bjarni a36f8a46fa (svn r3944) -Feature: it's now possible to turn a single unit in a train
control-click on a unit in a train in a depot will make the click unit turn around
	this is useful if you want "normal" engines to act as dualheaded (one each way) or similar
	this only works on single unit units. Multiheaded and articulated engines get a red error box
	this is based on a quick hack peter1138 while I made it network safe and correctly handling of multible unit engines
2006-03-18 13:00:32 +00:00

449 lines
13 KiB

/* $Id$ */
#ifndef VEHICLE_H
#define VEHICLE_H
#include "pool.h"
#include "order.h"
#include "rail.h"
enum {
VEH_Train = 0x10,
VEH_Road = 0x11,
VEH_Ship = 0x12,
VEH_Aircraft = 0x13,
VEH_Special = 0x14,
VEH_Disaster = 0x15,
} ;
enum VehStatus {
VS_DEFPAL = 0x8,
VS_CRASHED = 0x80,
/* Effect vehicle types */
typedef enum EffectVehicle {
} EffectVehicle;
typedef struct VehicleRail {
uint16 last_speed; // NOSAVE: only used in UI
uint16 crash_anim_pos;
uint16 days_since_order_progr;
// cached values, recalculated on load and each time a vehicle is added to/removed from the consist.
uint16 cached_max_speed; // max speed of the consist. (minimum of the max speed of all vehicles in the consist)
uint32 cached_power; // total power of the consist.
uint8 cached_veh_length; // length of this vehicle in units of 1/8 of normal length, cached because this can be set by a callback
uint16 cached_total_length; ///< Length of the whole train, valid only for first engine.
// cached values, recalculated when the cargo on a train changes (in addition to the conditions above)
uint16 cached_weight; // total weight of the consist.
uint16 cached_veh_weight; // weight of the vehicle.
* Position/type of visual effect.
* bit 0 - 3 = position of effect relative to vehicle. (0 = front, 8 = centre, 15 = rear)
* bit 4 - 5 = type of effect. (0 = default for engine class, 1 = steam, 2 = diesel, 3 = electric)
* bit 6 = disable visual effect.
* bit 7 = disable powered wagons.
byte cached_vis_effect;
// NOSAVE: for wagon override - id of the first engine in train
// 0xffff == not in train
EngineID first_engine;
byte track;
byte force_proceed;
byte railtype;
byte flags;
// Link between the two ends of a multiheaded engine
Vehicle *other_multiheaded_part;
} VehicleRail;
enum {
// used to calculate if train is going up or down
// used to store if a wagon is powered or not
// used to reverse the visible direction of the vehicle
typedef struct VehicleAir {
uint16 crashed_counter;
byte pos;
byte previous_pos;
uint16 targetairport;
byte state;
} VehicleAir;
typedef struct VehicleRoad {
byte state;
byte frame;
uint16 blocked_ctr;
byte overtaking;
byte overtaking_ctr;
uint16 crashed_ctr;
byte reverse_ctr;
struct RoadStop *slot;
byte slotindex;
byte slot_age;
} VehicleRoad;
typedef struct VehicleSpecial {
uint16 unk0;
byte unk2;
} VehicleSpecial;
typedef struct VehicleDisaster {
uint16 image_override;
uint16 unk2;
} VehicleDisaster;
typedef struct VehicleShip {
byte state;
} VehicleShip;
struct Vehicle {
byte type; // type, ie roadven,train,ship,aircraft,special
byte subtype; // subtype (Filled with values from EffectVehicles or TrainSubTypes)
VehicleID index; // NOSAVE: Index in vehicle array
Vehicle *next; // next
Vehicle *first; // NOSAVE: pointer to the first vehicle in the chain
Vehicle *depot_list; //NOSAVE: linked list to tell what vehicles entered a depot during the last tick. Used by autoreplace
StringID string_id; // Displayed string
UnitID unitnumber; // unit number, for display purposes only
PlayerID owner; // which player owns the vehicle?
