(svn r25676) -Fix: [Win32] The ANSI code page is not UTF-8 for non-Unicode builds.

This commit is contained in:
michi_cc 2013-08-05 20:36:55 +00:00
parent 63332afcf0
commit 765e7d349e
4 changed files with 42 additions and 91 deletions

View File

@ -42,26 +42,19 @@ extern FT_Library _library;
* filename into something that isn't UTF-8 but represents the Unicode file
* name. This is the short DOS 8.3 format. This does not contain any
* characters that fopen doesn't support.
* @param long_path the path in UTF-8.
* @param long_path the path in system encoding.
* @return the short path in ANSI (ASCII).
char *GetShortPath(const char *long_path)
const char *GetShortPath(const TCHAR *long_path)
static char short_path[MAX_PATH];
#ifdef UNICODE
/* The non-unicode GetShortPath doesn't support UTF-8...,
* so convert the path to wide chars, then get the short
* path and convert it back again. */
wchar_t long_path_w[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, long_path, -1, long_path_w, MAX_PATH);
wchar_t short_path_w[MAX_PATH];
GetShortPathNameW(long_path_w, short_path_w, MAX_PATH);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, short_path_w, -1, short_path, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);
WCHAR short_path_w[MAX_PATH];
GetShortPathName(long_path, short_path_w, lengthof(short_path_w));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, short_path_w, -1, short_path, lengthof(short_path), NULL, NULL);
/* Technically not needed, but do it for consistency. */
GetShortPathNameA(long_path, short_path, MAX_PATH);
GetShortPathName(long_path, short_path, lengthof(short_path));
return short_path;
@ -82,9 +75,10 @@ FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
HKEY hKey;
LONG ret;
TCHAR vbuffer[MAX_PATH], dbuffer[256];
TCHAR *font_namep;
char *font_path;
TCHAR *pathbuf;
const char *font_path;
uint index;
size_t path_len;
/* On windows NT (2000, NT3.5, XP, etc.) the fonts are stored in the
* "Windows NT" key, on Windows 9x in the Windows key. To save us having
@ -97,15 +91,8 @@ FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
return err;
/* For Unicode we need some conversion between widechar and
* normal char to match the data returned by RegEnumValue,
* otherwise just use parameter */
#if defined(UNICODE)
font_namep = MallocT<TCHAR>(MAX_PATH);
MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(font_name, font_namep, MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
font_namep = const_cast<char *>(font_name); // only cast because in unicode pointer is not const
/* Convert font name to file system encoding. */
TCHAR *font_namep = _tcsdup(OTTD2FS(font_name));
for (index = 0;; index++) {
@ -142,23 +129,13 @@ FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
/* Some fonts are contained in .ttc files, TrueType Collection fonts. These
* contain multiple fonts inside this single file. GetFontData however
* returns the whole file, so we need to check each font inside to get the
* proper font.
* Also note that FreeType does not support UNICODE filenames! */
#if defined(UNICODE)
/* We need a cast here back from wide because FreeType doesn't support
* widechar filenames. Just use the buffer we allocated before for the
* font_name search */
font_path = (char*)font_namep;
WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(vbuffer, font_path, MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
font_path = vbuffer;
* proper font. */
path_len = _tcslen(vbuffer) + _tcslen(dbuffer) + 2; // '\' and terminating nul.
pathbuf = AllocaM(TCHAR, path_len);
_sntprintf(pathbuf, path_len, _T("%s\\%s"), vbuffer, dbuffer);
ttd_strlcat(font_path, "\\", MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
ttd_strlcat(font_path, WIDE_TO_MB(dbuffer), MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
/* Convert the path into something that FreeType understands */
font_path = GetShortPath(font_path);
/* Convert the path into something that FreeType understands. */
font_path = GetShortPath(pathbuf);
index = 0;
do {
@ -175,9 +152,7 @@ FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
#if defined(UNICODE)
return err;
@ -338,11 +313,7 @@ static int CALLBACK EnumFontCallback(const ENUMLOGFONTEX *logfont, const NEWTEXT
char font_name[MAX_PATH];
#if defined(UNICODE)
WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER((const TCHAR*)logfont->elfFullName, font_name, lengthof(font_name));
strecpy(font_name, (const TCHAR*)logfont->elfFullName, lastof(font_name));
convert_from_fs((const TCHAR *)logfont->elfFullName, font_name, lengthof(font_name));
/* Add english name after font name */
const char *english_name = GetEnglishFontName(logfont);

