Commit Graph

119 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
850e45b1f1 (svn r14961) -Update: remove the string from r14960 from the other languages too. 2009-01-10 16:29:31 +00:00
d7d95e0f43 (svn r14836) -Update (r14835): remove changed string from other languages 2009-01-04 18:37:28 +00:00
c1585376f0 (svn r14833) -Update (r14831): remove changed strings from other languages 2009-01-04 17:44:46 +00:00
f77503e5a3 (svn r14793) -Update (r14792): replace a string parameter in the other languages too 2009-01-03 01:01:12 +00:00
6513bf3a3a (svn r14781) -Change: someone changed _cur_year; so update it in a few hardcoded places... happy new year!
-Fix (r11790): a few instances were forgotten.
2009-01-01 22:21:25 +00:00
deffb584b0 (svn r14765) -Update (r14764): remove changed strings from translations. 2008-12-29 10:40:43 +00:00
aa73cc9202 (svn r14756) -Update (r14755): remove removed string from other languages too. 2008-12-28 16:13:10 +00:00
b8d82cc28c (svn r14752) -Fix [FS#2438]: revenue when clearing land would show up in red in the land info window as negative cost. 2008-12-26 23:37:53 +00:00
0191220b64 (svn r14642) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-29 18:44:42
croatian   - 163 fixed, 30 changed by knovak (193)
czech      - 1 fixed, 1 changed by miris2009 (2)
esperanto  - 41 fixed by Athaba (41)
german     - 4 fixed, 2 changed by Athaba (6)
greek      - 20 fixed by vesnikos (20)
hungarian  - 6 changed by IPG (6)
indonesian - 46 fixed by fanioz (46)
malay      - 259 fixed by SeaGates (259)
polish     - 1 fixed, 10 changed by meush (11)
2008-11-29 18:44:52 +00:00
9140315c7b (svn r14640) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-28 18:47:35
bulgarian  - 1 fixed by Ar4i (1)
catalan    - 1 fixed by arnaullv (1)
croatian   - 43 fixed by knovak (43)
esperanto  - 3 fixed by Athaba (3)
estonian   - 8 fixed by t2t2 (8)
german     - 1 fixed by Athaba (1)
latvian    - 315 fixed, 112 changed by Reinis (414), yopzer (7), niko (6)
polish     - 1 fixed by xaxa (1)
romanian   - 6 fixed, 1 changed by kkmic (7)
ukrainian  - 2 fixed by mad (2)
2008-11-28 18:47:49 +00:00
fea78fbfbb (svn r14618) -Feature: when the chosen language isn't supported by the current font, try to find a font that does and use that instead. Thanks to glx/michi_cc for the Windows implementation. 2008-11-24 18:53:17 +00:00
e80a222d31 (svn r14597) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-19 18:43:03
afrikaans  - 165 fixed, 227 changed by nubllett (156), burgerd (236)
dutch      - 2 fixed, 5 changed by Excel20 (7)
french     - 2 fixed by glx (2)
german     - 6 fixed, 2 changed by jonathan159 (2), MaSch (6)
hungarian  - 1 fixed, 20 changed by oklmernok (21)
macedonian - 90 fixed by sashozs (90)
serbian    - 560 fixed by AtzaMan (560)
slovak     - 1 fixed by James (1)
spanish    - 1 fixed by eusebio (1)
2008-11-19 18:43:16 +00:00
aa126066b7 (svn r14595) -Add: Estonian currency.
-Change: Slovenia switched to the Euro in 2007.
