mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 06:15:04 +00:00
1) Improved the road vehicle allocation (aka slotting) for multistop. Stops can now accept unlimited, er... 256, vehicles. 2) Removed the "wait for stop" feature, because it did not work in practise. 3) Slotting now ignores unreachable stations. Uses NPF at the moment because the old pathfinder cannot do it (yet) 4) Now matter how many vehicles approach a station, they will always be distributed evenly over existing stops. 5) Hopefully the last fundamental change to multistop
1638 lines
48 KiB
1638 lines
48 KiB
/* $Id$ */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "industry.h"
#include "station.h"
#include "economy.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "signs.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "depot.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "ai/ai.h"
enum {
OLD_MAP_SIZE = 256 * 256
typedef struct LoadgameState {
FILE *file;
uint chunk_size;
bool decoding;
byte decode_char;
uint buffer_count;
uint buffer_cur;
byte buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
uint total_read;
bool failed;
} LoadgameState;
typedef bool OldChunkProc(LoadgameState *ls, int num);
typedef struct OldChunks {
uint32 type; ///< Type of field
uint32 amount; ///< Amount of fields
void *ptr; ///< Pointer where to save the data (may only be set if offset is 0)
uint offset; ///< Offset from basepointer (may only be set if ptr is NULL)
OldChunkProc *proc; ///< Pointer to function that is called with OC_CHUNK
} OldChunks;
/* OldChunk-Type */
enum {
OC_END = 0,
OC_NULL = 1 << 0,
OC_CHUNK = 1 << 1,
OC_ASSERT = 1 << 2,
OC_VAR_I8 = 1 << 9,
OC_VAR_U8 = 1 << 10,
OC_VAR_I16 = 1 << 11,
OC_VAR_U16 = 1 << 12,
OC_VAR_I32 = 1 << 13,
OC_VAR_U32 = 1 << 14,
OC_VAR_I64 = 1 << 15,
OC_FILE_I8 = 1 << 17,
OC_FILE_U8 = 1 << 18,
OC_FILE_I16 = 1 << 19,
OC_FILE_U16 = 1 << 20,
OC_FILE_I32 = 1 << 21,
OC_FILE_U32 = 1 << 22,
OC_INT16 = OC_VAR_I16 | OC_FILE_I16,
OC_INT32 = OC_VAR_I32 | OC_FILE_I32,
/* If it fails, check lines above.. */
assert_compile(sizeof(TileIndex) == 4);
static uint32 _bump_assert_value;
static bool _read_ttdpatch_flags;
* Reads a byte from a file (do not call yourself, use ReadByte())
static byte ReadByteFromFile(LoadgameState *ls)
/* To avoid slow reads, we read BUFFER_SIZE of bytes per time
and just return a byte per time */
if (ls->buffer_cur >= ls->buffer_count) {
/* Read some new bytes from the file */
int count = fread(ls->buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, ls->file);
/* We tried to read, but there is nothing in the file anymore.. */
if (count == 0) {
DEBUG(oldloader, 1)("[OldLoader] Read past end of file, loading failed");
ls->failed = true;
ls->buffer_count = count;
ls->buffer_cur = 0;
return ls->buffer[ls->buffer_cur++];
* Reads a byte from the buffer and decompress if needed
static byte ReadByte(LoadgameState *ls)
/* Old savegames have a nice compression algorithm (RLE)
which means that we have a chunk, which starts with a length
byte. If that byte is negative, we have to repeat the next byte
that many times (+1). Else, we need to read that amount of bytes.
