mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 06:15:04 +00:00
(svn r23362) -Codechange: refactor AIScanner, splitting it in AIScannerInfo and AIScannerLibrary
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <map>
/** A list that maps AI names to their AIInfo object. */
typedef std::map<const char *, class AIInfo *, StringCompare> AIInfoList;
typedef std::map<const char *, class ScriptInfo *, StringCompare> ScriptInfoList;
* Main AI class. Contains all functions needed to start, stop, save and load AIs.
@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ public:
/** Wrapper function for AIScanner::GetAIConsoleLibraryList */
static char *GetConsoleLibraryList(char *p, const char *last);
/** Wrapper function for AIScanner::GetAIInfoList */
static const AIInfoList *GetInfoList();
static const ScriptInfoList *GetInfoList();
/** Wrapper function for AIScanner::GetUniqueAIInfoList */
static const AIInfoList *GetUniqueInfoList();
static const ScriptInfoList *GetUniqueInfoList();
/** Wrapper function for AIScanner::FindInfo */
static AIInfo *FindInfo(const char *name, int version, bool force_exact_match);
static class AIInfo *FindInfo(const char *name, int version, bool force_exact_match);
/** Wrapper function for AIScanner::FindLibrary */
static class AILibrary *FindLibrary(const char *library, int version);
@ -145,10 +145,12 @@ public:
#if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK)
/** Wrapper function for AIScanner::HasAI */
static bool HasAI(const struct ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum);
static bool HasAILibrary(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum);
static uint frame_counter; ///< Tick counter for the AI code
static class AIScanner *ai_scanner; ///< AIScanner instance that is used to find AIs
static uint frame_counter; ///< Tick counter for the AI code
static class AIScannerInfo *scanner_info; ///< ScriptScanner instance that is used to find AIs
static class AIScannerLibrary *scanner_library; ///< ScriptScanner instance that is used to find AI Libraries
#else /* ENABLE_AI */
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ public:
static void KillAll() {}
static void GameLoop() {}
static bool HasAI(const struct ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum) { return false; }
static bool HasAILibrary(const struct ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum) { return false; }
static void Rescan() {}
static char *GetConsoleList(char *p, const char *last, bool newest_only = false) { return p; }
static void nop() { }
@ -21,10 +21,12 @@
#include "ai_scanner.hpp"
#include "ai_instance.hpp"
#include "ai_config.hpp"
#include "ai.hpp"
#include "../script/api/script_error.hpp"
/* static */ uint AI::frame_counter = 0;
/* static */ AIScanner *AI::ai_scanner = NULL;
/* static */ AIScannerInfo *AI::scanner_info = NULL;
/* static */ AIScannerLibrary *AI::scanner_library = NULL;
/* static */ bool AI::CanStartNew()
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
AIConfig *config = AIConfig::GetConfig(company);
AIInfo *info = config->GetInfo();
if (info == NULL || (rerandomise_ai && config->IsRandomAI())) {
info = AI::ai_scanner->SelectRandomAI();
info = AI::scanner_info->SelectRandomAI();
assert(info != NULL);
/* Load default data and store the name in the settings */
config->ChangeAI(info->GetName(), -1, false, true);
@ -134,12 +136,15 @@
/* static */ void AI::Initialize()
if (AI::ai_scanner != NULL) AI::Uninitialize(true);
if (AI::scanner_info != NULL) AI::Uninitialize(true);
AI::frame_counter = 0;
if (AI::ai_scanner == NULL) {
if (AI::scanner_info == NULL) {
AI::ai_scanner = new AIScanner();
AI::scanner_info = new AIScannerInfo();
AI::scanner_library = new AIScannerLibrary();
@ -152,8 +157,10 @@
* still load all the AIS, while keeping the configs in place */
} else {
delete AI::ai_scanner;
AI::ai_scanner = NULL;
delete AI::scanner_info;
delete AI::scanner_library;
AI::scanner_info = NULL;
AI::scanner_library = NULL;
for (CompanyID c = COMPANY_FIRST; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) {
if (_settings_game.ai_config[c] != NULL) {
@ -286,42 +293,59 @@
/* static */ char *AI::GetConsoleList(char *p, const char *last, bool newest_only)
return AI::ai_scanner->GetAIConsoleList(p, last, newest_only);
return AI::scanner_info->GetConsoleList(p, last, newest_only);
/* static */ char *AI::GetConsoleLibraryList(char *p, const char *last)
return AI::ai_scanner->GetAIConsoleLibraryList(p, last);
return AI::scanner_library->GetConsoleList(p, last, true);
/* static */ const AIInfoList *AI::GetInfoList()
/* static */ const ScriptInfoList *AI::GetInfoList()
return AI::ai_scanner->GetAIInfoList();
return AI::scanner_info->GetInfoList();
/* static */ const AIInfoList *AI::GetUniqueInfoList()
/* static */ const ScriptInfoList *AI::GetUniqueInfoList()
return AI::ai_scanner->GetUniqueAIInfoList();
return AI::scanner_info->GetUniqueInfoList();
/* static */ AIInfo *AI::FindInfo(const char *name, int version, bool force_exact_match)
return AI::ai_scanner->FindInfo(name, version, force_exact_match);
return AI::scanner_info->FindInfo(name, version, force_exact_match);
/* static */ AILibrary *AI::FindLibrary(const char *library, int version)
return AI::ai_scanner->FindLibrary(library, version);
return AI::scanner_library->FindLibrary(library, version);
/* static */ void AI::Rescan()
InvalidateWindowData(WC_AI_LIST, 0, 1);
SetWindowDirty(WC_AI_SETTINGS, 0);
* Check whether we have an AI (library) with the exact characteristics as ci.
