mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 23:50:25 +00:00
Codechange: [Linkgraph] Drop node/edge wrappers from LinkGraph.
This commit is contained in:
@ -164,12 +164,11 @@ NodeID LinkGraph::AddNode(const Station *st)
* @param usage Usage to be added.
* @param mode Update mode to be used.
void LinkGraph::Node::AddEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 travel_time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
void LinkGraph::BaseNode::AddEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 travel_time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
assert(this->index != to);
BaseEdge &edge = *this->node.edges.emplace(std::upper_bound(this->node.edges.begin(), this->node.edges.end(), to), to);
BaseEdge &edge = *this->edges.emplace(std::upper_bound(this->edges.begin(), this->edges.end(), to), to);
edge.capacity = capacity;
edge.usage = usage;
edge.travel_time_sum = static_cast<uint64>(travel_time) * capacity;
@ -184,14 +183,14 @@ void LinkGraph::Node::AddEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 trave
* @param usage Usage to be added.
* @param mode Update mode to be used.
void LinkGraph::Node::UpdateEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 travel_time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
void LinkGraph::BaseNode::UpdateEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 travel_time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
assert(capacity > 0);
assert(usage <= capacity);
if (!this->HasEdgeTo(to)) {
this->AddEdge(to, capacity, usage, travel_time, mode);
} else {
(*this)[to].Update(capacity, usage, travel_time, mode);
this->GetEdge(to)->Update(capacity, usage, travel_time, mode);
@ -199,10 +198,10 @@ void LinkGraph::Node::UpdateEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 tr
* Remove an outgoing edge from this node.
* @param to ID of destination node.
void LinkGraph::Node::RemoveEdge(NodeID to)
void LinkGraph::BaseNode::RemoveEdge(NodeID to)
auto [first, last] = std::equal_range(this->node.edges.begin(), this->node.edges.end(), to);
this->node.edges.erase(first, last);
auto [first, last] = std::equal_range(this->edges.begin(), this->edges.end(), to);
this->edges.erase(first, last);
@ -215,33 +214,33 @@ void LinkGraph::Node::RemoveEdge(NodeID to)
* @param travel_time Travel time to be added, in ticks.
* @param mode Update mode to be applied.
void LinkGraph::Edge::Update(uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 travel_time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
void LinkGraph::BaseEdge::Update(uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 travel_time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
assert(this->edge.capacity > 0);
assert(this->capacity > 0);
assert(capacity >= usage);
if (mode & EUM_INCREASE) {
if (this->edge.travel_time_sum == 0) {
this->edge.travel_time_sum = static_cast<uint64>(this->edge.capacity + capacity) * travel_time;
if (this->travel_time_sum == 0) {
this->travel_time_sum = static_cast<uint64>(this->capacity + capacity) * travel_time;
} else if (travel_time == 0) {
this->edge.travel_time_sum += this->edge.travel_time_sum / this->edge.capacity * capacity;
this->travel_time_sum += this->travel_time_sum / this->capacity * capacity;
} else {
this->edge.travel_time_sum += static_cast<uint64>(travel_time) * capacity;
this->travel_time_sum += static_cast<uint64>(travel_time) * capacity;
this->edge.capacity += capacity;
this->edge.usage += usage;
this->capacity += capacity;
this->usage += usage;
} else if (mode & EUM_REFRESH) {
if (this->edge.travel_time_sum == 0) {
this->edge.capacity = std::max(this->edge.capacity, capacity);
this->edge.travel_time_sum = static_cast<uint64>(travel_time) * this->edge.capacity;
} else if (capacity > this->edge.capacity) {
this->edge.travel_time_sum = this->edge.travel_time_sum / this->edge.capacity * capacity;
this->edge.capacity = capacity;
if (this->travel_time_sum == 0) {
this->capacity = std::max(this->capacity, capacity);
this->travel_time_sum = static_cast<uint64>(travel_time) * this->capacity;
} else if (capacity > this->capacity) {
this->travel_time_sum = this->travel_time_sum / this->capacity * capacity;
this->capacity = capacity;
this->edge.usage = std::max(this->edge.usage, usage);
this->usage = std::max(this->usage, usage);
if (mode & EUM_UNRESTRICTED) this->edge.last_unrestricted_update = _date;
if (mode & EUM_RESTRICTED) this->edge.last_restricted_update = _date;
if (mode & EUM_UNRESTRICTED) this->last_unrestricted_update = _date;
if (mode & EUM_RESTRICTED) this->last_restricted_update = _date;
@ -56,6 +56,16 @@ public:
uint32 TravelTime() const { return this->travel_time_sum / this->capacity; }
* Get the date of the last update to any part of the edge's capacity.
