(svn r23473) -Codechange: refactor the error message data into a separate structure

This commit is contained in:
rubidium 2011-12-10 12:57:30 +00:00
parent ebb3ad33ff
commit 8315b00b32

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@ -70,40 +70,68 @@ static const WindowDesc _errmsg_face_desc(
_nested_errmsg_face_widgets, lengthof(_nested_errmsg_face_widgets)
/** Window class for displaying an error message window. */
struct ErrmsgWindow : public Window {
/** The data of the error message. */
class ErrorMessageData {
uint duration; ///< Length of display of the message. 0 means forever,
uint64 decode_params[20]; ///< Parameters of the message strings.
uint textref_stack_size; ///< Number of uint32 values to put on the #TextRefStack for the error message.
uint32 textref_stack[16]; ///< Values to put on the #TextRefStack for the error message.
StringID summary_msg; ///< General error message showed in first line. Must be valid.
StringID detailed_msg; ///< Detailed error message showed in second line. Can be #INVALID_STRING_ID.
uint height_summary; ///< Height of the #summary_msg string in pixels in the #EMW_MESSAGE widget.
uint height_detailed; ///< Height of the #detailed_msg string in pixels in the #EMW_MESSAGE widget.
Point position; ///< Position of the error message window.
CompanyID face; ///< Company belonging to the face being shown. #INVALID_COMPANY if no face present.
ErrmsgWindow(Point pt, StringID summary_msg, StringID detailed_msg, bool no_timeout, uint textref_stack_size, const uint32 *textref_stack) : Window()
* Copy the given data into our instace.
* @param data The data to copy.
ErrorMessageData(const ErrorMessageData &data)
this->position = pt;
this->duration = no_timeout ? 0 : _settings_client.gui.errmsg_duration;
*this = data;
* Display an error message in a window.
* @param summary_msg General error message showed in first line. Must be valid.
* @param detailed_msg Detailed error message showed in second line. Can be INVALID_STRING_ID.
* @param duration The amount of time to show this error message.
* @param x World X position (TileVirtX) of the error location. Set both x and y to 0 to just center the message when there is no related error tile.
* @param y World Y position (TileVirtY) of the error location. Set both x and y to 0 to just center the message when there is no related error tile.
* @param textref_stack_size Number of uint32 values to put on the #TextRefStack for the error message; 0 if the #TextRefStack shall not be used.
* @param textref_stack Values to put on the #TextRefStack.
ErrorMessageData(StringID summary_msg, StringID detailed_msg, uint duration, int x, int y, uint textref_stack_size, const uint32 *textref_stack) :
this->position.x = x;
this->position.y = y;
CopyOutDParam(this->decode_params, 0, lengthof(this->decode_params));
this->summary_msg = summary_msg;
this->detailed_msg = detailed_msg;
this->textref_stack_size = textref_stack_size;
if (textref_stack_size > 0) {
MemCpyT(this->textref_stack, textref_stack, textref_stack_size);
CompanyID company = (CompanyID)GetDParamX(this->decode_params, 2);
this->face = (this->detailed_msg == STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY && company < MAX_COMPANIES) ? company : INVALID_COMPANY;
const WindowDesc *desc = (face == INVALID_COMPANY) ? &_errmsg_desc : &_errmsg_face_desc;
assert(summary_msg != INVALID_STRING_ID);
/** Window class for displaying an error message window. */
struct ErrmsgWindow : public Window, ErrorMessageData {
uint height_summary; ///< Height of the #summary_msg string in pixels in the #EMW_MESSAGE widget.
uint height_detailed; ///< Height of the #detailed_msg string in pixels in the #EMW_MESSAGE widget.
ErrmsgWindow(const ErrorMessageData &data) : Window(), ErrorMessageData(data)
this->InitNested((this->face == INVALID_COMPANY) ? &_errmsg_desc : &_errmsg_face_desc);
virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize)
@ -277,7 +305,6 @@ void ShowErrorMessage(StringID summary_msg, StringID detailed_msg, WarningLevel
if (_settings_client.gui.errmsg_duration == 0 && !no_timeout) return;
DeleteWindowById(WC_ERRMSG, 0);
Point pt = {x, y};
new ErrmsgWindow(pt, summary_msg, detailed_msg, no_timeout, textref_stack_size, textref_stack);
ErrorMessageData data(summary_msg, detailed_msg, no_timeout ? _settings_client.gui.errmsg_duration : 0, x, y, textref_stack_size, textref_stack);
new ErrmsgWindow(data);