* @param ci the characteristics to search on (shortname and md5sum)
* @param md5sum whether to check the MD5 checksum
* @return true iff we have an AI (library) matching.
/* static */ bool AI::HasAI(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum)
return AI::scanner_info->HasScript(ci, md5sum);
/* static */ bool AI::HasAILibrary(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum)
return AI::scanner_library->HasScript(ci, md5sum);
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ enum AIListWindowWidgets {
* Window that let you choose an available AI.
struct AIListWindow : public Window {
const AIInfoList *ai_info_list; ///< The list of AIs.
int selected; ///< The currently selected AI.
CompanyID slot; ///< The company we're selecting a new AI for.
int line_height; ///< Height of a row in the matrix widget.
Scrollbar *vscroll; ///< Cache of the vertical scrollbar.
const ScriptInfoList *ai_info_list; ///< The list of AIs.
int selected; ///< The currently selected AI.
CompanyID slot; ///< The company we're selecting a new AI for.
int line_height; ///< Height of a row in the matrix widget.
Scrollbar *vscroll; ///< Cache of the vertical scrollbar.
* Constructor for the window.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ struct AIListWindow : public Window {
if (AIConfig::GetConfig(slot)->HasAI()) {
AIInfo *info = AIConfig::GetConfig(slot)->GetInfo();
int i = 0;
for (AIInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin(); it != this->ai_info_list->end(); it++, i++) {
for (ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin(); it != this->ai_info_list->end(); it++, i++) {
if ((*it).second == info) {
this->selected = i;
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct AIListWindow : public Window {
DrawString(r.left + WD_MATRIX_LEFT, r.right - WD_MATRIX_LEFT, y + WD_MATRIX_TOP, STR_AI_CONFIG_RANDOM_AI, this->selected == -1 ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK);
y += this->line_height;
AIInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin();
ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin();
for (int i = 1; it != this->ai_info_list->end(); i++, it++) {
if (this->vscroll->IsVisible(i)) {
DrawString(r.left + WD_MATRIX_LEFT, r.right - WD_MATRIX_RIGHT, y + WD_MATRIX_TOP, (*it).second->GetName(), (this->selected == i - 1) ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK);
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ struct AIListWindow : public Window {
AIInfo *selected_info = NULL;
AIInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin();
ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin();
for (int i = 1; selected_info == NULL && it != this->ai_info_list->end(); i++, it++) {
if (this->selected == i - 1) selected_info = (*it).second;
if (this->selected == i - 1) selected_info = static_cast<AIInfo *>((*it).second);
/* Some info about the currently selected AI. */
if (selected_info != NULL) {
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ struct AIListWindow : public Window {
if (this->selected == -1) {
} else {
AIInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin();
ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = this->ai_info_list->begin();
for (int i = 0; i < this->selected; i++) it++;
AIConfig::GetConfig(slot)->ChangeAI((*it).second->GetName(), (*it).second->GetVersion());
@ -7,16 +7,18 @@
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file ai_info.cpp Implementation of AIFileInfo */
/** @file ai_info.cpp Implementation of AIInfo and AILibrary */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../script/squirrel_helper.hpp"
#include "../script/squirrel_class.hpp"
#include "ai_info.hpp"
#include "ai_scanner.hpp"
#include "../settings_type.h"
#include "../debug.h"
#include "../rev.h"
#include "ai.hpp"
/** Maximum number of operations allowed for getting a particular setting. */
static const int MAX_GET_SETTING_OPS = 100000;
@ -37,20 +39,6 @@ AIConfigItem _start_date_config = {
/* static */ SQInteger AIFileInfo::Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, AIFileInfo *info)
SQInteger res = ScriptFileInfo::Constructor(vm, info);
if (res != 0) return res;
info->base = ((AIScanner *)Squirrel::GetGlobalPointer(vm));
return 0;
* Check if the API version provided by the AI is supported.
* @param api_version The API version as provided by the AI.
@ -60,6 +48,29 @@ static bool CheckAPIVersion(const char *api_version)
return strcmp(api_version, "0.7") == 0 || strcmp(api_version, "1.0") == 0 || strcmp(api_version, "1.1") == 0 || strcmp(api_version, "1.2") == 0;
#if defined(WIN32)
#undef GetClassName
#endif /* WIN32 */
template <> const char *GetClassName<AIInfo, ST_AI>() { return "AIInfo"; }
/* static */ void AIInfo::RegisterAPI(Squirrel *engine)
/* Create the AIInfo class, and add the RegisterAI function */
DefSQClass<AIInfo, ST_AI> SQAIInfo("AIInfo");
SQAIInfo.AddConstructor<void (AIInfo::*)(), 1>(engine, "x");
SQAIInfo.DefSQAdvancedMethod(engine, &AIInfo::AddSetting, "AddSetting");
SQAIInfo.DefSQAdvancedMethod(engine, &AIInfo::AddLabels, "AddLabels");
engine->AddMethod("RegisterAI", &AIInfo::Constructor, 2, "tx");
engine->AddMethod("RegisterDummyAI", &AIInfo::DummyConstructor, 2, "tx");
/* static */ SQInteger AIInfo::Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* Get the AIInfo */
@ -67,7 +78,7 @@ static bool CheckAPIVersion(const char *api_version)
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinstanceup(vm, 2, &instance, 0)) || instance == NULL) return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Pass an instance of a child class of AIInfo to RegisterAI"));
AIInfo *info = (AIInfo *)instance;
SQInteger res = AIFileInfo::Constructor(vm, info);
SQInteger res = ScriptInfo::Constructor(vm, info);
if (res != 0) return res;
AIConfigItem config = _start_date_config;
@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ static bool CheckAPIVersion(const char *api_version)
