Doc: Add, fix, and clean up documentation inside town_cmd.cpp

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Tyler Trahan 2023-10-22 18:59:17 -04:00
parent 745945c4d3
commit 2dad9263d7

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@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ void RebuildTownKdtree()
* Check if a town 'owns' a bridge.
* Bridges to not directly have an owner, so we check the tiles adjacent to the bridge ends.
* Bridges do not directly have an owner, so we check the tiles adjacent to the bridge ends.
* If either adjacent tile belongs to the town then it will be assumed that the town built
* the bridge.
* @param tile Bridge tile to test
* @param t Town we are interested in
* @return true if town 'owns' a bridge.
* @param tile The bridge tile to test
* @param t The town we are interested in
* @return true If town 'owns' a bridge.
static bool TestTownOwnsBridge(TileIndex tile, const Town *t)
@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ void Town::PostDestructor(size_t)
* Assigns town layout. If Random, generates one based on TileHash.
* Assign the town layout.
* @param layout The desired layout. If TL_RANDOM, we pick one based on TileHash.
void Town::InitializeLayout(TownLayout layout)
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ void Town::InitializeLayout(TownLayout layout)
* Return a random valid town.
* @return random town, nullptr if there are no towns
* @return A random town, or nullptr if there are no towns.
/* static */ Town *Town::GetRandom()
@ -210,8 +211,8 @@ void Town::FillCachedName() const
* Get the cost for removing this house
* @return the cost (inflation corrected etc)
* Get the cost for removing this house.
* @return The cost adjusted for inflation, etc.
Money HouseSpec::GetRemovalCost() const
@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ Money HouseSpec::GetRemovalCost() const
/* Local */
static int _grow_town_result;
/* Describe the possible states */
/* The possible states of town growth. */
enum TownGrowthResult {
@ -252,8 +253,7 @@ static inline DiagDirection RandomDiagDir()
* House Tile drawing handler.
* Part of the tile loop process
* Draw a house and its tile. This is a tile callback routine.
* @param ti TileInfo of the tile to draw
static void DrawTile_Town(TileInfo *ti)
@ -310,7 +310,11 @@ static int GetSlopePixelZ_Town(TileIndex tile, uint, uint, bool)
return GetTileMaxPixelZ(tile);
/** Tile callback routine */
* Get the foundation for a house. This is a tile callback routine.
* @param tile The tile to find a foundation for.
* @param tileh The slope of the tile.
static Foundation GetFoundation_Town(TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
HouseID hid = GetHouseType(tile);
@ -330,10 +334,10 @@ static Foundation GetFoundation_Town(TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
* Animate a tile for a town
* Only certain houses can be animated
* The newhouses animation supersedes regular ones
* @param tile TileIndex of the house to animate
* Animate a tile for a town.
* Only certain houses can be animated.
* The newhouses animation supersedes regular ones.
* @param tile TileIndex of the house to animate.
static void AnimateTile_Town(TileIndex tile)
@ -381,10 +385,10 @@ static void AnimateTile_Town(TileIndex tile)
* Determines if a town is close to a tile
* @param tile TileIndex of the tile to query
* @param dist maximum distance to be accepted
* @returns true if the tile correspond to the distance criteria
* Determines if a town is close to a tile.
* @param tile TileIndex of the tile to query.
* @param dist The maximum distance to be accepted.
* @returns true if the tile is within the specified distance.
static bool IsCloseToTown(TileIndex tile, uint dist)
@ -393,10 +397,7 @@ static bool IsCloseToTown(TileIndex tile, uint dist)
return DistanceManhattan(tile, t->xy) < dist;
* Resize the sign(label) of the town after changes in
* population (creation or growth or else)
/** Resize the sign (label) of the town after it changes population. */
void Town::UpdateVirtCoord()
Point pt = RemapCoords2(TileX(this->xy) * TILE_SIZE, TileY(this->xy) * TILE_SIZE);
@ -422,6 +423,7 @@ void UpdateAllTownVirtCoords()
/** Clear the cached_name of all towns. */
void ClearAllTownCachedNames()
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
@ -430,9 +432,9 @@ void ClearAllTownCachedNames()
* Change the towns population
* @param t Town which population has changed
* @param mod population change (can be positive or negative)
* Change the town's population as recorded in the town cache, town label, and town directory.
