- Feature: [strgen] Allow changing the order of parameters in translated strings.
- Use {1:TOWN} syntax to set the order.
- Codechange: [strgen] Rewrote lots of strgen internals.
- CodeChange: since only the server will be able to modify difficulty settings, leave the checking of correct values besides, and trust users will join legit servers.
- CodeChange: for renaming signs, only check if GetDParam(); eg _decode_parameters is empty ('\0') or not, instead of the extra check of players, etc. That basically does the same thing. Also dirty sign two times when renaming, once before, once after the action. Because if the name becomes shorter and you update only after, garbage remains on the screen.
- CodeChange: made GetMaskOfTownActions() available to the town-cmd to double-check if the action was available to the player. For this purpose the hardcoded _local_player has been removed from the function and is now passed as a parameter.
(in prepare of dynamic arrays):
- DEREF_XXX is changed into GetXXX
- All direct call are directed via GetXXX
- struct Industry has now an index-field
- ENUM'd some stuff
- Replaced home built loops with FOR_ALL_XXX
- Added _stations_size, _vehicles_size, ... which gives the length of the
array (which will be dynamic in the near future)
- Changed lengtof(XXX) to _XXX_size (e.g. _stations_size)
- Removed all endof(XXX) (because mostly it was part of a FOR_ALL_XXX)
- Made the sort-functions of all 4 dynamic
- Made all 4 Initialize functions more of the same
- Some minor tab-fixing and stuff
(tnx to Tron for proof-reading my 100kb patch ;))
Note for all: please do NOT directly call _stations, _vehicles, _towns and
_industries, but use the right wrapper to access them. Thank you.
Ps: please also do not use 'v++', where v is of type Vehicle *.
-Feature: With the sticky windows on and some unfortunate resizing of your game it the 'close' button might go outside of the playing field, making it impossible to close. Added an option to the Options menu that closes all windows, even if they are stickified ("Close ALL windows")
- reduce to 2 sizes (*DParam64 for 64bit values, *DParam for the rest)
- use inline functions instead of macros
- add assert()s to check for buffer overruns
-Fix: Sorter icon pointing down 'v' sorts in every window lowest value first, '^' highest value first
-CodeChange: move Dropdownlist from settings_gui.c to widget.c. More in place there.