/* Remove the link to the real instance, else it might get deleted by RegisterAI() */
sq_setinstanceup(vm, 2, NULL);
/* Register the AI to the base system */
return 0;
@ -116,7 +127,7 @@ static bool CheckAPIVersion(const char *api_version)
AIInfo *info = (AIInfo *)instance;
info->api_version = NULL;
SQInteger res = AIFileInfo::Constructor(vm, info);
SQInteger res = ScriptInfo::Constructor(vm, info);
if (res != 0) return res;
char buf[8];
@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ static bool CheckAPIVersion(const char *api_version)
/* Remove the link to the real instance, else it might get deleted by RegisterAI() */
sq_setinstanceup(vm, 2, NULL);
/* Register the AI to the base system */
static_cast<AIScannerInfo *>(info->GetScanner())->SetDummyAI(info);
return 0;
@ -350,12 +361,26 @@ int AIInfo::GetSettingDefaultValue(const char *name) const
return -1;
/* static */ void AILibrary::RegisterAPI(Squirrel *engine)
/* Create the AILibrary class, and add the RegisterLibrary function */
engine->AddMethod("RegisterLibrary", &AILibrary::Constructor, 2, "tx");
/* static */ SQInteger AILibrary::Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* Create a new AIFileInfo */
/* Create a new library */
AILibrary *library = new AILibrary();
SQInteger res = AIFileInfo::Constructor(vm, library);
SQInteger res = ScriptInfo::Constructor(vm, library);
if (res != 0) {
delete library;
return res;
@ -368,7 +393,7 @@ int AIInfo::GetSettingDefaultValue(const char *name) const
/* Register the Library to the base system */
return 0;
@ -49,24 +49,17 @@ extern AIConfigItem _start_date_config;
typedef std::list<AIConfigItem> AIConfigItemList; ///< List of AIConfig items.
/** Base class that holds some basic information about AIs and AI libraries. */
class AIFileInfo : public ScriptFileInfo {
* Process the creation of a FileInfo object.
static SQInteger Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, AIFileInfo *info);
class AIScanner *base; ///< AIScanner object that was used to scan this AI (library) info.
/** All static information from an AI like name, version, etc. */
class AIInfo : public AIFileInfo {
class AIInfo : public ScriptInfo {
* Register the functions of this class.
static void RegisterAPI(Squirrel *engine);
* Create an AI, using this AIInfo as start-template.
@ -130,11 +123,16 @@ private:
/** All static information from an AI library like name, version, etc. */
class AILibrary : public AIFileInfo {
class AILibrary : public ScriptInfo {
AILibrary() : AIFileInfo(), category(NULL) {};
AILibrary() : ScriptInfo(), category(NULL) {};
* Register the functions of this class.
static void RegisterAPI(Squirrel *engine);
* Create an AI, using this AIInfo as start-template.
@ -20,177 +20,50 @@
#include "ai_scanner.hpp"
#include "../script/api/script_controller.hpp"
void AIScanner::RescanAIDir()
/* Get rid of information of old AIs. */
this->Scan(PATHSEP "info.nut", AI_DIR);
this->Scan(PATHSEP "library.nut", AI_LIBRARY_DIR);
template <> const char *GetClassName<AIInfo, ST_AI>() { return "AIInfo"; }
AIScanner::AIScanner() :
AIScannerInfo::AIScannerInfo() :
/* Create the AIInfo class, and add the RegisterAI function */
DefSQClass<AIInfo, ST_AI> SQAIInfo("AIInfo");
SQAIInfo.AddConstructor<void (AIInfo::*)(), 1>(engine, "x");
SQAIInfo.DefSQAdvancedMethod(this->engine, &AIInfo::AddSetting, "AddSetting");
SQAIInfo.DefSQAdvancedMethod(this->engine, &AIInfo::AddLabels, "AddLabels");
this->engine->AddMethod("RegisterAI", &AIInfo::Constructor, 2, "tx");
this->engine->AddMethod("RegisterDummyAI", &AIInfo::DummyConstructor, 2, "tx");
/* Create the AILibrary class, and add the RegisterLibrary function */
this->engine->AddMethod("RegisterLibrary", &AILibrary::Constructor, 2, "tx");
/* Scan the AI dir for scripts */
void AIScannerInfo::Initialize(const char *name)
/* Create the dummy AI */
this->main_script = strdup("%_dummy");
extern void AI_CreateAIInfoDummy(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
void AIScanner::Reset()
void AIScannerInfo::SetDummyAI(class AIInfo *info)
AIInfoList::iterator it = this->info_list.begin();
for (; it != this->info_list.end(); it++) {
delete (*it).second;
it = this->info_single_list.begin();
for (; it != this->info_single_list.end(); it++) {
AILibraryList::iterator lit = this->library_list.begin();
for (; lit != this->library_list.end(); lit++) {
delete (*lit).second;
this->info_dummy = info;
delete this->info_dummy;
AILibrary *AIScanner::FindLibrary(const char *library, int version)
void AIScannerInfo::GetScriptName(ScriptInfo *info, char *name, int len)
/* Internally we store libraries as 'library.version' */
char library_name[1024];
snprintf(library_name, sizeof(library_name), "%s.%d", library, version);
/* Check if the library + version exists */
AILibraryList::iterator iter = this->library_list.find(library_name);
if (iter == this->library_list.end()) return NULL;
return (*iter).second;
snprintf(name, len, "%s", info->GetName());
void AIScanner::RegisterLibrary(AILibrary *library)
void AIScannerInfo::RegisterAPI(class Squirrel *engine)
char library_name[1024];
snprintf(library_name, sizeof(library_name), "%s.%s.%d", library->GetCategory(), library->GetInstanceName(), library->GetVersion());
if (this->library_list.find(library_name) != this->library_list.end()) {
/* This AI was already registered */
#ifdef WIN32
/* Windows doesn't care about the case */
if (strcasecmp(this->library_list[library_name]->GetMainScript(), library->GetMainScript()) == 0) {
if (strcmp(this->library_list[library_name]->GetMainScript(), library->GetMainScript()) == 0) {
delete library;
DEBUG(ai, 1, "Registering two libraries with the same name and version");
DEBUG(ai, 1, " 1: %s", this->library_list[library_name]->GetMainScript());
DEBUG(ai, 1, " 2: %s", library->GetMainScript());
DEBUG(ai, 1, "The first is taking precedence.");
delete library;
this->library_list[strdup(library_name)] = library;
