
675 lines
26 KiB

/* $Id$ */
/** @file autoreplace_cmd.cpp Deals with autoreplace execution but not the setup */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "rail.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "engine_base.h"
#include "engine_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "autoreplace_func.h"
#include "articulated_vehicles.h"
#include "core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "table/strings.h"
/** Figure out if two engines got at least one type of cargo in common (refitting if needed)
* @param engine_a one of the EngineIDs
* @param engine_b the other EngineID
* @param type the type of the engines
* @return true if they can both carry the same type of cargo (or at least one of them got no capacity at all)
static bool EnginesGotCargoInCommon(EngineID engine_a, EngineID engine_b, VehicleType type)
uint32 available_cargos_a = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_a, type, true);
uint32 available_cargos_b = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_b, type, true);
return (available_cargos_a == 0 || available_cargos_b == 0 || (available_cargos_a & available_cargos_b) != 0);
* Checks some basic properties whether autoreplace is allowed
* @param from Origin engine
* @param to Destination engine
* @param company Company to check for
* @return true if autoreplace is allowed
bool CheckAutoreplaceValidity(EngineID from, EngineID to, CompanyID company)
/* First we make sure that it's a valid type the user requested
* check that it's an engine that is in the engine array */
if (!IsEngineIndex(from) || !IsEngineIndex(to)) return false;
/* we can't replace an engine into itself (that would be autorenew) */
if (from == to) return false;
VehicleType type = GetEngine(from)->type;
/* check that the new vehicle type is available to the company and its type is the same as the original one */
if (!IsEngineBuildable(to, type, company)) return false;
switch (type) {
case VEH_TRAIN: {
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi_from = RailVehInfo(from);
const RailVehicleInfo *rvi_to = RailVehInfo(to);
/* make sure the railtypes are compatible */
if ((GetRailTypeInfo(rvi_from->railtype)->compatible_railtypes & GetRailTypeInfo(rvi_to->railtype)->compatible_railtypes) == 0) return false;
/* make sure we do not replace wagons with engines or vise versa */
if ((rvi_from->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) != (rvi_to->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON)) return false;
case VEH_ROAD:
/* make sure that we do not replace a tram with a normal road vehicles or vise versa */
if (HasBit(EngInfo(from)->misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM) != HasBit(EngInfo(to)->misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM)) return false;
/* make sure that we do not replace a plane with a helicopter or vise versa */
if ((AircraftVehInfo(from)->subtype & AIR_CTOL) != (AircraftVehInfo(to)->subtype & AIR_CTOL)) return false;
default: break;
/* the engines needs to be able to carry the same cargo */
return EnginesGotCargoInCommon(from, to, type);
/** Transfer cargo from a single (articulated )old vehicle to the new vehicle chain
* @param old_veh Old vehicle that will be sold
* @param new_head Head of the completely constructed new vehicle chain
* @param part_of_chain The vehicle is part of a train
static void TransferCargo(Vehicle *old_veh, Vehicle *new_head, bool part_of_chain)
assert(!part_of_chain || new_head->IsPrimaryVehicle());
/* Loop through source parts */
for (Vehicle *src = old_veh; src != NULL; src = src->Next()) {
if (!part_of_chain && src->type == VEH_TRAIN && src != old_veh && src != old_veh->u.rail.other_multiheaded_part && !IsArticulatedPart(src)) {
/* Skip vehicles, which do not belong to old_veh */
src = GetLastEnginePart(src);
if (src->cargo_type >= NUM_CARGO || src->cargo.Count() == 0) continue;
/* Find free space in the new chain */
for (Vehicle *dest = new_head; dest != NULL && src->cargo.Count() > 0; dest = dest->Next()) {
if (!part_of_chain && dest->type == VEH_TRAIN && dest != new_head && dest != new_head->u.rail.other_multiheaded_part && !IsArticulatedPart(dest)) {
/* Skip vehicles, which do not belong to new_head */
dest = GetLastEnginePart(dest);
if (dest->cargo_type != src->cargo_type) continue;
uint amount = min(src->cargo.Count(), dest->cargo_cap - dest->cargo.Count());
if (amount <= 0) continue;
src->cargo.MoveTo(&dest->cargo, amount);
/* Update train weight etc., the old vehicle will be sold anyway */
if (part_of_chain && new_head->type == VEH_TRAIN) TrainConsistChanged(new_head, true);
* Tests whether refit orders that applied to v will also apply to the new vehicle type