* @param t The town which has changed.
* @param mod The population change (can be positive or negative).
static void ChangePopulation(Town *t, int mod)
@ -444,9 +446,8 @@ static void ChangePopulation(Town *t, int mod)
* Determines the world population
* Basically, count population of all towns, one by one
* @return uint32_t the calculated population of the world
* Get the total population, the sum of all towns in the world.
* @return The calculated population of the world
uint32_t GetWorldPopulation()
@ -458,9 +459,9 @@ uint32_t GetWorldPopulation()
* Remove stations from nearby station list if a town is no longer in the catchment area of each.
* To improve performance only checks stations that cover the provided house area (doesn't need to contain an actual house).
* @param t Town to work on
* @param tile Location of house area (north part)
* @param flags BuildingFlags containing the size of house area
* @param t Town to work on.
* @param tile Location of house area (north tile).
* @param flags BuildingFlags containing the size of house area.
static void RemoveNearbyStations(Town *t, TileIndex tile, BuildingFlags flags)
@ -517,9 +518,7 @@ static void AdvanceHouseConstruction(TileIndex tile)
* Tile callback function.
* Periodic tic handler for houses and town
* Tile callback function. Periodic tick handler for the tiles of a town.
* @param tile been asked to do its stuff
static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile)
@ -660,6 +659,12 @@ static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile)
* Callback function to clear a house tile.
* @param tile The tile to clear.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return The cost of this operation or an error.
static CommandCost ClearTile_Town(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_AUTO) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_BUILDING_MUST_BE_DEMOLISHED);
@ -812,6 +817,10 @@ static void ChangeTileOwner_Town(TileIndex, Owner, Owner)
static bool GrowTown(Town *t);
* Handle the town tick for a single town, by growing the town if desired.
* @param t The town to try growing.
static void TownTickHandler(Town *t)
if (HasBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING)) {
@ -828,6 +837,7 @@ static void TownTickHandler(Town *t)
/** Iterate through all towns and call their tick handler. */
void OnTick_Town()
if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) return;
@ -838,12 +848,9 @@ void OnTick_Town()
* Return the RoadBits of a tile
* @note There are many other functions doing things like that.
* @note Needs to be checked for needlessness.
* @param tile The tile we want to analyse
* @return The roadbits of the given tile
* Return the RoadBits of a tile, ignoring depot and bay road stops.
* @param tile The tile to check.
* @return The roadbits of the given tile.
static RoadBits GetTownRoadBits(TileIndex tile)
@ -852,6 +859,10 @@ static RoadBits GetTownRoadBits(TileIndex tile)
return GetAnyRoadBits(tile, RTT_ROAD, true);
* Get the road type that towns should build at this current moment.
* They may have built a different type in the past.
RoadType GetTownRoadType()
RoadType best_rt = ROADTYPE_ROAD;
@ -888,10 +899,10 @@ RoadType GetTownRoadType()
* Assuming a road from (tile - TileOffsByDiagDir(dir)) to tile,
* is there a parallel road left or right of it within distance dist_multi?
* @param tile current tile
* @param dir target direction
* @param dist_multi distance multiplayer
* @return true if there is a parallel road
* @param tile The current tile.
* @param dir The target direction.
* @param dist_multi The distance multiplier.
* @return true if there is a parallel road.
static bool IsNeighborRoadTile(TileIndex tile, const DiagDirection dir, uint dist_multi)
@ -920,12 +931,12 @@ static bool IsNeighborRoadTile(TileIndex tile, const DiagDirection dir, uint dis
* Check if a Road is allowed on a given tile
* Check if a Road is allowed on a given tile.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The target tile
* @param dir The direction in which we want to extend the town
* @return true if it is allowed else false
* @param t The current town.
