-This allows a player to clone an excisting vehicle of his own
-[fix]: this uncovered an excisting bug in CmdBuildRailVehicle() where depots could build trains of the wrong track type. This is fixed
-Thanks to Celestar for drawing the sprites and _luca_ for including them in openttd.grf
- Renamed the plural command to "P" instead of "PLURAL". Now write something like this to append an s on plural: {P "" s}. (You can optionally still add an argument index to explicitly specifiy which number that's used)
- Removed the pluralized cargo strings from the string files. The new method is to use the plural specifier {P}
- Added support for genders. First add "##gender der das die" on top, then use {G=der} on a cargoname/industry to set the gender, and to switch between genders do something like {G neu neu neue} {STRING}
- Updated the swedish/english translation with P strings.
- The formatting of the industry name can be controlled with the string STR_INDUSTRY_FORMAT.
Change: Changed several occurences of {STRING1} into {TOWN} to get rid of townnametype being used directly.
- Feature: [strgen] Allow changing the order of parameters in translated strings.
- Use {1:TOWN} syntax to set the order.
- Codechange: [strgen] Rewrote lots of strgen internals.
- Feature: [pbs] Implement autoplacement of pbs blocks, when a block has an entry and an exit pbs signal, covert the entire block to pbs. Can be turned off in the patch settings.
- Feature: [pbs] Allow showing of reserved status by making the tracks darker, when the pbs debug level is at least 1.
- Fix: fixed GetSavegameFormat() so that it takes the best compressor (highest), or a forced one added with the parameter
- Open issues:
1. Don't attempt to load a game while saving is in progress, it will kick you back to the intro-screen with only the vast ocean to look at.
2. The server is disabled from threaded-saving, but might be enabled in the future.
3. Current implementation only allows 1 additional running thread.
4. Stupid global variables.....grrr
Big thanks for TrueLight and the amazing memorypool :D
- I also changed an order of strings from On, Off to Off, On, so this can be used ingame with the WWT_4 widget type.
- Since the newssettings now take 2 bits per setting (off/summary/on) _news_display_opt is widened to 32 bits and the settings code changed slightly to accomodate for a maximum of 16 message-types.
- Fix: 'L' no longer opens ingame terraform bar in scenario editor bar, but the land generator one
- Feature: [ 1095110 ] Create Lake and draggable Create Desert tools (initial implementation GoneWacko), also added sticky buttons to land generator and town generator
- CodeChange: moved around some of the draggable tools, demystifying them
- CodeChange: change CmdBuildCanal to allow for XANDY dragging not only X or Y (only scenario editor)
- CodeChange: add some more enums to sprites.
- TODO: merge most of the ingame and scenario editor land terraform code. This can only be done after OnClickButton function is changed so it also includes the backreference to the widget being clicked, postponed to after 0.4.0
- Supports trains, road vehicles and ships.
- Uses A* pathfinding (same codebase as the new ai).
- Currently unlimited search depth, so might perform badly on large maps/networks (especially ships).
- Will always find a route if there is one.
- Allows custom penalties for obstacles to be set in openttd.cfg (npf_ values).
- With NPF enabled, ships can have orders that are very far apart. Be careful, this will break (ships get lost) when the old pathfinder is used again.
- Feature: Disabling 90 degree turns for trains and ships.
- Requires NPF to be enabled.
- Ships and trains can no longer make weird 90 degree turns on tile borders.
- Codechange: Removed table/directions.h.
- table/directions.h contained ugly static tables but was included more than once. The tables, along with a few new ones are in npf.[ch] now. Better suggestions for a location?
- Fix: Binary heap in queue.c did not allocate enough space, resulting in a segfault.
- Codechange: Rewritten FindFirstBit2x64, added KillFirstBit2x64.
- Codechange: Introduced constant INVALID_TILE, to replace the usage of 0 as an invalid tile. Also replaces TILE_WRAPPED.
- Codechange: Moved TileAddWrap() to map.[ch]
- Add TileIndexDiffCByDir(), TileIndexDiffCByDir().
- Codechange: Moved IsTrainStationTile() to station.h
- Add: IsRoadStationTile() and GetRoadStationDir().
a single station.
Thanks to: Truelight for the saveload code, Darkvater and Hackykid for
network testing and Tron for proof-reading 1500 lines of diff.
The news messages are now precisely cropped according to pixel width to fit optimal into the window.
Introduced a new date format: DATE_TINY, which is ISOish.