* @param v The vehicle to be replaced
* @param engine_type The type we want to replace with
* @return true iff all refit orders stay valid
static bool VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrders(const Vehicle *v, EngineID engine_type)
const Order *o;
const Vehicle *u;
uint32 union_refit_mask_a = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(v->engine_type, v->type, false);
uint32 union_refit_mask_b = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_type, v->type, false);
if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
u = v->First();
} else {
u = v;
if (!o->IsRefit()) continue;
CargoID cargo_type = o->GetRefitCargo();
if (!HasBit(union_refit_mask_a, cargo_type)) continue;
if (!HasBit(union_refit_mask_b, cargo_type)) return false;
return true;
* Function to find what type of cargo to refit to when autoreplacing
* @param *v Original vehicle, that is being replaced
* @param engine_type The EngineID of the vehicle that is being replaced to
* @param part_of_chain The vehicle is part of a train
* @return The cargo type to replace to
* CT_NO_REFIT is returned if no refit is needed
* CT_INVALID is returned when both old and new vehicle got cargo capacity and refitting the new one to the old one's cargo type isn't possible
static CargoID GetNewCargoTypeForReplace(Vehicle *v, EngineID engine_type, bool part_of_chain)
CargoID cargo_type;
if (GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_type, v->type, true) == 0) return CT_NO_REFIT; // Don't try to refit an engine with no cargo capacity
if (IsArticulatedVehicleCarryingDifferentCargos(v, &cargo_type)) return CT_INVALID; // We cannot refit to mixed cargos in an automated way
uint32 available_cargo_types = GetIntersectionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_type, v->type, true);
if (cargo_type == CT_INVALID) {
if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN) return CT_NO_REFIT; // If the vehicle does not carry anything at all, every replacement is fine.
if (!part_of_chain) return CT_NO_REFIT;
/* the old engine didn't have cargo capacity, but the new one does
* now we will figure out what cargo the train is carrying and refit to fit this */
for (v = v->First(); v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
if (v->cargo_cap == 0) continue;
/* Now we found a cargo type being carried on the train and we will see if it is possible to carry to this one */
if (HasBit(available_cargo_types, v->cargo_type)) {
/* Do we have to refit the vehicle, or is it already carrying the right cargo? */
uint16 *default_capacity = GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(engine_type, v->type);
for (CargoID cid = 0; cid < NUM_CARGO; cid++) {
if (cid != v->cargo_type && default_capacity[cid] > 0) return v->cargo_type;
return CT_NO_REFIT;
return CT_NO_REFIT; // We failed to find a cargo type on the old vehicle and we will not refit the new one
} else {
if (!HasBit(available_cargo_types, cargo_type)) return CT_INVALID; // We can't refit the vehicle to carry the cargo we want
if (part_of_chain && !VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrders(v, engine_type)) return CT_INVALID; // Some refit orders lose their effect
/* Do we have to refit the vehicle, or is it already carrying the right cargo? */
uint16 *default_capacity = GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(engine_type, v->type);
for (CargoID cid = 0; cid < NUM_CARGO; cid++) {
if (cid != cargo_type && default_capacity[cid] > 0) return cargo_type;
return CT_NO_REFIT;
/** Get the EngineID of the replacement for a vehicle
* @param v The vehicle to find a replacement for
* @param c The vehicle's owner (it's faster to forward the pointer than refinding it)
* @return the EngineID of the replacement. INVALID_ENGINE if no buildable replacement is found
static EngineID GetNewEngineType(const Vehicle *v, const Company *c)
assert(v->type != VEH_TRAIN || !IsArticulatedPart(v));
if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && IsRearDualheaded(v)) {
/* we build the rear ends of multiheaded trains with the front ones */
EngineID e = EngineReplacementForCompany(c, v->engine_type, v->group_id);
if (e != INVALID_ENGINE && IsEngineBuildable(e, v->type, _current_company)) {
return e;
if (v->NeedsAutorenewing(c) && // replace if engine is too old
IsEngineBuildable(v->engine_type, v->type, _current_company)) { // engine can still be build
return v->engine_type;
/** Builds and refits a replacement vehicle
* Important: The old vehicle is still in the original vehicle chain (used for determining the cargo when the old vehicle did not carry anything, but the new one does)
* @param old_veh A single (articulated/multiheaded) vehicle that shall be replaced.