2008-11-19 16:17:42 +00:00
aaeb01b428 (svn r14593) -Update: remove outdated (in r14592) string. 2008-11-18 23:58:24 +00:00
e17db9655c (svn r14441) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-10-05 17:45:23
catalan    - 6 fixed by arnaullv (6)
german     - 1 changed by sulai (1)
hungarian  - 1 fixed, 1 changed by alyr (2)
norwegian_bokmal - 6 fixed by christian (6)
simplified_chinese - 1 fixed by ww9980 (1)
traditional_chinese - 2 changed by josesun (2)
2008-10-05 17:45:33 +00:00
5f9e2e60fb (svn r14438) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-10-03 17:45:52
brazilian_portuguese - 6 fixed by tucalipe (6)
dutch      - 6 fixed by habell (6)
french     - 6 fixed by glx (6)
galician   - 6 fixed by Condex (6)
german     - 6 fixed, 19 changed by sulai (25)
hungarian  - 48 fixed by alyr (48)
korean     - 6 fixed by dlunch (6)
simplified_chinese - 84 fixed by ww9980 (84)
slovenian  - 6 fixed by Necrolyte (6)
swedish    - 6 fixed by ChrillDeVille (6)
traditional_chinese - 9 fixed, 69 changed by josesun (78)
2008-10-03 17:46:13 +00:00
c9a82ac3e7 (svn r14423) -Codechange: also do r14221 for the strings. 2008-09-30 21:18:28 +00:00
804185d392 (svn r14402) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-26 17:45:50
slovenian  - 3 fixed by Necrolyte (3)
traditional_chinese - 1 fixed, 8 changed by josesun (9)
2008-09-26 17:47:39 +00:00
7a527807d9 (svn r14394) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-24 14:01:38
danish     - 8 changed by ThomasA (8)
german     - 5 changed by sulai (5)
hungarian  - 17 fixed, 4 changed by alyr (21)
korean     - 45 changed by dlunch (45)
norwegian_bokmal - 9 fixed by christian (9)
spanish    - 1 changed by eusebio (1)
traditional_chinese - 91 fixed, 1044 changed by josesun (1135)
2008-09-24 14:01:49 +00:00
c3c58c95b9 (svn r14361) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-19 20:23:28
italian    - 8 fixed by lorenzodv (8)
korean     - 3 fixed by leejaeuk5 (3)
simplified_chinese - 119 fixed by ww9980 (119)
spanish    - 1 fixed by eusebio (1)
swedish    - 13 fixed by ChrillDeVille (13)
ukrainian  - 3 fixed by mad (3)
2008-09-19 20:23:41 +00:00
cc16809f71 (svn r14325) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-14 17:42:18
czech      - 2 fixed, 31 changed by Hadez (33)
english_US - 211 fixed by WhiteRabbit (211)
galician   - 193 fixed, 10 changed by Condex (203)
german     - 2 fixed, 38 changed by sulai (40)
swedish    - 60 fixed by ChrillDeVille (60)
2008-09-14 17:42:25 +00:00
95bdb5a6a3 (svn r14300) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-12 17:41:59
brazilian_portuguese - 13 fixed by tucalipe (13)
catalan    - 12 fixed by arnaullv (12)
danish     - 9 fixed, 7 changed by ThomasA (16)
dutch      - 1 changed by habell (1)
estonian   - 5 fixed by kristjans (5)
galician   - 98 fixed, 6 changed by Condex (104)
german     - 7 fixed, 83 changed by sulai (69), dih (21)
korean     - 12 fixed by leejaeuk5 (12)
romanian   - 20 fixed by kneekoo (20)
slovenian  - 5 fixed by Necrolyte (5)
2008-09-12 17:42:11 +00:00
d6bc633870 (svn r14298) -Fix [FS#2214]: "{CARGO} from unknown destination". 2008-09-12 17:16:04 +00:00
e5081f587a (svn r14282) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-09 17:38:39
czech      - 1 fixed, 7 changed by Hadez (7), joeprusa (1)
danish     - 61 fixed, 6 changed by ThomasA (28), MiR (39)
dutch      - 6 fixed by habell (5), webfreakz (1)
estonian   - 1 fixed by kristjans (1)
finnish    - 66 fixed by habazi (66)