TileIndex tile; // Current tile index
TileIndex dest_tile; // Heading for this tile
int32 x_pos; // coordinates
int32 y_pos;
byte z_pos;
byte direction; // facing
byte spritenum; // currently displayed sprite index
// 0xfd == custom sprite, 0xfe == custom second head sprite
// 0xff == reserved for another custom sprite
uint16 cur_image; // sprite number for this vehicle
byte sprite_width;// width of vehicle sprite
byte sprite_height;// height of vehicle sprite
byte z_height; // z-height of vehicle sprite
int8 x_offs; // x offset for vehicle sprite
int8 y_offs; // y offset for vehicle sprite
EngineID engine_type;
// for randomized variational spritegroups
// bitmask used to resolve them; parts of it get reseeded when triggers
// of corresponding spritegroups get matched
byte random_bits;
byte waiting_triggers; // triggers to be yet matched
uint16 max_speed; // maximum speed
uint16 cur_speed; // current speed
byte subspeed; // fractional speed
byte acceleration; // used by train & aircraft
byte progress;
byte vehstatus; // Status
uint16 last_station_visited;
byte cargo_type; // type of cargo this vehicle is carrying
byte cargo_days; // how many days have the pieces been in transit
uint16 cargo_source;// source of cargo
uint16 cargo_cap; // total capacity
uint16 cargo_count;// how many pieces are used
byte day_counter; // increased by one for each day
byte tick_counter;// increased by one for each tick
/* Begin Order-stuff */
Order current_order; ///< The current order (+ status, like: loading)
OrderID cur_order_index; ///< The index to the current order
Order *orders; ///< Pointer to the first order for this vehicle
OrderID num_orders; ///< How many orders there are in the list
Vehicle *next_shared; ///< If not NULL, this points to the next vehicle that shared the order
Vehicle *prev_shared; ///< If not NULL, this points to the prev vehicle that shared the order
/* End Order-stuff */
// Boundaries for the current position in the world and a next hash link.
// NOSAVE: All of those can be updated with VehiclePositionChanged()
int32 left_coord;
int32 top_coord;
int32 right_coord;
int32 bottom_coord;
VehicleID next_hash;
// Related to age and service time
uint16 age; // Age in days
uint16 max_age; // Maximum age
uint16 date_of_last_service;
uint16 service_interval;
uint16 reliability;
uint16 reliability_spd_dec;
byte breakdown_ctr;
byte breakdown_delay;
byte breakdowns_since_last_service;
byte breakdown_chance;
byte build_year;
bool leave_depot_instantly; // NOSAVE: stores if the vehicle needs to leave the depot it just entered. Used by autoreplace
uint16 load_unload_time_rem;
int32 profit_this_year;
int32 profit_last_year;
uint32 value;
union {
VehicleRail rail;
VehicleAir air;
VehicleRoad road;
VehicleSpecial special;
VehicleDisaster disaster;
VehicleShip ship;
} u;
#define is_custom_sprite(x) (x >= 0xFD)
typedef void VehicleTickProc(Vehicle *v);
typedef void *VehicleFromPosProc(Vehicle *v, void *data);
void VehicleServiceInDepot(Vehicle *v);
Vehicle *AllocateVehicle(void);
bool AllocateVehicles(Vehicle **vl, int num);
Vehicle *ForceAllocateVehicle(void);
Vehicle *ForceAllocateSpecialVehicle(void);
void VehiclePositionChanged(Vehicle *v);
void AfterLoadVehicles(void);
Vehicle *GetLastVehicleInChain(Vehicle *v);
Vehicle *GetPrevVehicleInChain(const Vehicle *v);
Vehicle *GetFirstVehicleInChain(const Vehicle *v);
uint CountVehiclesInChain(const Vehicle* v);
void DeleteVehicle(Vehicle *v);
void DeleteVehicleChain(Vehicle *v);
void *VehicleFromPos(TileIndex tile, void *data, VehicleFromPosProc *proc);
void CallVehicleTicks(void);
Vehicle *FindVehicleOnTileZ(TileIndex tile, byte z);
void InitializeTrains(void);
byte VehicleRandomBits(void);
bool CanFillVehicle(Vehicle *v);
bool CanRefitTo(EngineID engine_type, CargoID cid_to);
void ViewportAddVehicles(DrawPixelInfo *dpi);
void TrainEnterDepot(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile);
/* train_cmd.h */
int GetTrainImage(const Vehicle* v, Direction direction);
int GetAircraftImage(const Vehicle* v, Direction direction);
int GetRoadVehImage(const Vehicle* v, Direction direction);
int GetShipImage(const Vehicle* v, Direction direction);
Vehicle *CreateEffectVehicle(int x, int y, int z, EffectVehicle type);
Vehicle *CreateEffectVehicleAbove(int x, int y, int z, EffectVehicle type);
Vehicle *CreateEffectVehicleRel(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, int z, EffectVehicle type);
uint32 VehicleEnterTile(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int x, int y);
void VehicleInTheWayErrMsg(const Vehicle* v);
Vehicle *FindVehicleBetween(TileIndex from, TileIndex to, byte z);
TileIndex GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(const Vehicle *v);
bool UpdateSignalsOnSegment(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction);
void SetSignalsOnBothDir(TileIndex tile, byte track);
Vehicle *CheckClickOnVehicle(const ViewPort *vp, int x, int y);
void DecreaseVehicleValue(Vehicle *v);
void CheckVehicleBreakdown(Vehicle *v);
void AgeVehicle(Vehicle *v);
void VehicleEnteredDepotThisTick(Vehicle *v);
void BeginVehicleMove(Vehicle *v);
void EndVehicleMove(Vehicle *v);
bool IsAircraftHangarTile(TileIndex tile);
void ShowAircraftViewWindow(const Vehicle* v);
UnitID GetFreeUnitNumber(byte type);
int LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *v);
void TrainConsistChanged(Vehicle *v);
int32 GetTrainRunningCost(const Vehicle *v);
int CheckTrainStoppedInDepot(const Vehicle *v);
bool VehicleNeedsService(const Vehicle *v);
typedef struct GetNewVehiclePosResult {
int x,y;
TileIndex old_tile;
TileIndex new_tile;
} GetNewVehiclePosResult;
* Returns the Trackdir on which the vehicle is currently located.