* @param new_vehicle Returns the newly build and refittet vehicle
* @param part_of_chain The vehicle is part of a train
* @return cost or error
static CommandCost BuildReplacementVehicle(Vehicle *old_veh, Vehicle **new_vehicle, bool part_of_chain)
*new_vehicle = NULL;
/* Shall the vehicle be replaced? */
const Company *c = GetCompany(_current_company);
EngineID e = GetNewEngineType(old_veh, c);
if (e == INVALID_ENGINE) return CommandCost(); // neither autoreplace is set, nor autorenew is triggered
/* Does it need to be refitted */
CargoID refit_cargo = GetNewCargoTypeForReplace(old_veh, e, part_of_chain);
if (refit_cargo == CT_INVALID) return CommandCost(); // incompatible cargos
/* Build the new vehicle */
CommandCost cost = DoCommand(old_veh->tile, e, 0, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, GetCmdBuildVeh(old_veh));
if (cost.Failed()) return cost;
Vehicle *new_veh = GetVehicle(_new_vehicle_id);
*new_vehicle = new_veh;
/* Refit the vehicle if needed */
if (refit_cargo != CT_NO_REFIT) {
cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, new_veh->index, refit_cargo, DC_EXEC, GetCmdRefitVeh(new_veh)));
assert(cost.Succeeded()); // This should be ensured by GetNewCargoTypeForReplace()
/* Try to reverse the vehicle, but do not care if it fails as the new type might not be reversible */
if (new_veh->type == VEH_TRAIN && HasBit(old_veh->u.rail.flags, VRF_REVERSE_DIRECTION)) {
DoCommand(0, new_veh->index, true, DC_EXEC, CMD_REVERSE_TRAIN_DIRECTION);
return cost;
/** Issue a start/stop command
* @param v a vehicle
* @param evaluate_callback shall the start/stop callback be evaluated?
* @return success or error
static inline CommandCost StartStopVehicle(const Vehicle *v, bool evaluate_callback)
return DoCommand(0, v->index, evaluate_callback ? 1 : 0, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, CMD_START_STOP_VEHICLE);
/** Issue a train vehicle move command
* @param v The vehicle to move
* @param after The vehicle to insert 'v' after, or NULL to start new chain
* @param whole_chain move all vehicles following 'v' (true), or only 'v' (false)
* @return success or error
static inline CommandCost MoveVehicle(const Vehicle *v, const Vehicle *after, DoCommandFlag flags, bool whole_chain)
return DoCommand(0, v->index | (after != NULL ? after->index : INVALID_VEHICLE) << 16, whole_chain ? 1 : 0, flags, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE);
/** Copy head specific things to the new vehicle chain after it was successfully constructed
* @param old_head The old front vehicle (no wagons attached anymore)
* @param new_head The new head of the completely replaced vehicle chain
* @param flags the command flags to use
static CommandCost CopyHeadSpecificThings(Vehicle *old_head, Vehicle *new_head, DoCommandFlag flags)
CommandCost cost = CommandCost();
/* Share orders */
if (cost.Succeeded() && old_head != new_head) cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, (old_head->index << 16) | new_head->index, CO_SHARE, DC_EXEC, CMD_CLONE_ORDER));
/* Copy group membership */
if (cost.Succeeded() && old_head != new_head) cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, old_head->group_id, new_head->index, DC_EXEC, CMD_ADD_VEHICLE_GROUP));
/* Perform start/stop check whether the new vehicle suits newgrf restrictions etc. */
if (cost.Succeeded()) {
/* Start the vehicle, might be denied by certain things */
assert((new_head->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) != 0);
cost.AddCost(StartStopVehicle(new_head, true));
/* Stop the vehicle again, but do not care about evil newgrfs allowing starting but not stopping :p */
if (cost.Succeeded()) cost.AddCost(StartStopVehicle(new_head, false));
/* Last do those things which do never fail (resp. we do not care about), but which are not undo-able */
if (cost.Succeeded() && old_head != new_head && (flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
/* Copy vehicle name */
if (old_head->name != NULL) {
DoCommand(0, new_head->index, 0, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, CMD_RENAME_VEHICLE, old_head->name);
/* Copy other things which cannot be copied by a command and which shall not stay resetted from the build vehicle command */
