mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 16:54:42 +00:00
Add: squirrel_export.vbs for users unable to run bash/gawk scripts
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
Option Explicit
' $Id$
' This file is part of OpenTTD.
' OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
' OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
' See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Dim enum_size, enums, enum_value_size, enum_value
Dim enum_string_to_error_size, enum_string_to_error_mapping_string, enum_string_to_error_mapping_error
Dim enum_error_to_string_size, enum_error_to_string_mapping, const_size, const_value
Dim struct_size, structs, method_size, methods, static_method_size, static_methods
Dim super_cls, cls, api_selected, cls_in_api, start_squirrel_define_on_next_line, has_fileheader, cls_level
Dim apis, filename, doxygen_skip, squirrel_stuff, is_public, cls_param(2), comment, in_enum
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Function CompareFiles(filename1, filename2)
Dim file, lines1, lines2
If Not FSO.FileExists(filename1) Then
CompareFiles = False
Exit Function
End If
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename1, 1)
If Not file.AtEndOfStream Then
lines1 = file.ReadAll
End IF
If Not FSO.FileExists(filename2) Then
CompareFiles = False
Exit Function
End If
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename2, 1)
If Not file.AtEndOfStream Then
lines2 = file.ReadAll
End IF
CompareFiles = (lines1 = lines2)
End Function
Function IsEmptyFile(filename)
Dim file
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1)
IsEmptyFile = file.AtEndOfStream
End Function
Function DumpClassTemplates(name, file)
Dim re, realname
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "^Script"
realname = re.Replace(name, "")
file.WriteLine " template <> inline " & name & " *GetParam(ForceType<" & name & " *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return (" & name & " *)instance; }"
file.WriteLine " template <> inline " & name & " &GetParam(ForceType<" & name & " &>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return *(" & name & " *)instance; }"
file.WriteLine " template <> inline const " & name & " *GetParam(ForceType<const " & name & " *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return (" & name & " *)instance; }"
file.WriteLine " template <> inline const " & name & " &GetParam(ForceType<const " & name & " &>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return *(" & name & " *)instance; }"
If name = "ScriptEvent" Then
file.WriteLine " template <> inline int Return<" & name & " *>(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " & name & " *res) { if (res == NULL) { sq_pushnull(vm); return 1; } Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(vm, " & Chr(34) & realname & Chr(34) & ", res, NULL, DefSQDestructorCallback<" & name & ">, true); return 1; }"
ElseIf name = "ScriptText" Then
file.WriteLine ""
file.WriteLine " template <> inline Text *GetParam(ForceType<Text *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) {"
file.WriteLine " if (sq_gettype(vm, index) == OT_INSTANCE) {"
file.WriteLine " return GetParam(ForceType<ScriptText *>(), vm, index, ptr);"
file.WriteLine " }"
file.WriteLine " if (sq_gettype(vm, index) == OT_STRING) {"
file.WriteLine " return new RawText(GetParam(ForceType<const char *>(), vm, index, ptr));"
file.WriteLine " }"
file.WriteLine " return NULL;"
file.WriteLine " }"
file.WriteLine " template <> inline int Return<" & name & " *>(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " & name & " *res) { if (res == NULL) { sq_pushnull(vm); return 1; } res->AddRef(); Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(vm, " & Chr(34) & realname & Chr(34) & ", res, NULL, DefSQDestructorCallback<" & name & ">, true); return 1; }"
End If
End Function
Function DumpFileheader(api, file)
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
' Break the Id tag, so SVN doesn't replace it
file.WriteLine "/* $I" & "d$ */"
file.WriteLine ""
file.WriteLine "/*"
file.WriteLine " * This file is part of OpenTTD."
file.WriteLine " * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2."
file.WriteLine " * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE."