Works pretty good if you have many zero's behind eachother */
if (ls->chunk_size == 0) {
/* Read new chunk */
int8 new_byte = ReadByteFromFile(ls);
if (new_byte < 0) {
/* Repeat next char for new_byte times */
ls->decoding = true;
ls->decode_char = ReadByteFromFile(ls);
ls->chunk_size = -new_byte + 1;
} else {
ls->decoding = false;
ls->chunk_size = new_byte + 1;
return ls->decoding ? ls->decode_char : ReadByteFromFile(ls);
* Loads a chunk from the old savegame
static bool LoadChunk(LoadgameState *ls, void *base, const OldChunks *chunks)
const OldChunks *chunk = chunks;
byte *ptr;
byte *base_ptr = base;
uint i;
while (chunk->type != OC_END) {
ptr = chunk->ptr;
for (i = 0; i < chunk->amount; i++) {
if (ls->failed)
return false;
/* Handle simple types */
if ((chunk->type & 0xFF) != 0) {
switch (chunk->type & 0xFF) {
case OC_NULL:
/* Just read the byte and forget about it */
case OC_CHUNK:
/* Call function, with 'i' as parameter to tell which item we
* are going to read */
if (!chunk->proc(ls, i)) return false;
DEBUG(oldloader, 4)("[OldLoader] Assert point: %x / %x", ls->total_read, chunk->offset + _bump_assert_value);
if (ls->total_read != chunk->offset + _bump_assert_value) {
ls->failed = true;
} else {
uint32 res = 0;
/* Reading from the file: bit 16 to 23 have the FILE */
switch (GB(chunk->type, 16, 8) << 16) {
case OC_FILE_I8:
res = ReadByte(ls);
res = (int8)res;
case OC_FILE_U8:
res = ReadByte(ls);
case OC_FILE_U16:
res = ReadByte(ls);
res += ReadByte(ls) << 8;
case OC_FILE_I16:
res = ReadByte(ls);
res += ReadByte(ls) << 8;
res = (int16)res;
case OC_FILE_U32:
res = ReadByte(ls);
res += ReadByte(ls) << 8;
res += ReadByte(ls) << 16;
res += ReadByte(ls) << 24;
case OC_FILE_I32:
res = ReadByte(ls);
res += ReadByte(ls) << 8;
res += ReadByte(ls) << 16;
res += ReadByte(ls) << 24;
res = (int32)res;
/* Sanity check */
assert(base_ptr != NULL || chunk->ptr != NULL);
/* Writing to the var: bit 8 till 15 have the VAR */
switch (GB(chunk->type, 8, 8) << 8) {
case OC_VAR_I8:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(int8 *)ptr = res & 0xFF;
} else
*(int8 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res & 0xFF;
case OC_VAR_U8:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(uint8 *)ptr = res & 0xFF;
} else
*(uint8 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res & 0xFF;
case OC_VAR_U16:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(uint16 *)ptr = res & 0xFFFF;
ptr += 2;
} else
*(uint16 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res & 0xFFFF;
case OC_VAR_I16:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(int16 *)ptr = res & 0xFFFF;
ptr += 2;
} else
*(int16 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res & 0xFFFF;
case OC_VAR_U32:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(uint32 *)ptr = res;
ptr += 4;
} else
*(uint32 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res;
case OC_VAR_I32:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(int32 *)ptr = res;
ptr += 4;
} else
*(int32 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res;
case OC_VAR_I64:
/* Write the data */
if (chunk->ptr != NULL) {
*(int64 *)ptr = res;
ptr += 8;
} else
*(int64 *)(base_ptr + chunk->offset) = res;
return true;
* Initialize some data before reading
static void InitLoading(LoadgameState *ls)
ls->chunk_size = 0;
ls->total_read = 0;
ls->failed = false;
ls->decoding = false;
ls->decode_char = 0;
ls->buffer_cur = 0;
ls->buffer_count = 0;
memset(ls->buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
_bump_assert_value = 0;
_read_ttdpatch_flags = false;
* Begin -- Stuff to fix the savegames to be OpenTTD compatible
extern uint32 GetOldTownName(uint32 townnameparts, byte old_town_name_type);
static void FixOldTowns(void)
Town *town;
/* Convert town-names if needed */
if (town->xy == 0) continue;
if (IS_INT_INSIDE(town->townnametype, 0x20C1, 0x20C3)) {
town->townnametype = SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_ENGLISH + _opt.town_name;
town->townnameparts = GetOldTownName(town->townnameparts, _opt.town_name);
static void FixOldStations(void)
Station *st;
/* Check if we need to swap width and height for the station */
if (st->train_tile != 0 && _m[st->train_tile].m5 & 1) {
swap_byte(&st->trainst_w, &st->trainst_h);
/* Check if there is a bus or truck station, and convert to new format */
if (st->bus_tile_obsolete != 0) {
st->bus_stops = AllocateRoadStop();
st->bus_stops->xy = st->bus_tile_obsolete;
st->bus_stops->used = true;
st->bus_stops->status = 3;
st->bus_stops->station = st->index;
st->bus_stops->next = NULL;
st->bus_stops->prev = NULL;
st->bus_stops->num_vehicles = 0;
if (st->lorry_tile_obsolete != 0) {
st->truck_stops = AllocateRoadStop();
st->truck_stops->xy = st->lorry_tile_obsolete;
st->truck_stops->used = true;
st->truck_stops->status = 3;
st->truck_stops->station = st->index;
st->truck_stops->next = NULL;
st->truck_stops->prev = NULL;
st->truck_stops->num_vehicles = 0;
static void FixOldVehicles(void)
/* Check for shared orders, and link them correctly */
Vehicle* v;
Vehicle* u;
if (v->type == 0) continue;
FOR_ALL_VEHICLES_FROM(u, v->index + 1) {
if (u->type == 0) continue;
/* If a vehicle has the same orders, add the link to eachother
* in both vehicles */
if (v->orders == u->orders) {
v->next_shared = u;
u->prev_shared = v;
* End -- Stuff to fix the savegames to be OpenTTD compatible
/* Help:
* - OCL_SVAR: load 'type' to offset 'offset' in a struct of type 'base', which must also
* be given via base in LoadChunk() as real pointer
* - OCL_VAR: load 'type' to a global var
* - OCL_END: every struct must end with this
* - OCL_NULL: read 'amount' of bytes and send them to /dev/null or something
* - OCL_CHUNK: load an other proc to load a part of the savegame, 'amount' times
* - OCL_ASSERT: to check if we are really at the place we expect to be.. because old savegames are too binary to be sure ;)
#define OCL_SVAR(type, base, offset) { type, 1, NULL, offsetof(base, offset), NULL }
#define OCL_VAR(type, amount, pointer) { type, amount, pointer, 0, NULL }
#define OCL_END() { OC_END, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
#define OCL_NULL(amount) { OC_NULL, amount, NULL, 0, NULL }
#define OCL_CHUNK(amount, proc) { OC_CHUNK, amount, NULL, 0, proc }