french     - 2 fixed, 2 changed by glx (4)
galician   - 14 fixed by Condex (14)
german     - 63 fixed, 16 changed by sulai (41), dih (38)
italian    - 1 fixed, 1 changed by lorenzodv (2)
piglatin   - 27 fixed by adammw (27)
romanian   - 57 fixed by kneekoo (57)
russian    - 13 fixed by Smoky555 (13)
slovenian  - 6 fixed by Necrolyte (6)
spanish    - 9 fixed by eusebio (9)
ukrainian  - 6 fixed by mad (6)
2008-09-09 17:40:23 +00:00
95ba19ee69 (svn r14276) -Fix: Rename one of the advanced settings, as 'TTDPatch compatible nonstop handling' wasn't a correct description anymore. 2008-09-08 19:20:39 +00:00
a7a2f54716 (svn r14250) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-09-05 15:13:08
afrikaans  - 9 fixed by TrueTenacity (9)
croatian   - 19 fixed by tperic (19)
czech      - 5 fixed, 50 changed by Hadez (55)
dutch      - 5 fixed by habell (5)
estonian   - 9 fixed by kristjans (9)
french     - 5 fixed by glx (5)
german     - 85 fixed by dih (45), MaSch (40)
italian    - 5 fixed, 4 changed by lorenzodv (9)
polish     - 25 fixed, 4 changed by heimat (29)
spanish    - 7 fixed by eusebio (7)
ukrainian  - 5 fixed by mad (5)
2008-09-05 15:13:30 +00:00
48479cd86f (svn r14205) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-08-31 19:47:56
bulgarian  - 12 fixed by thetitan (12)
catalan    - 49 fixed by arnaullv (49)
czech      - 4 fixed, 15 changed by Hadez (19)
dutch      - 2 fixed, 5 changed by habell (7)
french     - 2 fixed, 1 changed by belugas (1), glx (2)
galician   - 75 fixed, 54 changed by Condex (129)
german     - 10 fixed, 1 changed by dih (11)
italian    - 5 fixed, 5 changed by lorenzodv (10)
korean     - 14 fixed by leejaeuk5 (14)
slovenian  - 6 fixed by Necrolyte (6)
turkish    - 18 fixed by jnmbk (18)
ukrainian  - 2 fixed by mad (2)
2008-08-31 17:48:17 +00:00
90176a547a (svn r14120) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-08-21 10:46:06
brazilian_portuguese - 33 fixed by tucalipe (33)
czech      - 1 fixed, 11 changed by Hadez (12)
dutch      - 4 fixed by habell (4)
estonian   - 25 fixed, 111 changed by kristjans (135), vermon (1)
french     - 3 fixed, 8 changed by glx (9), belugas (2)
galician   - 78 fixed by Condex (78)
german     - 13 fixed by dih (13)
korean     - 20 fixed, 1 changed by leejaeuk5 (21)
simplified_chinese - 51 fixed, 1 changed by ww9980 (52)
slovenian  - 54 fixed by Necrolyte (54)
ukrainian  - 3 fixed by mad (3)
2008-08-21 08:46:25 +00:00
f42fab0dec (svn r14113) -Codechange: Language updates for r14112. 2008-08-20 19:33:06 +00:00
f3e7b77dcb (svn r14084) -Codechange: Language updates for r14083. 2008-08-16 14:04:29 +00:00
caf5cac9eb (svn r13873) -Codechange: remove useless string from all language files affected by r13872. which removed the STR_NEWS_OPEN_CLOSE string 2008-07-30 02:04:44 +00:00
ec6aff4870 (svn r13799) -Fix (r13730): {RAW_STRING} should be used in english.txt only 2008-07-23 14:58:43 +00:00
891bec7e23 (svn r13730) -Fix: make a copy of the names for news messages about the deletion of companies as the removal of a company could lead to wrong names in the news messages. 2008-07-18 16:26:51 +00:00
ab234cf90c (svn r13715) -Fix [FS#2129]: C-like strings had to be rebound each time they were printed, otherwise the text could change due to the few number of slots that could be used to bind.
-Codechange: remove all BindCString and related functions and replace it by RAW_STRING which prints the C-string raw pointer that is on the 'print stack'.