* @return Last update.
Date LastUpdate() const { return std::max(this->last_unrestricted_update, this->last_restricted_update); }
void Update(uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 time, EdgeUpdateMode mode);
void Restrict() { this->last_unrestricted_update = INVALID_DATE; }
void Release() { this->last_restricted_update = INVALID_DATE; }
/** Comparison operator based on \c dest_node. */
bool operator <(const BaseEdge &rhs) const
@ -88,357 +98,6 @@ public:
std::vector<BaseEdge> edges; ///< Sorted list of outgoing edges from this node.
BaseNode(TileIndex xy = INVALID_TILE, StationID st = INVALID_STATION, uint demand = 0);
* Wrapper for an edge (const or not) allowing retrieval, but no modification.
* @tparam Tedge Actual edge class, may be "const BaseEdge" or just "BaseEdge".
template<typename Tedge>
class EdgeWrapper {
Tedge &edge; ///< Actual edge to be used.
* Wrap a an edge.
* @param edge Edge to be wrapped.
EdgeWrapper (Tedge &edge) : edge(edge) {}
* Get edge's capacity.
* @return Capacity.
uint Capacity() const { return this->edge.capacity; }
* Get edge's usage.
* @return Usage.
uint Usage() const { return this->edge.usage; }
* Get edge's average travel time.
* @return Travel time, in ticks.
uint32 TravelTime() const { return this->edge.TravelTime(); }
* Get the date of the last update to the edge's unrestricted capacity.
* @return Last update.
Date LastUnrestrictedUpdate() const { return this->edge.last_unrestricted_update; }
* Get the date of the last update to the edge's restricted capacity.
* @return Last update.
Date LastRestrictedUpdate() const { return this->edge.last_restricted_update; }
* Get the date of the last update to any part of the edge's capacity.
* @return Last update.
Date LastUpdate() const { return std::max(this->edge.last_unrestricted_update, this->edge.last_restricted_update); }
* Wrapper for a node (const or not) allowing retrieval, but no modification.
* @tparam Tnode Actual node class, may be "const BaseNode" or just "BaseNode".
template<typename Tnode>
class NodeWrapper {
Tnode &node; ///< Node being wrapped.
NodeID index; ///< ID of wrapped node.
auto GetEdge(NodeID dest) const
return std::lower_bound(this->node.edges.begin(), this->node.edges.end(), dest);
* Wrap a node.
* @param node Node to be wrapped.
* @param index ID of node to be wrapped.
NodeWrapper(Tnode &node, NodeID index) : node(node), index(index) {}
* Get supply of wrapped node.
* @return Supply.
uint Supply() const { return this->node.supply; }
* Get demand of wrapped node.
* @return Demand.
uint Demand() const { return this->node.demand; }
* Get ID of station belonging to wrapped node.
* @return ID of node's station.
StationID Station() const { return this->node.station; }
* Get node's last update.
* @return Last update.
Date LastUpdate() const { return this->node.last_update; }
* Get the location of the station associated with the node.
* @return Location of the station.
TileIndex XY() const { return this->node.xy; }
* Check if an edge to a destination is present.
* @param dest Wanted edge destination.
* @return True if an edge is present.
bool HasEdgeTo(NodeID dest) const
return std::binary_search(this->node.edges.begin(), this->node.edges.end(), dest);
* Base class for iterating across outgoing edges of a node. Only the real
* edges (those with capacity) are iterated. The ones with only distance
* information are skipped.
* @tparam Tedge Actual edge class. May be "BaseEdge" or "const BaseEdge".
* @tparam Titer Actual iterator class.
template <class Tedge, class Tedge_wrapper, class Titer>
class BaseEdgeIterator {
span<Tedge> base; ///< Array of edges being iterated.
size_t current; ///< Current offset in edges array.
* A "fake" pointer to enable operator-> on temporaries. As the objects
* returned from operator* aren't references but real objects, we have
* to return something that implements operator->, but isn't a pointer
* from operator->. A fake pointer.
class FakePointer : public std::pair<NodeID, Tedge_wrapper> {
* Construct a fake pointer from a pair of NodeID and edge.
* @param pair Pair to be "pointed" to (in fact shallow-copied).
FakePointer(const std::pair<NodeID, Tedge_wrapper> &pair) : std::pair<NodeID, Tedge_wrapper>(pair) {}
* Retrieve the pair by operator->.
* @return Pair being "pointed" to.
std::pair<NodeID, Tedge_wrapper> *operator->() { return this; }
* Constructor.
