Patric Stout df400ef84a
Fix: only count distance traveled in vehicles for cargo payment (#11283)
No longer you can utilize the free (and instant) labour of station
workers, transporting your cargo from one part of the station to
the other. No more!

Based on patch by dP.
2023-09-19 22:16:31 +02:00

639 lines
20 KiB

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file cargopacket.h Base class for cargo packets. */
#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "economy_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
#include "order_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "core/multimap.hpp"
#include "saveload/saveload.h"
/** Unique identifier for a single cargo packet. */
typedef uint32_t CargoPacketID;
struct CargoPacket;
/** Type of the pool for cargo packets for a little over 16 million packets. */
typedef Pool<CargoPacket, CargoPacketID, 1024, 0xFFF000, PT_NORMAL, true, false> CargoPacketPool;
/** The actual pool with cargo packets. */
extern CargoPacketPool _cargopacket_pool;
struct GoodsEntry; // forward-declare for Stage() and RerouteStalePackets()
template <class Tinst, class Tcont> class CargoList;
class StationCargoList; // forward-declare, so we can use it in VehicleCargoList.
extern SaveLoadTable GetCargoPacketDesc();
* Container for cargo from the same location and time.
struct CargoPacket : CargoPacketPool::PoolItem<&_cargopacket_pool> {
/* A mathematical vector from (0,0). */
struct Vector {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
uint16_t count{0}; ///< The amount of cargo in this packet.
uint16_t periods_in_transit{0}; ///< Amount of cargo aging periods this packet has been in transit.
Money feeder_share{0}; ///< Value of feeder pickup to be paid for on delivery of cargo.
TileIndex source_xy{INVALID_TILE}; ///< The origin of the cargo.
Vector travelled{0, 0}; ///< If cargo is in station: the vector from the unload tile to the source tile. If in vehicle: an intermediate value.
SourceID source_id{INVALID_SOURCE}; ///< Index of industry/town/HQ, INVALID_SOURCE if unknown/invalid.
SourceType source_type{SourceType::Industry}; ///< Type of \c source_id.
bool in_vehicle{false}; ///< NOSAVE: Whether this cargo is in a vehicle or not.
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
StationID first_station{INVALID_STATION}; ///< The station where the cargo came from first.
StationID next_hop{INVALID_STATION}; ///< Station where the cargo wants to go next.
/** The CargoList caches, thus needs to know about it. */
template <class Tinst, class Tcont> friend class CargoList;
friend class VehicleCargoList;
friend class StationCargoList;
/** We want this to be saved, right? */
friend SaveLoadTable GetCargoPacketDesc();
/** Maximum number of items in a single cargo packet. */
static const uint16_t MAX_COUNT = UINT16_MAX;
CargoPacket(StationID first_station, uint16_t count, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id);
CargoPacket(uint16_t count, uint16_t periods_in_transit, StationID first_station, TileIndex source_xy, Money feeder_share);
CargoPacket(uint16_t count, Money feeder_share, CargoPacket &original);
/** Destroy the packet. */
~CargoPacket() { }
CargoPacket *Split(uint new_size);
void Merge(CargoPacket *cp);
void Reduce(uint count);
* Sets the station where the packet is supposed to go next.
* @param next_hop Next station the packet should go to.
void SetNextHop(StationID next_hop)
this->next_hop = next_hop;
* Update for the cargo being loaded on this tile.
* When a CargoPacket is created, it is moved to a station. But at that
* moment in time it is not known yet at which tile the cargo will be
* picked up. As this tile is used for payment information, we delay
* setting the source_xy till first pickup, getting a better idea where
* a cargo started from.
* Further more, we keep track of the amount of tiles the cargo moved
* inside a vehicle. This is used in GetDistance() below.
* @param tile Tile the cargo is being picked up from.
void UpdateLoadingTile(TileIndex tile)
if (this->source_xy == INVALID_TILE) {
this->source_xy = tile;
this->in_vehicle = true;
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
/* We want to calculate the vector from tile-unload to tile-load. As
* we currently only know the latter, add it. When we know where we unload,
* we subtract is, giving us our vector (unload - load). */
this->travelled.x += TileX(tile);
this->travelled.y += TileY(tile);
* Update for the cargo being unloaded on this tile.
