(svn r25658) -Fix [FS#4392]: [OSX] The mouse cursor would sometimes jump near the window borders. (Matthieu)

This commit is contained in:
michi_cc 2013-08-05 20:35:49 +00:00
parent 7ba4d425c8
commit 408c595eb8

View File

@ -514,8 +514,21 @@ CGPoint WindowQuartzSubdriver::PrivateLocalToCG(NSPoint *p)
NSPoint WindowQuartzSubdriver::GetMouseLocation(NSEvent *event)
NSPoint pt = [ event locationInWindow ];
pt = [ this->cocoaview convertPoint:pt fromView:nil ];
NSPoint pt;
if (event.window == nil) {
if ([ this->cocoaview respondsToSelector:@selector(convertRectFromScreen:) ]) {
pt = [ this->cocoaview convertPoint:[ [ this->cocoaview window ] convertRectFromScreen:NSMakeRect([ event locationInWindow ].x, [ event locationInWindow ].y, 0, 0) ].origin fromView:nil ];
pt = [ this->cocoaview convertPoint:[ [ this->cocoaview window ] convertScreenToBase:[ event locationInWindow ] ] fromView:nil ];
} else {
pt = [ event locationInWindow ];
pt.y = this->window_height - pt.y;