cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # # Create a single GRF file based on sprites/.nfo and sprites/*.png # files. # if(NOT NFORENUM_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs NFORENUM_EXECUTABLE defined") endif() if(NOT GRFCODEC_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs GRFCODEC_EXECUTABLE defined") endif() if(NOT GRFID_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs GRFID_EXECUTABLE defined") endif() if(NOT GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER defined") endif() if(NOT GRF_BINARY_FILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs GRF_BINARY_FILE defined") endif() get_filename_component(GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME "${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER}" NAME) file(WRITE sprites/${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.nfo "") file(READ ${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER}/${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.nfo NFO_LINES) # Replace ; with \;, and make a list out of this based on \n string(REPLACE ";" "\\;" NFO_LINES "${NFO_LINES}") string(REPLACE "\n" ";" NFO_LINES "${NFO_LINES}") foreach(NFO_LINE IN LISTS NFO_LINES) # Recover the ; that was really in the text (and not a newline) string(REPLACE "\\;" ";" NFO_LINE "${NFO_LINE}") if(NFO_LINE MATCHES "^#include") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#include \"(.*)\"$" "\\1" INCLUDE_FILE ${NFO_LINE}) file(READ ${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER}/${INCLUDE_FILE} INCLUDE_LINES) file(APPEND sprites/${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.nfo "${INCLUDE_LINES}") else() file(APPEND sprites/${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.nfo "${NFO_LINE}\n") endif() endforeach() execute_process(COMMAND ${NFORENUM_EXECUTABLE} -s sprites/${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.nfo RESULT_VARIABLE RESULT) if(RESULT) if(NOT RESULT MATCHES "^[0-9]*$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to run NFORenum (${RESULT}), please check NFORENUM_EXECUTABLE variable") endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "NFORenum failed") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${GRFCODEC_EXECUTABLE} -n -s -e -g2 -p1 ${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.grf RESULT_VARIABLE RESULT) if(RESULT) if(NOT RESULT MATCHES "^[0-9]*$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to run GRFCodec (${RESULT}), please check GRFCODEC_EXECUTABLE variable") endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "GRFCodec failed") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${GRFID_EXECUTABLE} -m ${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.grf OUTPUT_VARIABLE GRFID_HASH RESULT_VARIABLE RESULT) if(RESULT) if(NOT RESULT MATCHES "^[0-9]*$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to run GRFID (${RESULT}), please check GRFID_EXECUTABLE variable") endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "GRFID failed") endif() file(WRITE ${GRF_BINARY_FILE}.hash ${GRFID_HASH}) # Copy build files back to the source directory. execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${GRF_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME}.grf ${GRF_BINARY_FILE})