* @param tile The target tile.
* @param dir The direction in which we want to extend the town.
* @return true if it is allowed.
static bool IsRoadAllowedHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
@ -997,13 +1008,12 @@ static void LevelTownLand(TileIndex tile)
* Generate the RoadBits of a grid tile
* Generate the RoadBits of a grid tile.
* @param t current town
* @param tile tile in reference to the town
* @param dir The direction to which we are growing ATM
* @return the RoadBit of the current tile regarding
* the selected town layout
* @param t The current town.
* @param tile The tile in reference to the town.
* @param dir The direction to which we are growing.
* @return The RoadBit of the current tile regarding the selected town layout.
static RoadBits GetTownRoadGridElement(Town *t, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
@ -1060,9 +1070,9 @@ static RoadBits GetTownRoadGridElement(Town *t, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection di
* next to the current tile. If there are enough
* add another house.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The target tile for the extra house
* @return true if an extra house has been added
* @param t The current town.
* @param tile The target tile for the extra house.
* @return true if an extra house has been added.
static bool GrowTownWithExtraHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
@ -1101,10 +1111,10 @@ static bool GrowTownWithExtraHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
* Grows the town with a road piece.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The current tile
* @param rcmd The RoadBits we want to build on the tile
* @return true if the RoadBits have been added else false
* @param t The current town.
* @param tile The current tile.
* @param rcmd The RoadBits we want to build on the tile.
* @return true if the RoadBits have been added.
static bool GrowTownWithRoad(const Town *t, TileIndex tile, RoadBits rcmd)
@ -1332,10 +1342,10 @@ static bool GrowTownWithTunnel(const Town *t, const TileIndex tile, const DiagDi
* Checks whether at least one surrounding roads allows to build a house here
* Checks whether at least one surrounding road allows to build a house here.
* @param t the tile where the house will be built
* @return true if at least one surrounding roadtype allows building houses here
* @param t The tile where the house will be built.
* @return true if at least one surrounding roadtype allows building houses here.
static inline bool RoadTypesAllowHouseHere(TileIndex t)
@ -1645,10 +1655,10 @@ static bool CanFollowRoad(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
* Returns "growth" if a house was built, or no if the build failed.
* @param t town to inquiry
* @param tile to inquiry
* @return true if town expansion was possible
* Try to grow a town at a given road tile.
* @param t The town to grow.
* @param tile The road tile to try growing from.
* @return true if we successfully expanded the town.
static bool GrowTownAtRoad(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
@ -1742,9 +1752,9 @@ static RoadBits GenRandomRoadBits()
* Grow the town
* @param t town to grow
* @return true iff something (house, road, bridge, ...) was built
* Grow the town.
* @param t The town to grow
* @return true if we successfully grew the town with a road or house.
static bool GrowTown(Town *t)
@ -1802,6 +1812,10 @@ static bool GrowTown(Town *t)
return false;
* Update the cached town zone radii of a town, based on the number of houses.
* @param t The town to update.
void UpdateTownRadius(Town *t)
static const uint32_t _town_squared_town_zone_radius_data[23][5] = {
@ -1845,6 +1859,10 @@ void UpdateTownRadius(Town *t)
* Update the maximum amount of montly passengers and mail for a town, based on its population.
* @param t The town to update.
void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t)
t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max = t->cache.population >> 3;
@ -1855,15 +1873,15 @@ static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t);
static void UpdateTownGrowth(Town *t);
* Does the actual town creation.
* Actually create a town.
* @param t The town
* @param tile Where to put it
* @param townnameparts The town name
* @param size Parameter for size determination
* @param city whether to build a city or town
* @param layout the (road) layout of the town
* @param manual was the town placed manually?
* @param t The town.
* @param tile Where to put it.
* @param townnameparts The town name.
* @param size The preset size of the town.
* @param city Should we create a city?
