# $Id$ # This file is part of OpenTTD. # OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . # Check if we want to show what we are doing ifdef VERBOSE Q = else Q = @ endif include Makefile.am CONFIG_CACHE_PWD = !!CONFIG_CACHE_PWD!! CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST = !!CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST!! BIN_DIR = !!BIN_DIR!! ICON_THEME_DIR = !!ICON_THEME_DIR!! MAN_DIR = !!MAN_DIR!! MENU_DIR = !!MENU_DIR!! SRC_DIR = !!SRC_DIR!! ROOT_DIR = !!ROOT_DIR!! BUNDLE_DIR = "$(ROOT_DIR)/bundle" BUNDLES_DIR = "$(ROOT_DIR)/bundles" INSTALL_DIR = !!INSTALL_DIR!! INSTALL_BINARY_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/"!!BINARY_DIR!! INSTALL_MAN_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/$(MAN_DIR)" INSTALL_MENU_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/$(MENU_DIR)" INSTALL_ICON_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/"!!ICON_DIR!! INSTALL_ICON_THEME_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/$(ICON_THEME_DIR)" INSTALL_DATA_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/"!!DATA_DIR!! INSTALL_DOC_DIR = "$(INSTALL_DIR)/"!!DOC_DIR!! SOURCE_LIST = !!SOURCE_LIST!! CONFIGURE_FILES = !!CONFIGURE_FILES!! BINARY_NAME = !!BINARY_NAME!! STRIP = !!STRIP!! TTD = !!TTD!! TTDS = $(SRC_DIRS:%=%/$(TTD)) OS = !!OS!! OSXAPP = !!OSXAPP!! LIPO = !!LIPO!! REVISION = !!REVISION!! AWK = !!AWK!! SORT = !!SORT!! DISTCC = !!DISTCC!! RES := $(shell if [ ! -f $(CONFIG_CACHE_PWD) ] || [ "`pwd`" != "`cat $(CONFIG_CACHE_PWD)`" ]; then echo "`pwd`" > $(CONFIG_CACHE_PWD); fi ) RES := $(shell if [ ! -f $(CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST) ] || [ -n "`cmp $(CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST) $(SOURCE_LIST) 2>/dev/null`" ]; then cp $(SOURCE_LIST) $(CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST); fi ) all: config.pwd config.cache ifdef DISTCC @if [ -z "`echo '$(MFLAGS)' | grep '\-j'`" ]; then echo; echo "WARNING: you enabled distcc support, but you don't seem to be using the -jN paramter"; echo; fi endif @for dir in $(DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir all || exit 1; \ done ifdef LIPO # Lipo is an OSX thing. If it is defined, it means we are building for universal, # and so we have have to combine the binaries into one big binary # Remove the last binary made by the last compiled target $(Q)rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/$(TTD) # Make all the binaries into one $(Q)$(LIPO) -create -output $(BIN_DIR)/$(TTD) $(TTDS) endif help: @echo "Available make commands:" @echo "" @echo "Compilation:" @echo " all compile the executable and the lang files" @echo " lang compile the lang files only" @echo "Clean up:" @echo " clean remove the files generated during compilation" @echo " mrproper remove the files generated during configuration and compilation" @echo "Run after compilation:" @echo " run execute openttd after the compilation" @echo " run-gdb execute openttd in debug mode after the compilation" @echo " run-prof execute openttd in profiling mode after the compilation" @echo "Installation:" @echo " install install the compiled files and the data-files after the compilation" @echo " bundle create the base for an installation bundle" @echo " bundle_zip create the zip installation bundle" @echo " bundle_gzip create the gzip installation bundle" @echo " bundle_bzip2 create the bzip2 installation bundle" @echo " bundle_lha create the lha installation bundle" @echo " bundle_dmg create the dmg installation bundle" config.pwd: $(CONFIG_CACHE_PWD) $(MAKE) reconfigure config.cache: $(CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST) $(CONFIGURE_FILES) $(MAKE) reconfigure reconfigure: ifeq ($(shell if test -f config.cache; then echo 1; fi), 1) @echo "----------------" @echo "The system detected that source.list or any configure file is altered." @echo " Going to reconfigure with last known settings..." @echo "----------------" # Make sure we don't lock config.cache @$(shell cat config.cache | sed 's@\\ @\\\\ @g') || exit 1 @echo "----------------" @echo "Reconfig done. Please re-execute make." @echo "----------------" else @echo "----------------" @echo "Have not found a configuration, please run configure first." @echo "----------------" @exit 1 endif clean: @for dir in $(DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \ done $(Q)rm -rf $(BUNDLE_TARGET) lang: @for dir in $(LANG_DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir all; \ done mrproper: @for dir in $(DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir mrproper; \ rm -f $$dir/Makefile; \ done $(Q)rm -rf objs $(Q)rm -f Makefile Makefile.am Makefile.bundle $(Q)rm -f media/openttd.desktop media/openttd.desktop.install $(Q)rm -f $(CONFIG_CACHE_SOURCE_LIST) config.cache config.pwd config.log $(CONFIG_CACHE_PWD) # directories for bundle generation $(Q)rm -rf $(BUNDLE_DIR) $(Q)rm -rf $(BUNDLES_DIR) # output of profiling $(Q)rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/gmon.out # output of generating 'API' documentation $(Q)rm -f $(ROOT_DIR)/openttd.tag $(Q)rm -rf $(ROOT_DIR)/docs/source # output of generating AI API documentation $(Q)rm -f $(SRC_DIR)/ai/api/openttd.tag $(Q)rm -rf $(ROOT_DIR)/docs/aidocs # directories created by OpenTTD on regression testing $(Q)rm -rf $(BIN_DIR)/ai/regression/content_download $(BIN_DIR)/ai/regression/save $(BIN_DIR)/ai/regression/scenario distclean: mrproper maintainer-clean: distclean $(Q)rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/data/openttdd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/data/openttdw.grf depend: @for dir in $(SRC_DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir depend; \ done run: all $(Q)cd !!BIN_DIR!! && ./!!TTD!! $(OPENTTD_ARGS) run-gdb: all $(Q)cd !!BIN_DIR!! && gdb --ex run --args ./!!TTD!! $(OPENTTD_ARGS) run-prof: all $(Q)cd !!BIN_DIR!! && ./!!TTD!! $(OPENTTD_ARGS) && gprof !!TTD!! | less regression: all $(Q)cd !!BIN_DIR!! && sh ai/regression/run.sh test: regression %.o: @for dir in $(SRC_DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir $(@:src/%=%); \ done %.lng: @for dir in $(LANG_DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir $@; \ done .PHONY: test distclean mrproper clean include Makefile.bundle