file.WriteLine " * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
file.WriteLine " */"
file.WriteLine ""
file.WriteLine ""
file.WriteLine "#include " & Chr(34) & "../" & filename & Chr(34)
If api <> "Template" Then
re.Pattern = "script_"
filename = re.Replace(filename, "template_")
file.WriteLine "#include " & Chr(34) & "../template/" & filename & ".sq" & Chr(34)
End If
End Function
Function ResetReader()
enum_size = 0
enum_value_size = 0
enum_string_to_error_size = 0
enum_error_to_string_size = 0
const_size = 0
struct_size = 0
method_size = 0
static_method_size = 0
cls = ""
start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = False
cls_level = 0
cls_in_api = ""
End Function
Sub SquirrelExportParse(api, line, file)
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "@file"
If re.Test(line) Then
filename = Split(line)(2)
re.Pattern = "^" & apis & "_"
filename = re.Replace(filename, "script_")
End If
' Ignore special doxygen blocks
re.Pattern = "^#ifndef DOXYGEN_API"
If re.Test(line) Then
doxygen_skip = "next"
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^#ifdef DOXYGEN_API"
If re.Test(line) Then
doxygen_skip = "true"
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^#endif /\* DOXYGEN_API \*/"
If re.Test(line) Then
doxygen_skip = "false"
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^#else"
If re.Test(line) Then
If doxygen_skip = "next" Then
doxygen_skip = "true"
doxygen_skip = "false"
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If doxygen_skip = "true" Then Exit Sub
re.Pattern = "^([ ]*)\* @api"
If re.Test(line) Then
' By default, classes are not selected
If cls_level = 0 Then api_selected = "false"
re.Pattern = "^([ ]*)"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = "\* @api "
line = re.Replace(line, "")
If api = "Template" Then
api_selected = "true"
If line = "none" Or line = "-all" Then api_selected = "false"
Exit Sub
End If
If line = "none" Then
api_selected = "false"
ElseIf line = "-all" Then
api_selected = "false"
re.Pattern = "-" & apis
If re.Test(line) Then
api_selected = "false"
re.Pattern = apis
If re.Test(line) Then
api_selected = "true"
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
End If
' Remove the old squirrel stuff
re.Pattern = "#ifdef DEFINE_SQUIRREL_CLASS"
If re.Test(line) Then
squirrel_stuff = True
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^#endif /\* DEFINE_SQUIRREL_CLASS \*/"
If re.Test(line) Then
If squirrel_stuff Then squirrel_stuff = False
Exit Sub
End If
If squirrel_stuff Then Exit Sub
' Ignore forward declarations of classes
re.Pattern = "^( *)class(.*);"
If re.Test(line) Then Exit Sub
' We only want to have public functions exported for now
re.Pattern = "^( *)class"
If re.Test(line) Then
line = Split(line)
If cls_level = 0 Then
If api_selected = "" Then
WScript.Echo "Class '" & line(1) & "' has no @api. It won't be published to any API."
api_selected = "false"
End If
is_public = False
cls_param(0) = ""
cls_param(1) = 1
cls_param(2) = "x"
cls_in_api = api_selected
api_selected = ""
cls = line(1)
re.Pattern = "public|protected|private"
If UBound(line) > 2 Then
If re.Test(line(3)) Then
super_cls = line(4)
super_cls = line(3)
End If
End If
ElseIf cls_level = 1 Then
If api_selected = "" Then api_selected = cls_in_api
If api_selected = "true" Then
struct_size = struct_size + 1
structs.Item(struct_size) = cls & "::" & line(1)
End If
api_selected = ""
End If
cls_level = cls_level + 1
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^( *)public"
If re.Test(line) Then
If cls_level = 1 Then is_public = True
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^( *)protected"
If re.Test(line) Then
If cls_level = 1 Then is_public = False
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "^( *)private"
If re.Test(line) Then
If cls_level = 1 Then is_public = False
Exit Sub
End If
' Ignore the comments
re.Pattern = "^#"
If re.Test(line) Then Exit Sub
re.Pattern = "/\*.*\*/"
If re.Test(line) Then
comment = False
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "/\*"
If re.Test(line) Then
comment = True
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "\*/"
If re.Test(line) Then
comment = False
Exit Sub
End If
If comment Then Exit Sub
' We need to make specialized conversions for structs
re.Pattern = "^( *)struct"
If re.Test(line) Then
cls_level = cls_level + 1
' Check if we want to publish this struct
If api_selected = "" Then api_selected = cls_in_api
If api_selected = "false" Then
api_selected = ""
Exit Sub
End If
api_selected = ""
If Not is_public Then Exit Sub
If cls_level <> 1 Then Exit Sub
struct_size = struct_size + 1
structs.Item(struct_size) = cls & "::" & Split(line)(1)
Exit Sub
End If
' We need to make specialized conversions for enums
re.Pattern = "^( *)enum"
If re.Test(line) Then
cls_level = cls_level + 1
' Check if we want to publish this enum
If api_selected = "" Then api_selected = cls_in_api
If api_selected = "false" Then
api_selected = ""
Exit Sub
End If
api_selected = ""
If Not is_public Then Exit Sub
in_enum = True
enum_size = enum_size + 1
enums.Item(enum_size) = cls & "::" & Split(line)(1)
Exit Sub
End If
' Maybe the end of the class, if so we can start with the Squirrel export pretty soon
re.Pattern = "};"
If re.Test(line) Then
cls_level = cls_level - 1
If cls_level <> 0 Then
in_enum = False
Exit Sub
End If
If cls = "" Then Exit Sub
start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = True
Exit Sub
End If
' Empty/white lines. When we may do the Squirrel export, do that export.