* @param layout The road layout of the town.
* @param manual Was the town placed manually?
static void DoCreateTown(Town *t, TileIndex tile, uint32_t townnameparts, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout, bool manual)
@ -1937,9 +1955,9 @@ static void DoCreateTown(Town *t, TileIndex tile, uint32_t townnameparts, TownSi
* Checks if it's possible to place a town at given tile
* @param tile tile to check
* @return error value or zero cost
* Check if it's possible to place a town on a given tile.
* @param tile The tile to check.
* @return A zero cost if allowed, otherwise an error.
static CommandCost TownCanBePlacedHere(TileIndex tile)
@ -1963,8 +1981,8 @@ static CommandCost TownCanBePlacedHere(TileIndex tile)
* Verifies this custom name is unique. Only custom names are checked.
* @param name name to check
* @return is this name unique?
* @param name The name to check.
* @return true if the name is unique
static bool IsUniqueTownName(const std::string &name)
@ -1977,15 +1995,15 @@ static bool IsUniqueTownName(const std::string &name)
* Create a new town.
* @param flags type of operation
* @param tile coordinates where town is built
* @param size size of the town (@see TownSize)
* @param city true iff it should be a city
* @param layout town road layout (@see TownLayout)
* @param random_location use random location (randomize \c tile )
* @param townnameparts town name parts
* @param flags The type of operation.
* @param tile The coordinates where town is built.
* @param size The size of the town (@see TownSize).
* @param city Should we build a city?
* @param layout The town road layout (@see TownLayout).
* @param random_location Should we use a random location? (randomize \c tile )
* @param townnameparts Town name parts.
* @param text Custom name for the town. If empty, the town name parts will be used.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
* @return The cost of this operation or an error.
std::tuple<CommandCost, Money, TownID> CmdFoundTown(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout, bool random_location, uint32_t townnameparts, const std::string &text)
@ -2090,9 +2108,9 @@ std::tuple<CommandCost, Money, TownID> CmdFoundTown(DoCommandFlag flags, TileInd
* interpenetrate their road networks will not mesh nicely; this
* function adjusts a tile so that it aligns properly.
* @param tile the tile to start at
* @param layout which town layout algo is in effect
* @return the adjusted tile
* @param tile The tile to start at.
* @param layout The town layout in effect.
* @return The adjusted tile.
static TileIndex AlignTileToGrid(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layout)
@ -2108,9 +2126,9 @@ static TileIndex AlignTileToGrid(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layout)
* interpenetrate their road networks will not mesh nicely; this
* function tells you if a tile is properly aligned.
* @param tile the tile to start at
* @param layout which town layout algo is in effect
* @return true if the tile is in the correct location
* @param tile The tile to start at.
* @param layout The town layout in effect.
* @return true if the tile is in the correct location.
static bool IsTileAlignedToGrid(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layout)
@ -2163,8 +2181,7 @@ static bool FindFurthestFromWater(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
* CircularTileSearch callback; finds the nearest land tile
* CircularTileSearch callback to find the nearest land tile.
* @param tile Start looking from this tile
static bool FindNearestEmptyLand(TileIndex tile, void *)
@ -2175,7 +2192,7 @@ static bool FindNearestEmptyLand(TileIndex tile, void *)
* Given a spot on the map (presumed to be a water tile), find a good
* coastal spot to build a city. We don't want to build too close to
* the edge if we can help it (since that retards city growth) hence
* the edge if we can help it (since that inhibits city growth) hence
* the search within a search within a search. O(n*m^2), where n is
* how far to search for land, and m is how far inland to look for a
* flat spot.
@ -2198,6 +2215,15 @@ static TileIndex FindNearestGoodCoastalTownSpot(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layou
* Create a random town somewhere in the world.
* @param attempts How many times should we try?
* @param townnameparts The name of the town.
* @param size The size preset of the town.
* @param city Should we build a city?
* @param layout The road layout to build.