* @param base Array of edges to be iterated.
* @param end Make the iterator the end sentinel?
BaseEdgeIterator(span<Tedge> base, bool end) : base(base), current(end ? base.size() : 0) {}
* Prefix-increment.
* @return This.
Titer &operator++()
if (this->current < this->base.size()) this->current++;
return static_cast<Titer &>(*this);
* Postfix-increment.
* @return Version of this before increment.
Titer operator++(int)
Titer ret(static_cast<Titer &>(*this));
return ret;
* Compare with some other edge iterator. The other one may be of a
* child class.
* @tparam Tother Class of other iterator.
* @param other Instance of other iterator.
* @return If the iterators have the same edge array and current node.
template<class Tother>
bool operator==(const Tother &other)
return this->base.data() == other.base.data() && this->current == other.current;
* Compare for inequality with some other edge iterator. The other one
* may be of a child class.
* @tparam Tother Class of other iterator.
* @param other Instance of other iterator.
* @return If either the edge arrays or the current nodes differ.
template<class Tother>
bool operator!=(const Tother &other)
return this->base.data() != other.base.data() || this->current != other.current;
* Dereference with operator*.
* @return Pair of current target NodeID and edge object.
std::pair<NodeID, Tedge_wrapper> operator*() const
return std::pair<NodeID, Tedge_wrapper>(this->base[this->current].dest_node, Tedge_wrapper(this->base[this->current]));
* Dereference with operator->.
* @return Fake pointer to Pair of current target NodeID and edge object.
FakePointer operator->() const {
return FakePointer(this->operator*());
* A constant edge class.
typedef EdgeWrapper<const BaseEdge> ConstEdge;
* An updatable edge class.
class Edge : public EdgeWrapper<BaseEdge> {
* Constructor
* @param edge Edge to be wrapped.
Edge(BaseEdge &edge) : EdgeWrapper<BaseEdge>(edge) {}
void Update(uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 time, EdgeUpdateMode mode);
void Restrict() { this->edge.last_unrestricted_update = INVALID_DATE; }
void Release() { this->edge.last_restricted_update = INVALID_DATE; }
* An iterator for const edges. Cannot be typedef'ed because of
* template-reference to ConstEdgeIterator itself.
class ConstEdgeIterator : public BaseEdgeIterator<const BaseEdge, ConstEdge, ConstEdgeIterator> {
* Constructor.
* @param edges Array of edges to be iterated over.
* @param end Make the iterator the end sentinel?
ConstEdgeIterator(span<const BaseEdge> edges, bool end) :
BaseEdgeIterator<const BaseEdge, ConstEdge, ConstEdgeIterator>(edges, end) {}
* An iterator for non-const edges. Cannot be typedef'ed because of
* template-reference to EdgeIterator itself.
class EdgeIterator : public BaseEdgeIterator<BaseEdge, Edge, EdgeIterator> {
* Constructor.
* @param edges Array of edges to be iterated over.
* @param end Make the iterator the end sentinel?
EdgeIterator(span<BaseEdge> edges, bool end) :
BaseEdgeIterator<BaseEdge, Edge, EdgeIterator>(edges, end) {}
* Constant node class. Only retrieval operations are allowed on both the
* node itself and its edges.
class ConstNode : public NodeWrapper<const BaseNode> {
* Constructor.
* @param lg LinkGraph to get the node from.
* @param node ID of the node.
ConstNode(const LinkGraph *lg, NodeID node) : NodeWrapper<const BaseNode>(lg->nodes[node], node) {}
* Get a ConstEdge. This is not a reference as the wrapper objects are
* not actually persistent.
* @param to ID of end node of edge.
* @return Constant edge wrapper.
ConstEdge operator[](NodeID to) const
return ConstEdge(*this->GetEdge(to));
* Get an iterator pointing to the start of the edges array.
* @return Constant edge iterator.
ConstEdgeIterator Begin() const { return ConstEdgeIterator(this->node.edges, false); }
* Get an iterator pointing beyond the end of the edges array.
* @return Constant edge iterator.
ConstEdgeIterator End() const { return ConstEdgeIterator(this->node.edges, true); }
* Updatable node class. The node itself as well as its edges can be modified.
class Node : public NodeWrapper<BaseNode> {
* Constructor.
* @param lg LinkGraph to get the node from.
* @param node ID of the node.
Node(LinkGraph *lg, NodeID node) : NodeWrapper<BaseNode>(lg->nodes[node], node) {}
* Get an Edge. This is not a reference as the wrapper objects are not
* actually persistent.