re.Pattern = "^([ ]*)$"
If re.Test(line) Then
Dim namespace_opened, api_cls, api_super_cls, i, mlen, spaces
If Not start_squirrel_define_on_next_line Then Exit Sub
If cls_in_api <> "true" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Not has_fileheader Then
DumpFileHeader api, file
has_fileheader = True
End If
is_public = False
namespace_opened = False
re.Pattern = "^Script"
api_cls = re.Replace(cls, api)
api_super_cls = re.Replace(super_cls, api)
file.WriteLine ""
If api = "Template" Then
' First check whether we have enums to print
If enum_size <> 0 Then
If Not namespace_opened Then
file.WriteLine "namespace SQConvert {"
namespace_opened = True
End If
file.WriteLine " /* Allow enums to be used as Squirrel parameters */"
For i = 1 To enum_size
file.WriteLine " template <> inline " & enums.Item(i) & " GetParam(ForceType<" & enums.Item(i) & ">, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger(vm, index, &tmp); return (" & enums.Item(i) & ")tmp; }"
file.WriteLine " template <> inline int Return<" & enums.Item(i) & ">(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " & enums.Item(i) & " res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32)res); return 1; }"
End If
' Then check whether we have structs/classes to print
If struct_size <> 0 Then
If Not namespace_opened Then
file.WriteLine "namespace SQConvert {"
namespace_opened = True
End If
file.WriteLine " /* Allow inner classes/structs to be used as Squirrel parameters */"
For i = 1 To struct_size
DumpClassTemplates structs.Item(i), file
End If
If Not namespace_opened Then
file.WriteLine "namespace SQConvert {"
namespace_opened = True
file.WriteLine ""
End If
file.WriteLine " /* Allow " & cls & " to be used as Squirrel parameter */"
DumpClassTemplates cls, file
file.WriteLine "} // namespace SQConvert"
Exit Sub
End If
file.WriteLine ""
file.WriteLine "template <> const char *GetClassName<" & cls & ", ST_" & UCase(api) & ">() { return " & Chr(34) & api_cls & Chr(34) & "; }"
file.WriteLine ""
' Then do the registration functions of the class.
