/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** * @file base_media_func.h Generic function implementations for base data (graphics, sounds). * @note You should _never_ include this file due to the SET_TYPE define. */ #include "base_media_base.h" #include "debug.h" #include "ini_type.h" #include "string_func.h" /** * Try to read a single piece of metadata and return false if it doesn't exist. * @param name the name of the item to fetch. */ #define fetch_metadata(name) \ item = metadata->GetItem(name, false); \ if (item == nullptr || !item->value.has_value() || item->value->empty()) { \ DEBUG(grf, 0, "Base " SET_TYPE "set detail loading: %s field missing.", name); \ DEBUG(grf, 0, " Is %s readable for the user running OpenTTD?", full_filename); \ return false; \ } /** * Read the set information from a loaded ini. * @param ini the ini to read from * @param path the path to this ini file (for filenames) * @param full_filename the full filename of the loaded file (for error reporting purposes) * @param allow_empty_filename empty filenames are valid * @return true if loading was successful. */ template bool BaseSet::FillSetDetails(IniFile *ini, const char *path, const char *full_filename, bool allow_empty_filename) { IniGroup *metadata = ini->GetGroup("metadata"); IniItem *item; fetch_metadata("name"); this->name = stredup(item->value->c_str()); fetch_metadata("description"); this->description[stredup("")] = stredup(item->value->c_str()); /* Add the translations of the descriptions too. */ for (const IniItem *item = metadata->item; item != nullptr; item = item->next) { if (item->name.compare(0, 12, "description.") != 0) continue; this->description[stredup(item->name.c_str() + 12)] = stredup(item->value.value_or("").c_str()); } fetch_metadata("shortname"); for (uint i = 0; item->value.value()[i] != '\0' && i < 4; i++) { this->shortname |= ((uint8)item->value.value()[i]) << (i * 8); } fetch_metadata("version"); this->version = atoi(item->value->c_str()); item = metadata->GetItem("fallback", false); this->fallback = (item != nullptr && item->value && item->value.value() != "0" && item->value.value() != "false"); /* For each of the file types we want to find the file, MD5 checksums and warning messages. */ IniGroup *files = ini->GetGroup("files"); IniGroup *md5s = ini->GetGroup("md5s"); IniGroup *origin = ini->GetGroup("origin"); for (uint i = 0; i < Tnum_files; i++) { MD5File *file = &this->files[i]; /* Find the filename first. */ item = files->GetItem(BaseSet::file_names[i], false); if (item == nullptr || (!item->value.has_value() && !allow_empty_filename)) { DEBUG(grf, 0, "No " SET_TYPE " file for: %s (in %s)", BaseSet::file_names[i], full_filename); return false; } if (!item->value.has_value()) { file->filename = nullptr; /* If we list no file, that file must be valid */ this->valid_files++; this->found_files++; continue; } const char *filename = item->value->c_str(); file->filename = str_fmt("%s%s", path, filename); /* Then find the MD5 checksum */ item = md5s->GetItem(filename, false); if (item == nullptr || !item->value.has_value()) { DEBUG(grf, 0, "No MD5 checksum specified for: %s (in %s)", filename, full_filename); return false; } const char *c = item->value->c_str(); for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(file->hash) * 2; i++, c++) { uint j; if ('0' <= *c && *c <= '9') { j = *c - '0'; } else if ('a' <= *c && *c <= 'f') { j = *c - 'a' + 10; } else if ('A' <= *c && *c <= 'F') { j = *c - 'A' + 10; } else { DEBUG(grf, 0, "Malformed MD5 checksum specified for: %s (in %s)", filename, full_filename); return false; } if (i % 2 == 0) { file->hash[i / 2] = j << 4; } else { file->hash[i / 2] |= j; } } /* Then find the warning message when the file's missing */ item = origin->GetItem(filename, false); if (item == nullptr) item = origin->GetItem("default", false); if (item == nullptr || !item->value.has_value()) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "No origin warning message specified for: %s", filename); file->missing_warning = stredup(""); } else { file->missing_warning = stredup(item->value->c_str()); } file->check_result = T::CheckMD5(file, BASESET_DIR); switch (file->check_result) { case MD5File::CR_UNKNOWN: break; case MD5File::CR_MATCH: this->valid_files++; this->found_files++; break; case MD5File::CR_MISMATCH: DEBUG(grf, 1, "MD5 checksum mismatch for: %s (in %s)", filename, full_filename); this->found_files++; break; case MD5File::CR_NO_FILE: DEBUG(grf, 1, "The file %s specified in %s is missing", filename, full_filename); break; } } return true; } template bool BaseMedia::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename) { bool ret = false; DEBUG(grf, 1, "Checking %s for base " SET_TYPE " set", filename); Tbase_set *set = new Tbase_set(); IniFile *ini = new IniFile(); char *path = stredup(filename + basepath_length); ini->LoadFromDisk(path, BASESET_DIR); char *psep = strrchr(path, PATHSEPCHAR); if (psep != nullptr) { psep[1] = '\0'; } else { *path = '\0'; } if (set->FillSetDetails(ini, path, filename)) { Tbase_set *duplicate = nullptr; for (Tbase_set *c = BaseMedia::available_sets; c != nullptr; c = c->next) { if (c->name == set->name || c->shortname == set->shortname) { duplicate = c; break; } } if (duplicate != nullptr) { /* The more complete set takes precedence over the version number. */ if ((duplicate->valid_files == set->valid_files && duplicate->version >= set->version) || duplicate->valid_files > set->valid_files) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "Not adding %s (%i) as base " SET_TYPE " set (duplicate, %s)", set->name, set->version, duplicate->valid_files > set->valid_files ? "less valid files" : "lower version"); set->next = BaseMedia::duplicate_sets; BaseMedia::duplicate_sets = set; } else { Tbase_set **prev = &BaseMedia::available_sets; while (*prev != duplicate) prev = &(*prev)->next; *prev = set; set->next = duplicate->next; /* If the duplicate set is currently used (due to rescanning this can happen) * update the currently used set to the new one. This will 'lie' about the * version number until a new game is started which isn't a big problem */ if (BaseMedia::used_set == duplicate) BaseMedia::used_set = set; DEBUG(grf, 1, "Removing %s (%i) as base " SET_TYPE " set (duplicate, %s)", duplicate->name, duplicate->version, duplicate->valid_files < set->valid_files ? "less valid files" : "lower version"); duplicate->next = BaseMedia::duplicate_sets; BaseMedia::duplicate_sets = duplicate; ret = true; } } else { Tbase_set **last = &BaseMedia::available_sets; while (*last != nullptr) last = &(*last)->next; *last = set; ret = true; } if (ret) { DEBUG(grf, 1, "Adding %s (%i) as base " SET_TYPE " set", set->name, set->version); } } else { delete set; } free(path); delete ini; return ret; } /** * Set the set to be used. * @param name of the set to use * @return true if it could be loaded */ template /* static */ bool BaseMedia::SetSet(const char *name) { extern void CheckExternalFiles(); if (StrEmpty(name)) { if (!BaseMedia::DetermineBestSet()) return false; CheckExternalFiles(); return true; } for (const Tbase_set *s = BaseMedia::available_sets; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { if (strcmp(name, s->name) == 0) { BaseMedia::used_set = s; CheckExternalFiles(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns a list with the sets. * @param p where to print to * @param last the last character to print to * @return the last printed character */ template /* static */ char *BaseMedia::GetSetsList(char *p, const char *last) { p += seprintf(p, last, "List of " SET_TYPE " sets:\n"); for (const Tbase_set *s = BaseMedia::available_sets; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { p += seprintf(p, last, "%18s: %s", s->name, s->GetDescription()); int invalid = s->GetNumInvalid(); if (invalid != 0) { int missing = s->GetNumMissing(); if (missing == 0) { p += seprintf(p, last, " (%i corrupt file%s)\n", invalid, invalid == 1 ? "" : "s"); } else { p += seprintf(p, last, " (unusable: %i missing file%s)\n", missing, missing == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } else { p += seprintf(p, last, "\n"); } } p += seprintf(p, last, "\n"); return p; } #include "network/network_content.h" template const char *TryGetBaseSetFile(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum, const Tbase_set *s) { for (; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { if (s->GetNumMissing() != 0) continue; if (s->shortname != ci->unique_id) continue; if (!md5sum) return s->files[0].filename; byte md5[16]; memset(md5, 0, sizeof(md5)); for (uint i = 0; i < Tbase_set::NUM_FILES; i++) { for (uint j = 0; j < sizeof(md5); j++) { md5[j] ^= s->files[i].hash[j]; } } if (memcmp(md5, ci->md5sum, sizeof(md5)) == 0) return s->files[0].filename; } return nullptr; } template /* static */ bool BaseMedia::HasSet(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum) { return (TryGetBaseSetFile(ci, md5sum, BaseMedia::available_sets) != nullptr) || (TryGetBaseSetFile(ci, md5sum, BaseMedia::duplicate_sets) != nullptr); } /** * Count the number of available graphics sets. * @return the number of sets */ template /* static */ int BaseMedia::GetNumSets() { int n = 0; for (const Tbase_set *s = BaseMedia::available_sets; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { if (s != BaseMedia::used_set && s->GetNumMissing() != 0) continue; n++; } return n; } /** * Get the index of the currently active graphics set * @return the current set's index */ template /* static */ int BaseMedia::GetIndexOfUsedSet() { int n = 0; for (const Tbase_set *s = BaseMedia::available_sets; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { if (s == BaseMedia::used_set) return n; if (s->GetNumMissing() != 0) continue; n++; } return -1; } /** * Get the name of the graphics set at the specified index * @return the name of the set */ template /* static */ const Tbase_set *BaseMedia::GetSet(int index) { for (const Tbase_set *s = BaseMedia::available_sets; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { if (s != BaseMedia::used_set && s->GetNumMissing() != 0) continue; if (index == 0) return s; index--; } error("Base" SET_TYPE "::GetSet(): index %d out of range", index); } /** * Return the used set. * @return the used set. */ template /* static */ const Tbase_set *BaseMedia::GetUsedSet() { return BaseMedia::used_set; } /** * Return the available sets. * @return The available sets. */ template /* static */ Tbase_set *BaseMedia::GetAvailableSets() { return BaseMedia::available_sets; } /** * Force instantiation of methods so we don't get linker errors. * @param repl_type the type of the BaseMedia to instantiate * @param set_type the type of the BaseSet to instantiate */ #define INSTANTIATE_BASE_MEDIA_METHODS(repl_type, set_type) \ template const char *repl_type::ini_set; \ template const char *repl_type::GetExtension(); \ template bool repl_type::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t pathlength, const char *tar_filename); \ template bool repl_type::HasSet(const struct ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum); \ template bool repl_type::SetSet(const char *name); \ template char *repl_type::GetSetsList(char *p, const char *last); \ template int repl_type::GetNumSets(); \ template int repl_type::GetIndexOfUsedSet(); \ template const set_type *repl_type::GetSet(int index); \ template const set_type *repl_type::GetUsedSet(); \ template bool repl_type::DetermineBestSet(); \ template set_type *repl_type::GetAvailableSets(); \ template const char *TryGetBaseSetFile(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum, const set_type *s);