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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:16 +00:00
(svn r12034) -Codechange: A bit of code style cleaning, regarding comments.
Thanks to MagicBuzz who spotted yet another non-converted file
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct GameDifficulty {
GDType initial_interest;
GDType vehicle_costs;
GDType competitor_speed;
GDType competitor_intelligence; // no longer in use
GDType competitor_intelligence; ///< no longer in use
GDType vehicle_breakdowns;
GDType subsidy_multiplier;
GDType construction_cost;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ struct GameDifficulty {
GDType economy;
GDType line_reverse_mode;
GDType disasters;
GDType town_council_tolerance; // minimum required town ratings to be allowed to demolish stuff
GDType town_council_tolerance; ///< minimum required town ratings to be allowed to demolish stuff
struct GameOptions {
@ -57,122 +57,122 @@ extern GameOptions _opt_newgame;
extern GameOptions *_opt_ptr;
struct Patches {
bool modified_catchment; // different-size catchment areas
bool vehicle_speed; // show vehicle speed
bool build_on_slopes; // allow building on slopes
bool mammoth_trains; // allow very long trains
bool join_stations; // allow joining of train stations
bool full_load_any; // new full load calculation, any cargo must be full
bool improved_load; // improved loading algorithm
bool gradual_loading; // load vehicles gradually
byte station_spread; // amount a station may spread
bool inflation; // disable inflation
bool selectgoods; // only send the goods to station if a train has been there
bool longbridges; // allow 100 tile long bridges
bool gotodepot; // allow goto depot in orders
bool modified_catchment; ///< different-size catchment areas
bool vehicle_speed; ///< show vehicle speed
bool build_on_slopes; ///< allow building on slopes
bool mammoth_trains; ///< allow very long trains
bool join_stations; ///< allow joining of train stations
bool full_load_any; ///< new full load calculation, any cargo must be full
bool improved_load; ///< improved loading algorithm
bool gradual_loading; ///< load vehicles gradually
byte station_spread; ///< amount a station may spread
bool inflation; ///< disable inflation
bool selectgoods; ///< only send the goods to station if a train has been there
bool longbridges; ///< allow 100 tile long bridges
bool gotodepot; ///< allow goto depot in orders
uint8 raw_industry_construction; ///< Type of (raw) industry construction (none, "normal", prospecting)
bool multiple_industry_per_town; // allow many industries of the same type per town
bool same_industry_close; // allow same type industries to be built close to each other
bool lost_train_warn; // if a train can't find its destination, show a warning
bool multiple_industry_per_town; ///< allow many industries of the same type per town
bool same_industry_close; ///< allow same type industries to be built close to each other
bool lost_train_warn; ///< if a train can't find its destination, show a warning
uint8 order_review_system;
bool train_income_warn; // if train is generating little income, show a warning
bool status_long_date; // always show long date in status bar
bool signal_side; // show signals on right side
bool show_finances; // show finances at end of year
bool new_nonstop; // ttdpatch compatible nonstop handling
bool roadveh_queue; // buggy road vehicle queueing
bool autoscroll; // scroll when moving mouse to the edge.
byte errmsg_duration; // duration of error message
byte land_generator; // the landscape generator
byte oil_refinery_limit; // distance oil refineries allowed from map edge
byte snow_line_height; // a number 0-15 that configured snow line height
byte tgen_smoothness; // how rough is the terrain from 0-3
uint32 generation_seed; // noise seed for world generation
byte tree_placer; // the tree placer algorithm
byte heightmap_rotation; // rotation director for the heightmap
byte se_flat_world_height; // land height a flat world gets in SE
bool bribe; // enable bribing the local authority
bool nonuniform_stations; // allow nonuniform train stations
bool adjacent_stations; // allow stations to be built directly adjacent to other stations
bool always_small_airport; // always allow small airports
bool realistic_acceleration; // realistic acceleration for trains
bool wagon_speed_limits; // enable wagon speed limits
bool forbid_90_deg; // forbid trains to make 90 deg turns
bool invisible_trees; // don't show trees when buildings are transparent
bool no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns; // dont send vehicles to depot when breakdowns are disabled
bool link_terraform_toolbar; // display terraform toolbar when displaying rail, road, water and airport toolbars
bool reverse_scroll; // Right-Click-Scrolling scrolls in the opposite direction
bool train_income_warn; ///< if train is generating little income, show a warning
bool status_long_date; ///< always show long date in status bar
bool signal_side; ///< show signals on right side
bool show_finances; ///< show finances at end of year
bool new_nonstop; ///< ttdpatch compatible nonstop handling
bool roadveh_queue; ///< buggy road vehicle queueing
bool autoscroll; ///< scroll when moving mouse to the edge.
