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synced 2025-03-06 06:15:04 +00:00
(svn r1297) Language fixes in the source.. (ln-)
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
// How many days must there be between building the first station and the second station
// within one city. This number is in days and should be more then 4 months.
// within one city. This number is in days and should be more than 4 months.
// How many cargo is needed for one station in a city?
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
// reuse the station instead of building a new one!
// No more then this amount of vehicles per station..
// No more than this amount of vehicles per station..
// How many thick between building 2 vehicles
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
// while old vehicles stay longer, because we do get less in return.
// A vehicle is considered lost when he his cargo is more then 180 days old
// A vehicle is considered lost when he his cargo is more than 180 days old
// How many times may the AI try to find a route before it gives up
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ static void AiNew_State_LocateRoute(Player *p) {
int max_cargo = DEREF_TOWN(p->ainew.from_ic)->max_pass + DEREF_TOWN(p->ainew.temp)->max_pass;
max_cargo -= DEREF_TOWN(p->ainew.from_ic)->act_pass + DEREF_TOWN(p->ainew.temp)->act_pass;
// max_cargo is now the amount of cargo we can move between the two cities
// If it is more then the distance, we allow it
// If it is more than the distance, we allow it
if (GetTileDist(DEREF_TOWN(p->ainew.from_ic)->xy, DEREF_TOWN(p->ainew.temp)->xy) <= max_cargo * AI_LOCATEROUTE_BUS_CARGO_DISTANCE) {
// We found a good city/industry, save the data of it
p->ainew.to_ic = p->ainew.temp;
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ static void AiNew_State_LocateRoute(Player *p) {
p->ainew.last_id = p->ainew.temp;
// Check if there are not more then a certain amount of vehicles pointed to a certain
// Check if there are not more than a certain amount of vehicles pointed to a certain
// station. This to prevent 10 busses going to one station, which gives... problems ;)
static bool AiNew_CheckVehicleStation(Player *p, Station *st) {
int count = 0;
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ static void AiNew_State_FindStation(Player *p) {
// First, we are going to look at the stations that already exist inside the city
// If there is enough cargo left in the station, we take that station
// If that is not possible, and there are more then 2 stations in the city, abort
// If that is not possible, and there are more than 2 stations in the city, abort
i = AiNew_PickVehicle(p);
// Euhmz, this should not happen _EVER_
// Quit finding a route...
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ static void AiNew_State_FindStation(Player *p) {
// We are going to add a new station...
if (new_tile == 0) count++;
// No more then 2 stations allowed in a city
// No more than 2 stations allowed in a city
// This is because only the best 2 stations of one cargo do get any cargo
if (count > 2) {
p->ainew.state = AI_STATE_NOTHING;
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ static int AiNew_HowManyVehicles(Player *p) {
max_cargo = DEREF_INDUSTRY(p->ainew.to_ic)->total_production[0];
// This is because moving 60% is more then we can dream of!
// This is because moving 60% is more than we can dream of!
max_cargo *= 0.6;
// We want all the cargo to be gone in a month.. so, we know the cargo it delivers
// we know what the vehicle takes with him, and we know the time it takes him
@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ static void AiNew_State_GiveOrders(Player *p) {
p->ainew.veh_main_id = p->ainew.veh_id;
// When more then 1 vehicle, we send them to different directions
// When more than 1 vehicle, we send them to different directions
idx = 0;
order.type = OT_GOTO_STATION;
order.flags = 0;
@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ static void AiNew_CheckVehicle(Player *p, Vehicle *v) {
// When a vehicle is older then 1 year, it should make money...
if (v->age > 360) {
// If both years together are not more then AI_MINIMUM_ROUTE_PROFIT,
// If both years together are not more than AI_MINIMUM_ROUTE_PROFIT,
// it is not worth the line I guess...
if (v->profit_last_year + v->profit_this_year < AI_MINIMUM_ROUTE_PROFIT ||
(v->reliability * 100 >> 16) < 40) {
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ static int32 AyStar_AiPathFinder_CalculateH(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *current,
r = GetTileDist(current->tile, PathFinderInfo->end_tile_tl);
r2 = GetTileDist(current->tile, PathFinderInfo->end_tile_br);
// See if the bottomright is faster then the topleft..
