# $Id$ # This file is part of OpenTTD. # OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . # # Building requires GRFCodec and NFORenum. Older versions of GRFCodec are # known to miscompile the graphics. # # Recent nightlies (including sources) of both can be found at: # http://www.openttd.org/download-grfcodec # http://www.openttd.org/download-nforenum # # The mercurial repository of both can be found at: # http://hg.openttdcoop.org/grfcodec # http://hg.openttdcoop.org/nforenum # ROOT_DIR = !!ROOT_DIR!! GRF_DIR = $(ROOT_DIR)/media/extra_grf BIN_DIR = !!BIN_DIR!!/data OBJS_DIR = !!GRF_OBJS_DIR!! OS = !!OS!! STAGE = !!STAGE!! # Check if we want to show what we are doing ifdef VERBOSE Q = E = @true else Q = @ E = @echo endif # Some configurational settings for your environment. # If GRFCodec doesn't know a command, it'll exit with a non-zero exit code. GRFCODEC := $(shell grfcodec -s -v >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "grfcodec -s" || echo "grfcodec") # Old NFORenums don't give an error code when a parameter isn't known, so we have to work around that. NFORENUM := $(shell [ `nforenum -s -v 2>/dev/null | wc -l ` -eq 1 ] && echo "nforenum -s" || echo "nforenum") MD5SUM := $(shell [ "$(OS)" = "OSX" ] && echo "md5 -r" || echo "md5sum") # Some "should not be changed" settings. NFO_FILES := $(GRF_DIR)/*.nfo PCX_FILES := $(GRF_DIR)/*.pcx # Build the GRF. all: $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf # Make sure the sprites directory exists. $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites: $(Q)-mkdir "$@" $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf: $(PCX_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites @# Only try; if nforenum isn't available, just retouch the file as they likely didn't need it anyway. $(Q) ($(NFORENUM) -? > /dev/null 2>&1 && $(MAKE) $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdd.grf && cp $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf) || ([ -e $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf ] && touch $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf && echo "no NFORenum and GRFCodec found, skipping rebuild of openttdd.grf...") || (echo "no NFORenum and GRFCodec found, but no openttdd.grf either. Install NFORenum and GRFCodec." && exit 1) # Yeah, we'd like to use -i in the sed, but Mac OS X's sed and GNU sed just can't agree on the usage of -i. In any case either one of them fails. $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdd.grf: $(PCX_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites $(E) '$(STAGE) Assembling openttdd.nfo' $(Q)-cp $(PCX_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites 2> /dev/null $(Q) gcc -DDOS -I$(GRF_DIR) -C -E - < "$(GRF_DIR)/openttd.nfo" | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$$/d' > $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites/openttdd.nfo $(Q) $(NFORENUM) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites/openttdd.nfo $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling openttdd.grf' $(Q) $(GRFCODEC) -e -m1 $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdd.grf $(Q) cp $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf $(E) '$(STAGE) Updating base graphics sets for DOS graphics' $(Q) for grf in $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos*.obg; do sed 's/^OPENTTDD.GRF = [0-9a-f]*$$/OPENTTDD.GRF = '`$(MD5SUM) $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf | sed 's@ .*@@'`'/' $$grf > $$grf.tmp && mv $$grf.tmp $$grf; done $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf: $(PCX_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites @# Only try; if nforenum isn't available, just retouch the file as they likely didn't need it anyway. $(Q) ($(NFORENUM) -? > /dev/null 2>&1 && $(MAKE) $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdw.grf && cp $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdw.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf) || ([ -e $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf ] && touch $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf && echo "no NFORenum and GRFCodec found, skipping rebuild of openttdw.grf...") || (echo "no NFORenum and GRFCodec found, but no openttdw.grf either. Install NFORenum and GRFCodec." && exit 1) $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdw.grf: $(PCX_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites $(E) '$(STAGE) Assembling openttdw.nfo' $(Q)-cp $(PCX_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites 2> /dev/null $(Q) gcc -I$(GRF_DIR) -C -E - < "$(GRF_DIR)/openttd.nfo" | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$$/d' > $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites/openttdw.nfo $(Q) $(NFORENUM) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites/openttdw.nfo $(E) '$(STAGE) Compiling openttdw.grf' $(Q) $(GRFCODEC) -e -p2 $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdw.grf $(Q) cp $(OBJS_DIR)/openttdw.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf $(E) '$(STAGE) Updating base graphics sets for Windows graphics' $(Q) for grf in $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obg; do sed 's/^OPENTTDW.GRF = [0-9a-f]*$$/OPENTTDW.GRF = '`$(MD5SUM) $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf | sed 's@ .*@@'`'/' $$grf > $$grf.tmp && mv $$grf.tmp $$grf; done # Clean up temporary files. clean: $(Q)rm -f *.bak *.grf # Clean up temporary files and result of generation, i.e. the grfs. mrproper: clean $(Q)rm -fr sprites $(Q)rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/openttdd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttdw.grf .PHONY: all mrproper depend clean