void AIScanner::RegisterAI(AIInfo *info)
char ai_name[1024];
snprintf(ai_name, sizeof(ai_name), "%s.%d", info->GetName(), info->GetVersion());
/* Check if GetShortName follows the rules */
if (strlen(info->GetShortName()) != 4) {
DEBUG(ai, 0, "The AI '%s' returned a string from GetShortName() which is not four characaters. Unable to load the AI.", info->GetName());
delete info;
if (this->info_list.find(ai_name) != this->info_list.end()) {
/* This AI was already registered */
#ifdef WIN32
/* Windows doesn't care about the case */
if (strcasecmp(this->info_list[ai_name]->GetMainScript(), info->GetMainScript()) == 0) {
if (strcmp(this->info_list[ai_name]->GetMainScript(), info->GetMainScript()) == 0) {
delete info;
DEBUG(ai, 1, "Registering two AIs with the same name and version");
DEBUG(ai, 1, " 1: %s", this->info_list[ai_name]->GetMainScript());
DEBUG(ai, 1, " 2: %s", info->GetMainScript());
DEBUG(ai, 1, "The first is taking precedence.");
delete info;
this->info_list[strdup(ai_name)] = info;
/* Add the AI to the 'unique' AI list, where only the highest version of the
* AI is registered. */
snprintf(ai_name, sizeof(ai_name), "%s", info->GetName());
if (this->info_single_list.find(ai_name) == this->info_single_list.end()) {
this->info_single_list[strdup(ai_name)] = info;
} else if (this->info_single_list[ai_name]->GetVersion() < info->GetVersion()) {
this->info_single_list[ai_name] = info;
AIInfo *AIScanner::SelectRandomAI() const
AIInfo *AIScannerInfo::SelectRandomAI() const
uint num_random_ais = 0;
for (AIInfoList::const_iterator it = this->info_single_list.begin(); it != this->info_single_list.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->UseAsRandomAI()) num_random_ais++;
for (ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = this->info_single_list.begin(); it != this->info_single_list.end(); it++) {
AIInfo *i = static_cast<AIInfo *>((*it).second);
if (i->UseAsRandomAI()) num_random_ais++;
if (num_random_ais == 0) {
@ -207,16 +80,17 @@ AIInfo *AIScanner::SelectRandomAI() const
/* Find the Nth item from the array */
AIInfoList::const_iterator it = this->info_single_list.begin();
while (!it->second->UseAsRandomAI()) it++;
ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = this->info_single_list.begin();
AIInfo *i = static_cast<AIInfo *>((*it).second);
while (!i->UseAsRandomAI()) it++;
for (; pos > 0; pos--) {
while (!it->second->UseAsRandomAI()) it++;
while (!i->UseAsRandomAI()) it++;
return (*it).second;
return i;
AIInfo *AIScanner::FindInfo(const char *nameParam, int versionParam, bool force_exact_match)
AIInfo *AIScannerInfo::FindInfo(const char *nameParam, int versionParam, bool force_exact_match)
if (this->info_list.size() == 0) return NULL;
if (nameParam == NULL) return NULL;
@ -230,7 +104,7 @@ AIInfo *AIScanner::FindInfo(const char *nameParam, int versionParam, bool force_
if (versionParam == -1) {
/* We want to load the latest version of this AI; so find it */
if (this->info_single_list.find(ai_name) != this->info_single_list.end()) return this->info_single_list[ai_name];
if (this->info_single_list.find(ai_name) != this->info_single_list.end()) return static_cast<AIInfo *>(this->info_single_list[ai_name]);
/* If we didn't find a match AI, maybe the user included a version */
char *e = strrchr(ai_name, '.');
@ -246,177 +120,45 @@ AIInfo *AIScanner::FindInfo(const char *nameParam, int versionParam, bool force_
char ai_name_tmp[1024];
snprintf(ai_name_tmp, sizeof(ai_name_tmp), "%s.%d", ai_name, versionParam);
if (this->info_list.find(ai_name_tmp) != this->info_list.end()) return this->info_list[ai_name_tmp];
if (this->info_list.find(ai_name_tmp) != this->info_list.end()) return static_cast<AIInfo *>(this->info_list[ai_name_tmp]);
/* See if there is a compatible AI which goes by that name, with the highest
* version which allows loading the requested version */
AIInfoList::iterator it = this->info_list.begin();
ScriptInfoList::iterator it = this->info_list.begin();
for (; it != this->info_list.end(); it++) {
if (strcasecmp(ai_name, (*it).second->GetName()) == 0 && (*it).second->CanLoadFromVersion(versionParam) && (version == -1 || (*it).second->GetVersion() > version)) {
AIInfo *i = static_cast<AIInfo *>((*it).second);
if (strcasecmp(ai_name, i->GetName()) == 0 && i->CanLoadFromVersion(versionParam) && (version == -1 || i->GetVersion() > version)) {
version = (*it).second->GetVersion();
info = (*it).second;
info = i;
return info;
char *AIScanner::GetAIConsoleList(char *p, const char *last, bool newest_only) const
p += seprintf(p, last, "List of AIs:\n");
const AIInfoList &list = newest_only ? this->info_single_list : this->info_list;
AIInfoList::const_iterator it = list.begin();
for (; it != list.end(); it++) {
AIInfo *i = (*it).second;
p += seprintf(p, last, "%10s (v%d): %s\n", i->GetName(), i->GetVersion(), i->GetDescription());
p += seprintf(p, last, "\n");
return p;
void AIScannerLibrary::GetScriptName(ScriptInfo *info, char *name, int len)
AILibrary *library = static_cast<AILibrary *>(info);
snprintf(name, len, "%s.%s", library->GetCategory(), library->GetInstanceName());
char *AIScanner::GetAIConsoleLibraryList(char *p, const char *last) const
void AIScannerLibrary::RegisterAPI(class Squirrel *engine)
p += seprintf(p, last, "List of AI Libraries:\n");
AILibraryList::const_iterator it = this->library_list.begin();
for (; it != this->library_list.end(); it++) {
AILibrary *i = (*it).second;
p += seprintf(p, last, "%10s (v%d): %s\n", i->GetName(), i->GetVersion(), i->GetDescription());
p += seprintf(p, last, "\n");
return p;
#if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK)
#include "../network/network_content.h"
#include "../3rdparty/md5/md5.h"
#include "../tar_type.h"
/** Helper for creating a MD5sum of all files within of an AI. */
struct AIFileChecksumCreator : FileScanner {
byte md5sum[16]; ///< The final md5sum
* Initialise the md5sum to be all zeroes,
* so we can easily xor the data.