#define OCL_ASSERT(size) { OC_ASSERT, 1, NULL, size, NULL }
/* The savegames has some hard-coded pointers, because it always enters the same
piece of memory.. we don't.. so we need to remap ;)
Old Towns are 94 bytes big
Old Orders are 2 bytes big */
#define REMAP_TOWN_IDX(x) ((x) - (0x0459154 - 0x0458EF0)) / 94
#define REMAP_ORDER_IDX(x) ((x) - (0x045AB08 - 0x0458EF0)) / 2
extern TileIndex _animated_tile_list[256];
extern char _name_array[512][32];
extern uint16 _custom_sprites_base;
static byte _old_vehicle_multipler;
static uint8 _old_map3[OLD_MAP_SIZE * 2];
static bool _new_ttdpatch_format;
static uint32 _old_town_index;
static uint16 _old_string_id;
static uint16 _old_string_id_2;
static void ReadTTDPatchFlags(void)
int i;
if (_read_ttdpatch_flags) return;
_read_ttdpatch_flags = true;
/* TTDPatch misuses _old_map3 for flags.. read them! */
_old_vehicle_multipler = _old_map3[0];
/* Somehow.... there was an error in some savegames, so 0 becomes 1
and 1 becomes 2. The rest of the values are okay */
if (_old_vehicle_multipler < 2) _old_vehicle_multipler++;
/* TTDPatch incraeses the Vehicle-part in the middle of the game,
so if the multipler is anything else but 1, the assert fails..
bump the assert value so it doesn't!
(1 multipler == 850 vehicles
1 vehicle == 128 bytes */
_bump_assert_value = (_old_vehicle_multipler - 1) * 850 * 128;
/* Check if we have a modern TTDPatch savegame (has extra data all around) */
_new_ttdpatch_format = (memcmp(&_old_map3[0x1FFFA], "TTDp", 4) == 0);
/* Clean the misused places */
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) _old_map3[i] = 0;
for (i = 0x1FE00; i < 0x20000; i++) _old_map3[i] = 0;
if (_new_ttdpatch_format)
DEBUG(oldloader, 1)("[OldLoader] Found TTDPatch game");
DEBUG(oldloader, 1)("[OldLoader] Vehicle-multipler is set to %d (%d vehicles)", _old_vehicle_multipler, _old_vehicle_multipler * 850);
static const OldChunks town_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Town, xy ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U32, Town, population ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, townnametype ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT32, Town, townnameparts ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, grow_counter ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // sort_index, no longer in use
OCL_NULL( 4 ), // sign-coordinates, no longer in use
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // namewidth, no longer in use
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, flags12 ),
OCL_NULL( 10 ), // radius, no longer in use
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[3] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[4] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[5] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[6] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, ratings[7] ),
/* XXX - This is pretty odd.. we read 32bit, but only write 8bit.. sure there is
nothing changed?? */
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U32 | OC_VAR_U8, Town, have_ratings ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U32 | OC_VAR_U8, Town, statues ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, num_houses ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, time_until_rebuild ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, growth_rate ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, new_max_pass ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, new_max_mail ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, new_act_pass ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, new_act_mail ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, max_pass ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, max_mail ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, act_pass ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, act_mail ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, pct_pass_transported ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, pct_mail_transported ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, new_act_food ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, new_act_water ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, act_food ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Town, act_water ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, road_build_months ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Town, fund_buildings_months ),
OCL_NULL( 8 ), // some junk at the end of the record
static bool LoadOldTown(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_town_pool, num))
error("Towns: failed loading savegame: too many towns");
return LoadChunk(ls, GetTown(num), town_chunk);
static uint16 _old_order;
static const OldChunks order_chunk[] = {
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_order ),
static bool LoadOldOrder(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_order_pool, num))
error("Orders: failed loading savegame: too many orders");
if (!LoadChunk(ls, NULL, order_chunk))
return false;
AssignOrder(GetOrder(num), UnpackOldOrder(_old_order));
/* Relink the orders to eachother (in TTD(Patch) the orders for one
vehicle are behind eachother, with OT_NOTHING as indication that
it is the last order */
if (num > 0 && GetOrder(num)->type != OT_NOTHING)
GetOrder(num - 1)->next = GetOrder(num);
return true;
static const OldChunks depot_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Depot, xy ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_old_town_index ),
static bool LoadOldDepot(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_depot_pool, num))
error("Depots: failed loading savegame: too many depots");
if (!LoadChunk(ls, GetDepot(num), depot_chunk))
return false;
if (GetDepot(num)->xy != 0) {
GetDepot(num)->town_index = REMAP_TOWN_IDX(_old_town_index);
return true;
static int32 _old_price;
static uint16 _old_price_frac;
static const OldChunks price_chunk[] = {
OCL_VAR ( OC_INT32, 1, &_old_price ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_price_frac ),
static bool LoadOldPrice(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!LoadChunk(ls, NULL, price_chunk))
return false;
/* We use a struct to store the prices, but they are ints in a row..