/* Switch vehicle windows to the new vehicle, so they are not closed when the old vehicle is sold */
ChangeVehicleViewWindow(old_head->index, new_head->index);
return cost;
/** Replace a single unit in a free wagon chain
* @param single_unit vehicle to let autoreplace/renew operator on
* @param flags command flags
* @param nothing_to_do is set to 'false' when something was done (only valid when not failed)
* @return cost or error
static CommandCost ReplaceFreeUnit(Vehicle **single_unit, DoCommandFlag flags, bool *nothing_to_do)
Vehicle *old_v = *single_unit;
assert(old_v->type == VEH_TRAIN && !IsArticulatedPart(old_v) && !IsRearDualheaded(old_v));
CommandCost cost = CommandCost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, 0);
/* Build and refit replacement vehicle */
Vehicle *new_v = NULL;
cost.AddCost(BuildReplacementVehicle(old_v, &new_v, false));
/* Was a new vehicle constructed? */
if (cost.Succeeded() && new_v != NULL) {
*nothing_to_do = false;
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
/* Move the new vehicle behind the old */
MoveVehicle(new_v, old_v, DC_EXEC, false);
/* Take over cargo
* Note: We do only transfer cargo from the old to the new vehicle.
* I.e. we do not transfer remaining cargo to other vehicles.
* Else you would also need to consider moving cargo to other free chains,
* or doing the same in ReplaceChain(), which would be quite troublesome.
TransferCargo(old_v, new_v, false);
*single_unit = new_v;
/* Sell the old vehicle */
cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, old_v->index, 0, flags, GetCmdSellVeh(old_v)));
/* If we are not in DC_EXEC undo everything */
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
DoCommand(0, new_v->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(new_v));
return cost;
/** Replace a whole vehicle chain
* @param chain vehicle chain to let autoreplace/renew operator on
* @param flags command flags
* @param wagon_removal remove wagons when the resulting chain occupies more tiles than the old did
* @param nothing_to_do is set to 'false' when something was done (only valid when not failed)
* @return cost or error
static CommandCost ReplaceChain(Vehicle **chain, DoCommandFlag flags, bool wagon_removal, bool *nothing_to_do)
Vehicle *old_head = *chain;
CommandCost cost = CommandCost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, 0);
if (old_head->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
/* Store the length of the old vehicle chain, rounded up to whole tiles */
uint16 old_total_length = (old_head->u.rail.cached_total_length + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE;
int num_units = 0; ///< Number of units in the chain
for (Vehicle *w = old_head; w != NULL; w = GetNextUnit(w)) num_units++;
Vehicle **old_vehs = CallocT<Vehicle *>(num_units); ///< Will store vehicles of the old chain in their order
Vehicle **new_vehs = CallocT<Vehicle *>(num_units); ///< New vehicles corresponding to old_vehs or NULL if no replacement
Money *new_costs = MallocT<Money>(num_units); ///< Costs for buying and refitting the new vehicles
/* Collect vehicles and build replacements
* Note: The replacement vehicles can only successfully build as long as the old vehicles are still in their chain */
int i;
Vehicle *w;
for (w = old_head, i = 0; w != NULL; w = GetNextUnit(w), i++) {
assert(i < num_units);
old_vehs[i] = w;
CommandCost ret = BuildReplacementVehicle(old_vehs[i], &new_vehs[i], true);
if (cost.Failed()) break;
new_costs[i] = ret.GetCost();
if (new_vehs[i] != NULL) *nothing_to_do = false;
Vehicle *new_head = (new_vehs[0] != NULL ? new_vehs[0] : old_vehs[0]);
/* Note: When autoreplace has already failed here, old_vehs[] is not completely initialized. But it is also not needed. */
if (cost.Succeeded()) {
/* Separate the head, so we can start constructing the new chain */
Vehicle *second = GetNextUnit(old_head);
if (second != NULL) cost.AddCost(MoveVehicle(second, NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, true));
assert(GetNextUnit(new_head) == NULL);
/* Append engines to the new chain
* We do this from back to front, so that the head of the temporary vehicle chain does not change all the time.