memset(this->md5sum, 0, sizeof(this->md5sum));
/* Add the file and calculate the md5 sum. */
virtual bool AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename)
Md5 checksum;
uint8 buffer[1024];
size_t len, size;
byte tmp_md5sum[16];
/* Open the file ... */
FILE *f = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_DIR, &size);
if (f == NULL) return false;
/* ... calculate md5sum... */
while ((len = fread(buffer, 1, (size > sizeof(buffer)) ? sizeof(buffer) : size, f)) != 0 && size != 0) {
size -= len;
checksum.Append(buffer, len);
/* ... and xor it to the overall md5sum. */
for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(md5sum); i++) this->md5sum[i] ^= tmp_md5sum[i];
return true;
* Check whether the AI given in info is the same as in ci based
* on the shortname and md5 sum.
* @param ci the information to compare to
* @param md5sum whether to check the MD5 checksum
* @param info the AI to get the shortname and md5 sum from
* @return true iff they're the same
static bool IsSameAI(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum, AIFileInfo *info)
AILibrary *AIScannerLibrary::FindLibrary(const char *library, int version)
uint32 id = 0;
const char *str = info->GetShortName();
for (int j = 0; j < 4 && *str != '\0'; j++, str++) id |= *str << (8 * j);
/* Internally we store libraries as 'library.version' */
char library_name[1024];
snprintf(library_name, sizeof(library_name), "%s.%d", library, version);
if (id != ci->unique_id) return false;
if (!md5sum) return true;
/* Check if the library + version exists */
ScriptInfoList::iterator iter = this->info_list.find(library_name);
if (iter == this->info_list.end()) return NULL;
AIFileChecksumCreator checksum;
const char *tar_filename = info->GetTarFile();
TarList::iterator iter;
if (tar_filename != NULL && (iter = _tar_list[AI_DIR].find(tar_filename)) != _tar_list[AI_DIR].end()) {
/* The main script is in a tar file, so find all files that
* are in the same tar and add them to the MD5 checksumming. */
TarFileList::iterator tar;
/* Not in the same tar. */
if (tar->second.tar_filename != iter->first) continue;
/* Check the extension. */
const char *ext = strrchr(tar->first.c_str(), '.');
if (ext == NULL || strcasecmp(ext, ".nut") != 0) continue;
checksum.AddFile(tar->first.c_str(), 0, tar_filename);
} else {
char path[MAX_PATH];
strecpy(path, info->GetMainScript(), lastof(path));
/* There'll always be at least 1 path separator character in an AI's
* main script name as the search algorithm requires the main script to
* be in a subdirectory of the AI directory; so ai/<path>/main.nut. */
*strrchr(path, PATHSEPCHAR) = '\0';
checksum.Scan(".nut", path);
return memcmp(ci->md5sum, checksum.md5sum, sizeof(ci->md5sum)) == 0;
return static_cast<AILibrary *>((*iter).second);
* Check whether we have an AI (library) with the exact characteristics as ci.
* @param ci the characteristics to search on (shortname and md5sum)
* @param md5sum whether to check the MD5 checksum
* @return true iff we have an AI (library) matching.
bool AIScanner::HasAI(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum)
switch (ci->type) {
for (AIInfoList::iterator it = this->info_list.begin(); it != this->info_list.end(); it++) {
if (IsSameAI(ci, md5sum, (*it).second)) return true;
return false;
for (AILibraryList::iterator it = this->library_list.begin(); it != this->library_list.end(); it++) {
if (IsSameAI(ci, md5sum, (*it).second)) return true;
return false;
* Check whether we have an AI (library) with the exact characteristics as ci.
* @param ci the characteristics to search on (shortname and md5sum)
* @param md5sum whether to check the MD5 checksum
* @return true iff we have an AI (library) matching.
/* static */ bool AI::HasAI(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum)
return AI::ai_scanner->HasAI(ci, md5sum);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
@ -13,95 +13,61 @@
#include "../script/script_scanner.hpp"
#include "ai.hpp"
* Class that scans for available AIs.
class AIScanner : public ScriptScanner {
class AIScannerInfo : public ScriptScanner {
/* virtual */ void Initialize(const char *name);
* Find a library by name + version.
