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synced 2025-03-05 22:04:57 +00:00
(svn r7605) -Update documentation of MSVC and strgen in docs/ dir and remove directmusic.txt
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This guide is only interesting for people who want to alter something
themselves without access to WT2 (translator2.openttd.org). Please note that
your compiled language file will only be compatible with the OpenTTD version
you have downloaded english.txt, the master language file, for. While this is
not always true, namely when changes in the code have not touched language
files, your safest bet is to assume this 'limitation'.
As a first step you need to compile strgen. This is as easy as typing
'make strgen'. You can also download a precompiled binary from a release,
nightly, etc.
strgen takes as argument a txt file and translates it to a lng file, allowing
it to be used inside OpenTTD. strgen needs the master language file
english.txt to work. Below are some examples of strgen usage.
Example 1:
if you are in the root of your working copy (svn code), you should type
strgen/strgen -s lang lang/english.txt
to compile englist.txt into english.lng. It will be placed in the lang dir
Example 2:
you only have the strgen executable (no working copy) and you want to compile
a txt file in the same directory. You should type
./strgen english.txt
and you will get and english.lng in the same dir
Example 3:
you have strgen somewhere, english.txt in /usr/openttd/lang and you want the
resulting language file to go to /tmp. Use
./strgen -s /usr/openttd/lang -d /tmp english.txt
You can interchange english.txt to whichever language you want to generate a
.lng file for.
-v | --version
strgen will tell what svn revision it was last modified
-t | --todo
strgen will add <TODO> to any untranslated/missing strings and use the english
strings while compiling the language file
-w | --warning
strgen will print any missing strings or wrongly translated (bad format)
to standard error output(stderr)
-h | --help | -?
Print out a summarized help message explaining these switches
-s | --source_dir
strgen will search for the master file english.txt in the directory specified
by this switch instead of the current directory
-d | --dest_dir
strgen will put <language>.lng in the directory specified by this switch; if
no dest_dir is given, output is the same as source_dir
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
This is a guide to compile strgen on gcc
All this is done in the makefile, so it's only interesting for people, who wants to alter something themselves (translators)
HOWTO compile lng files:
First you get strgen compiled (look below/download nightly build/run makefile)
strgen takes the argument of a txt file and translates it to a lng file and places that lng file in the same dir as the txt file.
Example 1:
if you are in the root of your working copy (svn code), you should type
strgen/strgen lang/english.txt
to compile englist.lng. It will be placed in the lang dir
Example 2:
you have strgen but not the source and you want to compile a txt file in the same dir. YOu should type
./strgen english.txt
and you will get english.lng in the same dir
You can change english to whatever language you want
Commands used by strgen
-v --version
strgen will tell what svn revision it is based on
strgen will add <TODO> to the missing strings and use the english strings while compiling
this will need english.txt to be present
strgen will print any missing strings to standard error output(stderr)
this will need english.txt to be present
@ -1,104 +1,108 @@
Compiling OpenTTD using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Compiling OpenTTD using Microsoft Visual C++
December 28, 2006
OpenTTD includes projects for MSVC 2003.NET and MSVC 2005.NET. Both will
compile out of the box, providing you have the required libraries/headers;
which ones, see below. There is no support for VS6, you are therefore
strongly encouraged to either upgrade to MSVC 2005 Express (free) or use GCC.
MSVC 2002 probably works as well, but it has not been tested.
Step 1: Ingredients
You might already have some of the files already installed, so check before
downloading; mostly because the DirectX SDK and Platform SDK are about
500MB each.
Download the following files:
* Openttd-useful.zip (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=103924&package_id=114307&release_id=228633)
* DirectX 8.1 SDK (http://neuron.tuke.sk/~mizanin/eng/Dx81sdk-include-lib.rar) (or alternatively the latest DirectX SDK from Microsoft)
* The February 2003 Microsoft Platform SDK (http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/XPSP2FULLInstall.htm) (newer SDK's do not work with MSVC6)
* afxres.h (http://www-d0.fnal.gov/d0dist/dist/packages/d0ve/devel/windows/AFXRES.H) (maybe you not need this)
* openttd-useful.zip (http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=103924&package_id=114307)
* DirectX 8.1 SDK (http://neuron.tuke.sk/~mizanin/eng/Dx81sdk-include-lib.rar) (or alternatively the latest DirectX SDK from Microsoft)
* MS Windows Platform SDK (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=A55B6B43-E24F-4EA3-A93E-40C0EC4F68E5&displaylang=en)
* afxres.h (http://www-d0.fnal.gov/d0dist/dist/packages/d0ve/devel/windows/AFXRES.H)
...and of course the newest source from svn://svn.openttd.org/trunk
You have to have a SVN-client to download the source:
You need an SVN-client to download the source from subversion:
* Command line version (Subversion 1.2.3 Win32 binaries) (http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91)
* GUI TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/download.html)
* CLI Subversion (http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91)
* GUI TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/download.html)
Step 2: Includes and Libraries
Put the newly downloaded files in the VC lib\ and include\ directories; where
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC" is your location of Visual C.
