/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file cargotype.cpp Implementation of cargoes. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "cargotype.h" #include "newgrf_cargo.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/cargo_const.h" #include "safeguards.h" CargoSpec CargoSpec::array[NUM_CARGO]; /** * Bitmask of cargo types available. This includes phony cargoes like regearing cargoes. * Initialized during a call to #SetupCargoForClimate. */ CargoTypes _cargo_mask; /** * Bitmask of real cargo types available. Phony cargoes like regearing cargoes are excluded. */ CargoTypes _standard_cargo_mask; /** * Set up the default cargo types for the given landscape type. * @param l Landscape */ void SetupCargoForClimate(LandscapeID l) { assert(l < lengthof(_default_climate_cargo)); _cargo_mask = 0; /* Copy from default cargo by label or index. */ auto insert = std::begin(CargoSpec::array); for (const CargoLabel &cl : _default_climate_cargo[l]) { /* Check if value is an index into the cargo table */ if (cl < lengthof(_default_cargo)) { /* Copy the default cargo by index. */ *insert = _default_cargo[cl]; } else { /* Search for label in default cargo types and copy if found. */ auto found = std::find_if(std::begin(_default_cargo), std::end(_default_cargo), [&cl](const CargoSpec &cs) { return cs.label == cl; }); if (found != std::end(_default_cargo)) { *insert = *found; } else { /* Index or label is invalid, this should not happen. */ NOT_REACHED(); } } if (insert->IsValid()) SetBit(_cargo_mask, insert->Index()); ++insert; } /* Reset and disable remaining cargo types. */ std::fill(insert, std::end(CargoSpec::array), CargoSpec{}); } /** * Get the cargo ID of a default cargo, if present. * @param l Landscape * @param ct Default cargo type. * @return ID number if the cargo exists, else #CT_INVALID */ CargoID GetDefaultCargoID(LandscapeID l, CargoType ct) { assert(l < lengthof(_default_climate_cargo)); if (!IsValidCargoType(ct)) return CT_INVALID; assert(ct < lengthof(_default_climate_cargo[0])); CargoLabel cl = _default_climate_cargo[l][ct]; /* Bzzt: check if cl is just an index into the cargo table */ if (cl < lengthof(_default_cargo)) { cl = _default_cargo[cl].label; } return GetCargoIDByLabel(cl); } /** * Get the cargo ID by cargo label. * @param cl Cargo type to get. * @return ID number if the cargo exists, else #CT_INVALID */ CargoID GetCargoIDByLabel(CargoLabel cl) { for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) { if (cs->label == cl) return cs->Index(); } /* No matching label was found, so it is invalid */ return CT_INVALID; } /** * Find the CargoID of a 'bitnum' value. * @param bitnum 'bitnum' to find. * @return First CargoID with the given bitnum, or #CT_INVALID if not found or if the provided \a bitnum is invalid. */ CargoID GetCargoIDByBitnum(uint8_t bitnum) { if (bitnum == INVALID_CARGO_BITNUM) return CT_INVALID; for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) { if (cs->bitnum == bitnum) return cs->Index(); } /* No matching label was found, so it is invalid */ return CT_INVALID; } /** * Get sprite for showing cargo of this type. * @return Sprite number to use. */ SpriteID CargoSpec::GetCargoIcon() const { SpriteID sprite = this->sprite; if (sprite == 0xFFFF) { /* A value of 0xFFFF indicates we should draw a custom icon */ sprite = GetCustomCargoSprite(this); } if (sprite == 0) sprite = SPR_CARGO_GOODS; return sprite; } std::vector _sorted_cargo_specs; ///< Cargo specifications sorted alphabetically by name. span _sorted_standard_cargo_specs; ///< Standard cargo specifications sorted alphabetically by name. /** Sort cargo specifications by their name. */ static bool CargoSpecNameSorter(const CargoSpec * const &a, const CargoSpec * const &b) { std::string a_name = GetString(a->name); std::string b_name = GetString(b->name); int res = StrNaturalCompare(a_name, b_name); // Sort by name (natural sorting). /* If the names are equal, sort by cargo bitnum. */ return (res != 0) ? res < 0 : (a->bitnum < b->bitnum); } /** Sort cargo specifications by their cargo class. */ static bool CargoSpecClassSorter(const CargoSpec * const &a, const CargoSpec * const &b) { int res = (b->classes & CC_PASSENGERS) - (a->classes & CC_PASSENGERS); if (res == 0) { res = (b->classes & CC_MAIL) - (a->classes & CC_MAIL); if (res == 0) { res = (a->classes & CC_SPECIAL) - (b->classes & CC_SPECIAL); if (res == 0) { return CargoSpecNameSorter(a, b); } } } return res < 0; } /** Initialize the list of sorted cargo specifications. */ void InitializeSortedCargoSpecs() { _sorted_cargo_specs.clear(); /* Add each cargo spec to the list. */ for (const CargoSpec *cargo : CargoSpec::Iterate()) { _sorted_cargo_specs.push_back(cargo); } /* Sort cargo specifications by cargo class and name. */ std::sort(_sorted_cargo_specs.begin(), _sorted_cargo_specs.end(), &CargoSpecClassSorter); /* Count the number of standard cargos and fill the mask. */ _standard_cargo_mask = 0; uint8_t nb_standard_cargo = 0; for (const auto &cargo : _sorted_cargo_specs) { if (cargo->classes & CC_SPECIAL) break; nb_standard_cargo++; SetBit(_standard_cargo_mask, cargo->Index()); } /* _sorted_standard_cargo_specs is a subset of _sorted_cargo_specs. */ _sorted_standard_cargo_specs = { _sorted_cargo_specs.data(), nb_standard_cargo }; } uint64_t CargoSpec::WeightOfNUnitsInTrain(uint32_t n) const { if (this->is_freight) n *= _settings_game.vehicle.freight_trains; return this->WeightOfNUnits(n); }