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synced 2025-03-08 23:19:40 +00:00
Codechange: Sort EngineOverrideManager for fast lookups.
Allows quickly finding the EngineID given the type, grfid and local id of an engine, instead a linear scan. This can reduce loading time when lots of engines are present and also affects performance in-game. Lookup can be on the order of 10000 times faster.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
/** @file engine.cpp Base for all engine handling. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "core/container_func.hpp"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "news_func.h"
@ -67,8 +68,6 @@ const uint8_t _engine_offsets[4] = {
static_assert(lengthof(_orig_rail_vehicle_info) + lengthof(_orig_road_vehicle_info) + lengthof(_orig_ship_vehicle_info) + lengthof(_orig_aircraft_vehicle_info) == lengthof(_orig_engine_info));
const uint EngineOverrideManager::NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES = _engine_counts[VEH_TRAIN] + _engine_counts[VEH_ROAD] + _engine_counts[VEH_SHIP] + _engine_counts[VEH_AIRCRAFT];
Engine::Engine(VehicleType type, EngineID base)
this->type = type;
@ -509,10 +508,12 @@ bool Engine::IsVariantHidden(CompanyID c) const
void EngineOverrideManager::ResetToDefaultMapping()
EngineID id = 0;
for (VehicleType type = VEH_TRAIN; type <= VEH_AIRCRAFT; type++) {
for (uint internal_id = 0; internal_id < _engine_counts[type]; internal_id++) {
this->mappings.emplace_back(INVALID_GRFID, internal_id, type, internal_id);
auto &map = this->mappings[type];
for (uint internal_id = 0; internal_id < _engine_counts[type]; internal_id++, id++) {
map.emplace_back(INVALID_GRFID, internal_id, type, internal_id, id);
@ -528,14 +529,52 @@ void EngineOverrideManager::ResetToDefaultMapping()
EngineID EngineOverrideManager::GetID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid)
EngineID index = 0;
for (const EngineIDMapping &eid : this->mappings) {
if (eid.type == type && eid.grfid == grfid && eid.internal_id == grf_local_id) {
return index;
const auto &map = this->mappings[type];
const auto key = EngineIDMapping::Key(grfid, grf_local_id);
auto it = std::ranges::lower_bound(map, key, std::less{}, EngineIDMappingKeyProjection{});
if (it == std::end(map) || it->Key() != key) return INVALID_ENGINE;
return it->engine;
* Look for an unreserved EngineID matching the local id, and reserve it if found.
* @param type Vehicle type
* @param grf_local_id The local id in the newgrf
* @param grfid The GrfID that defines the scope of grf_local_id.
* If a newgrf overrides the engines of another newgrf, the "scope grfid" is the ID of the overridden newgrf.
* If dynnamic_engines is disabled, all newgrf share the same ID scope identified by INVALID_GRFID.
* @param static_access Whether to actually reserve the EngineID.
* @return The engine ID if present and now reserved, or INVALID_ENGINE if not.
EngineID EngineOverrideManager::UseUnreservedID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, bool static_access)
auto &map = _engine_mngr.mappings[type];
const auto key = EngineIDMapping::Key(INVALID_GRFID, grf_local_id);
auto it = std::ranges::lower_bound(map, key, std::less{}, EngineIDMappingKeyProjection{});
if (it == std::end(map) || it->Key() != key) return INVALID_ENGINE;
if (!static_access && grfid != INVALID_GRFID) {
/* Reserve the engine slot for the new grfid. */
it->grfid = grfid;
/* Relocate entry to its new position in the mapping list to keep it sorted. */
auto p = std::ranges::lower_bound(map, EngineIDMapping::Key(grfid, grf_local_id), std::less{}, EngineIDMappingKeyProjection{});
it = Slide(it, std::next(it), p).first;
return it->engine;
void EngineOverrideManager::SetID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint8_t substitute_id, EngineID engine)
auto &map = this->mappings[type];
const auto key = EngineIDMapping::Key(grfid, grf_local_id);
auto it = std::ranges::lower_bound(map, key, std::less{}, EngineIDMappingKeyProjection{});
if (it == std::end(map) || it->Key() != key) {
map.emplace(it, grfid, grf_local_id, type, substitute_id, engine);
