/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file picker_gui.cpp %File for dealing with picker windows */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "core/backup_type.hpp" #include "gui.h" #include "hotkeys.h" #include "ini_type.h" #include "picker_gui.h" #include "querystring_gui.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "sortlist_type.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "sound_type.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "stringfilter_type.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "widget_type.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "window_type.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "widgets/picker_widget.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include #include "safeguards.h" static std::vector &GetPickerCallbacks() { static std::vector callbacks; return callbacks; } PickerCallbacks::PickerCallbacks(const std::string &ini_group) : ini_group(ini_group) { GetPickerCallbacks().push_back(this); } PickerCallbacks::~PickerCallbacks() { auto &callbacks = GetPickerCallbacks(); callbacks.erase(std::ranges::find(callbacks, this)); } /** * Load favourites of a picker from config. * @param ini IniFile to load to. * @param callbacks Picker to load. */ static void PickerLoadConfig(const IniFile &ini, PickerCallbacks &callbacks) { const IniGroup *group = ini.GetGroup(callbacks.ini_group); if (group == nullptr) return; callbacks.saved.clear(); for (const IniItem &item : group->items) { std::array grfid_buf; std::string_view str = item.name; /* Try reading "|" */ auto grfid_pos = str.find('|'); if (grfid_pos == std::string_view::npos) continue; std::string_view grfid_str = str.substr(0, grfid_pos); if (!ConvertHexToBytes(grfid_str, grfid_buf)) continue; str = str.substr(grfid_pos + 1); uint32_t grfid = grfid_buf[0] | (grfid_buf[1] << 8) | (grfid_buf[2] << 16) | (grfid_buf[3] << 24); uint16_t localid; auto [ptr, err] = std::from_chars(str.data(), str.data() + str.size(), localid); if (err == std::errc{} && ptr == str.data() + str.size()) { callbacks.saved.insert({grfid, localid, 0, 0}); } } } /** * Save favourites of a picker to config. * @param ini IniFile to save to. * @param callbacks Picker to save. */ static void PickerSaveConfig(IniFile &ini, const PickerCallbacks &callbacks) { IniGroup &group = ini.GetOrCreateGroup(callbacks.ini_group); group.Clear(); for (const PickerItem &item : callbacks.saved) { std::string key = fmt::format("{:08X}|{}", BSWAP32(item.grfid), item.local_id); group.CreateItem(key); } } /** * Load favourites of all registered Pickers from config. * @param ini IniFile to load to. */ void PickerLoadConfig(const IniFile &ini) { for (auto *cb : GetPickerCallbacks()) PickerLoadConfig(ini, *cb); } /** * Save favourites of all registered Pickers to config. * @param ini IniFile to save to. */ void PickerSaveConfig(IniFile &ini) { for (const auto *cb : GetPickerCallbacks()) PickerSaveConfig(ini, *cb); } /** Sort classes by id. */ static bool ClassIDSorter(int const &a, int const &b) { return a < b; } /** Filter classes by class name. */ static bool ClassTagNameFilter(int const *item, PickerFilterData &filter) { filter.ResetState(); filter.AddLine(GetString(filter.callbacks->GetClassName(*item))); return filter.GetState(); } /** Sort types by id. */ static bool TypeIDSorter(PickerItem const &a, PickerItem const &b) { int r = a.class_index - b.class_index; if (r == 0) r = a.index - b.index; return r < 0; } /** Filter types by class name. */ static bool TypeTagNameFilter(PickerItem const *item, PickerFilterData &filter) { filter.ResetState(); filter.AddLine(GetString(filter.callbacks->GetTypeName(item->class_index, item->index))); return filter.GetState(); } static const std::initializer_list _class_sorter_funcs = { &ClassIDSorter }; ///< Sort functions of the #PickerClassList static const std::initializer_list _class_filter_funcs = { &ClassTagNameFilter }; ///< Filter functions of the #PickerClassList. static const std::initializer_list _type_sorter_funcs = { TypeIDSorter }; ///< Sort functions of the #PickerTypeList. static const std::initializer_list _type_filter_funcs = { TypeTagNameFilter }; ///< Filter functions of the #PickerTypeList. PickerWindow::PickerWindow(WindowDesc &desc, Window *parent, int window_number, PickerCallbacks &callbacks) : PickerWindowBase(desc, parent), callbacks(callbacks), class_editbox(EDITBOX_MAX_SIZE * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH, EDITBOX_MAX_SIZE), type_editbox(EDITBOX_MAX_SIZE * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH, EDITBOX_MAX_SIZE) { this->window_number = window_number; /* Init of nested tree is deferred. * PickerWindow::ConstructWindow must be called by the inheriting window. */ } void PickerWindow::ConstructWindow() { this->CreateNestedTree(); /* Test if pickers should be active.