/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file cargomonitor.h Cargo transport monitoring declarations. */ #ifndef CARGOMONITOR_H #define CARGOMONITOR_H #include "cargo_type.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "industry.h" #include "town.h" #include "core/overflowsafe_type.hpp" struct Station; /** * Unique number for a company / cargo type / (town or industry). * Encoding is as follows: * - bits 0-15 town or industry number * - bit 16 is set if it is an industry number (else it is a town number). * - bits 19-23 Cargo type. * - bits 24-31 %Company number. */ typedef uint32_t CargoMonitorID; ///< Type of the cargo monitor number. /** Map type for storing and updating active cargo monitor numbers and their amounts. */ typedef std::map CargoMonitorMap; extern CargoMonitorMap _cargo_pickups; extern CargoMonitorMap _cargo_deliveries; /* Constants for encoding and extracting cargo monitors. */ constexpr uint8_t CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_START = 0; ///< Start bit of the town or industry number. constexpr uint8_t CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_LENGTH = 16; ///< Number of bits of the town or industry number. constexpr uint8_t CCB_IS_INDUSTRY_BIT = 16; ///< Bit indicating the town/industry number is an industry. constexpr uint8_t CCB_CARGO_TYPE_START = 19; ///< Start bit of the cargo type field. constexpr uint8_t CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH = 6; ///< Number of bits of the cargo type field. constexpr uint8_t CCB_COMPANY_START = 25; ///< Start bit of the company field. constexpr uint8_t CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH = 4; ///< Number of bits of the company field. static_assert(NUM_CARGO <= (1 << CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH)); static_assert(MAX_COMPANIES <= (1 << CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH)); /** * Encode a cargo monitor for pickup or delivery at an industry. * @param company Company performing the transport. * @param ctype Cargo type being transported. * @param ind %Industry providing or accepting the cargo. * @return The encoded cargo/company/industry number. */ inline CargoMonitorID EncodeCargoIndustryMonitor(CompanyID company, CargoID ctype, IndustryID ind) { assert(ctype < (1 << CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH)); assert(company < (1 << CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH)); uint32_t ret = 0; SB(ret, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_START, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_LENGTH, ind); SetBit(ret, CCB_IS_INDUSTRY_BIT); SB(ret, CCB_CARGO_TYPE_START, CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH, ctype); SB(ret, CCB_COMPANY_START, CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH, company); return ret; } /** * Encode a cargo monitoring number for pickup or delivery at a town. * @param company %Company performing the transport. * @param ctype Cargo type being transported. * @param town %Town providing or accepting the cargo. * @return The encoded cargo/company/town number. */ inline CargoMonitorID EncodeCargoTownMonitor(CompanyID company, CargoID ctype, TownID town) { assert(ctype < (1 << CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH)); assert(company < (1 << CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH)); uint32_t ret = 0; SB(ret, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_START, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_LENGTH, town); SB(ret, CCB_CARGO_TYPE_START, CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH, ctype); SB(ret, CCB_COMPANY_START, CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH, company); return ret; } /** * Extract the company from the cargo monitor. * @param num Cargo monitoring number to decode. * @return The extracted company id. */ inline CompanyID DecodeMonitorCompany(CargoMonitorID num) { return static_cast(GB(num, CCB_COMPANY_START, CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH)); } /** * Extract the cargo type from the cargo monitor. * @param num Cargo monitoring number to decode. * @return The extracted cargo type. */ inline CargoID DecodeMonitorCargoType(CargoMonitorID num) { return GB(num, CCB_CARGO_TYPE_START, CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH); } /** * Does the cargo number monitor an industry or a town? * @param num Cargo monitoring number to decode. * @return true if monitoring an industry, false if monitoring a town. */ inline bool MonitorMonitorsIndustry(CargoMonitorID num) { return HasBit(num, CCB_IS_INDUSTRY_BIT); } /** * Extract the industry number from the cargo monitor. * @param num Cargo monitoring number to decode. * @return The extracted industry id, or #INVALID_INDUSTRY if the number does not monitor an industry. */ inline IndustryID DecodeMonitorIndustry(CargoMonitorID num) { if (!MonitorMonitorsIndustry(num)) return INVALID_INDUSTRY; return GB(num, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_START, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_LENGTH); } /** * Extract the town number from the cargo monitor. * @param num Cargo monitoring number to decode. * @return The extracted town id, or #INVALID_TOWN if the number does not monitor a town. */ inline TownID DecodeMonitorTown(CargoMonitorID num) { if (MonitorMonitorsIndustry(num)) return INVALID_TOWN; return GB(num, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_START, CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_LENGTH); } void ClearCargoPickupMonitoring(CompanyID company = INVALID_OWNER); void ClearCargoDeliveryMonitoring(CompanyID company = INVALID_OWNER); int32_t GetDeliveryAmount(CargoMonitorID monitor, bool keep_monitoring); int32_t GetPickupAmount(CargoMonitorID monitor, bool keep_monitoring); void AddCargoDelivery(CargoID cargo_type, CompanyID company, uint32_t amount, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, const Station *st, IndustryID dest = INVALID_INDUSTRY); #endif /* CARGOMONITOR_H */