} else {
it->engine = engine;
@ -564,15 +603,15 @@ void SetupEngines()
assert(_engine_mngr.mappings.size() >= EngineOverrideManager::NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES);
[[maybe_unused]] uint index = 0;
for (const EngineIDMapping &eid : _engine_mngr.mappings) {
/* Assert is safe; there won't be more than 256 original vehicles
* in any case, and we just cleaned the pool. */
[[maybe_unused]] const Engine *e = new Engine(eid.type, eid.internal_id);
assert(e->index == index);
for (VehicleType type = VEH_BEGIN; type != VEH_COMPANY_END; type++) {
const auto &mapping = _engine_mngr.mappings[type];
/* Verify that the engine override manager has at least been set up with the default engines. */
assert(std::size(mapping) >= _engine_counts[type]);
for (const EngineIDMapping &eid : mapping) {
new (eid.engine) Engine(type, eid.internal_id);
@ -198,10 +198,20 @@ struct EngineIDMapping {
uint16_t internal_id; ///< The internal ID within the GRF file
VehicleType type; ///< The engine type
uint8_t substitute_id; ///< The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available (currently not used)
EngineID engine;
static inline uint64_t Key(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t internal_id) { return static_cast<uint64_t>(grfid) << 32 | internal_id; }
inline uint64_t Key() const { return Key(this->grfid, this->internal_id); }
EngineIDMapping() {}
EngineIDMapping(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t internal_id, VehicleType type, uint8_t substitute_id)
: grfid(grfid), internal_id(internal_id),type(type), substitute_id(substitute_id) {}
EngineIDMapping(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t internal_id, VehicleType type, uint8_t substitute_id, EngineID engine)
: grfid(grfid), internal_id(internal_id), type(type), substitute_id(substitute_id), engine(engine) {}
/** Projection to get a unique key of an EngineIDMapping, used for sorting in EngineOverrideManager. */
struct EngineIDMappingKeyProjection {
inline size_t operator()(const EngineIDMapping &eid) const { return eid.Key(); }
@ -209,12 +219,12 @@ struct EngineIDMapping {
* Note: This is not part of Engine, as the data in the EngineOverrideManager and the engine pool get resetted in different cases.
struct EngineOverrideManager {
std::vector<EngineIDMapping> mappings;
static const uint NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES; ///< Number of default entries
std::array<std::vector<EngineIDMapping>, VEH_COMPANY_END> mappings;
void ResetToDefaultMapping();
EngineID GetID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid);
EngineID UseUnreservedID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, bool static_access);
void SetID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint8_t substitute_id, EngineID engine);
static bool ResetToCurrentNewGRFConfig();
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ static Engine *GetNewEngine(const GRFFile *file, VehicleType type, uint16_t inte
/* Check if there is an unreserved slot */
EngineID engine = _engine_mngr.GetID(type, internal_id, INVALID_GRFID);
EngineID engine = _engine_mngr.UseUnreservedID(type, internal_id, scope_grfid, static_access);
if (engine != INVALID_ENGINE) {
Engine *e = Engine::Get(engine);
@ -651,12 +651,6 @@ static Engine *GetNewEngine(const GRFFile *file, VehicleType type, uint16_t inte
GrfMsg(5, "Replaced engine at index {} for GRFID {:x}, type {}, index {}", e->index, BSWAP32(file->grfid), type, internal_id);
/* Reserve the engine slot */
if (!static_access) {
EngineIDMapping &eid = _engine_mngr.mappings[engine];
eid.grfid = scope_grfid; // Note: this is INVALID_GRFID if dynamic_engines is disabled, so no reservation
return e;
@ -675,13 +669,7 @@ static Engine *GetNewEngine(const GRFFile *file, VehicleType type, uint16_t inte
e->grf_prop.grffile = file;
/* Reserve the engine slot */
assert(_engine_mngr.mappings.size() == e->index);
scope_grfid, // Note: this is INVALID_GRFID if dynamic_engines is disabled, so no reservation
std::min<uint8_t>(internal_id, _engine_counts[type]) // substitute_id == _engine_counts[subtype] means "no substitute"
