mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 00:34:27 +00:00
This is more in trend with other files, where if the driver is not selected, we don't even attempt to compile it.
411 lines
16 KiB
411 lines
16 KiB
Option Explicit
' $Id$
' This file is part of OpenTTD.
' OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
' OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
' See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' openttd_vs142.sln is for MSVC 2019
' openttd_vs142.vcxproj is for MSVC 2019
' openttd_vs142.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2019
' langs_vs142.vcxproj is for MSVC 2019
' strgen_vs142.vcxproj is for MSVC 2019
' strgen_vs142.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2019
' generate_vs142.vcxproj is for MSVC 2019
' version_vs142.vcxproj is for MSVC 2019
' basesets_vs142.vcxproj is for MSVC 2019
' openttd_vs141.sln is for MSVC 2017
' openttd_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' openttd_vs141.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2017
' langs_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' strgen_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' strgen_vs141.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2017
' generate_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' version_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' basesets_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' openttd_vs140.sln is for MSVC 2015
' openttd_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' openttd_vs140.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2015
' langs_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' strgen_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' strgen_vs140.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2015
' generate_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' version_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' basesets_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
Sub safety_check(filename)
Dim file, line, regexp, list
' Define regexp
Set regexp = New RegExp
regexp.Pattern = "#|ottdres.rc|win32.cpp|win32_v.cpp"
regexp.Global = True
' We use a dictionary to check duplicates
Set list = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, 0, 0)
While Not file.AtEndOfStream
line = Replace(file.ReadLine, Chr(9), "") ' Remove tabs
If Len(line) > 0 And Not regexp.Test(line) Then
line = FSO.GetFileName(line)
if list.Exists(line) Then
WScript.Echo " !! ERROR !!" _
& vbCrLf & "" _
& vbCrLf & "The filename '" & line & "' is already used in this project." _
& vbCrLf & "Because MSVC uses one single directory for all object files, it" _
& vbCrLf & "cannot handle filenames with the same name inside the same project." _
& vbCrLf & "Please rename either one of the file and try generating again." _
& vbCrLf & "" _
& vbCrLf & " !! ERROR !!"
End If
list.Add line, line
End If
End Sub
Sub get_files(srcdir, dir, list)
Dim file, filename
Dim rekeep, reskip
' pattern for files to keep
Set rekeep = New RegExp
rekeep.Pattern = "\.h(pp)?$"
rekeep.Global = True
' pattern for files to exclude
Set reskip = New RegExp
reskip.Pattern = "\.svn"
reskip.Global = True
For Each file in dir.Files
filename = Replace(file.path, srcdir, "") ' Remove */src/
filename = Replace(filename, "\", "/") ' Replace separators
If rekeep.Test(filename) And Not reskip.Test(filename) Then
list.Add filename, filename
End If
End Sub
Sub get_dir_files(srcdir, dir, list)
Dim folder
' Get files
get_files srcdir, dir, list
' Recurse in subfolders
For Each folder in dir.SubFolders
get_dir_files srcdir, folder, list
End Sub
Sub headers_check(filename, dir)
Dim source_list_headers, src_dir_headers, regexp, line, file, str
' Define regexp for source.list parsing
Set regexp = New RegExp
regexp.Pattern = "\.h"
regexp.Global = True
' Parse source.list and store headers in a dictionary
Set source_list_headers = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, 0, 0)
While Not file.AtEndOfStream
line = Replace(file.ReadLine, Chr(9), "") ' Remove tabs
If Len(line) > 0 And regexp.Test(line) And line <> "../objs/langs/table/strings.h" And line <> "../objs/settings/table/settings.h" Then
source_list_headers.Add line, line
End If
' Get header files in /src/
Set src_dir_headers = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
get_dir_files dir, FSO.GetFolder(dir), src_dir_headers
' Finding files in source.list but not in /src/
For Each line In source_list_headers
If Not src_dir_headers.Exists(line) Then
str = str & "< " & line & vbCrLf
End If
' Finding files in /src/ but not in source.list
For Each line In src_dir_headers
If Not source_list_headers.Exists(line) Then
str = str & "> " & line & vbCrLf
End If
' Display the missing files if any
If str <> "" Then
str = "The following headers are missing in source.list and not in /src/ or vice versa." _
& vbCrLf & str
WScript.Echo str
End If
End Sub
Sub load_main_data(filename, ByRef vcxproj, ByRef filters, ByRef files)
Dim file, line, deep, skip, first_filter, first_file, filter, cltype, index
index = 0
' Read the source.list and process it
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, 0, 0)
While Not file.AtEndOfStream
line = Replace(file.ReadLine, Chr(9), "") ' Remove tabs
If Len(line) > 0 Then
Select Case Split(line, " ")(0)
Case "#end"
If deep = skip Then skip = skip - 1
deep = deep - 1
Case "#else"
If deep = skip Then
skip = skip - 1
ElseIf deep - 1 = skip Then
skip = skip + 1
End If
Case "#if"
line = Replace(line, "#if ", "")
If deep = skip And ( _
line = "SDL" Or _
line = "PNG" Or _
line = "WIN32" Or _