file.WriteLine "void SQ" & api_cls & "_Register(Squirrel *engine)"
file.WriteLine "{"
file.WriteLine " DefSQClass<" & cls & ", ST_" & UCase(api) & "> SQ" & api_cls & "(" & Chr(34) & api_cls & Chr(34) & ");"
If super_cls = "Text" Or super_cls = "ScriptObject" Or super_cls = "AIAbstractiveList::Valuator" Then
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".PreRegister(engine);"
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".PreRegister(engine, " & Chr(34) & api_super_cls & Chr(34) & ");"
End If
If super_cls <> "ScriptEvent" Then
If cls_param(2) = "v" Then
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".AddSQAdvancedConstructor(engine);"
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".AddConstructor<void (" & cls & "::*)(" & cls_param(0) & "), " & cls_param(1) & ">(engine, " & Chr(34) & cls_param(2) & Chr(34) & ");"
End If
End If
file.WriteLine ""
' Enum values
mlen = 0
For i = 1 To enum_value_size
If mlen <= Len(enum_value.Item(i)) Then mlen = Len(enum_value.Item(i))
For i = 1 To enum_value_size
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".DefSQConst(engine, " & cls & "::" & enum_value.Item(i) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(enum_value.Item(i))) & Chr(34) & enum_value.Item(i) & Chr(34) & ");"
If enum_value_size <> 0 Then file.WriteLine ""
' Const values
mlen = 0
For i = 1 To const_size
If mlen <= Len(const_value.Item(i)) Then mlen = Len(const_value.Item(i))
For i = 1 To const_size
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".DefSQConst(engine, " & cls & "::" & const_value.Item(i) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(const_value.Item(i))) & Chr(34) & const_value.Item(i) & Chr(34) & ");"
If const_size <> 0 Then file.WriteLine ""
' Mapping of OTTD strings to errors
mlen = 0
For i = 1 To enum_string_to_error_size
If mlen <= Len(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string.Item(i)) Then mlen = Len(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string.Item(i))
For i = 1 To enum_string_to_error_size
file.WriteLine " ScriptError::RegisterErrorMap(" & enum_string_to_error_mapping_string.Item(i) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string.Item(i))) & cls & "::" & enum_string_to_error_mapping_error.Item(i) & ");"
If enum_string_to_error_size <> 0 Then file.WriteLine ""
' Mapping of errors to human 'readable' strings.
mlen = 0
For i = 1 To enum_error_to_string_size
If mlen <= Len(enum_error_to_string_mapping.Item(i)) Then mlen = Len(enum_error_to_string_mapping.Item(i))
For i = 1 To enum_error_to_string_size
file.WriteLine " ScriptError::RegisterErrorMapString(" & cls & "::" & enum_error_to_string_mapping.Item(i) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(enum_error_to_string_mapping.Item(i))) & Chr(34) & enum_error_to_string_mapping.Item(i) & Chr(34) & ");"
If enum_error_to_string_size <> 0 Then file.WriteLine ""
' Static methods
mlen = 0
For i = 1 To static_method_size
If mlen <= Len(static_methods.Item(i)(0)) Then mlen = Len(static_methods.Item(i)(0))
For i = 1 To static_method_size
If static_methods.Item(i)(2) = "v" Then
spaces = mlen - Len(static_methods.Item(i)(0)) - 8
If spaces < 0 Then spaces = 0
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".DefSQAdvancedStaticMethod(engine, &" & cls & "::" & static_methods.Item(i)(0) & ", " & Space(spaces) & Chr(34) & static_methods.Item(i)(0) & Chr(34) & ");"
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".DefSQStaticMethod(engine, &" & cls & "::" & static_methods.Item(i)(0) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(static_methods.Item(i)(0))) & Chr(34) & static_methods.Item(i)(0) & Chr(34) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(static_methods.Item(i)(0))) & static_methods.Item(i)(1) & ", " & Chr(34) & static_methods.Item(i)(2) & Chr(34) & ");"
End If
If static_method_size <> 0 Then file.WriteLine ""
' Non-static methods
mlen = 0
For i = 1 To method_size
If mlen <= Len(methods.Item(i)(0)) Then mlen = Len(methods.Item(i)(0))
For i = 1 To method_size
If methods.Item(i)(2) = "v" Then
spaces = mlen - Len(methods.Item(i)(0)) - 8