so just access the struct as an array of int32's */
((int32*)&_price)[num] = _old_price;
_price_frac[num] = _old_price_frac;
return true;
static const OldChunks cargo_payment_rate_chunk[] = {
OCL_VAR ( OC_INT32, 1, &_old_price ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_price_frac ),
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Junk
static bool LoadOldCargoPaymentRate(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!LoadChunk(ls, NULL, cargo_payment_rate_chunk))
return false;
_cargo_payment_rates[num] = -_old_price;
_cargo_payment_rates_frac[num] = _old_price_frac;
return true;
static uint8 _old_platforms;
static uint _current_station_id;
static const OldChunks goods_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, GoodsEntry, waiting_acceptance ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, GoodsEntry, days_since_pickup ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, GoodsEntry, rating ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, GoodsEntry, enroute_from ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, GoodsEntry, enroute_time ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, GoodsEntry, last_speed ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, GoodsEntry, last_age ),
static bool LoadOldGood(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Station *st = GetStation(_current_station_id);
return LoadChunk(ls, &st->goods[num], goods_chunk);
static const OldChunks station_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Station, xy ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_old_town_index ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Station, bus_tile_obsolete ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Station, lorry_tile_obsolete ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Station, train_tile ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Station, airport_tile ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Station, dock_tile ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_old_platforms ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // sort-index, no longer in use
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // sign-width, no longer in use
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_string_id ),
OCL_NULL( 4 ), // sign left/top, no longer in use
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Station, had_vehicle_of_type ),
OCL_CHUNK( 12, LoadOldGood ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, time_since_load ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, time_since_unload ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, delete_ctr ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, owner ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, facilities ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, airport_type ),
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Bus/truck status, no longer in use
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Station, blocked_months_obsolete ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // Unknown
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U32, Station, airport_flags ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Station, last_vehicle ),
OCL_NULL( 4 ), // Junk at end of chunk
static bool LoadOldStation(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Station *st;
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_station_pool, num))
error("Stations: failed loading savegame: too many stations");
st = GetStation(num);
_current_station_id = num;
if (!LoadChunk(ls, st, station_chunk))
return false;
if (st->xy != 0) {
if (st->train_tile) {
/* Calculate the trainst_w and trainst_h */
uint w = GB(_old_platforms, 3, 3);
uint h = GB(_old_platforms, 0, 3);
st->trainst_w = w;
st->trainst_h = h;
st->town = GetTown(REMAP_TOWN_IDX(_old_town_index));
st->string_id = RemapOldStringID(_old_string_id);
return true;
static const OldChunks industry_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Industry, xy ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_old_town_index ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, width ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, height ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, produced_cargo[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, produced_cargo[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, cargo_waiting[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, cargo_waiting[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, production_rate[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, production_rate[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, accepts_cargo[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, accepts_cargo[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, accepts_cargo[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, prod_level ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_mo_production[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_mo_production[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_mo_transported[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_mo_transported[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, pct_transported[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, pct_transported[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, total_production[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, total_production[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, total_transported[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, total_transported[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, owner ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, color_map ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, last_prod_year ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, counter ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Industry, was_cargo_delivered ),
OCL_NULL( 9 ), // Random junk at the end of this chunk
static bool LoadOldIndustry(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Industry *i;
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_industry_pool, num))
error("Industries: failed loading savegame: too many industries");
i = GetIndustry(num);
if (!LoadChunk(ls, i, industry_chunk))
return false;
if (i->xy != 0) {
i->town = GetTown(REMAP_TOWN_IDX(_old_town_index));
return true;
static PlayerID _current_player_id;
static uint16 _old_inaugurated_year;
static int32 _old_yearly;
static const OldChunks player_yearly_chunk[] = {
OCL_VAR( OC_INT32, 1, &_old_yearly ),
static bool OldPlayerYearly(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
int i;
Player *p = GetPlayer(_current_player_id);
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
if (!LoadChunk(ls, NULL, player_yearly_chunk))
return false;
p->yearly_expenses[num][i] = _old_yearly;
return true;
static const OldChunks player_economy_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, PlayerEconomyEntry, income ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, PlayerEconomyEntry, expenses ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, PlayerEconomyEntry, delivered_cargo ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, PlayerEconomyEntry, performance_history ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_I32 | OC_VAR_I64, PlayerEconomyEntry, company_value ),
static bool OldPlayerEconomy(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
int i;
Player *p = GetPlayer(_current_player_id);
if (!LoadChunk(ls, &p->cur_economy, player_economy_chunk))
return false;
/* Don't ask, but the number in TTD(Patch) are inversed to OpenTTD */
p->cur_economy.income = -p->cur_economy.income;
p->cur_economy.expenses = -p->cur_economy.expenses;
for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
if (!LoadChunk(ls, &p->old_economy[i], player_economy_chunk))
return false;
p->old_economy[i].income = -p->old_economy[i].income;
p->old_economy[i].expenses = -p->old_economy[i].expenses;
return true;
static const OldChunks player_ai_build_rec_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, AiBuildRec, spec_tile ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, AiBuildRec, use_tile ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, rand_rng ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, cur_building_rule ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, unk6 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, unk7 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, buildcmd_a ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, buildcmd_b ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, direction ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, AiBuildRec, cargo ),
OCL_NULL( 8 ), // Junk...
