Feature: Configurable subsidy duration

This commit is contained in:
Tyler Trahan 2021-04-22 13:54:32 -04:00 committed by Michael Lutz
parent c2db408d5d
commit d09210e1c6
11 changed files with 70 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ typedef uint8 Day; ///< Type for the day of the month, note: 1 based, first d
static const int DAY_TICKS = 74; ///< ticks per day
static const int DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365; ///< days per year
static const int DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR = 366; ///< sometimes, you need one day more...
static const int MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12; ///< months per year
static const int STATION_RATING_TICKS = 185; ///< cycle duration for updating station rating
static const int STATION_ACCEPTANCE_TICKS = 250; ///< cycle duration for updating station acceptance

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STR_NEWS_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Offer of subsidy expired:{}{}{STRING} from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will now not attract a subsidy
STR_NEWS_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Subsidy withdrawn:{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} is no longer subsidised
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_OFFERED :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy offered:{}{}First {STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will attract a year's subsidy from the local authority!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_HALF :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay 50% extra for the next year!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_DOUBLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay double rates for the next year!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_TRIPLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay triple rates for the next year!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_QUADRUPLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay quadruple rates for the next year!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_OFFERED :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy offered:{}{}First {STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will attract a {NUM} year subsidy from the local authority!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_HALF :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay 50% extra for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_DOUBLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay double rates for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_TRIPLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay triple rates for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}!
STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_QUADRUPLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {RAW_STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING2} to {STRING2} will pay quadruple rates for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}!
STR_NEWS_ROAD_REBUILDING :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Traffic chaos in {TOWN}!{}{}Road rebuilding programme funded by {RAW_STRING} brings 6 months of misery to motorists!
@ -1203,6 +1203,10 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLE_BREAKDOWNS :Vehicle breakdo
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLE_BREAKDOWNS_HELPTEXT :Control how often inadequately serviced vehicles may break down
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Set how much is paid for subsidised connections
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_DURATION_HELPTEXT :Set the number of years for which a subsidy is awarded
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION_COSTS_HELPTEXT :Set level of construction and purchase costs

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@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ enum SaveLoadVersion : uint16 {
SLV_INDUSTRY_TEXT, ///< 289 PR#8576 v1.11.0-RC1 Additional GS text for industries.
SLV_MAPGEN_SETTINGS_REVAMP, ///< 290 PR#8891 v1.11 Revamp of some mapgen settings (snow coverage, desert coverage, heightmap height, custom terrain type).
SLV_GROUP_REPLACE_WAGON_REMOVAL, ///< 291 PR#7441 Per-group wagon removal flag.
SLV_CUSTOM_SUBSIDY_DURATION, ///< 292 PR#9081 Configurable subsidy duration.
SL_MAX_VERSION, ///< Highest possible saveload version

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
static const SaveLoad _subsidies_desc[] = {
SLE_VAR(Subsidy, cargo_type, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_VAR(Subsidy, remaining, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_CONDVAR(Subsidy, awarded, SLE_UINT8, SLV_125, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Subsidy, src_type, SLE_UINT8, SLV_125, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Subsidy, dst_type, SLE_UINT8, SLV_125, SL_MAX_VERSION),

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@ -1691,6 +1691,7 @@ static SettingsContainer &GetSettingsTree()
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.initial_interest"));
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.max_loan"));
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.subsidy_multiplier"));
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.subsidy_duration"));
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.feeder_payment_share"));
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.infrastructure_maintenance"));
accounting->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.vehicle_costs"));

View File

@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ struct DifficultySettings {
byte vehicle_costs; ///< amount of money spent on vehicle running cost
byte competitor_speed; ///< the speed at which the AI builds
byte vehicle_breakdowns; ///< likelihood of vehicles breaking down
byte subsidy_multiplier; ///< amount of subsidy
byte subsidy_multiplier; ///< payment multiplier for subsidized deliveries
uint16 subsidy_duration; ///< duration of subsidies
byte construction_cost; ///< how expensive is building
byte terrain_type; ///< the mountainousness of the landscape
byte quantity_sea_lakes; ///< the amount of seas/lakes