If spaces < 0 Then spaces = 0
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".DefSQAdvancedMethod(engine, &" & cls & "::" & methods.Item(i)(0) & ", " & Space(spaces) & Chr(34) & methods.Item(i)(0) & Chr(34) & ");"
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".DefSQMethod(engine, &" & cls & "::" & methods.Item(i)(0) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(methods.Item(i)(0))) & Chr(34) & methods.Item(i)(0) & Chr(34) & ", " & Space(mlen - Len(methods.Item(i)(0))) & methods.Item(i)(1) & ", " & Chr(34) & methods.Item(i)(2) & Chr(34) & ");"
End If
If method_size <> 0 Then file.WriteLine ""
file.WriteLine " SQ" & api_cls & ".PostRegister(engine);"
file.WriteLine "}"
Exit Sub
End If
' Skip non-public functions
If Not is_public Then Exit Sub
' Add enums
If in_enum Then
enum_value_size = enum_value_size + 1
re.Pattern = "[, ]"
re.Global = True
enum_value.Item(enum_value_size) = re.Replace(split(line)(0), "")
' Check if this a special error enum
re.Pattern = ".*::ErrorMessages"
If re.Test(enums.Item(enum_size)) Then
' syntax:
' enum ErrorMessages {
' }
' Set the mappings
re.Pattern = "\[.*\]"
If re.Test(line) Then
Dim mappings
mappings = re.Execute(line)(0).Value
re.Pattern = "[\[ \]]"
mappings = re.Replace(mappings, "")
mappings = Split(mappings, ",")
For i = LBound(mappings) To UBound(mappings)
enum_string_to_error_size = enum_string_to_error_size + 1
enum_string_to_error_mapping_string.Item(enum_string_to_error_size) = mappings(i)
enum_string_to_error_mapping_error.Item(enum_string_to_error_size) = enum_value.Item(enum_value_size)
enum_error_to_string_size = enum_error_to_string_size + 1
enum_error_to_string_mapping.Item(enum_error_to_string_size) = enum_value.Item(enum_value_size)
End If
End If
re.Global = False
Exit Sub
End If
' Add a const (non-enum) value
re.Pattern = "^[ ]*static const \w+ \w+ = -?\(?\w*\)?\w+;"
If re.Test(line) Then
const_size = const_size + 1
const_value.Item(const_size) = Split(line)(3)
Exit Sub
End If
' Add a method to the list
re.Pattern = "^.*\(.*\).*$"
If re.Test(line) Then
Dim is_static, param_s, func, funcname, params, types
If cls_level <> 1 Then Exit Sub
re.Pattern = "~"
If re.Test(line) Then
If api_selected <> "" Then
WScript.Echo "Destructor for '" & cls & "' has @api. Tag ignored."
api_selected = ""
End If
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "static"
is_static = re.Test(line)
re.Pattern = "\bvirtual\b"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = "\bstatic\b"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = "\bconst\b"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = "{.*"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
param_s = line
re.Pattern = "\*"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = "\(.*"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = "^[ ]*"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
re.Pattern = ".*\("
param_s = re.Replace(param_s, "")
re.Pattern = "\).*"
param_s = re.Replace(param_s, "")
func = Split(line)
If UBound(func) > 0 Then
funcname = func(1)
funcname = ""
End If
If func(0) = cls And funcname = "" Then
If api_selected <> "" Then
WScript.Echo "Constructor for '" & cls & "' has @api. Tag ignored."
api_selected = ""
End If
cls_param(0) = param_s
If param_s = "" Then Exit Sub
ElseIf funcname = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
params = Split(param_s, ",")
If is_static Then
types = "."
types = "x"
End If
For i = LBound(params) To UBound(params)
Do ' null loop for logic short-circuit
re.Pattern = "^[ ]*"
params(i) = re.Replace(params(i), "")
re.Pattern = "\*|&"
If re.Test(params(i)) Then
re.Pattern = "^char"
If re.test(params(i)) Then
' Many types can be converted to string, so use '.', not 's'. (handled by our glue code)
types = types & "."
Exit Do
End If
re.Pattern = "^void"
If re.test(params(i)) Then
types = types & "p"
Exit Do
End If
re.Pattern = "^Array"
If re.test(params(i)) Then
types = types & "a"
Exit Do
End If
re.Pattern = "^struct Array"
If re.test(params(i)) Then
types = types & "a"
Exit Do
End If
re.Pattern = "^Text"
If re.test(params(i)) Then
types = types & "."
