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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:16 +00:00
(svn r25690) -Change: [OSX] Position the candidate window at the caret position.
This commit is contained in:
@ -346,6 +346,17 @@ struct IConsoleWindow : Window
return pt;
virtual Rect GetTextBoundingRect(const char *from, const char *to) const
int delta = min(this->width - this->line_offset - _iconsole_cmdline.pixels - ICON_RIGHT_BORDERWIDTH, 0);
Point p1 = GetCharPosInString(_iconsole_cmdline.buf, from, FS_NORMAL);
Point p2 = from != to ? GetCharPosInString(_iconsole_cmdline.buf, from, FS_NORMAL) : p1;
Rect r = {this->line_offset + delta + p1.x, this->height - this->line_height, this->line_offset + delta + p2.x, this->height};
return r;
virtual void OnMouseWheel(int wheel)
@ -816,6 +816,44 @@ Point QueryString::GetCaretPosition(const Window *w, int wid) const
return pt;
* Get the bounding rectangle for a range of the query string.
* @param w Window the edit box is in.
* @param wid Widget index.
* @param from Start of the string range.
* @param to End of the string range.
* @return Rectangle encompassing the string range, relative to the window.
Rect QueryString::GetBoundingRect(const Window *w, int wid, const char *from, const char *to) const
const NWidgetLeaf *wi = w->GetWidget<NWidgetLeaf>(wid);
assert((wi->type & WWT_MASK) == WWT_EDITBOX);
bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
Dimension sprite_size = GetSpriteSize(rtl ? SPR_IMG_DELETE_RIGHT : SPR_IMG_DELETE_LEFT);
int clearbtn_width = sprite_size.width + WD_IMGBTN_LEFT + WD_IMGBTN_RIGHT;
int left = wi->pos_x + (rtl ? clearbtn_width : 0);
int right = wi->pos_x + (rtl ? wi->current_x : wi->current_x - clearbtn_width) - 1;
int top = wi->pos_y + WD_FRAMERECT_TOP;
int bottom = wi->pos_y + wi->current_y - 1 - WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM;
/* Clamp caret position to be inside our current width. */
const Textbuf *tb = &this->text;
int delta = min(0, (right - left) - tb->pixels - 10);
if (tb->caretxoffs + delta < 0) delta = -tb->caretxoffs;
/* Get location of first and last character. */
Point p1 = GetCharPosInString(tb->buf, from, FS_NORMAL);
Point p2 = from != to ? GetCharPosInString(tb->buf, to, FS_NORMAL) : p1;
Rect r = { Clamp(left + p1.x + delta + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, left, right), top, Clamp(left + p2.x + delta + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, left, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT), bottom };
return r;
void QueryString::ClickEditBox(Window *w, Point pt, int wid, int click_count, bool focus_changed)
const NWidgetLeaf *wi = w->GetWidget<NWidgetLeaf>(wid);
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public:
void HandleEditBox(Window *w, int wid);
Point GetCaretPosition(const Window *w, int wid) const;
Rect GetBoundingRect(const Window *w, int wid, const char *from, const char *to) const;
* Get the current text.
@ -896,7 +896,14 @@ static const char *Utf8AdvanceByUtf16Units(const char *str, NSUInteger count)
/** Get a string corresponding to the given range. */
- (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)theRange
return nil;
if (!EditBoxInGlobalFocus()) return nil;
NSString *s = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:_focused_window->GetFocusedText() ];
NSRange valid_range = NSIntersectionRange(NSMakeRange(0, [ s length ]), theRange);
if (valid_range.length == 0) return nil;
return [ [ [ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString:[ s substringWithRange:valid_range ] ] autorelease ];
/** Get the character that is rendered at the given point. */
@ -908,7 +915,25 @@ static const char *Utf8AdvanceByUtf16Units(const char *str, NSUInteger count)
/** Get the bounding rect for the given range. */
- (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)aRange
return NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (!EditBoxInGlobalFocus()) return NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Convert range to UTF-8 string pointers. */
const char *start = Utf8AdvanceByUtf16Units(_focused_window->GetFocusedText(), aRange.location);
const char *end = aRange.length != 0 ? Utf8AdvanceByUtf16Units(_focused_window->GetFocusedText(), aRange.location + aRange.length) : start;
/* Get the bounding rect for the text range.*/
Rect r = _focused_window->GetTextBoundingRect(start, end);
NSRect view_rect = NSMakeRect(_focused_window->left + r.left, [ self frame ].size.height - _focused_window->top - r.bottom, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top);
if ([ [ self window ] respondsToSelector:@selector(convertRectToScreen:) ]) {
return [ [ self window ] convertRectToScreen:[ self convertRect:view_rect toView:nil ] ];
NSRect window_rect = [ self convertRect:view_rect toView:nil ];
NSPoint origin = [ [ self window ] convertBaseToScreen:window_rect.origin ];
return NSMakeRect(origin.x, origin.y, window_rect.size.width, window_rect.size.height);
/** Get all string attributes that we can process for marked text. */
@ -377,6 +377,22 @@ QueryString *Window::GetQueryString(uint widnum)
return pt;
* Get the bounding rectangle for a text range if an edit box has the focus.
* @param from Start of the string range.
* @param to End of the string range.
* @return Rectangle encompassing the string range, relative to the window.
/* virtual */ Rect Window::GetTextBoundingRect(const char *from, const char *to) const
if (this->nested_focus != NULL && this->nested_focus->type == WWT_EDITBOX) {
return this->GetQueryString(this->nested_focus->index)->GetBoundingRect(this, this->nested_focus->index, from, to);
Rect r = {0, 0, 0, 0};
return r;
* Set the window that has the focus
@ -349,6 +349,7 @@ public:
virtual const char *GetCaret() const;
virtual const char *GetMarkedText(size_t *length) const;
virtual Point GetCaretPosition() const;
virtual Rect GetTextBoundingRect(const char *from, const char *to) const;
void InitNested(WindowNumber number = 0);
void CreateNestedTree(bool fill_nested = true);
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