(svn r21393) -Codechange: support resetting of the "base" filters, i.e. reset their read location to be begin of the file. This is needed for trying to load savegames as a "buggy format"

This commit is contained in:
rubidium 2010-12-05 14:35:55 +00:00
parent 97434f0e06
commit da76d2f46f

View File

@ -272,6 +272,14 @@ struct LoadFilter {
* @return The number of actually read bytes.
virtual size_t Read(byte *buf, size_t len) = 0;
* Reset this filter to read from the beginning of the file.
virtual void Reset()
@ -1822,12 +1830,13 @@ static void SlFixPointers()
/** Yes, simply reading from a file. */
struct FileReader : LoadFilter {
FILE *file; ///< The file to read from.
long begin; ///< The begin of the file.
* Create the file reader, so it reads from a specific file.
* @param file The file to read from.
FileReader(FILE *file) : LoadFilter(NULL), file(file)
FileReader(FILE *file) : LoadFilter(NULL), file(file), begin(ftell(file))
@ -1848,6 +1857,12 @@ struct FileReader : LoadFilter {
return fread(buf, 1, size, this->file);
/* virtual */ void Reset()
fseek(this->file, this->begin, SEEK_SET);
/** Yes, simply writing to a file. */
@ -2581,9 +2596,7 @@ SaveOrLoadResult SaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, Subdirectory sb, boo
_sl.lf = new FileReader(fh);
/* Can't fseek to 0 as in tar files that is not correct */
long pos = ftell(fh);
if (fread(hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE);
if (_sl.lf->Read((byte*)hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE);
/* see if we have any loader for this type. */
const SaveLoadFormat *fmt = _saveload_formats;
@ -2591,8 +2604,7 @@ SaveOrLoadResult SaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, Subdirectory sb, boo
/* No loader found, treat as version 0 and use LZO format */
if (fmt == endof(_saveload_formats)) {
DEBUG(sl, 0, "Unknown savegame type, trying to load it as the buggy format");
fseek(fh, pos, SEEK_SET);
_sl_version = 0;
_sl_minor_version = 0;