byte errmsg_duration; ///< duration of error message
byte land_generator; ///< the landscape generator
byte oil_refinery_limit; ///< distance oil refineries allowed from map edge
byte snow_line_height; ///< a number 0-15 that configured snow line height
byte tgen_smoothness; ///< how rough is the terrain from 0-3
uint32 generation_seed; ///< noise seed for world generation
byte tree_placer; ///< the tree placer algorithm
byte heightmap_rotation; ///< rotation director for the heightmap
byte se_flat_world_height; ///< land height a flat world gets in SE
bool bribe; ///< enable bribing the local authority
bool nonuniform_stations; ///< allow nonuniform train stations
bool adjacent_stations; ///< allow stations to be built directly adjacent to other stations
bool always_small_airport; ///< always allow small airports
bool realistic_acceleration; ///< realistic acceleration for trains
bool wagon_speed_limits; ///< enable wagon speed limits
bool forbid_90_deg; ///< forbid trains to make 90 deg turns
bool invisible_trees; ///< don't show trees when buildings are transparent
bool no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns; ///< dont send vehicles to depot when breakdowns are disabled
bool link_terraform_toolbar; ///< display terraform toolbar when displaying rail, road, water and airport toolbars
bool reverse_scroll; ///< Right-Click-Scrolling scrolls in the opposite direction
bool smooth_scroll; ///< Smooth scroll viewports
bool disable_elrails; // when true, the elrails are disabled
bool measure_tooltip; // Show a permanent tooltip when dragging tools
byte liveries; // Options for displaying company liveries, 0=none, 1=self, 2=all
bool prefer_teamchat; // Choose the chat message target with <ENTER>, true=all players, false=your team
uint8 advanced_vehicle_list; // Use the "advanced" vehicle list
uint8 loading_indicators; // Show loading indicators
bool disable_elrails; ///< when true, the elrails are disabled
bool measure_tooltip; ///< Show a permanent tooltip when dragging tools
byte liveries; ///< Options for displaying company liveries, 0=none, 1=self, 2=all
bool prefer_teamchat; ///< Choose the chat message target with <ENTER>, true=all players, false=your team
uint8 advanced_vehicle_list; ///< Use the "advanced" vehicle list
uint8 loading_indicators; ///< Show loading indicators
uint8 default_rail_type; ///< The default rail type for the rail GUI
uint8 toolbar_pos; // position of toolbars, 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
uint8 window_snap_radius; // Windows snap at each other if closer than this
uint8 toolbar_pos; ///< position of toolbars, 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
uint8 window_snap_radius; ///< Windows snap at each other if closer than this
bool always_build_infrastructure; ///< Always allow building of infrastructure, even when you do not have the vehicles for it
UnitID max_trains; // max trains in game per player (these are 16bit because the unitnumber field can't hold more)
UnitID max_roadveh; // max trucks in game per player
UnitID max_aircraft; // max planes in game per player
UnitID max_ships; // max ships in game per player
UnitID max_trains; ///< max trains in game per player (these are 16bit because the unitnumber field can't hold more)
UnitID max_roadveh; ///< max trucks in game per player
UnitID max_aircraft; ///< max planes in game per player
UnitID max_ships; ///< max ships in game per player
bool servint_ispercent; // service intervals are in percents
uint16 servint_trains; // service interval for trains
uint16 servint_roadveh; // service interval for road vehicles
uint16 servint_aircraft; // service interval for aircraft
uint16 servint_ships; // service interval for ships
bool servint_ispercent; ///< service intervals are in percents
uint16 servint_trains; ///< service interval for trains
uint16 servint_roadveh; ///< service interval for road vehicles
uint16 servint_aircraft; ///< service interval for aircraft
uint16 servint_ships; ///< service interval for ships
bool autorenew;
int16 autorenew_months;
int32 autorenew_money;
byte pf_maxdepth; // maximum recursion depth when searching for a train route for new pathfinder
uint16 pf_maxlength; // maximum length when searching for a train route for new pathfinder
byte pf_maxdepth; ///< maximum recursion depth when searching for a train route for new pathfinder
uint16 pf_maxlength; ///< maximum length when searching for a train route for new pathfinder
bool bridge_pillars; // show bridge pillars for high bridges
bool bridge_pillars; ///< show bridge pillars for high bridges
bool ai_disable_veh_train; // disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_roadveh; // disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_aircraft; // disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_ship; // disable types for AI
Year starting_year; // starting date
Year ending_year; // end of the game (just show highscore)
Year colored_news_year; // when does newspaper become colored?