static bool OldLoadAIBuildRec(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Player *p = GetPlayer(_current_player_id);
switch (num) {
case 0: return LoadChunk(ls, &p->ai.src, player_ai_build_rec_chunk);
case 1: return LoadChunk(ls, &p->ai.dst, player_ai_build_rec_chunk);
case 2: return LoadChunk(ls, &p->ai.mid1, player_ai_build_rec_chunk);
case 3: return LoadChunk(ls, &p->ai.mid2, player_ai_build_rec_chunk);
return false;
static const OldChunks player_ai_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, state ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // Junk
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, state_mode ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, state_counter ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, timeout_counter ),
OCL_CHUNK( 4, OldLoadAIBuildRec ),
OCL_NULL( 20 ), // More junk
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, cargo_type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, num_wagons ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, build_kind ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, num_build_rec ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, num_loco_to_build ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, num_want_fullload ),
OCL_NULL( 14 ), // Oh no more junk :|
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Loco-id, not used
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[3] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[4] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[5] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[6] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[7] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, wagon_list[8] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[3] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[4] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[5] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[6] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[7] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[8] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[9] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[10] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[11] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[12] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[13] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[14] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[15] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[16] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[17] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[18] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, order_list_blocks[19] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, start_tile_a ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, start_tile_b ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, cur_tile_a ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, PlayerAI, cur_tile_b ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, start_dir_a ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, start_dir_b ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, cur_dir_a ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, cur_dir_b ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_tile_count ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[3] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[3] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[4] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[4] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[5] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[5] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[6] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[6] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[7] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[7] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[8] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[8] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[9] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[9] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[10] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[10] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[11] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[11] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[12] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[12] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[13] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[13] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[14] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[14] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, PlayerAI, banned_tiles[15] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, banned_val[15] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, railtype_to_use ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, PlayerAI, route_type_mask ),
static bool OldPlayerAI(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Player *p = GetPlayer(_current_player_id);
return LoadChunk(ls, &p->ai, player_ai_chunk);
static const OldChunks player_chunk[] = {
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_string_id ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT32, Player, name_2 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT32, Player, face ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_string_id_2 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT32, Player, president_name_2 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, Player, player_money ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, Player, current_loan ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, player_color ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, player_money_fraction ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, quarters_of_bankrupcy ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, bankrupt_asked ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT32, Player, bankrupt_value ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Player, bankrupt_timeout ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U32 | OC_VAR_U16, Player, cargo_types ),
OCL_CHUNK( 3, OldPlayerYearly ),
OCL_CHUNK( 1, OldPlayerEconomy ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_inaugurated_year ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Player, last_build_coordinate ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, num_valid_stat_ent ),
OCL_CHUNK( 1, OldPlayerAI ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, block_preview ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, ai.tick ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, avail_railtypes ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Player, location_of_house ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, share_owners[0] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, share_owners[1] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, share_owners[2] ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Player, share_owners[3] ),
OCL_NULL( 8 ), // junk at end of chunk
