# $Id$ # This file is part of OpenTTD. # OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. STRGEN = !!STRGEN!! ENDIAN_CHECK = !!ENDIAN_CHECK!! SRC_DIR = !!SRC_DIR!! LANG_DIR = !!LANG_DIR!! BIN_DIR = !!BIN_DIR!! LANGS_SRC = $(shell ls $(LANG_DIR)/*.txt) LANGS = $(LANGS_SRC:$(LANG_DIR)/%.txt=%.lng) CXX_BUILD = !!CXX_BUILD!! CFLAGS_BUILD = !!CFLAGS_BUILD!! LDFLAGS_BUILD = !!LDFLAGS_BUILD!! STRGEN_FLAGS = !!STRGEN_FLAGS!! STAGE = !!STAGE!! LANG_SUPPRESS = !!LANG_SUPPRESS!! LANG_OBJS_DIR = !!LANG_OBJS_DIR!! ifeq ($(LANG_SUPPRESS), yes) LANG_ERRORS = >/dev/null 2>&1 endif # Make sure endian_host.h is reachable as if it was in the src/ dir CFLAGS_BUILD += -I $(LANG_OBJS_DIR) ENDIAN_TARGETS := endian_host.h endian_target.h $(ENDIAN_CHECK) # Check if we want to show what we are doing ifdef VERBOSE Q = E = @true else Q = @ E = @echo endif RES := $(shell mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR)/lang ) all: table/strings.h $(LANGS) strgen.o: $(SRC_DIR)/strgen/strgen.cpp endian_host.h $(SRC_DIR)/table/control_codes.h $(SRC_DIR)/table/strgen_tables.h $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling $(<:$(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp=%.cpp)' $(Q)$(CXX_BUILD) $(CFLAGS_BUILD) -DSTRGEN -c -o $@ $< string.o: $(SRC_DIR)/string.cpp endian_host.h $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling $(<:$(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp=%.cpp)' $(Q)$(CXX_BUILD) $(CFLAGS_BUILD) -DSTRGEN -c -o $@ $< alloc_func.o: $(SRC_DIR)/core/alloc_func.cpp endian_host.h $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling $(<:$(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp=%.cpp)' $(Q)$(CXX_BUILD) $(CFLAGS_BUILD) -DSTRGEN -c -o $@ $< lang/english.txt: $(LANG_DIR)/english.txt $(Q)mkdir -p lang $(Q)cp $(LANG_DIR)/english.txt lang/english.txt $(STRGEN): alloc_func.o string.o strgen.o $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling and Linking $@' $(Q)$(CXX_BUILD) $(LDFLAGS_BUILD) $^ -o $@ table/strings.h: lang/english.txt $(STRGEN) $(E) '$(STAGE) Generating $@' @mkdir -p table $(Q)./$(STRGEN) -s $(LANG_DIR) -d table $(LANGS): %.lng: $(LANG_DIR)/%.txt $(STRGEN) lang/english.txt $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling language $(*F)' $(Q)./$(STRGEN) $(STRGEN_FLAGS) -s $(LANG_DIR) -d $(LANG_OBJS_DIR) $< $(LANG_ERRORS) && cp $@ $(BIN_DIR)/lang || true # Do not fail all languages when one fails # The targets to compile the endian-code endian_host.h: $(ENDIAN_CHECK) $(E) '$(STAGE) Testing endianness for host' $(Q)./$(ENDIAN_CHECK) > $@ $(ENDIAN_CHECK): $(SRC_DIR)/endian_check.cpp $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling and Linking $@' $(Q)$(CXX_BUILD) $(CFLAGS_BUILD) $< -o $@ depend: clean: $(E) '$(STAGE) Cleaning up language files' $(Q)rm -f strgen.o string.o table/strings.h $(STRGEN) $(LANGS) $(LANGS:%=$(BIN_DIR)/lang/%) lang/english.* $(ENDIAN_TARGETS) mrproper: clean %.lng: @echo '$(STAGE) No such language: $(@:%.lng=%)' .PHONY: all mrproper depend clean