bool ai_disable_veh_train; ///< disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_roadveh; ///< disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_aircraft; ///< disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_ship; ///< disable types for AI
Year starting_year; ///< starting date
Year ending_year; ///< end of the game (just show highscore)
Year colored_news_year; ///< when does newspaper become colored?
bool keep_all_autosave; // name the autosave in a different way.
bool autosave_on_exit; // save an autosave when you quit the game, but do not ask "Do you really want to quit?"
byte max_num_autosaves; // controls how many autosavegames are made before the game starts to overwrite (names them 0 to max_num_autosaves - 1)
bool extra_dynamite; // extra dynamite
bool road_stop_on_town_road; // allow building of drive-through road stops on town owned roads
bool keep_all_autosave; ///< name the autosave in a different way.
bool autosave_on_exit; ///< save an autosave when you quit the game, but do not ask "Do you really want to quit?"
byte max_num_autosaves; ///< controls how many autosavegames are made before the game starts to overwrite (names them 0 to max_num_autosaves - 1)
bool extra_dynamite; ///< extra dynamite
bool road_stop_on_town_road; ///< allow building of drive-through road stops on town owned roads
bool never_expire_vehicles; // never expire vehicles
byte extend_vehicle_life; // extend vehicle life by this many years
bool never_expire_vehicles; ///< never expire vehicles
byte extend_vehicle_life; ///< extend vehicle life by this many years
bool auto_euro; // automatically switch to euro in 2002
bool serviceathelipad; // service helicopters at helipads automatically (no need to send to depot)
bool smooth_economy; // smooth economy
bool allow_shares; // allow the buying/selling of shares
byte dist_local_authority; // distance for town local authority, default 20
bool auto_euro; ///< automatically switch to euro in 2002
bool serviceathelipad; ///< service helicopters at helipads automatically (no need to send to depot)
bool smooth_economy; ///< smooth economy
bool allow_shares; ///< allow the buying/selling of shares
byte dist_local_authority; ///< distance for town local authority, default 20
byte wait_oneway_signal; // waitingtime in days before a oneway signal
byte wait_twoway_signal; // waitingtime in days before a twoway signal
byte wait_oneway_signal; ///< waitingtime in days before a oneway signal
byte wait_twoway_signal; ///< waitingtime in days before a twoway signal
uint8 map_x; // Size of map
uint8 map_x; ///< Size of map
uint8 map_y;
byte drag_signals_density; // many signals density
Year semaphore_build_before; // Build semaphore signals automatically before this year
bool ainew_active; // Is the new AI active?
bool ai_in_multiplayer; // Do we allow AIs in multiplayer
byte drag_signals_density; ///< many signals density
Year semaphore_build_before; ///< Build semaphore signals automatically before this year
bool ainew_active; ///< Is the new AI active?
