rubidium 4e3652f337 (svn r8625) [0.5] -Backport from trunk (8253, 8273, 8497, 8520 + 8542):
-Codechange: Be more strict about language generation and fail any languages not having the mandatory ##name, ##ownname and ##isocode pragma's.
-Fix: return value from clamp was ignored 
-Codechange: Increase the size of the sound/video/music-drivers to 32 bytes (instead of 16) so their actual parameters can be passed. Sound has for example 'bufsize' and 'hz'.
-Fix/Feature: requery gameservers that did not respond to their first query.
2007-02-08 10:19:03 +00:00

273 lines
12 KiB

/* $Id$ */
#ifndef NETWORK_H
#define NETWORK_H
#define NOREV_STRING "norev000"
#include "player.h"
// If this line is enable, every frame will have a sync test
// this is not needed in normal games. Normal is like 1 sync in 100
// frames. You can enable this if you have a lot of desyncs on a certain
// game.
// Remember: both client and server have to be compiled with this
// option enabled to make it to work. If one of the two has it disabled
// nothing will happen.
// In theory sending 1 of the 2 seeds is enough to check for desyncs
// so in theory, this next define can be left off.
// How many clients can we have? Like.. MAX_PLAYERS - 1 is the amount of
// players that can really play.. so.. a max of 4 spectators.. gives us..
// Do not change this next line. It should _ALWAYS_ be MAX_CLIENTS + 1
/* Stuff for the master-server */
// How many vehicle/station types we put over the network
enum {
NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH = 80, ///< Maximum length of the name of a GRF
/* Maximum number of GRFs that can be sent.
* This value is related to number of handles (files) OpenTTD can open.
* This is currently 64 and about 10 are currently used when OpenTTD loads
* without any NewGRFs. Therefore one can only load about 55 NewGRFs, so
* this is not a limit, but rather a way to easily check whether the limit
* imposed by the handle count is reached. Secondly it isn't possible to
* send much more GRF IDs + MD5sums in the PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE, due
* to the limited size of UDP packets. */
// This is the struct used by both client and server
// some fields will be empty on the client (like game_password) by default
// and only filled with data a player enters.
typedef struct NetworkGameInfo {
char server_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; // Server name
char hostname[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; // Hostname of the server (if any)
char server_revision[NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH]; // The SVN version number the server is using (e.g.: 'r304')
// It even shows a SVN version in release-version, so
// it is easy to compare if a server is of the correct version
bool version_compatible; // Can we connect to this server or not? (based on server_revision)
bool compatible; // Can we connect to this server or not? (based on server_revision _and_ grf_match
byte server_lang; // Language of the server (we should make a nice table for this)
byte use_password; // Is set to != 0 if it uses a password
char server_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; // On the server: the game password, on the client: != "" if server has password
byte clients_max; // Max clients allowed on server
byte clients_on; // Current count of clients on server
byte companies_max; // Max companies allowed on server
byte companies_on; // How many started companies do we have (XXX - disabled for server atm, use ActivePlayerCount())
byte spectators_max; // Max spectators allowed on server
byte spectators_on; // How many spectators do we have? (XXX - disabled for server atm, use NetworkSpectatorCount())
Date game_date; // Current date
Date start_date; // When the game started
char map_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; // Map which is played ["random" for a randomized map]
uint16 map_width; // Map width
uint16 map_height; // Map height
byte map_set; // Graphical set
bool dedicated; // Is this a dedicated server?
char rcon_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; // RCon password for the server. "" if rcon is disabled
struct GRFConfig *grfconfig; // List of NewGRF files required
} NetworkGameInfo;
typedef struct NetworkPlayerInfo {
char company_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; // Company name
char password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; // The password for the player
Year inaugurated_year; // What year the company started in
int64 company_value; // The company value
int64 money; // The amount of money the company has
int64 income; // How much did the company earned last year
uint16 performance; // What was his performance last month?
byte use_password; // 0: No password 1: There is a password
uint16 num_vehicle[NETWORK_VEHICLE_TYPES]; // How many vehicles are there of this type?
uint16 num_station[NETWORK_STATION_TYPES]; // How many stations are there of this type?
char players[NETWORK_PLAYERS_LENGTH]; // The players that control this company (Name1, name2, ..)