* @param library The name of the library to find.
* @param version The prefered version of the library.
* @return The library if found, NULL otherwise.
AILibrary *FindLibrary(const char *library, int version);
* Register a library to be put in the available list.
void RegisterLibrary(class AILibrary *library);
* Register an AI to be put in the available list.
void RegisterAI(class AIInfo *info);
* Register the dummy AI.
* @param info The dummy AI that.
void SetDummyAI(class AIInfo *info) { this->info_dummy = info; }
* Select a Random AI.
* Select a random AI.
* @return A random AI from the pool.
class AIInfo *SelectRandomAI() const;
* Find an AI by name.
* Check if we have an AI by name and version available in our list.
* @param nameParam The name of the AI.
* @param versionParam The versionof the AI, or -1 if you want the latest.
* @param force_exact_match Only match name+version, never latest.
* @return NULL if no match found, otherwise the AI that matched.
class AIInfo *FindInfo(const char *name, int version, bool force_exact_match);
class AIInfo *FindInfo(const char *nameParam, int versionParam, bool force_exact_match);
* Get the list of available AIs for the console.
* Set the Dummy AI.
char *GetAIConsoleList(char *p, const char *last, bool newest_only) const;
void SetDummyAI(class AIInfo *info);
* Get the list of available AI Libraries for the console.
char *GetAIConsoleLibraryList(char *p, const char *last) const;
/* virtual */ void GetScriptName(ScriptInfo *info, char *name, int len);
/* virtual */ const char *GetFileName() const { return PATHSEP "info.nut"; }
/* virtual */ Subdirectory GetDirectory() const { return AI_DIR; }
/* virtual */ const char *GetScannerName() const { return "AIs"; }
/* virtual */ void RegisterAPI(class Squirrel *engine);
* Get the list of all registered AIs.
const AIInfoList *GetAIInfoList() { return &this->info_list; }
* Get the list of the newest version of all registered AIs.
const AIInfoList *GetUniqueAIInfoList() { return &this->info_single_list; }
* Rescan the AI dir for scripts.
void RescanAIDir();
#if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK)
bool HasAI(const struct ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum);
typedef std::map<const char *, class AILibrary *, StringCompare> AILibraryList; ///< Type for the list of libraries.
AIInfo *info_dummy; ///< The dummy AI.
class AIScannerLibrary : public ScriptScanner {
* Scan the AI dir for scripts.
* Find a library in the pool.
* @param library The library name to find.
* @param version The version the library should have.
* @return The library if found, NULL otherwise.
void ScanAIDir();
class AILibrary *FindLibrary(const char *library, int version);
* Reset all allocated lists.
void Reset();
AIInfo *info_dummy; ///< The dummy AI.
AIInfoList info_list; ///< The list of all AIs.
AIInfoList info_single_list; ///< The list of all unique AIs, based on shortname. The best AI (highest version) is shown.
AILibraryList library_list; ///< The list of libraries.
/* virtual */ void GetScriptName(ScriptInfo *info, char *name, int len);
/* virtual */ const char *GetFileName() const { return PATHSEP "library.nut"; }
/* virtual */ Subdirectory GetDirectory() const { return AI_LIBRARY_DIR; }
/* virtual */ const char *GetScannerName() const { return "AI Libraries"; }
/* virtual */ void RegisterAPI(class Squirrel *engine);
#endif /* AI_SCANNER_HPP */
@ -97,10 +97,13 @@ bool ClientNetworkContentSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_INFO(Packet *p)
proc = AI::HasAI; break;
proc = AI::HasAILibrary; break;
proc = HasScenario;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file script_info.cpp Implementation of ScriptFileInfo. */
/** @file script_info.cpp Implementation of ScriptInfo. */
#include "../stdafx.h"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ static const int MAX_GET_OPS = 1000;
/** Number of operations to create an instance of a script. */
static const int MAX_CREATEINSTANCE_OPS = 100000;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ScriptFileInfo::~ScriptFileInfo()
bool ScriptFileInfo::CheckMethod(const char *name) const
bool ScriptInfo::CheckMethod(const char *name) const
if (!this->engine->MethodExists(*this->SQ_instance, name)) {
char error[1024];
@ -46,16 +46,18 @@ bool ScriptFileInfo::CheckMethod(const char *name) const
return true;
/* static */ SQInteger ScriptFileInfo::Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptFileInfo *info)
/* static */ SQInteger ScriptInfo::Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptInfo *info)
/* Set some basic info from the parent */
info->SQ_instance = MallocT<SQObject>(1);
Squirrel::GetInstance(vm, info->SQ_instance, 2);
/* Make sure the instance stays alive over time */
sq_addref(vm, info->SQ_instance);
ScriptScanner *scanner = (ScriptScanner *)Squirrel::GetGlobalPointer(vm);
info->engine = scanner->GetEngine();
info->scanner = (ScriptScanner *)Squirrel::GetGlobalPointer(vm);
info->engine = info->scanner->GetEngine();
/* Ensure the mandatory functions exist */
static const char * const required_functions[] = {
@ -69,8 +71,9 @@ bool ScriptFileInfo::CheckMethod(const char *name) const
if (!info->CheckMethod(required_functions[i])) return SQ_ERROR;
info->main_script = strdup(scanner->GetMainScript());
const char *tar_name = scanner->GetTarFile();
/* Get location information of the scanner */
info->main_script = strdup(info->scanner->GetMainScript());
const char *tar_name = info->scanner->GetTarFile();
if (tar_name != NULL) info->tar_file = strdup(tar_name);
/* Cache the data the info file gives us. */
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
#include <squirrel.h>
#include "../misc/countedptr.hpp"
class ScriptFileInfo : public SimpleCountedObject {
class ScriptInfo : public SimpleCountedObject {
ScriptFileInfo() :
ScriptInfo() :
@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ public:
* Get the Author of the script.
