TrueBrain 11c592ef0f Add: Jenkinsfile for CI validation
Currently runs two CIs, but this can be extended in the future
2018-04-07 21:29:23 +02:00

32 lines
753 B

def ci_targets = [
["linux-amd64", "openttd/compile-farm-ci:linux-amd64"],
["linux-i386", "openttd/compile-farm-ci:linux-i386"],
def ci_stages = ci_targets.collectEntries {
["${it[0]}" : generateCI(it[0], it[1])]
def generateCI(display_name, image_name) {
return {
dir("${display_name}") {
unstash "source"
docker.image("${image_name}").withRun("--volumes-from ${hostname} --workdir " + pwd()) { c->
sh "docker logs --follow ${}"
sh "exit `docker wait ${}`"
node {
stage("Checkout") {
checkout scm
stash name: "source", useDefaultExcludes: false
stage("CI") {
parallel ci_stages