bool ai_in_multiplayer; ///< Do we allow AIs in multiplayer
* New Path Finding
bool new_pathfinding_all; /* Use the newest pathfinding algorithm for all */
bool new_pathfinding_all; ///< Use the newest pathfinding algorithm for all
* The maximum amount of search nodes a single NPF run should take. This
@ -182,22 +182,22 @@ struct Patches {
uint32 npf_max_search_nodes;
uint32 npf_rail_firstred_penalty; // The penalty for when the first signal is red (and it is not an exit or combo signal)
uint32 npf_rail_firstred_exit_penalty; // The penalty for when the first signal is red (and it is an exit or combo signal)
uint32 npf_rail_lastred_penalty; // The penalty for when the last signal is red
uint32 npf_rail_station_penalty; // The penalty for station tiles
uint32 npf_rail_slope_penalty; // The penalty for sloping upwards
uint32 npf_rail_curve_penalty; // The penalty for curves
uint32 npf_rail_depot_reverse_penalty; // The penalty for reversing in depots
uint32 npf_buoy_penalty; // The penalty for going over (through) a buoy
uint32 npf_water_curve_penalty; // The penalty for curves
uint32 npf_road_curve_penalty; // The penalty for curves
uint32 npf_crossing_penalty; // The penalty for level crossings
uint32 npf_road_drive_through_penalty; // The penalty for going through a drive-through road stop
uint32 npf_rail_firstred_penalty; ///< The penalty for when the first signal is red (and it is not an exit or combo signal)
uint32 npf_rail_firstred_exit_penalty; ///< The penalty for when the first signal is red (and it is an exit or combo signal)
uint32 npf_rail_lastred_penalty; ///< The penalty for when the last signal is red
uint32 npf_rail_station_penalty; ///< The penalty for station tiles
uint32 npf_rail_slope_penalty; ///< The penalty for sloping upwards
uint32 npf_rail_curve_penalty; ///< The penalty for curves
uint32 npf_rail_depot_reverse_penalty; ///< The penalty for reversing in depots
uint32 npf_buoy_penalty; ///< The penalty for going over (through) a buoy
uint32 npf_water_curve_penalty; ///< The penalty for curves
uint32 npf_road_curve_penalty; ///< The penalty for curves
uint32 npf_crossing_penalty; ///< The penalty for level crossings
uint32 npf_road_drive_through_penalty; ///< The penalty for going through a drive-through road stop
bool population_in_label; // Show the population of a town in his label?
bool population_in_label; ///< Show the population of a town in his label?
uint8 freight_trains; // Value to multiply the weight of cargo by
uint8 freight_trains; ///< Value to multiply the weight of cargo by
/** YAPF settings */
YapfSettings yapf;
@ -207,25 +207,25 @@ struct Patches {
uint8 scrollwheel_scrolling;
uint8 scrollwheel_multiplier;
uint8 town_growth_rate; ///< Town growth rate
uint8 larger_towns; ///< The number of cities to build. These start off larger and grow twice as fast
uint8 initial_city_size; ///< Multiplier for the initial size of the cities compared to towns
uint8 town_growth_rate; ///< Town growth rate
uint8 larger_towns; ///< The number of cities to build. These start off larger and grow twice as fast
uint8 initial_city_size; ///< Multiplier for the initial size of the cities compared to towns
bool pause_on_newgame; ///< Whether to start new games paused or not.
bool pause_on_newgame; ///< Whether to start new games paused or not.
TownLayoutByte town_layout; ///< Select town layout
bool timetabling; ///< Whether to allow timetabling.
bool timetable_in_ticks; ///< Whether to show the timetable in ticks rather than days.
bool timetabling; ///< Whether to allow timetabling.
bool timetable_in_ticks; ///< Whether to show the timetable in ticks rather than days.
bool autoslope; ///< Allow terraforming under things.
bool autoslope; ///< Allow terraforming under things.
bool mod_road_rebuild; ///< Roadworks remove unneccesary RoadBits
bool mod_road_rebuild; ///< Roadworks remove unneccesary RoadBits
bool exclusive_rights; ///< allow buying exclusive rights
bool give_money; ///< allow giving other players money
bool exclusive_rights; ///< allow buying exclusive rights
bool give_money; ///< allow giving other players money
bool enable_signal_gui; ///< Show the signal GUI when the signal button is pressed
bool enable_signal_gui; ///< Show the signal GUI when the signal button is pressed
extern Patches _patches;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user