line = "MSVC" Or _
line = "DIRECTMUSIC" Or _
line = "AI" Or _
line = "USE_SSE" Or _
line = "USE_XAUDIO2" Or _
line = "USE_THREADS" _
) Then skip = skip + 1
deep = deep + 1
Case "#"
if deep = skip Then
line = Replace(line, "# ", "")
if first_filter <> 0 Then
filters = filters & vbCrLf
first_filter = 1
End If
filter = line
filters = filters & _
" <Filter Include="& Chr(34) & filter & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <UniqueIdentifier>{c76ff9f1-1e62-46d8-8d55-" & String(12 - Len(CStr(index)), "0") & index & "}</UniqueIdentifier>" & vbCrLf & _
" </Filter>"
index = index + 1
End If
Case Else
If deep = skip Then
line = Replace(line, "/" ,"\")
if first_file <> 0 Then
vcxproj = vcxproj & vbCrLf
files = files & vbCrLf
first_file = 1
End If
Select Case Split(Line, ".")(1)
Case "cpp"
cltype = "ClCompile"
Case "rc"
cltype = "ResourceCompile"
Case Else
cltype = "ClInclude"
End Select
vcxproj = vcxproj & " <" & cltype & " Include="& Chr(34) & "..\src\" & line & Chr(34) & " />"
files = files & _
" <" & cltype & " Include="& Chr(34) & "..\src\" & line & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Filter>" & filter & "</Filter>" & vbCrLf & _
" </" & cltype & ">"
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub load_lang_data(dir, ByRef vcxproj, ByRef files)
Dim folder, file, first_time
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(dir)
For Each file In folder.Files
file = FSO.GetFileName(file)
If file <> "english.txt" And FSO.GetExtensionName(file) = "txt" Then
file = Left(file, Len(file) - 4)
If first_time <> 0 Then
vcxproj = vcxproj & vbCrLf
files = files & vbCrLf
first_time = 1
End If
vcxproj = vcxproj & _
" <CustomBuild Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\src\lang\" & file & ".txt" & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Message Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">Generating " & file & " language file</Message>" & vbCrLf & _
" <Command Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">..\objs\strgen\strgen.exe -s ..\src\lang -d ..\bin\lang " & Chr(34) & "%(FullPath)" & Chr(34) & "</Command>" & vbCrLf & _
" <AdditionalInputs Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">..\src\lang\english.txt;..\objs\strgen\strgen.exe;%(AdditionalInputs)</AdditionalInputs>" & vbCrLf & _
" <Outputs Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">..\bin\lang\" & file & ".lng;%(Outputs)</Outputs>" & vbCrLf & _
" </CustomBuild>"
files = files & _
" <CustomBuild Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\src\lang\" & file & ".txt" & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Filter>Translations</Filter>" & vbCrLf & _
" </CustomBuild>"
End If
End Sub
Sub load_settings_data(dir, ByRef vcxproj, ByRef command, ByRef files)
Dim folder, file, first_time
command = "..\objs\settings\settings_gen.exe -o ..\objs\settings\table\settings.h -b ..\src\table\settings.h.preamble -a ..\src\table\settings.h.postamble"
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(dir)
For Each file In folder.Files
file = FSO.GetFileName(file)
If FSO.GetExtensionName(file) = "ini" Then
if first_time <> 0 Then
vcxproj = vcxproj & vbCrLf
files = files & vbCrLf
first_time = 1
End If
vcxproj = vcxproj & _
" <None Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\src\table\" & file & Chr(34) & " />"
command = command & " ..\src\table\" & file
files = files & _
" <None Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\src\table\" & file & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Filter>INI</Filter>" & vbCrLf & _
" </None>"
End If
End Sub
Sub load_baseset_data(dir, langdir, ByRef vcxproj, ByRef files, ByRef langs)
Dim folder, file, ext, first_time
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(langdir)
langs = " <Langs>"
For Each file In folder.Files
If first_time <> 0 Then
langs = langs & ";"
first_time = 1
End If
file = FSO.GetFileName(file)
ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(file)
langs = langs & "..\src\lang\" & file
langs = langs & "</Langs>"
first_time = 0
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(dir)
For Each file In folder.Files
file = FSO.GetFileName(file)
ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(file)
If ext = "obm" Or ext = "obg" Or ext = "obs" Then
If first_time <> 0 Then
vcxproj = vcxproj & vbCrLf
files = files & vbCrLf
first_time = 1
End If
vcxproj = vcxproj & _
" <CustomBuild Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\media\baseset\" & file & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Message Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">Generating " & file & " baseset metadata file</Message>" & vbCrLf & _
" <Command Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">cscript //nologo ..\media\baseset\translations.vbs " & Chr(34) & "%(FullPath)" & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & "$(OutputPath)" & file & Chr(34) & " ..\src\lang ..\bin\baseset\orig_extra.grf</Command>" & vbCrLf & _
" <AdditionalInputs Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">$(Langs);..\bin\baseset\orig_extra.grf;%(AdditionalInputs)</AdditionalInputs>" & vbCrLf & _
" <Outputs Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">..\bin\baseset\" & file & ";%(Outputs)</Outputs>" & vbCrLf & _
" </CustomBuild>"
files = files & _
" <CustomBuild Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\media\baseset\" & file & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>" & vbCrLf & _
" </CustomBuild>"
End If
End Sub
Sub generate(data, dest, data2)
Dim srcfile, destfile, line
WScript.Echo "Generating " & FSO.GetFileName(dest) & "..."
