#ifndef AI_H #define AI_H #include "aystar.h" /* * These defines can be altered to change the behavoir of the AI * * WARNING: * This can also alter the AI in a negative way. I will never claim these settings * are perfect, but don't change them if you don't know what the effect is. */ // How many times it the H multiplied. The higher, the more it will go straight to the // end point. The lower, how more it will find the route with the lowest cost. // also: the lower, the longer it takes before route is calculated.. #define AI_PATHFINDER_H_MULTIPLER 100 // How many loops may AyStar do before it stops // 0 = infinite #define AI_PATHFINDER_LOOPS_PER_TICK 5 // How long may the AI search for one route? // 0 = infinite // This number is the number of tiles tested. // It takes (AI_PATHFINDER_MAX_SEARCH_NODES / AI_PATHFINDER_LOOPS_PER_TICK) ticks // to get here.. with 5000 / 10 = 500. 500 / 74 (one day) = 8 days till it aborts // (that is: if the AI is on VERY FAST! :p #define AI_PATHFINDER_MAX_SEARCH_NODES 5000 // If you enable this, the AI is not allowed to make 90degree turns #define AI_PATHFINDER_NO_90DEGREES_TURN // Below are defines for the g-calculation // Standard penalty given to a tile #define AI_PATHFINDER_PENALTY 150 // The penalty given to a tile that is going up #define AI_PATHFINDER_TILE_GOES_UP_PENALTY 450 // Changing direction is a penalty, to prevent curved ways (with that: slow ways) #define AI_PATHFINDER_DIRECTION_CHANGE_PENALTY 200 // Same penalty, only for when road already exists #define AI_PATHFINDER_DIRECTION_CHANGE_ON_EXISTING_ROAD_PENALTY 50 // A diagonal track cost the same as a straigh, but a diagonal is faster... so give // a bonus for using diagonal track #ifdef AI_PATHFINDER_NO_90DEGREES_TURN #define AI_PATHFINDER_DIAGONAL_BONUS 95 #else #define AI_PATHFINDER_DIAGONAL_BONUS 75 #endif // If a roadblock already exists, it gets a bonus #define AI_PATHFINDER_ROAD_ALREADY_EXISTS_BONUS 140 // To prevent 3 direction changes in 3 tiles, this penalty is given in such situation #define AI_PATHFINDER_CURVE_PENALTY 200 // Penalty a bridge gets per length #define AI_PATHFINDER_BRIDGE_PENALTY 180 // The penalty for a bridge going up #define AI_PATHFINDER_BRIDGE_GOES_UP_PENALTY 1000 // Tunnels are expensive... // Because of that, every tile the cost is increased with 1/8th of his value // This is also true if you are building a tunnel yourself #define AI_PATHFINDER_TUNNEL_PENALTY 350 /* * Ai_New defines */ // How long may we search cities and industry for a new route? #define AI_LOCATE_ROUTE_MAX_COUNTER 200 // How many days must there be between building the first station and the second station // within one city. This number is in days and should be more then 4 months. #define AI_CHECKCITY_DATE_BETWEEN 180 // How many cargo is needed for one station in a city? #define AI_CHECKCITY_CARGO_PER_STATION 60 // How much cargo must there not be used in a city before we can build a new station? #define AI_CHECKCITY_NEEDED_CARGO 50 // When there is already a station which takes the same good and the rating of that // city is higher then this numer, we are not going to attempt to build anything // there #define AI_CHECKCITY_CARGO_RATING 50 // But, there is a chance of 1 out of this number, that we do ;) #define AI_CHECKCITY_CARGO_RATING_CHANCE 5 // If a city is too small to contain a station, there is a small chance // that we still do so.. just to make the city bigger! #define AI_CHECKCITY_CITY_CHANCE 5 // This number indicates for every unit of cargo, how many tiles two stations maybe be away // from eachother. In other words: if we have 120 units of cargo in one station, and 120 units // of the cargo in the other station, both stations can be 96 units away from eachother, if the // next number is 0.4. #define AI_LOCATEROUTE_BUS_CARGO_DISTANCE 0.4 #define AI_LOCATEROUTE_TRUCK_CARGO_DISTANCE 0.7 // In whole tiles, the minimum distance for a truck route #define AI_LOCATEROUTE_TRUCK_MIN_DISTANCE 30 // The amount of tiles in a square from -X to +X that is scanned for a station spot // (so if this number is 10, 20x20 = 400 tiles are scanned for _the_ perfect spot // Safe values are between 15 and 5 #define AI_FINDSTATION_TILE_RANGE 10 // Building on normal speed goes very fast. Idle this amount of ticks between every // building part. It is calculated like this: (4 - competitor_speed) * num + 1 // where competitor_speed is between 0 (very slow) to 4 (very fast) #define AI_BUILDPATH_PAUSE 10 // Minimum % of reliabilty a vehicle has to have before the AI buys it #define AI_VEHICLE_MIN_RELIABILTY 60 // The minimum amount of money a player should always have #define AI_MINIMUM_MONEY 15000 // If the most cheap route is build, how much is it going to cost.. // This is to prevent the AI from trying to build a route which can not be paid for #define