View File

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ static char *PrintModuleInfo(char *output, const char *last, HMODULE mod)
GetModuleFileName(mod, buffer, MAX_PATH);
GetFileInfo(&dfi, buffer);
output += seprintf(output, last, " %-20s handle: %p size: %d crc: %.8X date: %d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d\n",
@ -621,11 +621,9 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK CrashDialogFunc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARA
switch (msg) {
#if defined(UNICODE)
/* We need to put the crash-log in a separate buffer because the default
* buffer in MB_TO_WIDE is not large enough (512 chars) */
wchar_t crash_msgW[lengthof(CrashLogWindows::current->crashlog)];
TCHAR crash_msgW[lengthof(CrashLogWindows::current->crashlog)];
/* Convert unix -> dos newlines because the edit box only supports that properly :( */
const char *unix_nl = CrashLogWindows::current->crashlog;
char dos_nl[lengthof(CrashLogWindows::current->crashlog)];
@ -655,7 +653,7 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK CrashDialogFunc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARA
SetDlgItemText(wnd, 10, text);
SetDlgItemText(wnd, 11, MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(dos_nl, crash_msgW, lengthof(crash_msgW)));
SetDlgItemText(wnd, 11, convert_to_fs(dos_nl, crash_msgW, lengthof(crash_msgW)));
SendDlgItemMessage(wnd, 11, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT), FALSE);
SetWndSize(wnd, -1);
} return TRUE;