* @param tile Tile the cargo is being dropped off at.
void UpdateUnloadingTile(TileIndex tile)
this->in_vehicle = false;
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
this->travelled.x -= TileX(tile);
this->travelled.y -= TileY(tile);
* Adds some feeder share to the packet.
* @param new_share Feeder share to be added.
void AddFeederShare(Money new_share)
this->feeder_share += new_share;
* Gets the number of 'items' in this packet.
* @return Item count.
inline uint16_t Count() const
return this->count;
* Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
* the feeder chain.
* @return Feeder share.
inline Money GetFeederShare() const
return this->feeder_share;
* Gets part of the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
* the feeder chain.
* @param part Amount of cargo to get the share for.
* @return Feeder share for the given amount of cargo.
inline Money GetFeederShare(uint part) const
return this->feeder_share * part / static_cast<uint>(this->count);
* Gets the number of cargo aging periods this cargo has been in transit.
* By default a period is 2.5 days (CARGO_AGING_TICKS = 185 ticks), however
* vehicle NewGRFs can overide the length of the cargo aging period. The
* value is capped at UINT16_MAX.
* @return Length this cargo has been in transit.
inline uint16_t GetPeriodsInTransit() const
return this->periods_in_transit;
* Gets the type of the cargo's source. industry, town or head quarter.
* @return Source type.
inline SourceType GetSourceType() const
return this->source_type;
* Gets the ID of the cargo's source. An IndustryID, TownID or CompanyID.
* @return Source ID.
inline SourceID GetSourceID() const
return this->source_id;
* Gets the ID of the station where the cargo was loaded for the first time.
* @return StationID.
inline StationID GetFirstStation() const
return this->first_station;
* Get the current distance the cargo has traveled.
* @param current_tile Current tile of the cargo.
* @return uint The distance (in tiles) traveled.
inline uint GetDistance(TileIndex current_tile) const
assert(this->source_xy != INVALID_TILE);
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
/* Distance is always requested when the cargo is still inside the
* vehicle. So first finish the calculation for travelled to
* become a vector. */
auto local_travelled = travelled;
local_travelled.x -= TileX(current_tile);
local_travelled.y -= TileY(current_tile);
/* Cargo-movement is a vector that indicates how much the cargo has
* actually traveled in a vehicle. This is the distance you get paid
* for. However, one could construct a route where this vector would
* be really long. To not overpay the player, cap out at the distance
* between source and destination.
* This way of calculating is to counter people moving cargo for free
* and instantly in stations, where you deliver it in one part of the
* station and pick it up in another. By using the actual distance
* traveled in a vehicle, using this trick doesn't give you more money.
* However, especially in large networks with large transfer station,
* etc, one could actually make the route a lot longer. In that case,
* use the actual distance between source and destination.
uint distance_travelled = abs(local_travelled.x) + abs(local_travelled.y);
uint distance_source_dest = DistanceManhattan(this->source_xy, current_tile);
return std::min(distance_travelled, distance_source_dest);
* Gets the ID of station the cargo wants to go next.
* @return Next station for this packets.
inline StationID GetNextHop() const
return this->next_hop;
static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
static void InvalidateAllFrom(StationID sid);
static void AfterLoad();
* Simple collection class for a list of cargo packets.
* @tparam Tinst Actual instantiation of this cargo list.
template <class Tinst, class Tcont>
class CargoList {
/** The iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::iterator Iterator;
/** The reverse iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::reverse_iterator ReverseIterator;
/** The const iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::const_iterator ConstIterator;
/** The const reverse iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::const_reverse_iterator ConstReverseIterator;
/** Kind of actions that could be done with packets on move. */
enum MoveToAction {
MTA_TRANSFER = 0, ///< Transfer the cargo to the station.
MTA_DELIVER, ///< Deliver the cargo to some town or industry.
MTA_KEEP, ///< Keep the cargo in the vehicle.
MTA_LOAD, ///< Load the cargo from the station.
uint count; ///< Cache for the number of cargo entities.
uint64_t cargo_periods_in_transit; ///< Cache for the sum of number of cargo aging periods in transit of each entity; comparable to man-hours.