* Works for trains and ships.
* Currently works only sortof for road vehicles, since they have a fuzzy
* concept of being "on" a trackdir. Dunno really what it returns for a road
* vehicle that is halfway a tile, never really understood that part. For road
* vehicles that are at the beginning or end of the tile, should just return
* the diagonal trackdir on which they are driving. I _think_.
* For other vehicles types, or vehicles with no clear trackdir (such as those
* in depots), returns 0xFF.
Trackdir GetVehicleTrackdir(const Vehicle* v);
/* returns true if staying in the same tile */
bool GetNewVehiclePos(const Vehicle *v, GetNewVehiclePosResult *gp);
Direction GetDirectionTowards(const Vehicle* v, int x, int y);
#define BEGIN_ENUM_WAGONS(v) do {
#define END_ENUM_WAGONS(v) } while ( (v=v->next) != NULL);
extern MemoryPool _vehicle_pool;
* Get the pointer to the vehicle with index 'index'
static inline Vehicle *GetVehicle(VehicleID index)
return (Vehicle*)GetItemFromPool(&_vehicle_pool, index);
* Get the current size of the VehiclePool
static inline uint16 GetVehiclePoolSize(void)
return _vehicle_pool.total_items;
#define FOR_ALL_VEHICLES_FROM(v, start) for (v = GetVehicle(start); v != NULL; v = (v->index + 1 < GetVehiclePoolSize()) ? GetVehicle(v->index + 1) : NULL)
* Check if a Vehicle really exists.
static inline bool IsValidVehicle(const Vehicle *v)
return v->type != 0;
* Check if an index is a vehicle-index (so between 0 and max-vehicles)
* @return Returns true if the vehicle-id is in range
static inline bool IsVehicleIndex(uint index)
return index < GetVehiclePoolSize();
/* Returns order 'index' of a vehicle or NULL when it doesn't exists */
static inline Order *GetVehicleOrder(const Vehicle *v, int index)
Order *order = v->orders;
if (index < 0) return NULL;
while (order != NULL && index-- > 0)
order = order->next;
return order;
/* Returns the last order of a vehicle, or NULL if it doesn't exists */
static inline Order *GetLastVehicleOrder(const Vehicle *v)
Order *order = v->orders;
if (order == NULL) return NULL;
while (order->next != NULL)
order = order->next;
return order;
/* Get the first vehicle of a shared-list, so we only have to walk forwards */
static inline Vehicle *GetFirstVehicleFromSharedList(Vehicle *v)
Vehicle *u = v;
while (u->prev_shared != NULL)
u = u->prev_shared;
return u;
// NOSAVE: Return values from various commands.
VARDEF VehicleID _new_train_id;
VARDEF VehicleID _new_wagon_id;
VARDEF VehicleID _new_aircraft_id;
VARDEF VehicleID _new_ship_id;
VARDEF VehicleID _new_roadveh_id;
VARDEF VehicleID _new_vehicle_id;
VARDEF uint16 _returned_refit_capacity;
* Get the colour map for an engine. This used for unbuilt engines in the user interface.
* @param engine_type ID of engine
* @param player ID of player
* @return A ready-to-use palette modifier
PalSpriteID GetEnginePalette(EngineID engine_type, PlayerID player);
* Get the colour map for a vehicle.
* @param v Vehicle to get colour map for
* @return A ready-to-use palette modifier
PalSpriteID GetVehiclePalette(const Vehicle *v);
/* A lot of code calls for the invalidation of the status bar, which is widget 5.
* Best is to have a virtual value for it when it needs to change again */
#define STATUS_BAR 5
#endif /* VEHICLE_H */