0x80) {
/* In-game variable. */
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "Unsupported in-game variable %x. Ignoring test.", param);
} else {
/* Parameter. */
param_val = _paramlist[param];
DEBUG(grf, 7) ("Test condtype %d, param %x, condval %x", condtype, param_val, cond_val);
switch (condtype) {
case 0: result = !!(param_val & (1 << cond_val));
case 1: result = !(param_val & (1 << cond_val));
/* TODO: For the following, make it to work with paramsize>1. */
case 2: result = (param_val == cond_val);
case 3: result = (param_val != cond_val);
case 4: result = (param_val < cond_val);
case 5: result = (param_val > cond_val);
case 6: result = !!param_val; /* GRFID is active (only for param-num=88) */
case 7: result = !param_val; /* GRFID is not active (only for param-num=88) */
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "Unsupported test %d. Ignoring.", condtype);
if (!result) {
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "Not skipping sprites, test was false.");
numsprites = grf_load_byte(&buf);
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "Skipping %d->+%d sprites, test was true.", _cur_spriteid - _cur_grffile->sprite_offset, numsprites);
_skip_sprites = numsprites;
if (_skip_sprites == 0) {
/* Zero means there are no sprites to skip, so
* we use -1 to indicate that all further
* sprites should be skipped. */
_skip_sprites = -1;
static void GRFInfo(byte *buf, int len)
/* <08> <version> <grf-id> <name> <info>
* B version newgrf version, currently 06
* 4*B grf-id globally unique ID of this .grf file
* S name name of this .grf set
* S info string describing the set, and e.g. author and copyright */
/* TODO: Check version. (We should have own versioning done somehow.) */
uint8 version;
uint32 grfid;
const char *name;
const char *info;
check_length(len, 9, "GRFInfo");
version = buf[1];
/* this is de facto big endian - grf_load_dword() unsuitable */
grfid = buf[2] << 24 | buf[3] << 16 | buf[4] << 8 | buf[5];
name = (const char*)(buf + 6);
info = name + strlen(name) + 1;
_cur_grffile->grfid = grfid;
_cur_grffile->flags |= 0x0001; /* set active flag */
DEBUG(grf, 1) ("[%s] Loaded GRFv%d set %08lx - %s:\n%s",
_cur_grffile->filename, version, grfid, name, info);
static void SpriteReplace(byte *buf, int len)
/* <0A> <num-sets> <set1> [<set2> ...]
* <set>: <num-sprites> <first-sprite>
* B num-sets How many sets of sprites to replace.
* Each set:
* B num-sprites How many sprites are in this set
* W first-sprite First sprite number to replace */
uint8 num_sets;
int i;
buf++; /* skip action byte */
num_sets = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (num_sets > 16) {
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "SpriteReplace: Too many sets (%d), taking only the first 16!", num_sets);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (i < num_sets) {
uint8 num_sprites = grf_load_byte(&buf);
uint16 first_sprite = grf_load_word(&buf);
_replace_sprites_count[i] = num_sprites;
_replace_sprites_offset[i] = first_sprite;
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "SpriteReplace: [Set %d] Changing %d sprites, beginning with %d",
i, num_sprites, first_sprite);
} else {
_replace_sprites_count[i] = 0;
_replace_sprites_offset[i] = 0;
static void GRFError(byte *buf, int len)
/* <0B> <severity> <language-id> <message-id> [<message...> 00] [<data...>] 00 [<parnum>]
* B severity 00: notice, contine loading grf file
* 01: warning, continue loading grf file
* 02: error, but continue loading grf file, and attempt
* loading grf again when loading or starting next game
* 03: error, abort loading and prevent loading again in
* the future (only when restarting the patch)
* B language-id see action 4, use 1F for built-in error messages
* B message-id message to show, see below
* S message for custom messages (message-id FF), text of the message
* not present for built-in messages.
* V data additional data for built-in (or custom) messages
* B parnum see action 6, only used with built-in message 03 */
/* TODO: For now we just show the message, sometimes incomplete and never translated. */
static const char * const msgstr[4] = {
"Requires at least pseudo-TTDPatch version %s.",
"This file is for %s version of TTD.",
"Designed to be used with %s.",
"Invalid parameter %s.",
uint8 severity;
uint8 msgid;
check_length(len, 6, "GRFError");
severity = buf[1];
msgid = buf[3];
// Undocumented TTDPatch feature.