AI_MINIMUM_BUS_ROUTE_MONEY 25000 #define AI_MINIMUM_TRUCK_ROUTE_MONEY 35000 // The minimum amount of money before we are going to repay any money #define AI_MINIMUM_LOAN_REPAY_MONEY 40000 // How many repays do we do if we have enough money to do so? // Every repay is 10000 #define AI_LOAN_REPAY 2 // How much income must we have before paying back a loan? Month-based (and looked at the last month) #define AI_MINIMUM_INCOME_FOR_LOAN 7000 // If there is <num> time as much cargo in the station then the vehicle can handle // reuse the station instead of building a new one! #define AI_STATION_REUSE_MULTIPLER 2 // No more then this amount of vehicles per station.. #define AI_CHECK_MAX_VEHICLE_PER_STATION 10 // How many thick between building 2 vehicles #define AI_BUILD_VEHICLE_TIME_BETWEEN DAY_TICKS // How many days must there between vehicle checks // The more often, the less non-money-making lines there will be // but the unfair it may seem to a human player #define AI_DAYS_BETWEEN_VEHICLE_CHECKS 30 // How money profit does a vehicle needs to make to stay in order // This is the profit of this year + profit of last year // But also for vehicles that are just one year old. In other words: // Vehicles of 2 years do easier meet this setting then vehicles // of one year. This is a very good thing. New vehicles are filtered, // while old vehicles stay longer, because we do get less in return. #define AI_MINIMUM_ROUTE_PROFIT 1000 // A vehicle is considered lost when he his cargo is more then 180 days old #define AI_VEHICLE_LOST_DAYS 180 // How many times may the AI try to find a route before it gives up #define AI_MAX_TRIES_FOR_SAME_ROUTE 8 /* * End of defines */ // This stops 90degrees curves static const byte _illegal_curves[6] = { 255, 255, // Horz and vert, don't have the effect 5, // upleft and upright are not valid 4, // downright and downleft are not valid 2, // downleft and upleft are not valid 3, // upright and downright are not valid }; static const TileIndexDiff _tiles_around[4] = { TILE_XY(-1,0), TILE_XY(0,1), TILE_XY(1,0), TILE_XY(0,-1), }; enum { AI_STATE_STARTUP = 0, AI_STATE_FIRST_TIME, AI_STATE_NOTHING, AI_STATE_WAKE_UP, AI_STATE_LOCATE_ROUTE, AI_STATE_FIND_STATION, AI_STATE_FIND_PATH, AI_STATE_FIND_DEPOT, AI_STATE_VERIFY_ROUTE, AI_STATE_BUILD_STATION, AI_STATE_BUILD_PATH, AI_STATE_BUILD_DEPOT, AI_STATE_BUILD_VEHICLE, AI_STATE_GIVE_ORDERS, AI_STATE_START_VEHICLE, AI_STATE_REPAY_MONEY, AI_STATE_CHECK_ALL_VEHICLES, AI_STATE_ACTION_DONE, AI_STATE_STOP, // Temporary function to stop the AI }; // Used for tbt (train/bus/truck) enum { AI_TRAIN = 0, AI_BUS, AI_TRUCK, }; enum { AI_ACTION_NONE = 0, AI_ACTION_BUS_ROUTE, AI_ACTION_TRUCK_ROUTE, AI_ACTION_REPAY_LOAN, AI_ACTION_CHECK_ALL_VEHICLES, }; // Used for from_type/to_type enum { AI_NO_TYPE = 0, AI_CITY, AI_INDUSTRY, }; // Flags for in the vehicle enum { AI_VEHICLEFLAG_SELL = 1, // Remember, flags must be in power of 2 }; #define AI_NO_CARGO 0xFF // Means that there is no cargo defined yet (used for industry) #define AI_NEED_CARGO 0xFE // Used when the AI needs to find out a cargo for the route #define AI_STATION_RANGE TILE_XY(TILE_X_MAX, TILE_Y_MAX) #define AI_PATHFINDER_NO_DIRECTION (byte)-1 // Flags used in user_data #define AI_PATHFINDER_FLAG_BRIDGE 1 #define AI_PATHFINDER_FLAG_TUNNEL 2 // A macro for mp_street, where 0x20 is depot // mp_tunnelbridge, where 0xf0 is a bridge, and 0x4/0x2 means: roadtunnel/bridge #define AI_PATHFINDER_IS_ROAD(tile) ((IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_STREET) && !(_map5[tile] & 0x20)) || \ (IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && \ (((_map5[tile] & 0x80) == 0 && (_map5[tile] & 0x4) == 0x4) || \ ((_map5[tile] & 0x80) != 0 && (_map5[tile] & 0x2) == 0x2)))) typedef void AiNew_StateFunction(Player *p); // ai_new.c void AiNewDoGameLoop(Player *p); // ai_pathfinder.c AyStar *new_AyStar_AiPathFinder(int max_tiles_around, Ai_PathFinderInfo *PathFinderInfo); void clean_AyStar_AiPathFinder(AyStar *aystar, Ai_PathFinderInfo *PathFinderInfo); // ai_shared.c int AiNew_GetRailDirection(uint tile_a, uint tile_b, uint tile_c); int AiNew_GetRoadDirection(uint tile_a, uint tile_b, uint tile_c); int AiNew_GetDirection(uint tile_a, uint tile_b); bool AiNew_SetSpecialVehicleFlag(Player *p, Vehicle *v, uint flag); uint AiNew_GetSpecialVehicleFlag(Player *p, Vehicle *v); // ai_build.c bool AiNew_Build_CompanyHQ(Player *p, uint tile); int AiNew_Build_Station(Player *p, byte type, uint tile, byte length, byte numtracks, byte direction, byte flag); int AiNew_Build_Bridge(Player *p, uint tile_a, uint tile_b, byte flag); int AiNew_Build_RoutePart(Player *p, Ai_PathFinderInfo *PathFinderInfo, byte flag); int AiNew_PickVehicle(Player *p); int AiNew_Build_Vehicle(Player *p, uint tile, byte flag); int AiNew_Build_Depot(Player *p, uint tile, byte direction, byte flag); #endif