static bool LoadOldPlayer(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Player *p = GetPlayer(num);
_current_player_id = num;
if (!LoadChunk(ls, p, player_chunk))
return false;
p->name_1 = RemapOldStringID(_old_string_id);
p->president_name_1 = RemapOldStringID(_old_string_id_2);
p->money64 = p->player_money;
if (num == 0) {
/* If the first player has no name, make sure we call it UNNAMED */
if (p->name_1 == 0)
p->name_1 = STR_SV_UNNAMED;
} else {
/* Beside some multiplayer maps (1 on 1), which we don't official support,
all other players are an AI.. mark them as such */
p->is_ai = true;
/* Sometimes it is better to not ask.. in old scenarios, the money
was always 893288 pounds. In the newer versions this is correct,
but correct for those oldies
Ps: this also means that if you had exact 893288 pounds, you will go back
to 10000.. this is a very VERY small chance ;) */
if (p->player_money == 893288)
p->money64 = p->player_money = p->current_loan = 100000;
_player_colors[num] = p->player_color;
p->inaugurated_year = _old_inaugurated_year - MAX_YEAR_BEGIN_REAL;
if (p->location_of_house == 0xFFFF)
p->location_of_house = 0;
/* State 20 for AI players is sell vehicle. Since the AI struct is not
* really figured out as of now, p->ai.cur_veh; needed for 'sell vehicle'
* is NULL and the function will crash. To fix this, just change the state
* to some harmless state, like 'loop vehicle'; 1 */
if (!IS_HUMAN_PLAYER(num) && p->ai.state == 20) p->ai.state = 1;
if (p->is_ai && (!_networking || _network_server) && _ai.enabled)
return true;
static uint32 _old_order_ptr;
static uint16 _old_next_ptr;
static uint32 _current_vehicle_id;
static const OldChunks vehicle_train_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRail, track ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRail, force_proceed ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleRail, crash_anim_pos ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRail, railtype ),
OCL_NULL( 5 ), // Junk
static const OldChunks vehicle_road_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRoad, state ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRoad, frame ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleRoad, blocked_ctr ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRoad, overtaking ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRoad, overtaking_ctr ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleRoad, crashed_ctr ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleRoad, reverse_ctr ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // Junk
static const OldChunks vehicle_ship_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleShip, state ),
OCL_NULL( 9 ), // Junk
static const OldChunks vehicle_air_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleAir, pos ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, VehicleAir, targetairport ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleAir, crashed_counter ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleAir, state ),
OCL_NULL( 5 ), // Junk
static const OldChunks vehicle_special_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleSpecial, unk0 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, VehicleSpecial, unk2 ),
OCL_NULL( 7 ), // Junk
static const OldChunks vehicle_disaster_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleDisaster, image_override ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, VehicleDisaster, unk2 ),
OCL_NULL( 6 ), // Junk
static const OldChunks vehicle_empty_chunk[] = {
OCL_NULL( 10 ), // Junk
static bool LoadOldVehicleUnion(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(_current_vehicle_id);
uint temp = ls->total_read;
bool res;
switch (v->type) {
case VEH_Train: res = LoadChunk(ls, &v->u.rail, vehicle_train_chunk); break;
case VEH_Road: res = LoadChunk(ls, &v->u.road, vehicle_road_chunk); break;
case VEH_Ship: res = LoadChunk(ls, &v->u.ship, vehicle_ship_chunk); break;
case VEH_Aircraft: res = LoadChunk(ls, &v->u.air, vehicle_air_chunk); break;
case VEH_Special: res = LoadChunk(ls, &v->u.special, vehicle_special_chunk); break;
case VEH_Disaster: res = LoadChunk(ls, &v->u.disaster, vehicle_disaster_chunk); break;
default: res = LoadChunk(ls, NULL, vehicle_empty_chunk); break;
/* This chunk size should always be 10 bytes */
if (ls->total_read - temp != 10) {
DEBUG(oldloader, 4)("[OldLoader] Assert failed in Vehicle");
return false;
return res;
static const OldChunks vehicle_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, subtype ),
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Hash, calculated automatically
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Index, calculated automatically
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_old_order_ptr ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_order ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, num_orders ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, cur_order_index ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Vehicle, dest_tile ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, load_unload_time_rem ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, date_of_last_service ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, service_interval ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Vehicle, last_station_visited ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, tick_counter ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, max_speed ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, Vehicle, x_pos ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, Vehicle, y_pos ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, z_pos ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, direction ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT8, Vehicle, x_offs ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT8, Vehicle, y_offs ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, sprite_width ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, sprite_height ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, z_height ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, owner ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_TILE, Vehicle, tile ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, cur_image ),
OCL_NULL( 8 ), // Vehicle sprite box, calculated automatically