Exit Do
End If
types = types & "x"
Exit Do
End If
re.Pattern = "^bool"
If re.Test(params(i)) Then
types = types & "b"
Exit Do
End If
re.Pattern = "^HSQUIRRELVM"
If re.Test(params(i)) Then
types = "v"
Exit Do
End If
types = types & "i"
Loop While False ' end of null loop
i = i + 1
' Check if we want to publish this function
If api_selected = "" Then api_selected = cls_in_api
If api_selected = "false" Then
api_selected = ""
Exit Sub
End If
api_selected = ""
If func(0) = cls And funcname = "" Then
cls_param(1) = i
cls_param(2) = types
Exit Sub
End If
If Left(funcname, 1) = "_" And types <> "v" Then Exit Sub
If is_static Then
static_method_size = static_method_size + 1
static_methods.Item(static_method_size) = Array(funcname, i, types)
Exit Sub
End If
method_size = method_size + 1
methods.Item(method_size) = Array(funcname, i, types)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub SquirrelExport(api, srcfilename, dstfilename)
Dim src, dst, line
Set src = FSO.OpenTextFile(srcfilename, 1)
Set dst = FSO.OpenTextFile(dstfilename, 2, True)
enum_size = 0
Set enums = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
enum_value_size = 0
Set enum_value = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
enum_string_to_error_size = 0
Set enum_string_to_error_mapping_string = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set enum_string_to_error_mapping_error = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
enum_error_to_string_size = 0
Set enum_error_to_string_mapping = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
const_size = 0
Set const_value = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
struct_size = 0
Set structs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
method_size = 0
Set methods = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
static_method_size = 0
Set static_methods = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
super_cls = ""
cls = ""
api_selected = ""
cls_in_api = ""
start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = False
has_fileheader = False
cls_level = 0
apis = LCase(api)
If apis = "gs" Then apis = "game"
While Not src.AtEndOfStream
line = src.ReadLine
SquirrelExportParse api, line, dst
End Sub
Function SortDict(dict)
Set SortDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
While dict.Count <> 0
Dim first, i
first = ""
For Each i in dict
If first = "" Or StrComp(first, i) = 1 Then first = i
SortDict.Add first, first
End Function
Sub ExportInstanceParse(apiuc, apilc, line, file)
Dim re, fname, f, files, r, regs
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\.hpp\.sq"
If re.Test(line) Then
re.Pattern = "template"
If re.Test(line) Then
file.WriteLine line
End If
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "SQ" & apiuc & "Controller_Register"
If re.Test(line) Then
file.WriteLine line
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "SQ" & apiuc & ".*_Register"
If re.Test(line) Then Exit Sub
re.Pattern = "Note: this line is a marker in squirrel_export.sh. Do not change!"
If re.Test(line) Then
file.WriteLine line
Set files = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each fname In FSO.GetFolder(".").Files
Do ' null loop for logic short-circuit
re.Pattern = ".*_(.*)\.hpp\.sq"
If Not re.Test(fname) Then Exit Do
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile(fname, 1)
fname = fname.Name
re.Pattern = "^void SQ" & apiuc & ".*Register\(Squirrel \*engine\)$"
While Not f.AtEndOfStream
If re.Test(f.ReadLine) And Not files.Exists(fname) Then
files.Add fname, fname
End If
Loop While False ' end of null loop
Set files = SortDict(files)
For Each f in files
file.WriteLine "#include " & Chr(34) & "../script/api/" & apilc & "/" & f & Chr(34)
Exit Sub
End If
re.Pattern = "/\* Register all classes \*/"
If re.Test(line) Then
file.WriteLine line
Set regs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' List needs to be registered with squirrel before all List subclasses
file.WriteLine " SQ" & apiuc & "List_Register(this->engine);"
For Each fname In FSO.GetFolder(".").Files
Do ' null loop for logic short-circuit
re.Pattern = ".*_(.*)\.hpp\.sq"
If Not re.Test(fname) Then Exit Do
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile(fname, 1)
While Not f.AtEndOfStream
Do ' null loop for logic short-circuit
r = f.ReadLine
re.Pattern = "^void SQ" & apiuc & ".*Register\(Squirrel \*engine\)$"
If Not re.Test(r) Then Exit Do
re.Pattern = "SQ" & apiuc & "List_Register"
If re.Test(r) Then Exit Do
re.Pattern = "^.*void "
r = re.Replace(r, "")
re.Pattern = "Squirrel \*"
r = re.Replace(r, "this->")
re.Pattern = "$"
r = re.Replace(r, ";")
re.Pattern = "_Register"
r = re.Replace(r, "0000Register")
If Not regs.Exists(r) Then regs.Add r, r
Loop While False ' end of null loop
Loop While False ' end of null loop
Set regs = SortDict(regs)
re.Pattern = "0000Register"
For Each r in regs.Items
r = re.Replace(r, "_Register")
If r <> "SQ" & apiuc & "Controller_Register(this->engine);" Then file.WriteLine " " & r
Exit Sub
End If
file.WriteLine line
End Sub
Sub ExportInstance(apiuc, apilc, srcfilename, dstfilename)
Dim src, dst, line
Set src = FSO.OpenTextFile(srcfilename, 1)
Set dst = FSO.OpenTextFile(dstfilename, 2, True)
While Not src.AtEndOfStream
line = src.ReadLine
ExportInstanceParse apiuc, apilc, line, dst
End Sub
' Recursive entry point
Sub Main
Dim WSH, scriptdir, apilc, re, api, apiuc, f, bf
Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set re = New RegExp
' This must be called from within a src/???/api directory.