* @param to ID of end node of edge.
* @return Edge wrapper.
Edge operator[](NodeID to)
return Edge(*this->GetEdge(to));
* Get an iterator pointing to the start of the edges array.
* @return Edge iterator.
EdgeIterator Begin() { return EdgeIterator(this->node.edges, false); }
* Get an iterator pointing beyond the end of the edges array.
* @return Constant edge iterator.
EdgeIterator End() { return EdgeIterator(this->node.edges, true); }
* Update the node's supply and set last_update to the current date.
@ -446,8 +105,8 @@ public:
void UpdateSupply(uint supply)
this->node.supply += supply;
this->node.last_update = _date;
this->supply += supply;
this->last_update = _date;
@ -456,7 +115,7 @@ public:
void UpdateLocation(TileIndex xy)
this->node.xy = xy;
this->xy = xy;
@ -465,12 +124,45 @@ public:
void SetDemand(uint demand)
this->node.demand = demand;
this->demand = demand;
void AddEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 time, EdgeUpdateMode mode);
void UpdateEdge(NodeID to, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32 time, EdgeUpdateMode mode);
void RemoveEdge(NodeID to);
* Check if an edge to a destination is present.
* @param dest Wanted edge destination.
* @return True if an edge is present.
bool HasEdgeTo(NodeID dest) const
return std::binary_search(this->edges.begin(), this->edges.end(), dest);
BaseEdge &operator[](NodeID to)
return *GetEdge(to);
const BaseEdge &operator[](NodeID to) const
return *GetEdge(to);
std::vector<BaseEdge>::iterator GetEdge(NodeID dest)
return std::lower_bound(this->edges.begin(), this->edges.end(), dest);
std::vector<BaseEdge>::const_iterator GetEdge(NodeID dest) const
return std::lower_bound(this->edges.begin(), this->edges.end(), dest);
typedef std::vector<BaseNode> NodeVector;
@ -523,14 +215,14 @@ public:
* @param num ID of the node.
* @return the Requested node.
inline Node operator[](NodeID num) { return Node(this, num); }
inline BaseNode &operator[](NodeID num) { return this->nodes[num]; }
* Get a const reference to a node with the specified id.
* @param num ID of the node.
* @return the Requested node.
inline ConstNode operator[](NodeID num) const { return ConstNode(this, num); }
inline const BaseNode &operator[](NodeID num) const { return this->nodes[num]; }
* Get the current size of the component.
@ -564,8 +256,6 @@ public:
void RemoveNode(NodeID id);
friend class LinkGraph::ConstNode;
friend class LinkGraph::Node;
friend SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphDesc();
friend SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphJobDesc();
friend class SlLinkgraphNode;
@ -13,13 +13,11 @@
#include "linkgraph.h"
#include "linkgraphschedule.h"
typedef LinkGraph::Node Node;
typedef LinkGraph::Edge Edge;
typedef LinkGraph::EdgeIterator EdgeIterator;
typedef LinkGraph::BaseNode Node;
typedef LinkGraph::BaseEdge Edge;
typedef LinkGraph::ConstNode ConstNode;
typedef LinkGraph::ConstEdge ConstEdge;
typedef LinkGraph::ConstEdgeIterator ConstEdgeIterator;
typedef const LinkGraph::BaseNode ConstNode;
typedef const LinkGraph::BaseEdge ConstEdge;
#endif /* LINKGRAPH_BASE_H */
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ void LinkGraphOverlay::RebuildCache()
if (!LinkGraph::IsValidID(sta->goods[c].link_graph)) continue;
const LinkGraph &lg = *LinkGraph::Get(sta->goods[c].link_graph);
ConstNode from_node = lg[sta->goods[c].node];
supply += lg.Monthly(from_node.Supply());
for (ConstEdgeIterator i = from_node.Begin(); i != from_node.End(); ++i) {
StationID to = lg[i->first].Station();
ConstNode &from_node = lg[sta->goods[c].node];
supply += lg.Monthly(from_node.supply);
for (const Edge &edge : from_node.edges) {
StationID to = lg[edge.dest_node].station;
assert(from != to);
if (!Station::IsValidID(to) || seen_links.find(to) != seen_links.end()) {
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ void LinkGraphOverlay::AddLinks(const Station *from, const Station *to)
const LinkGraph &lg = *LinkGraph::Get(ge.link_graph);
if (lg[ge.node].HasEdgeTo(to->goods[c].node)) {
ConstEdge edge = lg[ge.node][to->goods[c].node];
this->AddStats(c, lg.Monthly(edge.Capacity()), lg.Monthly(edge.Usage()),
ConstEdge &edge = lg[ge.node][to->goods[c].node];