* OTOH the vehicle attach callback is more expensive this way :s */
Vehicle *last_engine = NULL; ///< Shall store the last engine unit after this step
if (cost.Succeeded()) {
for (int i = num_units - 1; i > 0; i--) {
Vehicle *append = (new_vehs[i] != NULL ? new_vehs[i] : old_vehs[i]);
if (RailVehInfo(append->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) continue;
if (last_engine == NULL) last_engine = append;
cost.AddCost(MoveVehicle(append, new_head, DC_EXEC, false));
if (cost.Failed()) break;
if (last_engine == NULL) last_engine = new_head;
/* When wagon removal is enabled and the new engines without any wagons are already longer than the old, we have to fail */
if (cost.Succeeded() && wagon_removal && new_head->u.rail.cached_total_length > old_total_length) cost = CommandCost(STR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG_AFTER_REPLACEMENT);
/* Append/insert wagons into the new vehicle chain
* We do this from back to front, so we can stop when wagon removal or maximum train length (i.e. from mammoth-train setting) is triggered.
if (cost.Succeeded()) {
for (int i = num_units - 1; i > 0; i--) {
assert(last_engine != NULL);
Vehicle *append = (new_vehs[i] != NULL ? new_vehs[i] : old_vehs[i]);
if (RailVehInfo(append->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON) {
/* Insert wagon after 'last_engine' */
CommandCost res = MoveVehicle(append, last_engine, DC_EXEC, false);
if (res.Succeeded() && wagon_removal && new_head->u.rail.cached_total_length > old_total_length) {
MoveVehicle(append, NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, false);
if (cost.Failed()) break;
} else {
/* We have reached 'last_engine', continue with the next engine towards the front */
assert(append == last_engine);
last_engine = GetPrevUnit(last_engine);
/* Sell superfluous new vehicles that could not be inserted. */
if (cost.Succeeded() && wagon_removal) {
for (int i = 1; i < num_units; i++) {
Vehicle *wagon = new_vehs[i];
if (wagon == NULL) continue;
if (wagon->First() == new_head) break;
assert(RailVehInfo(wagon->engine_type)->railveh_type == RAILVEH_WAGON);
/* Sell wagon */
CommandCost ret = DoCommand(0, wagon->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(wagon));
new_vehs[i] = NULL;
/* Revert the money subtraction when the vehicle was built.
* This value is different from the sell value, esp. because of refitting */
/* The new vehicle chain is constructed, now take over orders and everything... */
if (cost.Succeeded()) cost.AddCost(CopyHeadSpecificThings(old_head, new_head, flags));
if (cost.Succeeded()) {
/* Success ! */
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0 && new_head != old_head) {
*chain = new_head;
/* Transfer cargo of old vehicles and sell them */
for (int i = 0; i < num_units; i++) {
Vehicle *w = old_vehs[i];
/* Is the vehicle again part of the new chain?
* Note: We cannot test 'new_vehs[i] != NULL' as wagon removal might cause to remove both */
if (w->First() == new_head) continue;
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) TransferCargo(w, new_head, true);
/* Sell the vehicle.
* Note: This might temporarly construct new trains, so use DC_AUTOREPLACE to prevent
* it from failing due to engine limits. */
cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, w->index, 0, flags | DC_AUTOREPLACE, GetCmdSellVeh(w)));
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
old_vehs[i] = NULL;
if (i == 0) old_head = NULL;
/* If we are not in DC_EXEC undo everything, i.e. rearrange old vehicles.
* We do this from back to front, so that the head of the temporary vehicle chain does not change all the time.