*/ bool isActive = this->callbacks.IsActive(); /* Functionality depends on widgets being present, not window class. */ this->has_class_picker = isActive && this->GetWidget(WID_PW_CLASS_LIST) != nullptr && this->callbacks.HasClassChoice(); this->has_type_picker = isActive && this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX) != nullptr; if (this->has_class_picker) { this->GetWidget(WID_PW_CLASS_LIST)->SetToolTip(this->callbacks.GetClassTooltip()); this->querystrings[WID_PW_CLASS_FILTER] = &this->class_editbox; } else { if (auto *nwid = this->GetWidget(WID_PW_CLASS_SEL); nwid != nullptr) { /* Check the container orientation. MakeNWidgets adds an additional NWID_VERTICAL container so we check the grand-parent. */ bool is_vertical = (nwid->parent->parent->type == NWID_VERTICAL); nwid->SetDisplayedPlane(is_vertical ? SZSP_HORIZONTAL : SZSP_VERTICAL); } } this->class_editbox.cancel_button = QueryString::ACTION_CLEAR; this->class_string_filter.SetFilterTerm(this->class_editbox.text.buf); this->class_string_filter.callbacks = &this->callbacks; this->classes.SetListing(this->callbacks.class_last_sorting); this->classes.SetFiltering(this->callbacks.class_last_filtering); this->classes.SetSortFuncs(_class_sorter_funcs); this->classes.SetFilterFuncs(_class_filter_funcs); /* Update saved type information. */ this->callbacks.saved = this->callbacks.UpdateSavedItems(this->callbacks.saved); /* Clear used type information. */ this->callbacks.used.clear(); if (this->has_type_picker) { /* Populate used type information. */ this->callbacks.FillUsedItems(this->callbacks.used); SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_PW_MODE_ALL, !this->callbacks.HasClassChoice()); this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_ITEM)->SetToolTip(this->callbacks.GetTypeTooltip()); auto *matrix = this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX); matrix->SetScrollbar(this->GetScrollbar(WID_PW_TYPE_SCROLL)); this->querystrings[WID_PW_TYPE_FILTER] = &this->type_editbox; } else { if (auto *nwid = this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_SEL); nwid != nullptr) { /* Check the container orientation. MakeNWidgets adds an additional NWID_VERTICAL container so we check the grand-parent. */ bool is_vertical = (nwid->parent->parent->type == NWID_VERTICAL); nwid->SetDisplayedPlane(is_vertical ? SZSP_HORIZONTAL : SZSP_VERTICAL); } } this->type_editbox.cancel_button = QueryString::ACTION_CLEAR; this->type_string_filter.SetFilterTerm(this->type_editbox.text.buf); this->type_string_filter.callbacks = &this->callbacks; this->types.SetListing(this->callbacks.type_last_sorting); this->types.SetFiltering(this->callbacks.type_last_filtering); this->types.SetSortFuncs(_type_sorter_funcs); this->types.SetFilterFuncs(_type_filter_funcs); this->FinishInitNested(this->window_number); this->InvalidateData(PFI_CLASS | PFI_TYPE | PFI_POSITION | PFI_VALIDATE); } void PickerWindow::Close(int data) { this->callbacks.Close(data); this->PickerWindowBase::Close(data); } void PickerWindow::UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) { switch (widget) { /* Class picker */ case WID_PW_CLASS_LIST: resize.height = GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) + padding.height; size.height = 5 * resize.height; break; /* Type picker */ case WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX: /* At least two items wide. */ size.width += resize.width; fill.width = resize.width; fill.height = 1; /* Resizing in X direction only at blob size, but at pixel level in Y. */ resize.height = 1; break; /* Type picker */ case WID_PW_TYPE_ITEM: size.width = ScaleGUITrad(PREVIEW_WIDTH) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Horizontal(); size.height = ScaleGUITrad(PREVIEW_HEIGHT) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Vertical(); break; } } void PickerWindow::DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const { switch (widget) { /* Class picker */ case WID_PW_CLASS_LIST: { Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.matrix); const int selected = this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass(); const auto vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL); const int y_step = this->GetWidget(widget)->resize_y; auto [first, last] = vscroll->GetVisibleRangeIterators(this->classes); for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it) { DrawString(ir, this->callbacks.GetClassName(*it), *it == selected ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK); ir.top += y_step; } break; } /* Type picker */ case WID_PW_TYPE_ITEM: { assert(this->GetWidget(widget)->GetParentWidget()->GetCurrentElement() < static_cast(this->types.size())); const auto &item = this->types[this->GetWidget(widget)->GetParentWidget()->GetCurrentElement()]; DrawPixelInfo tmp_dpi; Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel); if (FillDrawPixelInfo(&tmp_dpi, ir)) { AutoRestoreBackup dpi_backup(_cur_dpi, &tmp_dpi); int x = (ir.Width() - ScaleSpriteTrad(PREVIEW_WIDTH)) / 2 + ScaleSpriteTrad(PREVIEW_LEFT); int y = (ir.Height() + ScaleSpriteTrad(PREVIEW_HEIGHT)) / 2 - ScaleSpriteTrad(PREVIEW_BOTTOM); this->callbacks.DrawType(x, y, item.class_index, item.index); if (this->callbacks.saved.contains(item)) { DrawSprite(SPR_BLOT, PALETTE_TO_YELLOW, 0, 0); } if (this->callbacks.used.contains(item)) { DrawSprite(SPR_BLOT, PALETTE_TO_GREEN, ir.Width() - GetSpriteSize(SPR_BLOT).width, 0); } } if (!this->callbacks.IsTypeAvailable(item.class_index, item.index)) { GfxFillRect(ir, GetColourGradient(COLOUR_GREY, SHADE_DARKER), FILLRECT_CHECKER); } break; } case WID_PW_TYPE_NAME: DrawString(r, this->callbacks.GetTypeName(this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass(), this->callbacks.GetSelectedType()), TC_ORANGE, SA_CENTER); break; } } void PickerWindow::OnResize() { if (this->has_class_picker) { this->GetScrollbar(WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL)->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_PW_CLASS_LIST); } } void PickerWindow::OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int) { switch (widget) { /* Class Picker */ case WID_PW_CLASS_LIST: { const auto vscroll = this->GetWidget(WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL); auto it = vscroll->GetScrolledItemFromWidget(this->classes, pt.y, this, WID_PW_CLASS_LIST); if (it == this->classes.end()) return; if (this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass() != *it || HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_ALL)) { ClrBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_ALL); // Disable showing all. this->callbacks.SetSelectedClass(*it); this->InvalidateData(PFI_TYPE | PFI_POSITION | PFI_VALIDATE); } if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); CloseWindowById(WC_SELECT_STATION, 0); break; } case WID_PW_MODE_ALL: case WID_PW_MODE_USED: case WID_PW_MODE_SAVED: ToggleBit(this->callbacks.mode, widget - WID_PW_MODE_ALL); if (!this->IsWidgetDisabled(WID_PW_MODE_ALL) && HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, widget - WID_PW_MODE_ALL)) { /* Enabling used or saved filters automatically enables all. */ SetBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_ALL); } this->InvalidateData(PFI_CLASS | PFI_TYPE | PFI_POSITION); break; /* Type Picker */ case WID_PW_TYPE_ITEM: { int sel = this->GetWidget(widget)->GetParentWidget()->GetCurrentElement(); assert(sel < (int)this->types.size()); const auto &item = this->types[sel]; if (_ctrl_pressed) { auto it = this->callbacks.saved.find(item); if (it == std::end(this->callbacks.saved)) { this->callbacks.saved.insert(item); } else { this->callbacks.saved.erase(it); } this->InvalidateData(PFI_TYPE); break; } if (this->callbacks.IsTypeAvailable(item.class_index, item.index)) { this->callbacks.SetSelectedClass(item.class_index); this->callbacks.SetSelectedType(item.index); this->InvalidateData(PFI_POSITION); } if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); CloseWindowById(WC_SELECT_STATION, 0); break; } } } void PickerWindow::OnInvalidateData(int data, bool gui_scope) { if (!gui_scope) return; if ((data & PFI_CLASS) != 0) this->classes.ForceRebuild(); if ((data & PFI_TYPE) != 0) this->types.ForceRebuild(); this->BuildPickerClassList(); if ((data & PFI_VALIDATE) != 0) this->EnsureSelectedClassIsValid(); if ((data & PFI_POSITION) != 0) this->EnsureSelectedClassIsVisible(); this->BuildPickerTypeList(); if ((data & PFI_VALIDATE) != 0) this->EnsureSelectedTypeIsValid(); if ((data & PFI_POSITION) != 0) this->EnsureSelectedTypeIsVisible(); if (this->has_type_picker) { SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_PW_MODE_ALL, HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_ALL)); SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_PW_MODE_USED, HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_USED)); SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_PW_MODE_SAVED, HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_SAVED)); } } EventState PickerWindow::OnHotkey(int hotkey) { switch (hotkey) { case PCWHK_FOCUS_FILTER_BOX: /* Cycle between the two edit boxes. */ if (this->has_type_picker && (this->nested_focus == nullptr || this->nested_focus->index != WID_PW_TYPE_FILTER)) { this->SetFocusedWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_FILTER); } else if (this->has_class_picker && (this->nested_focus == nullptr || this->nested_focus->index != WID_PW_CLASS_FILTER)) { this->SetFocusedWidget(WID_PW_CLASS_FILTER); } SetFocusedWindow(this); return ES_HANDLED; default: return ES_NOT_HANDLED; } } void