@ -90,22 +91,30 @@ public:
* Process the creation of a FileInfo object.
static SQInteger Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptFileInfo *info);
static SQInteger Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptInfo *info);
* Get the scanner which has found this ScriptInfo.
virtual class ScriptScanner *GetScanner() { return this->scanner; }
class Squirrel *engine;
HSQOBJECT *SQ_instance;
class Squirrel *engine; ///< Engine used to register for Squirrel.
HSQOBJECT *SQ_instance; ///< The Squirrel instance created for this info.
char *main_script;
char *tar_file;
const char *author;
const char *name;
const char *short_name;
const char *description;
const char *date;
const char *instance_name;
int version;
const char *url;
char *main_script; ///< Name of the main script.
char *tar_file; ///< If, which tar file the script was in.
const char *author; ///< Author of the script.
const char *name; ///< Full name of the script.
const char *short_name; ///< Short name (4 chars) which uniquely identifies the script.
const char *description; ///< Small description of the script.
const char *date; ///< The date the script was written at.
const char *instance_name; ///< Which instance name the script has.
int version; ///< Version of the script.
const char *url; ///< URL of the script.
class ScriptScanner *scanner; ///< ScriptScanner object that was used to scan this script info.
#endif /* SCRIPT_INFO_HPP */
@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
/** @file script_scanner.cpp Allows scanning for scripts. */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../debug.h"
#include "../string_func.h"
#include "../fileio_func.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "../script/squirrel.hpp"
#include "script_scanner.hpp"
#include "script_info.hpp"
bool ScriptScanner::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename)
@ -50,18 +52,222 @@ bool ScriptScanner::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const
return true;
ScriptScanner::ScriptScanner() :
this->engine = new Squirrel("Scanner");
void ScriptScanner::Initialize(const char *name)
this->engine = new Squirrel(name);
/* Mark this class as global pointer */
this->main_script = NULL;
this->tar_file = NULL;
delete this->engine;
void ScriptScanner::RescanDir()
/* Forget about older scans */
/* Scan for scripts */
this->Scan(this->GetFileName(), this->GetDirectory());
void ScriptScanner::Reset()
ScriptInfoList::iterator it = this->info_list.begin();
for (; it != this->info_list.end(); it++) {
delete (*it).second;
it = this->info_single_list.begin();
for (; it != this->info_single_list.end(); it++) {
void ScriptScanner::RegisterScript(ScriptInfo *info)
char script_original_name[1024];
this->GetScriptName(info, script_original_name, sizeof(script_original_name));
char script_name[1024];
snprintf(script_name, sizeof(script_name), "%s.%d", script_original_name, info->GetVersion());
/* Check if GetShortName follows the rules */
if (strlen(info->GetShortName()) != 4) {
DEBUG(ai, 0, "The script '%s' returned a string from GetShortName() which is not four characaters. Unable to load the script.", info->GetName());
delete info;
if (this->info_list.find(script_name) != this->info_list.end()) {
/* This script was already registered */
#ifdef WIN32
/* Windows doesn't care about the case */
if (strcasecmp(this->info_list[script_name]->GetMainScript(), info->GetMainScript()) == 0) {
if (strcmp(this->info_list[script_name]->GetMainScript(), info->GetMainScript()) == 0) {
delete info;
DEBUG(ai, 1, "Registering two scripts with the same name and version");
DEBUG(ai, 1, " 1: %s", this->info_list[script_name]->GetMainScript());
DEBUG(ai, 1, " 2: %s", info->GetMainScript());
DEBUG(ai, 1, "The first is taking precedence.");
delete info;
this->info_list[strdup(script_name)] = info;
/* Add the script to the 'unique' script list, where only the highest version
* of the script is registered. */
if (this->info_single_list.find(script_original_name) == this->info_single_list.end()) {
this->info_single_list[strdup(script_original_name)] = info;
} else if (this->info_single_list[script_original_name]->GetVersion() < info->GetVersion()) {
this->info_single_list[script_original_name] = info;
char *ScriptScanner::GetConsoleList(char *p, const char *last, bool newest_only) const
p += seprintf(p, last, "List of %s:\n", this->GetScannerName());
const ScriptInfoList &list = newest_only ? this->info_single_list : this->info_list;
ScriptInfoList::const_iterator it = list.begin();
for (; it != list.end(); it++) {
ScriptInfo *i = (*it).second;
p += seprintf(p, last, "%10s (v%d): %s\n", i->GetName(), i->GetVersion(), i->GetDescription());
p += seprintf(p, last, "\n");
return p;
#if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK)
#include "../network/network_content.h"
#include "../3rdparty/md5/md5.h"
#include "../tar_type.h"
/** Helper for creating a MD5sum of all files within of a script. */
struct ScriptFileChecksumCreator : FileScanner {
byte md5sum[16]; ///< The final md5sum.
Subdirectory dir; ///< The directory to look in.
* Initialise the md5sum to be all zeroes,
* so we can easily xor the data.