* Note: The vehicle attach callback is disabled here :) */
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
/* Separate the head, so we can reattach the old vehicles */
Vehicle *second = GetNextUnit(old_head);
if (second != NULL) MoveVehicle(second, NULL, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, true);
assert(GetNextUnit(old_head) == NULL);
for (int i = num_units - 1; i > 0; i--) {
CommandCost ret = MoveVehicle(old_vehs[i], old_head, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTOREPLACE, false);
/* Finally undo buying of new vehicles */
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
for (int i = num_units - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (new_vehs[i] != NULL) {
DoCommand(0, new_vehs[i]->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(new_vehs[i]));
new_vehs[i] = NULL;
} else {
/* Build and refit replacement vehicle */
Vehicle *new_head = NULL;
cost.AddCost(BuildReplacementVehicle(old_head, &new_head, true));
/* Was a new vehicle constructed? */
if (cost.Succeeded() && new_head != NULL) {
*nothing_to_do = false;
/* The new vehicle is constructed, now take over orders and everything... */
cost.AddCost(CopyHeadSpecificThings(old_head, new_head, flags));
if (cost.Succeeded()) {
/* The new vehicle is constructed, now take over cargo */
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
TransferCargo(old_head, new_head, true);
*chain = new_head;
/* Sell the old vehicle */
cost.AddCost(DoCommand(0, old_head->index, 0, flags, GetCmdSellVeh(old_head)));
/* If we are not in DC_EXEC undo everything */
if ((flags & DC_EXEC) == 0) {
DoCommand(0, new_head->index, 0, DC_EXEC, GetCmdSellVeh(new_head));
return cost;
/** Autoreplaces a vehicle
* Trains are replaced as a whole chain, free wagons in depot are replaced on their own
* @param tile not used
* @param flags type of operation
* @param p1 Index of vehicle
* @param p2 not used
CommandCost CmdAutoreplaceVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
CommandCost cost = CommandCost(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES, 0);
bool nothing_to_do = true;
if (!IsValidVehicleID(p1)) return CMD_ERROR;
Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(p1);
if (!CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!v->IsInDepot()) return CMD_ERROR;
if (HASBITS(v->vehstatus, VS_CRASHED)) return CMD_ERROR;
bool free_wagon = false;
if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
if (IsArticulatedPart(v) || IsRearDualheaded(v)) return CMD_ERROR;
free_wagon = !IsFrontEngine(v);
if (free_wagon && IsFrontEngine(v->First())) return CMD_ERROR;
} else {
if (!v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) return CMD_ERROR;
const Company *c = GetCompany(_current_company);
bool wagon_removal = c->settings.renew_keep_length;
/* Test whether any replacement is set, before issuing a whole lot of commands that would end in nothing changed */
Vehicle *w = v;
bool any_replacements = false;
while (w != NULL && !any_replacements) {
any_replacements = (GetNewEngineType(w, c) != INVALID_ENGINE);
w = (!free_wagon && w->type == VEH_TRAIN ? GetNextUnit(w) : NULL);
if (any_replacements) {
bool was_stopped = free_wagon || ((v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) != 0);
/* Stop the vehicle */
if (!was_stopped) cost.AddCost(StartStopVehicle(v, true));
if (cost.Failed()) return cost;
/* We have to construct the new vehicle chain to test whether it is valid.
* Vehicle construction needs random bits, so we have to save the random seeds
* to prevent desyncs and to replay newgrf callbacks during DC_EXEC */
SavedRandomSeeds saved_seeds;
if (free_wagon) {
cost.AddCost(ReplaceFreeUnit(&v, flags & ~DC_EXEC, &nothing_to_do));
} else {
cost.AddCost(ReplaceChain(&v, flags & ~DC_EXEC, wagon_removal, &nothing_to_do));
if (cost.Succeeded() && (flags & DC_EXEC) != 0) {
CommandCost ret;
if (free_wagon) {
ret = ReplaceFreeUnit(&v, flags, &nothing_to_do);
} else {
ret = ReplaceChain(&v, flags, wagon_removal, &nothing_to_do);
assert(ret.Succeeded() && ret.GetCost() == cost.GetCost());
/* Restart the vehicle */
if (!was_stopped) cost.AddCost(StartStopVehicle(v, false));
if (cost.Succeeded() && nothing_to_do) cost = CommandCost(STR_AUTOREPLACE_NOTHING_TO_DO);
return cost;