PickerWindow::OnEditboxChanged(WidgetID wid) { switch (wid) { case WID_PW_CLASS_FILTER: this->class_string_filter.SetFilterTerm(this->class_editbox.text.buf); this->classes.SetFilterState(!class_string_filter.IsEmpty()); this->InvalidateData(PFI_CLASS); break; case WID_PW_TYPE_FILTER: this->type_string_filter.SetFilterTerm(this->type_editbox.text.buf); this->types.SetFilterState(!type_string_filter.IsEmpty()); this->InvalidateData(PFI_TYPE); break; default: break; } } /** Builds the filter list of classes. */ void PickerWindow::BuildPickerClassList() { if (!this->classes.NeedRebuild()) return; int count = this->callbacks.GetClassCount(); this->classes.clear(); this->classes.reserve(count); bool filter_used = HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_USED); bool filter_saved = HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_SAVED); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this->callbacks.GetClassName(i) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; if (filter_used && std::none_of(std::begin(this->callbacks.used), std::end(this->callbacks.used), [i](const PickerItem &item) { return item.class_index == i; })) continue; if (filter_saved && std::none_of(std::begin(this->callbacks.saved), std::end(this->callbacks.saved), [i](const PickerItem &item) { return item.class_index == i; })) continue; this->classes.emplace_back(i); } this->classes.Filter(this->class_string_filter); this->classes.RebuildDone(); this->classes.Sort(); if (!this->has_class_picker) return; this->GetScrollbar(WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL)->SetCount(this->classes.size()); } void PickerWindow::EnsureSelectedClassIsValid() { int class_index = this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass(); if (std::binary_search(std::begin(this->classes), std::end(this->classes), class_index)) return; if (!this->classes.empty()) { class_index = this->classes.front(); } else { /* Classes can be empty if filters are enabled, find the first usable class. */ int count = this->callbacks.GetClassCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this->callbacks.GetClassName(i) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; class_index = i; break; } } this->callbacks.SetSelectedClass(class_index); this->types.ForceRebuild(); } void PickerWindow::EnsureSelectedClassIsVisible() { if (!this->has_class_picker) return; if (this->classes.empty()) return; auto it = std::ranges::find(this->classes, this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass()); if (it == std::end(this->classes)) return; int pos = static_cast(std::distance(std::begin(this->classes), it)); this->GetScrollbar(WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL)->ScrollTowards(pos); } void PickerWindow::RefreshUsedTypeList() { if (!this->has_type_picker) return; this->callbacks.used.clear(); this->callbacks.FillUsedItems(this->callbacks.used); this->InvalidateData(PFI_TYPE); } /** Builds the filter list of types. */ void PickerWindow::BuildPickerTypeList() { if (!this->types.NeedRebuild()) return; this->types.clear(); bool show_all = HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_ALL); bool filter_used = HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_USED); bool filter_saved = HasBit(this->callbacks.mode, PFM_SAVED); int cls_id = this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass(); if (filter_used) { /* Showing used items. May also be filtered by saved items. */ this->types.reserve(this->callbacks.used.size()); for (const PickerItem &item : this->callbacks.used) { if (!show_all && item.class_index != cls_id) continue; if (this->callbacks.GetTypeName(item.class_index, item.index) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; this->types.emplace_back(item); } } else if (filter_saved) { /* Showing only saved items. */ this->types.reserve(this->callbacks.saved.size()); for (const PickerItem &item : this->callbacks.saved) { /* The used list may contain items that aren't currently loaded, skip these. */ if (item.class_index == -1) continue; if (!show_all && item.class_index != cls_id) continue; if (this->callbacks.GetTypeName(item.class_index, item.index) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; this->types.emplace_back(item); } } else if (show_all) { /* Reserve enough space for everything. */ int total = 0; for (int class_index : this->classes) total += this->callbacks.GetTypeCount(class_index); this->types.reserve(total); /* Add types in all classes. */ for (int class_index : this->classes) { int count = this->callbacks.GetTypeCount(class_index); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this->callbacks.GetTypeName(class_index, i) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; this->types.emplace_back(this->callbacks.GetPickerItem(class_index, i)); } } } else { /* Add types in only the selected class. */ if (cls_id >= 0 && cls_id < this->callbacks.GetClassCount()) { int count = this->callbacks.GetTypeCount(cls_id); this->types.reserve(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this->callbacks.GetTypeName(cls_id, i) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; this->types.emplace_back(this->callbacks.GetPickerItem(cls_id, i)); } } } this->types.Filter(this->type_string_filter); this->types.RebuildDone(); this->types.Sort(); if (!this->has_type_picker) return; this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX)->SetCount(static_cast(this->types.size())); } void PickerWindow::EnsureSelectedTypeIsValid() { int class_index = this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass(); int index = this->callbacks.GetSelectedType(); if (std::any_of(std::begin(this->types), std::end(this->types), [class_index, index](const auto &item) { return item.class_index == class_index && item.index == index; })) return; if (!this->types.empty()) { class_index = this->types.front().class_index; index = this->types.front().index; } else { /* Types can be empty if filters are enabled, find the first usable type. */ int count = this->callbacks.GetTypeCount(class_index); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this->callbacks.GetTypeName(class_index, i) == INVALID_STRING_ID) continue; index = i; break; } } this->callbacks.SetSelectedClass(class_index); this->callbacks.SetSelectedType(index); } void PickerWindow::EnsureSelectedTypeIsVisible() { if (!this->has_type_picker) return; if (this->types.empty()) { this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX)->SetClicked(-1); return; } int class_index = this->callbacks.GetSelectedClass(); int index = this->callbacks.GetSelectedType(); auto it = std::ranges::find_if(this->types, [class_index, index](const auto &item) { return item.class_index == class_index && item.index == index; }); if (it == std::end(this->types)) return; int pos = static_cast(std::distance(std::begin(this->types), it)); this->GetWidget(WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX)->SetClicked(pos); } /** Create nested widgets for the class picker widgets. */ std::unique_ptr MakePickerClassWidgets() { static constexpr NWidgetPart picker_class_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_PW_CLASS_SEL), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_EDITBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_CLASS_FILTER), SetMinimalSize(144, 0), SetPadding(2), SetFill(1, 0), SetStringTip(STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE, STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_MATRIX, COLOUR_GREY, WID_PW_CLASS_LIST), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 1), SetPadding(WidgetDimensions::unscaled.picker), SetMatrixDataTip(1, 0, STR_NULL), SetScrollbar(WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_CLASS_SCROLL), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; return MakeNWidgets(picker_class_widgets, nullptr); } /** Create nested widgets for the type picker widgets. */ std::unique_ptr MakePickerTypeWidgets() { static constexpr NWidgetPart picker_type_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_PW_TYPE_SEL), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_EDITBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_TYPE_FILTER), SetPadding(2), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), SetStringTip(STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE, STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_MODE_ALL), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetStringTip(STR_PICKER_MODE_ALL, STR_PICKER_MODE_ALL_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_MODE_USED), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetStringTip(STR_PICKER_MODE_USED, STR_PICKER_MODE_USED_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_MODE_SAVED), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetStringTip(STR_PICKER_MODE_SAVED, STR_PICKER_MODE_SAVED_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), SetScrollbar(WID_PW_TYPE_SCROLL), NWidget(NWID_MATRIX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_TYPE_MATRIX), SetPIP(0, 2, 0), SetPadding(WidgetDimensions::unscaled.picker), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_PW_TYPE_ITEM), SetScrollbar(WID_PW_TYPE_SCROLL), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_TYPE_SCROLL), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_PW_TYPE_NAME), SetPadding(WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), SetMinimalTextLines(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_PW_TYPE_RESIZE), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; return MakeNWidgets(picker_type_widgets, nullptr); }