uint16 months_empty; // How many months the company is empty
} NetworkPlayerInfo;
typedef struct NetworkClientInfo {
uint16 client_index; // Index of the client (same as ClientState->index)
char client_name[NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH]; // Name of the client
byte client_lang; // The language of the client
byte client_playas; // As which player is this client playing (PlayerID)
uint32 client_ip; // IP-address of the client (so he can be banned)
Date join_date; // Gamedate the player has joined
char unique_id[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; // Every play sends an unique id so we can indentify him
} NetworkClientInfo;
typedef struct NetworkGameList {
NetworkGameInfo info;
uint32 ip;
uint16 port;
bool online; // False if the server did not respond (default status)
bool manually; // True if the server was added manually
uint8 retries;
struct NetworkGameList *next;
} NetworkGameList;
typedef enum {
} NetworkJoinStatus;
// language ids for server_lang and client_lang
typedef enum {
} NetworkLanguage;
VARDEF NetworkGameList *_network_game_list;
VARDEF NetworkGameInfo _network_game_info;
VARDEF NetworkPlayerInfo _network_player_info[MAX_PLAYERS];
VARDEF NetworkClientInfo _network_client_info[MAX_CLIENT_INFO];
VARDEF char _network_player_name[NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF char _network_default_ip[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF uint16 _network_own_client_index;
VARDEF char _network_unique_id[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; // Our own unique ID
VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter_server; // The frame_counter of the server, if in network-mode
VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter_max; // To where we may go with our clients
VARDEF uint32 _last_sync_frame; // Used in the server to store the last time a sync packet was sent to clients.
// networking settings
VARDEF uint32 _broadcast_list[MAX_INTERFACES + 1];
VARDEF uint16 _network_server_port;
/* We use bind_ip and bind_ip_host, where bind_ip_host is the readable form of
bind_ip_host, and bind_ip the numeric value, because we want a nice number
in the openttd.cfg, but we wants to use the uint32 internally.. */
VARDEF uint32 _network_server_bind_ip;
VARDEF char _network_server_bind_ip_host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF bool _is_network_server; // Does this client wants to be a network-server?
VARDEF char _network_server_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF char _network_server_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
VARDEF char _network_rcon_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
VARDEF uint16 _network_max_join_time; ///< Time a client can max take to join
VARDEF bool _network_pause_on_join; ///< Pause the game when a client tries to join (more chance of succeeding join)
VARDEF uint16 _redirect_console_to_client;
VARDEF uint16 _network_sync_freq;
VARDEF uint8 _network_frame_freq;
VARDEF uint32 _sync_seed_1, _sync_seed_2;
VARDEF uint32 _sync_frame;
VARDEF bool _network_first_time;
// Vars needed for the join-GUI
VARDEF NetworkJoinStatus _network_join_status;
VARDEF uint8 _network_join_waiting;
VARDEF uint16 _network_join_kbytes;
VARDEF uint16 _network_join_kbytes_total;
VARDEF char _network_last_host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF short _network_last_port;
VARDEF uint32 _network_last_host_ip;
VARDEF uint8 _network_reconnect;
VARDEF bool _network_udp_server;
VARDEF uint16 _network_udp_broadcast;
VARDEF byte _network_lan_internet;
VARDEF bool _network_need_advertise;
VARDEF uint32 _network_last_advertise_frame;
VARDEF uint8 _network_advertise_retries;
VARDEF bool _network_autoclean_companies;
VARDEF uint8 _network_autoclean_unprotected; // Remove a company after X months
VARDEF uint8 _network_autoclean_protected; // Unprotect a company after X months
VARDEF Year _network_restart_game_year; // If this year is reached, the server automaticly restarts
VARDEF uint8 _network_min_players; // Minimum number of players for game to unpause
NetworkGameList *NetworkQueryServer(const char* host, unsigned short port, bool game_info);
byte NetworkSpectatorCount(void);
VARDEF char *_network_host_list[10];
VARDEF char *_network_ban_list[25];
void ParseConnectionString(const char **player, const char **port, char *connection_string);
void NetworkUpdateClientInfo(uint16 client_index);
void NetworkAddServer(const char *b);
void NetworkRebuildHostList(void);
bool NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(byte argc, char *argv[]);
void NetworkPopulateCompanyInfo(void);
void UpdateNetworkGameWindow(bool unselect);
void CheckMinPlayers(void);
void NetworkStartUp(void);
void NetworkUDPClose(void);
void NetworkShutDown(void);
void NetworkGameLoop(void);
void NetworkUDPGameLoop(void);
bool NetworkServerStart(void);
bool NetworkClientConnectGame(const char *host, uint16 port);
void NetworkReboot(void);
void NetworkDisconnect(void);
VARDEF bool _networking; ///< are we in networking mode?
VARDEF bool _network_server; ///< network-server is active
VARDEF bool _network_available; ///< is network mode available?
#else /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* Network function stubs when networking is disabled */
static inline void NetworkStartUp(void) {}
static inline void NetworkShutDown(void) {}
#define _networking 0
#define _network_server 0
#define _network_available 0
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* These variables must always be registered! */
VARDEF bool _network_dedicated; ///< are we a dedicated server?
VARDEF bool _network_advertise; ///< is the server advertising to the master server?
VARDEF PlayerID _network_playas; ///< an id to play as.. (see players.h:Players)
#endif /* NETWORK_H */