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U8, Vehicle, vehstatus ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, cur_speed ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, subspeed ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, acceleration ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, progress ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, cargo_type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, cargo_cap ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, cargo_count ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Vehicle, cargo_source ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, cargo_days ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, age ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, max_age ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, build_year ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Vehicle, unitnumber ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, engine_type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, spritenum ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, day_counter ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, breakdowns_since_last_service ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, breakdown_ctr ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, breakdown_delay ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Vehicle, breakdown_chance ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, reliability ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Vehicle, reliability_spd_dec ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, Vehicle, profit_this_year ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_INT32, Vehicle, profit_last_year ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_next_ptr ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT32, Vehicle, value ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_old_string_id ),
OCL_CHUNK( 1, LoadOldVehicleUnion ),
OCL_NULL( 20 ), // Junk at end of struct (TTDPatch has some data in it)
static bool LoadOldVehicle(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
uint i;
/* Read the TTDPatch flags, because we need some info from it */
for (i = 0; i < _old_vehicle_multipler; i++) {
Vehicle *v;
_current_vehicle_id = num * _old_vehicle_multipler + i;
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_vehicle_pool, _current_vehicle_id))
error("Vehicles: failed loading savegame: too many vehicles");
v = GetVehicle(_current_vehicle_id);
if (!LoadChunk(ls, v, vehicle_chunk))
return false;
/* This should be consistent, else we have a big problem... */
if (v->index != _current_vehicle_id) {
DEBUG(oldloader, 0)("[OldLoader] -- Loading failed - vehicle-array is invalid");
return false;
if (_old_order_ptr != 0 && _old_order_ptr != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
v->orders = GetOrder(REMAP_ORDER_IDX(_old_order_ptr));
AssignOrder(&v->current_order, UnpackOldOrder(_old_order));
/* TTDPatch maps sprites from 0x2000 up. */
if (v->cur_image >= 0x2000)
v->cur_image -= 0x2000 - _custom_sprites_base;
/* For some reason we need to correct for this */
switch (v->spritenum) {
case 0xfd: break;
case 0xff: v->spritenum = 0xfe; break;
default: v->spritenum >>= 1; break;
if (_old_next_ptr != 0xFFFF)
v->next = GetVehicle(_old_next_ptr);
v->string_id = RemapOldStringID(_old_string_id);
/* Vehicle-subtype is different in TTD(Patch) */
if (v->type == VEH_Special)
v->subtype = v->subtype >> 1;
return true;
static const OldChunks sign_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, SignStruct, str ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32,SignStruct, x ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32,SignStruct, y ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I8, SignStruct, z ),
OCL_NULL( 6 ), // Width of sign, no longer in use
static bool LoadOldSign(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!AddBlockIfNeeded(&_sign_pool, num))
error("Signs: failed loading savegame: too many signs");
return LoadChunk(ls, GetSign(num), sign_chunk);
static const OldChunks engine_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, player_avail ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, intro_date ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, age ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, reliability ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, reliability_spd_dec ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, reliability_start ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, reliability_max ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, reliability_final ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, duration_phase_1 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, duration_phase_2 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Engine, duration_phase_3 ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Engine, lifelength ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Engine, flags ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Engine, preview_player ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Engine, preview_wait ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Engine, railtype ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // Junk
static bool LoadOldEngine(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
if (!LoadChunk(ls, GetEngine(num), engine_chunk)) return false;
/* Make sure wagons are marked as do-not-age */
if ((num >= 27 && num < 54) || (num >= 57 && num < 84) || (num >= 89 && num < 116))
GetEngine(num)->age = 0xFFFF;
return true;
static const OldChunks subsidy_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Subsidy, cargo_type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT8, Subsidy, age ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Subsidy, from ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Subsidy, to ),
static bool LoadOldSubsidy(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
return LoadChunk(ls, &_subsidies[num], subsidy_chunk);
static const OldChunks game_difficulty_chunk[] = {
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, max_no_competitors ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, competitor_start_time ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, number_towns ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, number_industries ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, max_loan ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, initial_interest ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, vehicle_costs ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, competitor_speed ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, competitor_intelligence ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, vehicle_breakdowns ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, subsidy_multiplier ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, construction_cost ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, terrain_type ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, quantity_sea_lakes ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, economy ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, line_reverse_mode ),
OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_I32, GameDifficulty, disasters ),
static bool LoadOldGameDifficulty(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
return LoadChunk(ls, &_opt.diff, game_difficulty_chunk);
static bool LoadOldMapPart1(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
_m[i].m1 = ReadByte(ls);
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
_m[i].m2 = ReadByte(ls);
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
_old_map3[i * 2] = ReadByte(ls);
_old_map3[i * 2 + 1] = ReadByte(ls);
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE / 4; i++) {
byte b = ReadByte(ls);
_m[i * 4 + 0].extra = GB(b, 0, 2);