Tcont packets; ///< The cargo packets in this list.
void AddToCache(const CargoPacket *cp);
void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
static bool TryMerge(CargoPacket *cp, CargoPacket *icp);
/** Create the cargo list. */
CargoList() {}
void OnCleanPool();
* Returns a pointer to the cargo packet list (so you can iterate over it etc).
* @return Pointer to the packet list.
inline const Tcont *Packets() const
return &this->packets;
* Returns average number of cargo aging periods in transit for a cargo entity.
* @return The before mentioned number.
inline uint PeriodsInTransit() const
return this->count == 0 ? 0 : this->cargo_periods_in_transit / this->count;
void InvalidateCache();
typedef std::list<CargoPacket *> CargoPacketList;
* CargoList that is used for vehicles.
class VehicleCargoList : public CargoList<VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList> {
/** The (direct) parent of this class. */
typedef CargoList<VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList> Parent;
Money feeder_share; ///< Cache for the feeder share.
uint action_counts[NUM_MOVE_TO_ACTION]; ///< Counts of cargo to be transferred, delivered, kept and loaded.
template<class Taction>
void ShiftCargo(Taction action);
template<class Taction>
void PopCargo(Taction action);
* Assert that the designation counts add up.
inline void AssertCountConsistency() const
assert(this->action_counts[MTA_KEEP] +
this->action_counts[MTA_DELIVER] +
this->action_counts[MTA_TRANSFER] +
this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD] == this->count);
void AddToCache(const CargoPacket *cp);
void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
void AddToMeta(const CargoPacket *cp, MoveToAction action);
void RemoveFromMeta(const CargoPacket *cp, MoveToAction action, uint count);
static MoveToAction ChooseAction(const CargoPacket *cp, StationID cargo_next,
StationID current_station, bool accepted, StationIDStack next_station);
/** The station cargo list needs to control the unloading. */
friend class StationCargoList;
/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
friend class CargoList<VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList>;
/* So we can use private/protected variables in the saveload code */
friend class SlVehicleCommon;
friend class CargoShift;
friend class CargoTransfer;
friend class CargoDelivery;
template<class Tsource>
friend class CargoRemoval;
friend class CargoReturn;
friend class VehicleCargoReroute;
* Returns the first station of the first cargo packet in this list.
* @return The before mentioned station.
inline StationID GetFirstStation() const
return this->count == 0 ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.front()->first_station;
* Returns total sum of the feeder share for all packets.
* @return The before mentioned number.
inline Money GetFeederShare() const
return this->feeder_share;
* Returns the amount of cargo designated for a given purpose.
* @param action Action the cargo is designated for.
* @return Amount of cargo designated for the given action.
inline uint ActionCount(MoveToAction action) const
return this->action_counts[action];
* Returns sum of cargo on board the vehicle (ie not only
* reserved).
* @return Cargo on board the vehicle.
inline uint StoredCount() const
return this->count - this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD];
* Returns sum of cargo, including reserved cargo.
* @return Sum of cargo.
inline uint TotalCount() const
return this->count;
* Returns sum of reserved cargo.
* @return Sum of reserved cargo.
inline uint ReservedCount() const
return this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD];
* Returns sum of cargo to be moved out of the vehicle at the current station.
* @return Cargo to be moved.
inline uint UnloadCount() const
return this->action_counts[MTA_TRANSFER] + this->action_counts[MTA_DELIVER];
* Returns the sum of cargo to be kept in the vehicle at the current station.
* @return Cargo to be kept or loaded.
inline uint RemainingCount() const
return this->action_counts[MTA_KEEP] + this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD];
void Append(CargoPacket *cp, MoveToAction action = MTA_KEEP);
void AgeCargo();
void InvalidateCache();
bool Stage(bool accepted, StationID current_station, StationIDStack next_station, uint8_t order_flags, const GoodsEntry *ge, CargoPayment *payment, TileIndex current_tile);
* Marks all cargo in the vehicle as to be kept. This is mostly useful for
* loading old savegames. When loading is aborted the reserved cargo has
* to be returned first.