// See if the bottomright is faster than the topleft..
if (r2 < r) r = r2;
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ static int32 AyStar_AiPathFinder_CalculateG(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *current,
if (parent->path.parent != NULL && parent->path.parent->parent != NULL) {
int dir1 = AiNew_GetRailDirection(parent->path.parent->node.tile, parent->path.node.tile, current->tile);
int dir2 = AiNew_GetRailDirection(parent->path.parent->parent->node.tile, parent->path.parent->node.tile, parent->path.node.tile);
// First, see if we are on diagonal path, that is better then straight path
// First, see if we are on diagonal path, that is better than straight path
if (dir1 > 1) { res -= AI_PATHFINDER_DIAGONAL_BONUS; }
// First see if they are different
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ void AyStarMain_Clear(AyStar *aystar) {
int AyStarMain_Main(AyStar *aystar) {
int r, i = 0;
// Loop through the OpenList
// Quit if result is no AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY or is more then loops_per_tick
// Quit if result is no AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY or is more than loops_per_tick
while ((r = aystar->loop(aystar)) == AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY && (aystar->loops_per_tick == 0 || ++i < aystar->loops_per_tick)) { }
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ bool DoCommandP(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, CommandCallback *callback,
assert((cmd & 0xFF) < lengthof(_command_proc_table));
proc = _command_proc_table[cmd & 0xFF];
// Some commands have a different output in dryrun then the realrun
// Some commands have a different output in dryrun than the realrun
// e.g.: if you demolish a whole town, the dryrun would say okay.
// but by really destroying, your rating drops and at a certain point
// it will fail. so res and res2 are different
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ bool DoCommandP(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, CommandCallback *callback,
_yearly_expenses_type = 0;
res2 = proc(x,y, flags|DC_EXEC, p1, p2);
// If notest is on, it means the result of the test can be different then
// If notest is on, it means the result of the test can be different than
// the real command.. so ignore the test
if (!notest && !((cmd & CMD_NO_TEST_IF_IN_NETWORK) && _networking)) {
assert(res == res2); // sanity check
@ -713,10 +713,10 @@ void IncreaseDate()
int FindFirstBit(uint32 value)
// This is much faster then the one that was before here.
// This is much faster than the one that was before here.
// Created by Darkvater.. blame him if it is wrong ;)
// Btw, the macro FINDFIRSTBIT is better to use when your value is
// not more then 128.
// not more than 128.
byte i = 0;
if (value & 0xffff0000) { value >>= 16; i += 16; }
if (value & 0x0000ff00) { value >>= 8; i += 8; }
@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ void NetworkStartUp(void)
memset(&_network_game_info, 0, sizeof(_network_game_info));
/* XXX - Hard number here, because the strings can currently handle no more
then 10 clients -- TrueLight */
than 10 clients -- TrueLight */
_network_game_info.clients_max = 10;
// Let's load the network in windows
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void NetworkSend_Command(uint32 tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd, CommandC
if (_network_server) {
// If we are the server, we queue the command in our 'special' queue.
// In theory, we could execute the command right away, but then the
// client on the server can do everything 1 tick faster then others.
// client on the server can do everything 1 tick faster than others.
// So to keep the game fair, we delay the command with 1 tick
// which gives about the same speed as most clients.
NetworkClientState *cs;
@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ bool NetworkFindName(char new_name[NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH])
if (!found_name) {
// Try a new name (<name> #1, <name> #2, and so on)
// Stop if we tried for more then 50 times..
// Stop if we tried for more than 50 times..
if (number++ > 50) break;
snprintf(new_name, NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH, "%s #%d", original_name, number);
@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ void NetworkServer_Tick(void)
if (lag > 3) {
// Client did still not report in after 4 game-day, drop him
// (that is, the 3 of above, + 1 before any lag is counted)
IConsolePrintF(_iconsole_color_error,"Client #%d is dropped because the client did not respond for more then 4 game-days", cs->index);
IConsolePrintF(_iconsole_color_error,"Client #%d is dropped because the client did not respond for more than 4 game-days", cs->index);
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void RestoreVehicleOrders(Vehicle *v, BackuppedOrders *bak)
// CMD_NO_TEST_IF_IN_NETWORK is used here, because CMD_INSERT_ORDER checks if the
// order number is one more then the current amount of orders, and because
// order number is one more than the current amount of orders, and because
// in network the commands are queued before send, the second insert always
// fails in test mode. By bypassing the test-mode, that no longer is a problem.