ScriptFileChecksumCreator(Subdirectory dir)
this->dir = dir;
memset(this->md5sum, 0, sizeof(this->md5sum));
/* Add the file and calculate the md5 sum. */
virtual bool AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename)
Md5 checksum;
uint8 buffer[1024];
size_t len, size;
byte tmp_md5sum[16];
/* Open the file ... */
FILE *f = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", this->dir, &size);
if (f == NULL) return false;
/* ... calculate md5sum... */
while ((len = fread(buffer, 1, (size > sizeof(buffer)) ? sizeof(buffer) : size, f)) != 0 && size != 0) {
size -= len;
checksum.Append(buffer, len);
/* ... and xor it to the overall md5sum. */
for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(md5sum); i++) this->md5sum[i] ^= tmp_md5sum[i];
return true;
* Check whether the script given in info is the same as in ci based
* on the shortname and md5 sum.
* @param ci The information to compare to.
* @param md5sum Whether to check the MD5 checksum.
* @param info The script to get the shortname and md5 sum from.
* @return True iff they're the same.
static bool IsSameScript(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum, ScriptInfo *info, Subdirectory dir)
uint32 id = 0;
const char *str = info->GetShortName();
for (int j = 0; j < 4 && *str != '\0'; j++, str++) id |= *str << (8 * j);
if (id != ci->unique_id) return false;
if (!md5sum) return true;
ScriptFileChecksumCreator checksum(dir);
const char *tar_filename = info->GetTarFile();
TarList::iterator iter;
if (tar_filename != NULL && (iter = _tar_list[dir].find(tar_filename)) != _tar_list[dir].end()) {
/* The main script is in a tar file, so find all files that
* are in the same tar and add them to the MD5 checksumming. */
TarFileList::iterator tar;
FOR_ALL_TARS(tar, dir) {
/* Not in the same tar. */
if (tar->second.tar_filename != iter->first) continue;
/* Check the extension. */
const char *ext = strrchr(tar->first.c_str(), '.');
if (ext == NULL || strcasecmp(ext, ".nut") != 0) continue;
checksum.AddFile(tar->first.c_str(), 0, tar_filename);
} else {
char path[MAX_PATH];
strecpy(path, info->GetMainScript(), lastof(path));
/* There'll always be at least 1 path separator character in a script
* main script name as the search algorithm requires the main script to
* be in a subdirectory of the script directory; so <dir>/<path>/main.nut. */
*strrchr(path, PATHSEPCHAR) = '\0';
checksum.Scan(".nut", path);
return memcmp(ci->md5sum, checksum.md5sum, sizeof(ci->md5sum)) == 0;
bool ScriptScanner::HasScript(const ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum)
for (ScriptInfoList::iterator it = this->info_list.begin(); it != this->info_list.end(); it++) {
if (IsSameScript(ci, md5sum, (*it).second, this->GetDirectory())) return true;
return false;
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
@ -12,13 +12,23 @@
#include <map>
#include "../fileio_func.h"
#include "../core/string_compare_type.hpp"
typedef std::map<const char *, class ScriptInfo *, StringCompare> ScriptInfoList; ///< Type for the list of scripts.
/** Scanner to help finding scripts. */
class ScriptScanner : public FileScanner {
virtual ~ScriptScanner();
* Initialize the scanner.
* @param name The name of the scanner ("AIScanner", "GSScanner", ..).
virtual void Initialize(const char *name);
* Get the engine of the main squirrel handler (it indexes all available scripts).
@ -35,12 +45,79 @@ public:
const char *GetTarFile() { return this->tar_file; }
* Get the list of all registered scripts.
const ScriptInfoList *GetInfoList() { return &this->info_list; }
* Get the list of the latest version of all registered scripts.
const ScriptInfoList *GetUniqueInfoList() { return &this->info_single_list; }
* Register a ScriptInfo to the scanner.
void RegisterScript(class ScriptInfo *info);
* Get the list of registered scripts to print on the console.
char *GetConsoleList(char *p, const char *last, bool newest_only) const;
* Check whether we have a script with the exact characteristics as ci.
* @param ci The characteristics to search on (shortname and md5sum).
* @param md5sum Whether to check the MD5 checksum.
* @return True iff we have a script matching.
bool HasScript(const struct ContentInfo *ci, bool md5sum);
/* virtual */ bool AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename);
* Rescan the script dir.
void RescanDir();
class Squirrel *engine; ///< The engine we're scanning with.
char *main_script; ///< The name of the current main script.
char *tar_file; ///< The filename of the tar for the main script.
ScriptInfoList info_list; ///< The list of all script.
ScriptInfoList info_single_list; ///< The list of all unique script. The best script (highest version) is shown.
* Get the script name how to store the script in memory.
virtual void GetScriptName(ScriptInfo *info, char *name, int len) = 0;
* Get the filename to scan for this type of script.
virtual const char *GetFileName() const = 0;
* Get the directory to scan in.
virtual Subdirectory GetDirectory() const = 0;
* Register the API for this ScriptInfo.
virtual void RegisterAPI(class Squirrel *engine) = 0;
* Get the type of the script, in plural.
virtual const char *GetScannerName() const = 0;
* Reset all allocated lists.
void Reset();
@ -440,13 +440,19 @@ static SQInteger _io_file_read(SQUserPointer file, SQUserPointer buf, SQInteger
SQRESULT Squirrel::LoadFile(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char *filename, SQBool printerror)
size_t size;
FILE *file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_DIR, &size);
if (file == NULL) file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_LIBRARY_DIR, &size);
FILE *file;
SQInteger ret;
unsigned short us;
unsigned char uc;
if (strncmp(this->GetAPIName(), "AI", 2) == 0) {
file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_DIR, &size);
if (file == NULL) file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_LIBRARY_DIR, &size);
} else {
if (file != NULL) {
SQFile f(file, size);
ret = fread(&us, 1, sizeof(us), file);
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ protected:
static void ErrorPrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *s, ...);
friend class AIScanner;
friend class AIScannerInfo;
friend class ScriptInstance;
friend class ScriptController;
friend void squirrel_register_std(Squirrel *engine);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user