this->AddStats(c, lg.Monthly(edge.capacity), lg.Monthly(edge.usage),
edge.TravelTime() / DAY_TICKS,
from->owner == OWNER_NONE || to->owner == OWNER_NONE,
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ LinkGraphJob::~LinkGraphJob()
* from the new flows. This avoids flow cycles between old and
* new flows. */
while (!erased.IsEmpty()) ge.flows.erase(erased.Pop());
} else if ((*lg)[node_id][dest_id].LastUnrestrictedUpdate() == INVALID_DATE) {
} else if ((*lg)[node_id][dest_id].last_restricted_update == INVALID_DATE) {
/* Edge is fully restricted. */
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void AfterLoadLinkGraphs()
if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_191)) {
for (LinkGraph *lg : LinkGraph::Iterate()) {
for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < lg->Size(); ++node_id) {
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid((*lg)[node_id].Station());
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid((*lg)[node_id].station);
if (st != nullptr) (*lg)[node_id].UpdateLocation(st->xy);
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void AfterLoadLinkGraphs()
for (LinkGraphJob *lgj : LinkGraphJob::Iterate()) {
LinkGraph *lg = &(const_cast<LinkGraph &>(lgj->Graph()));
for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < lg->Size(); ++node_id) {
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid((*lg)[node_id].Station());
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid((*lg)[node_id].station);
if (st != nullptr) (*lg)[node_id].UpdateLocation(st->xy);
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Station::~Station()
if (lg == nullptr) continue;
for (NodeID node = 0; node < lg->Size(); ++node) {
Station *st = Station::Get((*lg)[node].Station());
Station *st = Station::Get((*lg)[node].station);
if ((*lg)[node].HasEdgeTo(this->goods[c].node) && (*lg)[node][this->goods[c].node].LastUpdate() != INVALID_DATE) {
@ -3719,12 +3719,10 @@ void DeleteStaleLinks(Station *from)
GoodsEntry &ge = from->goods[c];
LinkGraph *lg = LinkGraph::GetIfValid(ge.link_graph);
if (lg == nullptr) continue;
Node node = (*lg)[ge.node];
std::vector<NodeID> to_remove{};
for (EdgeIterator it(node.Begin()); it != node.End(); ++it) {
Edge edge = it->second;
Station *to = Station::Get((*lg)[it->first].Station());
assert(to->goods[c].node == it->first);
for (Edge &edge : (*lg)[ge.node].edges) {
Station *to = Station::Get((*lg)[edge.dest_node].station);
assert(to->goods[c].node == edge.dest_node);
assert(_date >= edge.LastUpdate());
uint timeout = LinkGraph::MIN_TIMEOUT_DISTANCE + (DistanceManhattan(from->xy, to->xy) >> 3);
if ((uint)(_date - edge.LastUpdate()) > timeout) {
@ -3782,16 +3780,16 @@ void DeleteStaleLinks(Station *from)
RerouteCargo(from, c, to->index, from->index);
} else if (edge.LastUnrestrictedUpdate() != INVALID_DATE && (uint)(_date - edge.LastUnrestrictedUpdate()) > timeout) {
} else if (edge.last_unrestricted_update != INVALID_DATE && (uint)(_date - edge.last_unrestricted_update) > timeout) {
RerouteCargo(from, c, to->index, from->index);
} else if (edge.LastRestrictedUpdate() != INVALID_DATE && (uint)(_date - edge.LastRestrictedUpdate()) > timeout) {
} else if (edge.last_restricted_update != INVALID_DATE && (uint)(_date - edge.last_restricted_update) > timeout) {
/* Remove dead edges. */
for (NodeID r : to_remove) node.RemoveEdge(r);
for (NodeID r : to_remove) (*lg)[ge.node].RemoveEdge(r);
assert(_date >= lg->LastCompression());
if ((uint)(_date - lg->LastCompression()) > LinkGraph::COMPRESSION_INTERVAL) {
@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ struct StationViewWindow : public Window {
const LinkGraph *lg = LinkGraph::GetIfValid(ge->link_graph);
SetDParam(0, cs->name);
SetDParam(1, lg != nullptr ? lg->Monthly((*lg)[ge->node].Supply()) : 0);
SetDParam(1, lg != nullptr ? lg->Monthly((*lg)[ge->node].supply) : 0);
SetDParam(2, STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING + (ge->rating >> 5));
SetDParam(3, ToPercent8(ge->rating));
DrawString(tr.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl), STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_SUPPLY_RATING);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user