if ((severity & 0x80) == 0 && _cur_stage == 0)
severity &= 0x7F;
if (msgid == 0xFF) {
grfmsg(severity, "%s", buf+4);
} else {
grfmsg(severity, msgstr[msgid], buf+4);
static void GRFComment(byte *buf, int len)
/* <0C> [<ignored...>]
* V ignored Anything following the 0C is ignored */
/* Action 0x0D */
static void ParamSet(byte *buf, int len)
/* <0D> <target> <operation> <source1> <source2> [<data>]
* B target parameter number where result is stored
* B operation operation to perform, see below
* B source1 first source operand
* B source2 second source operand
* D data data to use in the calculation, not necessary
* if both source1 and source2 refer to actual parameters
* Operations
* 00 Set parameter equal to source1
* 01 Addition, source1 + source2
* 02 Subtraction, source1 - source2
* 03 Unsigned multiplication, source1 * source2 (both unsigned)
* 04 Signed multiplication, source1 * source2 (both signed)
* 05 Unsigned bit shift, source1 by source2 (source2 taken to be a
* signed quantity; left shift if positive and right shift if
* negative, source1 is unsigned)
* 06 Signed bit shift, source1 by source2
* (source2 like in 05, and source1 as well)
byte target;
byte oper;
uint16 src1;
uint16 src2;
uint16 data = 0;
int32 *dest;
check_length(len, 5, "ParamSet");
target = grf_load_byte(&buf);
oper = grf_load_byte(&buf);
src1 = grf_load_byte(&buf);
src2 = grf_load_byte(&buf);
if (len >= 8)
data = grf_load_dword(&buf);
/* You can add 80 to the operation to make it apply only if the target
* is not defined yet. In this respect, a parameter is taken to be
* defined if any of the following applies:
* - it has been set to any value in the newgrf(w).cfg parameter list
* - it OR A PARAMETER WITH HIGHER NUMBER has been set to any value by
* an earlier action D */
if (oper & 0x80) {
if (_param_max < target)
oper &= 0x7F;
/* The source1 and source2 operands refer to the grf parameter number
* like in action 6 and 7. In addition, they can refer to the special
* variables available in action 7, or they can be FF to use the value
* of <data>. If referring to parameters that are undefined, a value
* of 0 is used instead. */
if (src1 == 0xFF) {
src1 = data;
} else {
src1 = _param_max >= src1 ? _paramlist[src1] : 0;
if (src2 == 0xFF) {
src2 = data;
} else {
src2 = _param_max >= src2 ? _paramlist[src2] : 0;
/* TODO: You can access the parameters of another GRF file by using
* source2=FE, source1=the other GRF's parameter number and data=GRF
* ID. This is only valid with operation 00 (set). If the GRF ID
* cannot be found, a value of 0 is used for the parameter value
* instead. */
/* TODO: The target operand can also refer to the special variables
* from action 7, but at the moment the only variable that is valid to
* write is 8E. */
if (target == 0x8E) {
dest = &_traininfo_vehicle_pitch;
} else {
if (_param_max < target)
_param_max = target;
dest = &_paramlist[target];
/* FIXME: No checking for overflows. */
switch (oper) {
case 0x00:
*dest = src1;
case 0x01:
*dest = src1 + src2;
case 0x02:
*dest = src1 - src2;
case 0x03:
*dest = ((uint32) src1) * ((uint32) src2);
case 0x04:
*dest = ((int32) src1) * ((int32) src2);
case 0x05:
if (src2 & 0x8000) /* src2 is "negative" */
*dest = src1 >> -((int16) src2);
*dest = src1 << src2;
case 0x06:
if (src2 & 0x8000) /* src2 is "negative" */
*dest = ((int16) src1) >> -((int16) src2);
*dest = ((int16) src1) << src2;
grfmsg(GMS_ERROR, "ParamSet: Unknown operation %d, skipping.", oper);
static void GRFInhibit(byte *buf, int len)
/* <0E> <num> <grfids...>
* B num Number of GRFIDs that follow
* D grfids GRFIDs of the files to deactivate */
byte num;
int i;
check_length(len, 1, "GRFInhibit");
buf++, len--;
num = grf_load_byte(&buf); len--;
check_length(len, 4 * num, "GRFInhibit");
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
uint32 grfid = grf_load_dword(&buf);
GRFFile *file = GetFileByGRFID(grfid);
/* Unset activation flag */
if (file != NULL) {
grfmsg(GMS_NOTICE, "GRFInhibit: Deactivating file ``%s''", file->filename);
file->flags &= 0xFFFE;
static void InitializeGRFSpecial(void)
/* FIXME: We should rather reflect reality in _ttdpatch_flags[]. */
_ttdpatch_flags[0] = (1 << 0x1B); /* multihead */
_ttdpatch_flags[1] = (1 << 0x08) /* mammothtrains */
| (1 << 0x0B) /* subsidiaries */
| (1 << 0x14) /* bridgespeedlimits */
| (1 << 0x16) /* eternalgame */
| (1 << 0x17) /* newtrains */
| (1 << 0x18) /* newrvs */
| (1 << 0x19) /* newships */
| (1 << 0x1A) /* newplanes */
| (1 << 0x1B); /* signalsontrafficside */
/* Uncomment following if you want to fool the GRF file.
