<WARPIN> <HEAD> <TITLE>OpenTTD</TITLE> <!-- Please remember to increment the build number for each package when releasing a new stable version, particularly if there are also release candidates sharing the major/minor versions: e.g., 0\7\1\16279 for 0.7.1-RC1, 0\7\1\16365 for 0.7.1-RC2, 0\7\1\16540 for 0.7.1 final --> <PCK INDEX="1" PACKAGEID="OpenTTD\OpenTTD\OpenTTD\1\0\0\18862" TARGET="$(WARPIN_DEFAULTAPPSPATH)\OpenTTD" SELECT TITLE="OpenTTD" LONGFILENAMES BASE >OpenTTD is an open source transport simulation game</PCK> <PCK INDEX="2" PACKAGEID="OpenTTD\OpenTTD\Downloader\1\0\0\18862" TARGET="$(WARPIN_DEFAULTAPPSPATH)\OpenTTD" SELECT TITLE="Download tools" REQUIRES=1 FIXED >Tools required for downloading the OpenGFX/SFX packs</PCK> <PCK INDEX="3" PACKAGEID="OpenTTD\OpenTTD\OpenGFX\1\0\0\18862" TARGET="$(WARPIN_DEFAULTAPPSPATH)\OpenTTD" SELECT TITLE="OpenGFX" LONGFILENAMES REQUIRES=2 EXECUTE="$(3)\download_opengfx.cmd | $(1) $(/1)" DEEXECUTE="$(3)\remove_opengfx.cmd | $(1) $(/1)" FIXED >Downloads the OpenGFX graphics pack for OpenTTD</PCK> <PCK INDEX="4" PACKAGEID="OpenTTD\OpenTTD\OpenSFX\1\0\0\18862" TARGET="$(WARPIN_DEFAULTAPPSPATH)\OpenTTD" SELECT TITLE="OpenSFX" LONGFILENAMES REQUIRES=2 EXECUTE="$(4)\download_opensfx.cmd | $(1) $(/1)" DEEXECUTE="$(4)\remove_opensfx.cmd | $(1) $(/1)" FIXED >Downloads the OpenSFX sound effects pack for OpenTTD</PCK> <PCK INDEX="5" PACKAGEID="OpenTTD\OpenTTD\NoSound\1\0\0\18862" TARGET="$(WARPIN_DEFAULTAPPSPATH)\OpenTTD" SELECT TITLE="NoSound" LONGFILENAMES REQUIRES=2 EXECUTE="$(5)\download_nosound.cmd | $(1) $(/1)" DEEXECUTE="$(5)\remove_nosound.cmd | $(1) $(/1)" FIXED >Downloads the NoSound pack for OpenTTD, to disable sound effects</PCK> </HEAD> <BODY> <!-- page 1: introductory page --> <PAGE INDEX="1" TYPE="README"> <NEXTBUTTON TARGET=2>~Next</NEXTBUTTON> <README EXTRACTFROMPCK="1">README.md</README> <TEXT>Welcome to the OpenTTD installer. This program will install OpenTTD 1.0 on your system. Before we begin the installation process, please take a moment to read the following document. Select "Next" to continue, or "Cancel" to abort installation.</TEXT> </PAGE> <!-- page 2: licence page --> <PAGE INDEX="2" TYPE="README"> <NEXTBUTTON TARGET=3>~Next</NEXTBUTTON> <README EXTRACTFROMPCK="1">COPYING.md</README> <TEXT>OpenTTD is licenced under the GNU General Public License. The text of the licence is below. Select "Next" if you agree to this licence. Select "Cancel" to abort installation.</TEXT> </PAGE> <!-- The TYPE=CONTAINER will list the packages which can be installed. --> <PAGE INDEX="3" TYPE="CONTAINER"> <NEXTBUTTON TARGET="4">~Next</NEXTBUTTON> <TEXT>On this page, you may choose which components to install. If you don't own Transport Tycoon Deluxe, you will need to download OpenGFX (3MiB) and OpenSFX (10MiB).</TEXT> </PAGE> <!-- Display another TEXT page to inform the user that installation will begin. We use the TARGET=0 with the NEXTBUTTON tag which starts installation. --> <PAGE INDEX="4" TYPE="TEXT"> <NEXTBUTTON TARGET="0">I~nstall</NEXTBUTTON> <TEXT> Press "Install" to begin installing OpenTTD.</TEXT> </PAGE> </BODY> </WARPIN>