scriptdir = FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
apilc = WSH.CurrentDirectory
re.Pattern = "\\api"
apilc = re.Replace(apilc, "")
re.Pattern = ".*\\"
apilc = re.Replace(apilc, "")
' Check if we are in the root directory of the API, as then we generate all APIs
If apilc = "script" Then
For Each api In FSO.GetFolder(".").SubFolders
WScript.Echo "Generating for API '" & api.Name & "' ..."
WSH.CurrentDirectory = api
WScript.Quit 0
End If
Select Case apilc
Case "template" apiuc = "Template"
Case "ai" apiuc = "AI"
Case "game" apiuc = "GS"
Case Else
WScript.Echo "Unknown API type."
Exit Sub
End Select
For Each f in FSO.GetFolder("..").Files
Do ' null loop for logic short-circuit
re.Pattern = ".*\.hpp"
If Not re.Test(f) Then Exit Do
' ScriptController has custom code, and should not be generated
If f.Name = "script_controller.hpp" Then Exit Do
re.Pattern = "script_"
bf = re.Replace(f.name, apilc & "_")
SquirrelExport apiuc, f, bf & ".tmp"
If IsEmptyFile(bf & ".tmp") Then
If FSO.FileExists(bf & ".sq") Then
WScript.Echo "Deleted: " & bf & ".sq"
FSO.DeleteFile bf & ".sq"
End If
FSO.DeleteFile bf & ".tmp"
ElseIf Not FSO.FileExists(bf & ".sq") Or Not CompareFiles(bf & ".sq", bf & ".tmp") Then
If FSO.FileExists(bf & ".sq") Then FSO.DeleteFile bf & ".sq"
FSO.MoveFile bf & ".tmp", bf & ".sq"
WScript.Echo "Updated: " & bf & ".sq"
FSO.DeleteFile bf & ".tmp"
End If
Loop While False ' end of null loop
' Remove .hpp.sq if .hpp doesn't exist anymore
For Each f in FSO.GetFolder(".").Files
Do ' null loop for logic short-circuit
re.Pattern = ".*\.hpp\.sq"
If Not re.Test(f) Then Exit Do
f = f.Name
re.Pattern = "\.hpp\.sq$"
f = re.Replace(f, ".hpp")
re.Pattern = apilc & "_"
f = re.Replace(f, "script_")
If Not FSO.FileExists("..\" & f) Then
WScript.Echo "Deleted: " & f & ".sq"
'FSO.DeleteFile f & ".sq"
End If
Loop While False ' end of null loop
If apilc = "template" Then Exit Sub
' Add stuff to ${apilc}_instance.cpp
f = "..\..\..\" & apilc & "\" & apilc & "_instance.cpp"
ExportInstance apiuc, apilc, f, f & ".tmp"
If Not FSO.FileExists(f) Or Not CompareFiles(f, f & ".tmp") Then
If FSO.FileExists(f) Then FSO.DeleteFile f
FSO.MoveFile f & ".tmp", f
WScript.Echo "Updated: " & f
FSO.DeleteFile f & ".tmp"
End If
End Sub
Reference in New Issue
Block a user