* Some GRF files will refuse to load without this
* but you can still squeeze something from them even
* without the support - i.e. USSet. --pasky */
//| (1 << 0x1C); /* electrifiedrailway */
_ttdpatch_flags[2] = (1 << 0x0D) /* buildonslopes */
| (1 << 0x16) /* canals */
| (1 << 0x17); /* newstartyear */
void InitNewGRFFile(const char *filename, int sprite_offset)
GRFFile *newfile;
newfile = GetFileByFilename(filename);
if (newfile != NULL) {
/* We already loaded it once. */
newfile->sprite_offset = sprite_offset;
_cur_grffile = newfile;
newfile = calloc(1, sizeof(*newfile));
if (newfile == NULL)
error ("Out of memory");
newfile->filename = strdup(filename);
newfile->sprite_offset = sprite_offset;
if (_first_grffile == NULL) {
_cur_grffile = newfile;
_first_grffile = newfile;
} else {
_cur_grffile->next = newfile;
_cur_grffile = newfile;
/* Here we perform initial decoding of some special sprites (as are they
* described at, but this is only a very
* partial implementation yet). */
/* XXX: We consider GRF files trusted. It would be trivial to exploit OTTD by
* a crafted invalid GRF file. We should tell that to the user somehow, or
* better make this more robust in the future. */
void DecodeSpecialSprite(const char *filename, int num, int spriteid, int stage)
#define NUM_ACTIONS 0xF
static const SpecialSpriteHandler handlers[NUM_ACTIONS] = {
/* 0x0 */ VehicleChangeInfo,
/* 0x1 */ NewSpriteSet,
/* 0x2 */ NewSpriteGroup,
/* 0x3 */ NewVehicle_SpriteGroupMapping,
/* 0x4 */ VehicleNewName,
/* 0x5 */ GraphicsNew,
/* 0x6 */ CfgApply,
/* 0x7 */ SkipIf,
/* 0x8 */ GRFInfo,
/* 0x9 */ SkipIf,
/* 0xa */ SpriteReplace,
/* 0xb */ GRFError,
/* 0xc */ GRFComment,
/* 0xd */ ParamSet,
/* 0xe */ GRFInhibit,
static bool initialized = false;
byte action;
byte *buf = malloc(num);
if (buf == NULL) error("DecodeSpecialSprite: Could not allocate memory");
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
_cur_stage = stage;
_cur_spriteid = spriteid;
FioReadBlock(buf, num);
action = buf[0];
/* XXX: There is a difference between staged loading in TTDPatch and
* here. In TTDPatch, for some reason actions 1 and 2 are carried out
* during stage 0, whilst action 3 is carried out during stage 1 (to
* "resolve" cargo IDs... wtf). This is a little problem, because cargo
* IDs are valid only within a given set (action 1) block, and may be
* overwritten after action 3 associates them. But overwriting happens
* in an earlier stage than associating, so... We just process actions
* 1 and 2 in stage 1 now, let's hope that won't get us into problems.
* --pasky */
if (stage == 0) {
switch (action) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
case 0x07:
/* During initialization, these actions are ignored. */
DEBUG (grf, 7) (
"DecodeSpecialSprite: Action: %x, Stage 0, Skipped", action);
if (action < NUM_ACTIONS) {
DEBUG (grf, 7) ("DecodeSpecialSprite: Action: %x, Stage 0", action);
handlers[action](buf, num);
} else {
"Unknown special sprite action %x, skipping.", action);
} else if (stage == 1) {
/* A .grf file is activated only if it was active when the game was
* started. If a game is loaded, only its active .grfs will be
* reactivated, unless "loadallgraphics on" is used. A .grf file is
* considered active if its action 8 has been processed, i.e. its
* action 8 hasn't been skipped using an action 7.
* During activation, only actions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 0A and 0B are
* carried out. All others are ignored, because they only need to be
* processed once at initialization. */
if (_cur_grffile == NULL || strcmp(_cur_grffile->filename, filename) != 0)
_cur_grffile = GetFileByFilename(filename);
if (_cur_grffile == NULL)
error("File ``%s'' lost in cache.\n", filename);
if (_cur_grffile->flags & 0x0001) {
switch (action) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
case 0x07:
case 0x08:
case 0x09:
case 0x0A:
case 0x0B:
DEBUG (grf, 7) ("DecodeSpecialSprite: Action: %x, Stage 1", action);
handlers[action](buf, num);
if (action < NUM_ACTIONS) {
DEBUG (grf, 7) (
"DecodeSpecialSprite: Action: %x, Stage 1, Skipped", action);
} else {
"Unknown special sprite action %x, skipping.", action);
} else {
DEBUG (grf, 7) (
"DecodeSpecialSprite: Action: %x, Stage 1, Not activated", action);
} else {
error("Invalid stage %d", stage);