(svn r1672) Simplify dependency tracking and actually implement it for C++ files, too.

Note: Do "make clean" to get rid of the old dependency files
This commit is contained in:
tron 2005-01-25 16:10:06 +00:00
parent 85248d7850
commit 6497f08ad4

View File

@ -667,8 +667,7 @@ ifdef WITH_DIRECTMUSIC
CXX_SOURCES += w32dm2.cpp
DEPS1 = $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),.deps/$(obj))
DEPS = $(DEPS1:%.o=%.P)
DEPS = $(OBJS:%.o=.deps/%.d)
LANG_TXT = $(filter-out %.unfinished.txt,$(wildcard lang/*.txt))
LANGS = $(LANG_TXT:%.txt=%.lng)
@ -912,20 +911,19 @@ DEPS_MAGIC := $(shell mkdir .deps > /dev/null 2>&1 || :)
# first compilation round as we just build everything at that time anyway,
# therefore we do not need to watch deps.
%.o: %.c $(MAKE_CONFIG) endian.h table/strings.h
@echo '===> Compiling $<'
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CDEFS) -Wp,-MD,.deps/$(*F).pp -c $< -o $@
@-cp .deps/$(*F).pp .deps/$(*F).P; \
tr ' ' '\012' < .deps/$(*F).pp \
| sed -e 's/^\\$$//' -e '/^$$/ d' -e '/:$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' \
>> .deps/$(*F).P; \
rm .deps/$(*F).pp
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CDEFS) -MD -c $< -o $@
@mv $(<:%.c=%.d) $(<:%.c=.deps/%.d)
# For DirectMusic build and BeOS specific parts
%.o: %.cpp $(MAKE_CONFIG) endian.h table/strings.h
@echo '===> Compiling $<'
@$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(CDEFS) -c $< -o $@
@$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(CDEFS) -MD -c $< -o $@
@mv $(<:%.c=%.d) $(<:%.c=.deps/%.d)
# Silence stale header dependencies