View File

@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ bool LoadLibraryList(Function proc[], const char *dll)
void ShowOSErrorBox(const char *buf, bool system)
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_TO_WIDE(buf), _T("Error!"), MB_ICONSTOP);
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), OTTD2FS(buf), _T("Error!"), MB_ICONSTOP);
void OSOpenBrowser(const char *url)
ShellExecute(GetActiveWindow(), _T("open"), MB_TO_WIDE(url), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
ShellExecute(GetActiveWindow(), _T("open"), OTTD2FS(url), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
/* Code below for windows version of opendir/readdir/closedir copied and
@ -371,12 +371,10 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK HelpDialogFunc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
*q++ = *p++;
*q = '\0';
#if defined(UNICODE)
/* We need to put the text in a separate buffer because the default
* buffer in MB_TO_WIDE might not be large enough (512 chars) */
wchar_t help_msgW[8192];
SetDlgItemText(wnd, 11, MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(help_msg, help_msgW, lengthof(help_msgW)));
* buffer in OTTD2FS might not be large enough (512 chars). */
TCHAR help_msg_buf[8192];
SetDlgItemText(wnd, 11, convert_to_fs(help_msg, help_msg_buf, lengthof(help_msg_buf)));
SendDlgItemMessage(wnd, 11, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT), FALSE);
} return TRUE;
@ -407,12 +405,10 @@ void ShowInfo(const char *str)
_help_msg = str;
DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(101), NULL, HelpDialogFunc);
} else {
#if defined(UNICODE)
/* We need to put the text in a separate buffer because the default
* buffer in MB_TO_WIDE might not be large enough (512 chars) */
wchar_t help_msgW[8192];
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(str, help_msgW, lengthof(help_msgW)), _T("OpenTTD"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
* buffer in OTTD2FS might not be large enough (512 chars). */
TCHAR help_msg_buf[8192];
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), convert_to_fs(str, help_msg_buf, lengthof(help_msg_buf)), _T("OpenTTD"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
@ -426,24 +422,18 @@ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLi
int argc;
char *argv[64]; // max 64 command line arguments
char *cmdline;
#if defined(UNICODE)
#if !defined(WINCE)
#if defined(UNICODE) && !defined(WINCE)
/* Check if a win9x user started the win32 version */
if (HasBit(GetVersion(), 31)) usererror("This version of OpenTTD doesn't run on windows 95/98/ME.\nPlease download the win9x binary and try again.");
/* For UNICODE we need to convert the commandline to char* _AND_
* save it because argv[] points into this buffer and thus needs to
* be available between subsequent calls to FS2OTTD() */
char cmdlinebuf[MAX_PATH];
#endif /* UNICODE */
cmdline = WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(GetCommandLine(), cmdlinebuf, lengthof(cmdlinebuf));
/* Convert the command line to UTF-8. We need a dedicated buffer
* for this because argv[] points into this buffer and this needs to
* be available between subsequent calls to FS2OTTD(). */
char *cmdline = strdup(FS2OTTD(GetCommandLine()));
#if defined(_DEBUG)
@ -459,6 +449,7 @@ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLi
argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv, lengthof(argv));
openttd_main(argc, argv);
return 0;
@ -486,12 +477,10 @@ char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size)
/* GetModuleFileName returns dir with file, so remove everything behind latest '\\' */
char *p = strrchr(buf, '\\');
if (p != NULL) *p = '\0';
#elif defined(UNICODE)
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH - 1, path);
convert_from_fs(path, buf, size);
GetCurrentDirectory(size, buf);
return buf;
@ -503,7 +492,7 @@ void DetermineBasePaths(const char *exe)
strecpy(tmp, WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(path, tmp, lengthof(tmp)), lastof(tmp));
strecpy(tmp, FS2OTTD(path), lastof(tmp));
AppendPathSeparator(tmp, MAX_PATH);
ttd_strlcat(tmp, PERSONAL_DIR, MAX_PATH);
AppendPathSeparator(tmp, MAX_PATH);
@ -513,7 +502,7 @@ void DetermineBasePaths(const char *exe)
strecpy(tmp, WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(path, tmp, lengthof(tmp)), lastof(tmp));
strecpy(tmp, FS2OTTD(path), lastof(tmp));
AppendPathSeparator(tmp, MAX_PATH);
ttd_strlcat(tmp, PERSONAL_DIR, MAX_PATH);
AppendPathSeparator(tmp, MAX_PATH);
@ -536,12 +525,12 @@ void DetermineBasePaths(const char *exe)
_searchpaths[SP_BINARY_DIR] = NULL;
} else {
TCHAR exec_dir[MAX_PATH];
_tcsncpy(path, MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(exe, path, lengthof(path)), lengthof(path));
_tcsncpy(path, convert_to_fs(exe, path, lengthof(path)), lengthof(path));
if (!GetFullPathName(path, lengthof(exec_dir), exec_dir, NULL)) {
DEBUG(misc, 0, "GetFullPathName failed (%lu)\n", GetLastError());
_searchpaths[SP_BINARY_DIR] = NULL;
} else {
strecpy(tmp, WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(exec_dir, tmp, lengthof(tmp)), lastof(tmp));
strecpy(tmp, convert_from_fs(exec_dir, tmp, lengthof(tmp)), lastof(tmp));
char *s = strrchr(tmp, PATHSEPCHAR);
*(s + 1) = '\0';
_searchpaths[SP_BINARY_DIR] = strdup(tmp);

View File

@ -23,21 +23,14 @@ TCHAR *convert_to_fs(const char *name, TCHAR *utf16_buf, size_t buflen, bool con
/* Function shortcuts for UTF-8 <> UNICODE conversion. When unicode is not
* defined these macros return the string passed to them, with UNICODE
* they return a pointer to the converted string. The only difference between
* XX_TO_YY and XX_TO_YY_BUFFER is that with the buffer variant you can
* specify where to put the converted string (and how long it can be). Without
* the buffer and internal buffer is used, of max 512 characters */
* they return a pointer to the converted string. These functions use an
* internal buffer of max 512 characters. */
#if defined(UNICODE)
# define MB_TO_WIDE(str) OTTD2FS(str)
# define MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(str, buffer, buflen) convert_to_fs(str, buffer, buflen)
# define WIDE_TO_MB(str) FS2OTTD(str)
# define WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(str, buffer, buflen) convert_from_fs(str, buffer, buflen)
extern uint _codepage; // local code-page in the system @see win32_v.cpp:WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE
# define MB_TO_WIDE(str) (str)
# define MB_TO_WIDE_BUFFER(str, buffer, buflen) (str)
# define WIDE_TO_MB(str) (str)
# define WIDE_TO_MB_BUFFER(str, buffer, buflen) (str)