If you are compiling for an x64 system, use the include\ and lib\ directories
from the win64/ folder.
Put the newly downloaded files in the VC lib and include directories (Where "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98" is your local location of VC)
* openttd-useful.zip\include\*
* afxresh.h
to > C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\Include
* openttd-useful.zip\lib\*
to > C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\Lib
Custom directories might be recommended, check 2.2)
* zconf.h [useful.zip]
* zlib.h [useful.zip]
* png.h [useful.zip]
* pngconf.h [useful.zip]
* afxres.h
Basically the same procedure as with the useful zip file, providing
you are not using the Microsoft installer. Put the include files in the
include\ directory and the library files to the Lib\ directory.
It is recommended to use custom directories so you don't overwrite any
default header or library files.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include
If you have put the above include and/or library files into custom folders,
MSVC will not find them by default. You need to add these paths to VC through:
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Directories > show directories for
* zlibstat.lib [useful.zip]
* libpng.lib [useful.zip]
* Include files: Add the DirectX/Platform SDK include dir you've created
* Library files: Add the path to the SDK custom lib dir
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib
Step 3: DirectX SDK
(This should work with the latest DirectX SDK as well.)
There are 2 folder in the compressed file: Include and Lib
Copy all files from Include folder to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include
and all files from Lib folder to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib
You can also make custom directories, which is recommended so you don't overwrite VS6 files, for libraries (.lib) and includes/header files (.h) and add it to the VC paths via:
Tools -> Options -> Directories -> show directories for:
a) include files (the include dir: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\DirectX 8.1 SDK\include )
b) library files (the lib dir, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\DirectX 8.1 SDK\lib )
NOTE: make sure that the directory for the DirectX SDK is the first one in the list, above all others, otherwise compilation will most likely fail!!
Step 4: TTD Graphics files
NOTE: make sure that the directory for the DirectX SDK is the first one in the
list, above all others, otherwise compilation will most likely fail!!
Copy the following files from Transport Tycoon Deluxe to the data folder
* sample.cat
* trg1r.grf
* trgcr.grf
* trghr.grf
* trgir.grf
* trgtr.grf
* sample.cat
* trg1r.grf
* trgcr.grf
* trghr.grf
* trgir.grf
* trgtr.grf
Step 5: Compiling
Open trunk/openttd.dsw
Build menu > Set active configuration > Select: "openttd - Win32 Release"
Open trunk/openttd[_vs80].sln
Set the build mode to 'Release' in
Build > Configuration manager > Active solution configuration > select "Release"
If everything works well the binary should be in trunk/Release/openttd.exe
Now it should work, it worked for me :)
Set the build mode (back to) 'Debug'
Change the startup project to openttd by right-clicking the 'openttd' project
in the Solution Explorer and selecting 'Set as Startup Project'. The 'openttd'
project should now show up bold instead of 'strgen'.
From r1319 you can compile branch/map in Debug mode (by Bociusz)
If compilation fails, double-check that you are using the latest SVN (!)
source. If it still doesn't work, check in on IRC (irc://irc.oftc.net/openttd),
to ask about reasons; or just wait. The problem will most likely solve itself
within a few days as the problem is noticed and fixed.
For compiling branch/cargo-packets you have to add cargo.c and .h to this tree's openttd.dsp
If it's not working, and you checked that you using the newest SVN (!) report to Bociusz on IRC (irc://irc.freenode.net/openttd)
Go ahead and make that patch! Happy Hacking! :)
Originally written by Dribbel
Project file updating by Bociusz
An up-to-date version of this README can be found on the wiki:
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
Notes about DirectMusic driver for Win32
If compiling under MinGW32, you require the DirectX 7.0 files for MinGW32, available from
If compiling under MSVC 6.0, you require the equivalent for MSVC, available from
http://alleg.sourceforge.net/files/dx70_min.zip. MSVC 7.0/7.1 include header files that
are recent enough.
If you do not want to compile the DirectMusic driver, undefine WIN32_ENABLE_DIRECTMUSIC_SUPPORT
in stdafx.h.
Bugs, etc
- The volume control doesn't work properly. I'll fix this soon.
Owen Rudge
14th March 2004
Reference in New Issue
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