_engine_mngr.SetID(type, internal_id, scope_grfid, std::min<uint8_t>(internal_id, _engine_counts[type]), e->index);
if (engine_pool_size != Engine::GetPoolSize()) {
/* Resize temporary engine data ... */
@ -9250,8 +9238,8 @@ static void FinaliseEngineArray()
for (Engine *e : Engine::Iterate()) {
if (e->GetGRF() == nullptr) {
const EngineIDMapping &eid = _engine_mngr.mappings[e->index];
if (eid.grfid != INVALID_GRFID || eid.internal_id != eid.substitute_id) {
auto found = std::ranges::find(_engine_mngr.mappings[e->type], e->index, &EngineIDMapping::engine);
if (found == std::end(_engine_mngr.mappings[e->type]) || found->grfid != INVALID_GRFID || found->internal_id != found->substitute_id) {
e->info.string_id = STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_ENGINE;
@ -9302,7 +9290,7 @@ static void FinaliseEngineArray()
/* Engine looped back on itself, so clear the variant. */
e->info.variant_id = INVALID_ENGINE;
GrfMsg(1, "FinaliseEngineArray: Variant of engine {:x} in '{}' loops back on itself", _engine_mngr.mappings[e->index].internal_id, e->GetGRF()->filename);
GrfMsg(1, "FinaliseEngineArray: Variant of engine {:x} in '{}' loops back on itself", e->grf_prop.local_id, e->GetGRF()->filename);
@ -1311,17 +1311,17 @@ void AlterVehicleListOrder(EngineID engine, uint target)
static bool EnginePreSort(const EngineID &a, const EngineID &b)
const EngineIDMapping &id_a = _engine_mngr.mappings.at(a);
const EngineIDMapping &id_b = _engine_mngr.mappings.at(b);
const Engine &engine_a = *Engine::Get(a);
const Engine &engine_b = *Engine::Get(b);
/* 1. Sort by engine type */
if (id_a.type != id_b.type) return (int)id_a.type < (int)id_b.type;
if (engine_a.type != engine_b.type) return static_cast<int>(engine_a.type) < static_cast<int>(engine_b.type);
/* 2. Sort by scope-GRFID */
if (id_a.grfid != id_b.grfid) return id_a.grfid < id_b.grfid;
if (engine_a.grf_prop.grfid != engine_b.grf_prop.grfid) return engine_a.grf_prop.grfid < engine_b.grf_prop.grfid;
/* 3. Sort by local ID */
return (int)id_a.internal_id < (int)id_b.internal_id;
return static_cast<int>(engine_a.grf_prop.local_id) < static_cast<int>(engine_b.grf_prop.local_id);
@ -1341,10 +1341,10 @@ void CommitVehicleListOrderChanges()
EngineID source = it.engine;
uint local_target = it.target;
const EngineIDMapping &id_source = _engine_mngr.mappings[source];
if (id_source.internal_id == local_target) continue;
Engine *engine_source = Engine::Get(source);
if (engine_source->grf_prop.local_id == local_target) continue;
EngineID target = _engine_mngr.GetID(id_source.type, local_target, id_source.grfid);
EngineID target = _engine_mngr.GetID(engine_source->type, local_target, engine_source->grf_prop.grfid);
if (target == INVALID_ENGINE) continue;
int source_index = find_index(ordering, source);
@ -189,11 +189,25 @@ struct EIDSChunkHandler : ChunkHandler {
uint index = 0;
for (EngineIDMapping &eid : _engine_mngr.mappings) {
/* Count total entries needed for combined list. */
size_t total = 0;
for (const auto &mapping : _engine_mngr.mappings) {
total += std::size(mapping);
/* Combine per-type mappings into single list for all types. */
std::vector<EngineIDMapping> temp;
for (const auto &mapping : _engine_mngr.mappings) {
temp.insert(std::end(temp), std::begin(mapping), std::end(mapping));
/* Sort combined list by EngineID */
std::ranges::sort(temp, std::less{}, &EngineIDMapping::engine);
for (EngineIDMapping &eid : temp) {
SlObject(&eid, _engine_id_mapping_desc);
@ -201,11 +215,13 @@ struct EIDSChunkHandler : ChunkHandler {
const std::vector<SaveLoad> slt = SlCompatTableHeader(_engine_id_mapping_desc, _engine_id_mapping_sl_compat);
_engine_mngr.mappings = {};
while (SlIterateArray() != -1) {
EngineIDMapping *eid = &_engine_mngr.mappings.emplace_back();
SlObject(eid, slt);
int index;
while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
EngineIDMapping eid;
SlObject(&eid, slt);
_engine_mngr.SetID(eid.type, eid.internal_id, eid.grfid, eid.substitute_id, index);
Reference in New Issue
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