diff --git a/src/lang/english.txt b/src/lang/english.txt index 12e5ec95df..1fdf2b12b4 100644 --- a/src/lang/english.txt +++ b/src/lang/english.txt @@ -1120,6 +1120,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HORIZONTAL_POS_CENTER :Centre STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HORIZONTAL_POS_RIGHT :Right STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BUILDONSLOPES :Allow building on slopes and coasts: {STRING2} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BUILDONSLOPES_HELPTEXT :If enabled, tracks and stations can be build on most slopes. If disabled, they are only allowed on slopes which match the direction of the track and thus require no foundations STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSLOPE :Allow landscaping under buildings, tracks, etc. (autoslope): {STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSLOPE_HELPTEXT :Allow landscaping under buildings and tracks without removing them STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CATCHMENT :Allow more realistically sized catchment areas: {STRING2} @@ -1186,6 +1187,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL_HELPTEXT :When enabled, t STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BRIBE :Allow bribing of the local authority: {STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BRIBE_HELPTEXT :Allow companies to try bribing the local town authority. If the bribe is noticed by an inspector, the company will not be able to act in the town for six months STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_EXCLUSIVE :Allow buying exclusive transport rights: {STRING2} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_EXCLUSIVE_HELPTEXT :If a company buys exclusive transport rights for a town, opponents' stations (passenger and cargo) won't receive any cargo for a whole year STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_BUILDINGS :Allow funding buildings: {STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_BUILDINGS_HELPTEXT :Allow companies to give money to towns for funding new houses STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_ROAD :Allow funding local road reconstruction: {STRING2} @@ -1252,6 +1254,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR :Land generator: STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR_ORIGINAL :Original STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR_TERRA_GENESIS :TerraGenesis STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE :Max distance from edge for Oil Refineries: {STRING2} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT :Oil refineries are only constructed near the map border, that is at the coast for island maps STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT :Snow line height: {STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN :Roughness of terrain (TerraGenesis only) : {STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_VERY_SMOOTH :Very Smooth @@ -1267,6 +1270,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE :Counter clockwi STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_CLOCKWISE :Clockwise STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SE_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT :The height level a flat scenario map gets: {STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENABLE_FREEFORM_EDGES :Enable landscaping the tiles at the map borders: {STRING2} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENABLE_FREEFORM_EDGES_HELPTEXT :If disabled, the map borders will always be ocean STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_EMPTY :{WHITE}One or more tiles at the northern edge are not empty STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_WATER :{WHITE}One or more tiles at one of the edges is not water diff --git a/src/table/settings.ini b/src/table/settings.ini index 0deed13f95..45e2609ae6 100644 --- a/src/table/settings.ini +++ b/src/table/settings.ini @@ -358,6 +358,7 @@ var = construction.build_on_slopes guiflags = SGF_NO_NETWORK def = true str = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BUILDONSLOPES +strhelp = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BUILDONSLOPES_HELPTEXT [SDT_VAR] base = GameSettings @@ -1092,6 +1093,7 @@ var = economy.exclusive_rights from = 79 def = true str = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_EXCLUSIVE +strhelp = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_EXCLUSIVE_HELPTEXT proc = RedrawTownAuthority [SDT_BOOL] @@ -1854,6 +1856,7 @@ min = 12 max = 48 str = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE strval = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TILE_LENGTH +strhelp = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT [SDT_VAR] base = GameSettings @@ -1945,6 +1948,7 @@ var = construction.freeform_edges from = 111 def = true str = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENABLE_FREEFORM_EDGES +strhelp = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENABLE_FREEFORM_EDGES_HELPTEXT proc = CheckFreeformEdges [SDT_VAR]