_m[i * 4 + 1].extra = GB(b, 2, 2);
_m[i * 4 + 2].extra = GB(b, 4, 2);
_m[i * 4 + 3].extra = GB(b, 6, 2);
return !ls->failed;
static bool LoadOldMapPart2(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
_m[i].type_height = ReadByte(ls);
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
_m[i].m5 = ReadByte(ls);
return !ls->failed;
static uint32 _old_cur_town_ctr;
static const OldChunks main_chunk[] = {
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_date ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_date_fract ),
OCL_NULL( 600 ), // TextEffects
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 2, &_random_seeds[0] ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x264 ),
OCL_CHUNK( 70, LoadOldTown ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x1C18 ),
OCL_CHUNK(5000, LoadOldOrder ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x4328 ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_TILE, 256, &_animated_tile_list[0] ),
OCL_NULL( 4 ), // old end-of-order-list-pointer, no longer in use
OCL_CHUNK( 255, LoadOldDepot ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x4B26 ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_old_cur_town_ctr ),
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // timer_counter, no longer in use
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // land_code, no longer in use
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U8, 1, &_age_cargo_skip_counter ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_tick_counter ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_TILE, 1, &_cur_tileloop_tile ),
OCL_CHUNK( 49, LoadOldPrice ),
OCL_CHUNK( 12, LoadOldCargoPaymentRate ),
OCL_CHUNK( 1, LoadOldMapPart1 ),
OCL_CHUNK(250, LoadOldStation ),
OCL_CHUNK( 90, LoadOldIndustry ),
OCL_CHUNK( 8, LoadOldPlayer ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x547F2 ),
OCL_CHUNK( 850, LoadOldVehicle ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x6F0F2 ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 32 * 500, &_name_array[0] ),
OCL_NULL( 0x2000 ), // Old hash-table, no longer in use
OCL_CHUNK( 40, LoadOldSign ),
OCL_CHUNK(256, LoadOldEngine ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_vehicle_id_ctr_day ),
OCL_CHUNK( 8, LoadOldSubsidy ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U32, 1, &_next_competitor_start ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_I16 | OC_VAR_I32, 1, &_saved_scrollpos_x ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_I16 | OC_VAR_I32, 1, &_saved_scrollpos_y ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U8, 1, &_saved_scrollpos_zoom ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_economy.max_loan ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32, 1, &_economy.max_loan_unround ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U32, 1, &_economy.fluct ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 1, &_disaster_delay ),
OCL_NULL( 144 ), // cargo-stuff, calculated in InitializeLandscapeVariables
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16, 256, &_engine_name_strings[0] ),
OCL_NULL( 144 ), // AI cargo-stuff, calculated in InitializeLandscapeVariables
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Company indexes of players, no longer in use
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, 1, &_station_tick_ctr ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.currency ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.units ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U32, 1, &_cur_player_tick_index ),
OCL_NULL( 2 ), // Date stuff, calculated automatically
OCL_NULL( 8 ), // Player colors, calculated automatically
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_economy.infl_amount ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_economy.infl_amount_pr ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_economy.interest_rate ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_avail_aircraft ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.road_side ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.town_name ),
OCL_CHUNK( 1, LoadOldGameDifficulty ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x77130 ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.diff_level ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.landscape ),
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_trees_tick_ctr ),
OCL_NULL( 1 ), // Custom vehicle types yes/no, no longer used
OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT8, 1, &_opt.snow_line ),
OCL_NULL( 32 ), // new_industry_randtable, no longer used (because of new design)
OCL_NULL( 36 ), // cargo-stuff, calculated in InitializeLandscapeVariables
OCL_ASSERT( 0x77179 ),
OCL_CHUNK( 1, LoadOldMapPart2 ),
OCL_ASSERT( 0x97179 ),
/* Below any (if available) extra chunks from TTDPatch can follow */
static bool LoadOldMain(LoadgameState *ls)
int i;
/* The first 49 is the name of the game + checksum, skip it */
fseek(ls->file, HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
DEBUG(oldloader, 4)("[OldLoader] Going to read main chunk..");
/* Load the biggest chunk */
if (!LoadChunk(ls, NULL, main_chunk)) {
DEBUG(oldloader, 0)("[OldLoader] Loading failed!");
return false;
DEBUG(oldloader, 4)("[OldLoader] Done. Converting stuff..");
/* Fix some general stuff */
_opt.landscape = _opt.landscape & 0xF;
/* Remap some pointers */
_cur_town_ctr = REMAP_TOWN_IDX(_old_cur_town_ctr);
/* _old_map3 is changed in _map3_lo and _map3_hi */
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
_m[i].m3 = _old_map3[i * 2];
_m[i].m4 = _old_map3[i * 2 + 1];
for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i ++) {
if (IsTileType(i, MP_RAILWAY)) {
/* We save presignals different from TTDPatch, convert them */
if (GetRailTileType(i) == RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS) {
/* This byte is always zero in TTD for this type of tile */
if (_m[i].m4) /* Convert the presignals to our own format */
_m[i].m4 = (_m[i].m4 >> 1) & 7;
/* TTDPatch stores PBS things in L6 and all elsewhere; so we'll just
* clear it for ourselves and let OTTD's rebuild PBS itself */
_m[i].m4 &= 0xF; /* Only keep the lower four bits; upper four is PBS */
/* Fix the game to be compatible with OpenTTD */
/* We have a new difficulty setting */
_opt.diff.town_council_tolerance = clamp(_opt.diff_level, 0, 2);
DEBUG(oldloader, 4)("[OldLoader] Done!");
DEBUG(oldloader, 1)("[OldLoader] TTD(Patch) savegame successfully converted");
return true;
bool LoadOldSaveGame(const char *file)
LoadgameState ls;
DEBUG(oldloader, 4)("[OldLoader] Trying to load an TTD(Patch) savegame");
/* Open file */
ls.file = fopen(file, "rb");
if (ls.file == NULL) {
DEBUG(oldloader, 0)("[OldLoader] Could not open file %s", file);
return false;
/* Load the main chunk */
if (!LoadOldMain(&ls)) return false;
_pause = 2;
return true;
void GetOldSaveGameName(char *title, const char *file)
FILE *f;
f = fopen(file, "rb");
title[0] = 0;
title[48] = 0;
if (f == NULL)
if (fread(title, 1, 48, f) != 48)
snprintf(title, 48, "Corrupt file");
void GetOldScenarioGameName(char *title, const char *file)
GetOldSaveGameName(title, file);