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ void Subsidy::AwardTo(CompanyID company)
this->awarded = company;
this->remaining = SUBSIDY_CONTRACT_MONTHS;
this->remaining = _settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration * MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
SetDParam(0, company);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void Subsidy::AwardTo(CompanyID company)
char *cn = stredup(company_name);
/* Add a news item */
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(this, false);
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(this, SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsAwarded);
SetDParamStr(0, cn);
@ -69,17 +69,21 @@ void Subsidy::AwardTo(CompanyID company)
* Setup the string parameters for printing the subsidy at the screen, and compute the news reference for the subsidy.
* @param s %Subsidy being printed.
* @param mode Unit of cargo used, \c true means general name, \c false means singular form.
* @param mode Type of subsidy news message to decide on parameter format.
* @return Reference of the subsidy in the news system.
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(const Subsidy *s, bool mode)
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(const Subsidy *s, SubsidyDecodeParamType mode)
NewsReferenceType reftype1 = NR_NONE;
NewsReferenceType reftype2 = NR_NONE;
/* if mode is false, use the singular form */
/* Choose whether to use the singular or plural form of the cargo name based on how we're printing the subsidy */
const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(s->cargo_type);
SetDParam(0, mode ? cs->name : cs->name_single);
if (mode == SubsidyDecodeParamType::Gui || mode == SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsWithdrawn) {
SetDParam(0, cs->name);
} else {
SetDParam(0, cs->name_single);
switch (s->src_type) {
@ -107,6 +111,11 @@ std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(const Su
SetDParam(5, s->dst);
/* If the subsidy is being offered or awarded, the news item mentions the subsidy duration. */
if (mode == SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsOffered || mode == SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsAwarded) {
SetDParam(7, _settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration);
return std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType>(reftype1, reftype2);
@ -216,7 +225,7 @@ void CreateSubsidy(CargoID cid, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, SourceType ds
s->remaining = SUBSIDY_OFFER_MONTHS;
s->awarded = INVALID_COMPANY;
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, false);
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsOffered);
AddNewsItem(STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_OFFERED, NT_SUBSIDIES, NF_NORMAL, reftype.first, s->src, reftype.second, s->dst);
SetPartOfSubsidyFlag(s->src_type, s->src, POS_SRC);
SetPartOfSubsidyFlag(s->dst_type, s->dst, POS_DST);
@ -491,13 +500,13 @@ void SubsidyMonthlyLoop()
for (Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
if (--s->remaining == 0) {
if (!s->IsAwarded()) {
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, true);
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsWithdrawn);
AddNewsItem(STR_NEWS_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED, NT_SUBSIDIES, NF_NORMAL, reftype.first, s->src, reftype.second, s->dst);
AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));
Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));
} else {
if (s->awarded == _local_company) {
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, true);
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> reftype = SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsWithdrawn);
AddNewsItem(STR_NEWS_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE, NT_SUBSIDIES, NF_NORMAL, reftype.first, s->src, reftype.second, s->dst);
AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));
@ -510,6 +519,9 @@ void SubsidyMonthlyLoop()
if (modified) {
} else if (_settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration == 0) {
/* If subsidy duration is set to 0, subsidies are disabled, so bail out. */
} else if (_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_pax != DT_MANUAL &&
_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_mail != DT_MANUAL &&
_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_armoured != DT_MANUAL &&

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ extern SubsidyPool _subsidy_pool;
/** Struct about subsidies, offered and awarded */
struct Subsidy : SubsidyPool::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool> {
CargoID cargo_type; ///< Cargo type involved in this subsidy, CT_INVALID for invalid subsidy
byte remaining; ///< Remaining months when this subsidy is valid
uint16 remaining; ///< Remaining months when this subsidy is valid
CompanyID awarded; ///< Subsidy is awarded to this company; INVALID_COMPANY if it's not awarded to anyone
SourceType src_type; ///< Source of subsidised path (ST_INDUSTRY or ST_TOWN)
SourceType dst_type; ///< Destination of subsidised path (ST_INDUSTRY or ST_TOWN)
@ -52,11 +52,18 @@ struct Subsidy : SubsidyPool::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool> {
/** Constants related to subsidies */
static const uint SUBSIDY_OFFER_MONTHS = 12; ///< Duration of subsidy offer
static const uint SUBSIDY_CONTRACT_MONTHS = 12; ///< Duration of subsidy after awarding
static const uint SUBSIDY_PAX_MIN_POPULATION = 400; ///< Min. population of towns for subsidised pax route
static const uint SUBSIDY_CARGO_MIN_POPULATION = 900; ///< Min. population of destination town for cargo route
static const uint SUBSIDY_MAX_PCT_TRANSPORTED = 42; ///< Subsidy will be created only for towns/industries with less % transported
static const uint SUBSIDY_MAX_DISTANCE = 70; ///< Max. length of subsidised route (DistanceManhattan)
static const uint SUBSIDY_TOWN_CARGO_RADIUS = 6; ///< Extent of a tile area around town center when scanning for town cargo acceptance and production (6 ~= min catchmement + min station / 2)
/** Types of subsidy news messages, which determine how the date is printed and whether to use singular or plural cargo names */
enum class SubsidyDecodeParamType {
NewsOffered = 0, ///< News item for an offered subsidy
NewsAwarded = 1, ///< News item for an awarded subsidy
NewsWithdrawn = 2, ///< News item for a subsidy offer withdrawn, or expired subsidy
Gui = 3, ///< Subsidies listed in the Subsidy GUI
#endif /* SUBSIDY_BASE_H */

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@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
#include "company_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "news_type.h"
#include "subsidy_base.h"
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(const struct Subsidy *s, bool mode);
std::pair<NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType> SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(const struct Subsidy *s, SubsidyDecodeParamType mode);
void DeleteSubsidyWith(SourceType type, SourceID index);
bool CheckSubsidised(CargoID cargo_type, CompanyID company, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, const Station *st);
void RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache();

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@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ struct SubsidyListWindow : Window {
if (!s->IsAwarded()) {
if (IsInsideMM(pos, 0, cap)) {
/* Displays the two offered towns */
SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, true);
SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::Gui);
SetDParam(7, _date - ymd.day + s->remaining * 32);
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ struct SubsidyListWindow : Window {
for (const Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
if (s->IsAwarded()) {
if (IsInsideMM(pos, 0, cap)) {
SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, true);
SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::Gui);
SetDParam(7, s->awarded);
SetDParam(8, _date - ymd.day + s->remaining * 32);

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strval = STR_SUBSIDY_X1_5
var = difficulty.subsidy_duration
type = SLE_UINT16
def = 1
min = 0
max = 5000
interval = 1
var = difficulty.construction_cost
type = SLE_UINT8