for (i = 0; bak->order[i].type != OT_NOTHING; ++i)
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ typedef struct PlayerAiNew {
uint tick;
uint idle;
int temp; // A value used in more then one function, but it just temporary
int temp; // A value used in more than one function, but it just temporary
// The use is pretty simple: with this we can 'think' about stuff
// in more then one tick, and more then one AI. A static will not
// in more than one tick, and more than one AI. A static will not
// do, because they are not saved. This way, the AI is almost human ;)
int counter; // For the same reason as temp, we have counter. It can count how
// long we are trying something, and just abort if it takes too long
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ bool BinaryHeap_Delete(Queue* q, void* item, int priority)
j = i;
// Check if we have 2 childs
if (2*j+1 <= q->data.binaryheap.size) {
// Is this child smaller then the parent?
// Is this child smaller than the parent?
if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(j).priority >= BIN_HEAP_ARR(2*j).priority) {i = 2*j; }
// Yes, we _need_ to use i here, not j, because we want to have the smallest child
// This way we get that straight away!
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ bool BinaryHeap_Delete(Queue* q, void* item, int priority)
if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(j).priority >= BIN_HEAP_ARR(2*j).priority) { i = 2*j; }
// One of our childs is smaller then we are, switch
// One of our childs is smaller than we are, switch
if (i != j) {
temp = BIN_HEAP_ARR(j);
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ int32 CmdBuildManySignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
if ((signal_ctr % signal_density) == 0 ) {
ret = DoCommand(x, y, (railbit & 7) | semaphores, signals, flags, (mode == 1) ? CMD_REMOVE_SIGNALS : CMD_BUILD_SIGNALS);
/* Abort placement for any other error then NOT_SUITEABLE_TRACK
/* Abort placement for any other error than NOT_SUITABLE_TRACK
* This includes vehicles on track, competitor's tracks, etc. */
if (ret == CMD_ERROR) {
if (_error_message != STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK && mode != 1) {
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ static Vehicle *RoadVehFindCloseTo(Vehicle *v, int x, int y, byte dir)
u = VehicleFromPos(TILE_FROM_XY(x,y), &rvf, (VehicleFromPosProc*)EnumCheckRoadVehClose);
// This code protects a roadvehicle from being blocked for ever
// If more then 1480 / 74 days a road vehicle is blocked, it will
// If more than 1480 / 74 days a road vehicle is blocked, it will
// drive just through it. The ultimate backup-code of TTD.
// It can be disabled.
if (u == NULL) {
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ const DriverDesc _music_driver_descs[] = {
Not needed for *nix. */
byte GetOSVersion()
return 2; // any arbitrary number bigger then 0
return 2; // any arbitrary number bigger than 0
// numbers lower than 2 breaks default music selection on mac
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static Vehicle *InitializeVehicle(Vehicle *v)
/* random_bits is used to pick out a random sprite for vehicles
which are technical the same (newgrf stuff).
Because RandomRange() results in desyncs, and because it does
not really matter that one client has other visual vehicles then
not really matter that one client has other visual vehicles than
the other, it can be InteractiveRandomRange() without any problem
v->random_bits = InteractiveRandomRange(256);
@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@ const DriverDesc _music_driver_descs[] = {
{"dmusic", "DirectMusic MIDI Driver", &_dmusic_midi_driver, Windows_2000},
// Win32 MIDI driver has higher priority then DMusic, so this one is chosen
// Win32 MIDI driver has higher priority than DMusic, so this one is chosen
{"win32", "Win32 MIDI Driver", &_win32_music_driver, Windows_NT3_51},
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define WP(ptr,str) (*(str*)(ptr)->custom)
// querystr_d is the bigest struct that comes in w->custom
// because 64-bit systems use 64-bit pointers, it is bigger on a 64-bit system
// then on a 32-bit system. Therefor the size is calculated from querystr_d
// than on a 32-bit system. Therefore, the size is calculated from querystr_d
// instead of a hardcoded number.
// if any struct becomes bigger the querystr_d, it should be replaced.
#define WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE sizeof(querystr_d)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user