Set srcfile = FSO.OpenTextFile(dest & ".in", 1, 0, 0)
Set destfile = FSO.CreateTextFile(dest, -1, 0)
If Not IsNull(data2) Then
' Everything above the !!FILTERS!! marker
line = srcfile.ReadLine()
While line <> "!!FILTERS!!"
If len(line) > 0 Then destfile.WriteLine(line)
line = srcfile.ReadLine()
' Our generated content
End If
' Everything above the !!FILES!! marker
line = srcfile.ReadLine()
While line <> "!!FILES!!"
If len(line) > 0 Then destfile.WriteLine(line)
line = srcfile.ReadLine()
' Our generated content
' Everything below the !!FILES!! marker
While Not srcfile.AtEndOfStream
line = srcfile.ReadLine()
If len(line) > 0 Then destfile.WriteLine(line)
End Sub
ROOT_DIR = FSO.GetFolder("..").Path
If Not FSO.FileExists(ROOT_DIR & "/source.list") Then
ROOT_DIR = FSO.GetFolder(".").Path
End If
If Not FSO.FileExists(ROOT_DIR & "/source.list") Then
WScript.Echo "Can't find source.list, needed in order to make this run." _
& vbCrLf & "Please go to either the project dir, or the root dir of a clean SVN checkout."
End If
safety_check ROOT_DIR & "/source.list"
headers_check ROOT_DIR & "/source.list", ROOT_DIR & "\src\" ' Backslashes needed for DoFiles
Dim openttdvcxproj, openttdfilters, openttdfiles
load_main_data ROOT_DIR & "/source.list", openttdvcxproj, openttdfilters, openttdfiles
generate openttdvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/openttd_vs140.vcxproj", Null
generate openttdfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/openttd_vs140.vcxproj.filters", openttdfilters
generate openttdvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/openttd_vs141.vcxproj", Null
generate openttdfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/openttd_vs141.vcxproj.filters", openttdfilters
generate openttdvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/openttd_vs142.vcxproj", Null
generate openttdfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/openttd_vs142.vcxproj.filters", openttdfilters
Dim langvcxproj, langfiles
load_lang_data ROOT_DIR & "/src/lang", langvcxproj, langfiles
generate langvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/langs_vs140.vcxproj", Null
generate langfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/langs_vs140.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate langvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/langs_vs141.vcxproj", Null
generate langfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/langs_vs141.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate langvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/langs_vs142.vcxproj", Null
generate langfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/langs_vs142.vcxproj.filters", Null
Dim settingsvcxproj, settingscommand, settingsfiles
load_settings_data ROOT_DIR & "/src/table", settingsvcxproj, settingscommand, settingsfiles
generate settingsvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs140.vcxproj", settingscommand
generate settingsfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs140.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate settingsvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs141.vcxproj", settingscommand
generate settingsfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs141.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate settingsvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs142.vcxproj", settingscommand
generate settingsfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs142.vcxproj.filters", Null
Dim basesetvcxproj, basesetfiles, basesetlangs
load_baseset_data ROOT_DIR & "/media/baseset", ROOT_DIR & "/src/lang", basesetvcxproj, basesetfiles, basesetlangs
generate basesetvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs140.vcxproj", basesetlangs
generate basesetfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs140.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate basesetvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs141.vcxproj", basesetlangs
generate basesetfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs141.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate basesetvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs142.vcxproj", basesetlangs
generate basesetfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs142.vcxproj.filters", Null