2008-07-17 13:47:04 +00:00
797ccc8b49 (svn r13703) -Update: the other language files due to a few changed strings in r13702. 2008-07-14 20:36:21 +00:00
7a0ad3af52 (svn r13630) -Update: apply english.txt changes from r13628 to other languages 2008-06-25 17:37:12 +00:00
6e334d10bb (svn r13312) -Update: apply english.txt changes from r13311 to other languages 2008-05-28 16:50:05 +00:00
e326a03c4c (svn r12966) -Update: apply english.txt changes from r12965 to other languages 2008-05-05 22:52:49 +00:00
3919c30c2d (svn r12660) -Codechange: make the creation of depot order strings a little more modular (instead of causing a string explosion). 2008-04-11 14:27:18 +00:00
3a0cb23548 (svn r12656) -Fix: tooltips for some order buttons are outdated/incorrect. 2008-04-10 22:18:33 +00:00
5992dad01f (svn r12648) -Feature: allow four different non-stop types in a single game instead of two. The "TTDP compatible order" setting now only sets the default behaviour of new trains.
-Feature: allow three different load type in a single game instead of two. One can choose full load all and full load any instead of full load being governed by the "full load any" patch setting.
2008-04-10 08:30:15 +00:00
c9e9e6005b (svn r12643) -Codechange: be more explicit about the orders a vehicle has (non stop and full load are ambiguous and depend on some patch settings). 2008-04-09 22:01:23 +00:00
70f3413a36 (svn r12641) -Codechange: do not use the same button for two completely distinct tasks, just make an extra button for it and hide them when not needed. 2008-04-09 19:52:33 +00:00
86c72ab927 (svn r12548) -Cleanup: remove strings removed in r12547 from all language files 2008-04-03 20:00:07 +00:00
64797f06eb (svn r12456) -Update: apply english.txt changes from r12455 to other languages 2008-03-28 02:47:54 +00:00
327e870962 (svn r12425) -Feature [FS#1846]: On Screen Keyboard for input fields so someone without a keyboard can enter text too. Patch by Dominik. 2008-03-26 10:08:17 +00:00
55dcd4f94d (svn r12387) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-03-21 00:20:05
german     - 1 fixed by moewe2 (1)
icelandic  - 346 fixed by scrooge (346)
korean     - 2 fixed by darkttd (2)
portuguese - 6 fixed by nars (6)
russian    - 15 fixed by Smoky555 (15)
slovenian  - 6 fixed by Necrolyte (6)
2008-03-20 23:20:46 +00:00
761224a4f6 (svn r12361) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-03-12 09:46:45
brazilian_portuguese - 2 fixed by fukumori (2)
bulgarian  - 3 fixed, 1 changed by kokobongo (3), thetitan (1)
catalan    - 2 fixed by arnaullv (2)
czech      - 2 fixed by Hadez (2)
danish     - 15 fixed by ThomasA (15)
dutch      - 2 fixed, 1 changed by habell (3)
estonian   - 2 fixed by kristjans (2)
french     - 2 fixed by glx (2)
german     - 15 fixed, 1 changed by moewe2 (16)
italian    - 2 fixed by lorenzodv (2)
portuguese - 9 fixed, 6 changed by nars (15)
slovak     - 2 fixed by lengyel (2)
slovenian  - 9 fixed by Necrolyte (9)
spanish    - 2 fixed, 2 changed by eusebio (4)
turkish    - 22 fixed by jnmbk (22)
ukrainian  - 2 fixed, 18 changed by mad (20)
2008-03-12 08:47:44 +00:00
0d1e4237cf (svn r12130) -Cleanup (r12129): remove now unused strings from all language files 2008-02-13 14:31:13 +00:00
02f774793b (svn r12008) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-01-29 14:07:31
brazilian_portuguese - 5 fixed, 5 changed by fukumori (4), tucalipe (6)
bulgarian  - 7 fixed by thetitan (7)
catalan    - 1 fixed by arnaullv (1)
danish     - 9 fixed by ThomasA (9)
dutch      - 5 fixed by habell (5)
estonian   - 7 fixed, 12 changed by kristjans (19)
french     - 1 fixed by glx (1)
german     - 6 fixed by moewe2 (6)
italian    - 1 fixed by lorenzodv (1)
korean     - 6 fixed, 11 changed by leejaeuk5 (17)
russian    - 9 fixed by Smoky555 (9)
slovak     - 7 fixed by lengyel (7)
slovenian  - 7 fixed by Necrolyte (7)
swedish    - 6 fixed by ChrillDeVille (6)
ukrainian  - 7 fixed by mad (7)
2008-01-29 13:13:19 +00:00