/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file economy_func.h Functions related to the economy. */ #ifndef ECONOMY_FUNC_H #define ECONOMY_FUNC_H #include "economy_type.h" #include "station_type.h" #include "cargo_type.h" #include "vehicle_type.h" #include "company_type.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "core/random_func.hpp" void ResetPriceBaseMultipliers(); void SetPriceBaseMultiplier(Price price, int factor); extern const ScoreInfo _score_info[]; extern int64_t _score_part[MAX_COMPANIES][SCORE_END]; extern Economy _economy; /* Prices and also the fractional part. */ extern Prices _price; int UpdateCompanyRatingAndValue(Company *c, bool update); void StartupIndustryDailyChanges(bool init_counter); Money GetTransportedGoodsIncome(uint num_pieces, uint dist, uint16_t transit_periods, CargoID cargo_type); uint MoveGoodsToStation(CargoID type, uint amount, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id, const StationList &all_stations, Owner exclusivity = INVALID_OWNER); void PrepareUnload(Vehicle *front_v); void LoadUnloadStation(Station *st); Money GetPrice(Price index, uint cost_factor, const struct GRFFile *grf_file, int shift = 0); void InitializeEconomy(); void RecomputePrices(); bool AddInflation(bool check_year = true); /** * Is the economy in recession? * @return \c True if economy is in recession, \c false otherwise. */ inline bool EconomyIsInRecession() { return _economy.fluct <= 0; } /** * Scale a number by the inverse of the cargo scale setting, e.g. a scale of 25% multiplies the number by 4. * @param num The number to scale. * @param town Are we scaling town production, or industry production? * @return The number scaled by the inverse of the cargo scale setting, minimum of 1. */ static uint ScaleByInverseCargoScale(uint num, bool town) { uint16_t percentage = (town ? _settings_game.economy.town_cargo_scale : _settings_game.economy.industry_cargo_scale); /* We might not need to do anything. */ if (percentage == 100) return num; /* Never return 0, since we often divide by this number. */ return std::max((num * 100) / percentage, 1u); } /** * Scale a number by the cargo scale setting. * @param num The number to scale. * @param town Are we scaling town production, or industry production? * @return The number scaled by the current cargo scale setting. May be 0. */ inline uint ScaleByCargoScale(uint num, bool town) { /* Don't bother scaling in the menu, especially since settings don't exist when starting OpenTTD and trying to read them crashes the game. */ if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return num; if (num == 0) return num; uint16_t percentage = (town ? _settings_game.economy.town_cargo_scale : _settings_game.economy.industry_cargo_scale); /* We might not need to do anything. */ if (percentage == 100) return num; uint scaled = (num * percentage) / 100; /* We might round down to 0, so we compensate with a random chance approximately equal to the economy scale, * e.g. at 25% scale there's a 1/4 chance to round up to 1. */ if (scaled == 0 && Chance16(1, ScaleByInverseCargoScale(1, town))) return 1; return scaled; } #endif /* ECONOMY_FUNC_H */