inline void KeepAll()
this->action_counts[MTA_DELIVER] = this->action_counts[MTA_TRANSFER] = this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD] = 0;
this->action_counts[MTA_KEEP] = this->count;
/* Methods for moving cargo around. First parameter is always maximum
* amount of cargo to be moved. Second parameter is destination (if
* applicable), return value is amount of cargo actually moved. */
template<MoveToAction Tfrom, MoveToAction Tto>
uint Reassign(uint max_move);
uint Return(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, StationID next_station, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Unload(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, CargoPayment *payment, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Shift(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest);
uint Truncate(uint max_move = UINT_MAX);
uint Reroute(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2, const GoodsEntry *ge);
* Are the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
* a list of CargoPackets for a Vehicle?
* @param cp1 First CargoPacket.
* @param cp2 Second CargoPacket.
* @return True if they are mergeable.
static bool AreMergable(const CargoPacket *cp1, const CargoPacket *cp2)
return cp1->source_xy == cp2->source_xy &&
cp1->periods_in_transit == cp2->periods_in_transit &&
cp1->source_type == cp2->source_type &&
cp1->first_station == cp2->first_station &&
cp1->source_id == cp2->source_id;
typedef MultiMap<StationID, CargoPacket *> StationCargoPacketMap;
typedef std::map<StationID, uint> StationCargoAmountMap;
* CargoList that is used for stations.
class StationCargoList : public CargoList<StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap> {
/** The (direct) parent of this class. */
typedef CargoList<StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap> Parent;
uint reserved_count; ///< Amount of cargo being reserved for loading.
/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
friend class CargoList<StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap>;
/* So we can use private/protected variables in the saveload code */
friend class SlStationGoods;
friend class CargoLoad;
friend class CargoTransfer;
template<class Tsource>
friend class CargoRemoval;
friend class CargoReservation;
friend class CargoReturn;
friend class StationCargoReroute;
static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
template<class Taction>
bool ShiftCargo(Taction &action, StationID next);
template<class Taction>
uint ShiftCargo(Taction action, StationIDStack next, bool include_invalid);
void Append(CargoPacket *cp, StationID next);
* Check for cargo headed for a specific station.
* @param next Station the cargo is headed for.
* @return If there is any cargo for that station.
inline bool HasCargoFor(StationIDStack next) const
while (!next.IsEmpty()) {
if (this->packets.find(next.Pop()) != this->packets.end()) return true;
/* Packets for INVALID_STATION can go anywhere. */
return this->packets.find(INVALID_STATION) != this->packets.end();
* Returns first station of the first cargo packet in this list.
* @return The before mentioned station.
inline StationID GetFirstStation() const
return this->count == 0 ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.begin()->second.front()->first_station;
* Returns sum of cargo still available for loading at the sation.
* (i.e. not counting cargo which is already reserved for loading)
* @return Cargo on board the vehicle.
inline uint AvailableCount() const
return this->count;
* Returns sum of cargo reserved for loading onto vehicles.
* @return Cargo reserved for loading.
inline uint ReservedCount() const
return this->reserved_count;
* Returns total count of cargo at the station, including
* cargo which is already reserved for loading.
* @return Total cargo count.
inline uint TotalCount() const
return this->count + this->reserved_count;
/* Methods for moving cargo around. First parameter is always maximum
* amount of cargo to be moved. Second parameter is destination (if
* applicable), return value is amount of cargo actually moved. */
uint Reserve(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationIDStack next, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Load(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationIDStack next, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Truncate(uint max_move = UINT_MAX, StationCargoAmountMap *cargo_per_source = nullptr);
uint Reroute(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2, const GoodsEntry *ge);
* Are the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
* a list of CargoPackets for a Station?
* @param cp1 First CargoPacket.
* @param cp2 Second CargoPacket.
* @return True if they are mergeable.
static bool AreMergable(const CargoPacket *cp1, const CargoPacket *cp2)
return cp1->source_xy == cp2->source_xy &&
cp1->periods_in_transit == cp2->periods_in_transit &&
cp1->source_type == cp2->source_type &&
cp1->first_station == cp2->first_station &&
cp1->source_id == cp2->source_id;
#endif /* CARGOPACKET_H */