* @return The town object, or nullptr if we failed to create a town anywhere.
static Town *CreateRandomTown(uint attempts, uint32_t townnameparts, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout)
assert(_game_mode == GM_EDITOR || _generating_world); // These are the preconditions for CMD_DELETE_TOWN
@ -2245,11 +2271,10 @@ static Town *CreateRandomTown(uint attempts, uint32_t townnameparts, TownSize si
static const byte _num_initial_towns[4] = {5, 11, 23, 46}; // very low, low, normal, high
* This function will generate a certain amount of towns, with a certain layout
* It can be called from the scenario editor (i.e.: generate Random Towns)
* as well as from world creation.
* @param layout which towns will be set to, when created
* @return true if towns have been successfully created
* Generate a number of towns with a given layout.
* This function is used by the Random Towns button in Scenario Editor as well as in world generation.
* @param layout The road layout to build.
* @return true if towns have been successfully created.
bool GenerateTowns(TownLayout layout)
@ -2303,10 +2328,10 @@ bool GenerateTowns(TownLayout layout)
* Returns the bit corresponding to the town zone of the specified tile
* @param t Town on which town zone is to be found
* @param tile TileIndex where town zone needs to be found
* @return the bit position of the given zone, as defined in HouseZones
* Returns the bit corresponding to the town zone of the specified tile.
* @param t Town on which town zone is to be found.
* @param tile TileIndex where town zone needs to be found.
* @return the bit position of the given zone, as defined in HouseZones.
HouseZonesBits GetTownRadiusGroup(const Town *t, TileIndex tile)
@ -2324,13 +2349,13 @@ HouseZonesBits GetTownRadiusGroup(const Town *t, TileIndex tile)
* Clears tile and builds a house or house part.
* @param tile tile index
* @param t The town to clear the house for
* @param counter of construction step
* @param stage of construction (used for drawing)
* @param type of house. Index into house specs array
* @param random_bits required for newgrf houses
* @pre house can be built here
* @param tile The tile to build upon.
* @param t The town which will own the house.
* @param counter The construction stage counter for the house.
* @param stage The current construction stage of the house.
* @param type The type of house.
* @param random_bits Random bits for newgrf houses to use.
* @pre The house can be built here.
static inline void ClearMakeHouseTile(TileIndex tile, Town *t, byte counter, byte stage, HouseID type, byte random_bits)
@ -2372,11 +2397,10 @@ static void MakeTownHouse(TileIndex tile, Town *t, byte counter, byte stage, Hou
* Checks if a house can be built here. Important is slope, bridge above
* and ability to clear the land.
* @param tile tile to check
* @param noslope are slopes (foundations) allowed?
* @return true iff house can be built here
* Check if a house can be built here, based on slope, whether there's a bridge above, and if we can clear the land.
* @param tile The tile to check.
* @param noslope Are foundations prohibited for this house?
* @return true iff house can be built here.
static inline bool CanBuildHouseHere(TileIndex tile, bool noslope)
@ -2396,11 +2420,11 @@ static inline bool CanBuildHouseHere(TileIndex tile, bool noslope)
* Checks if a house can be built at this tile, must have the same max z as parameter.
* @param tile tile to check
* @param z max z of this tile so more parts of a house are at the same height (with foundation)
* @param noslope are slopes (foundations) allowed?
* @return true iff house can be built here
* Check if a tile where we want to build a multi-tile house has an appropriate max Z.
* @param tile The tile to check.
* @param z The max Z level to allow.
* @param noslope Are foundations disallowed for this house?
* @return true iff house can be built here.
* @see CanBuildHouseHere()
static inline bool CheckBuildHouseSameZ(TileIndex tile, int z, bool noslope)
@ -2415,11 +2439,11 @@ static inline bool CheckBuildHouseSameZ(TileIndex tile, int z, bool noslope)
* Checks if a house of size 2x2 can be built at this tile
* @param tile tile, N corner
* @param z maximum tile z so all tile have the same max z
* @param noslope are slopes (foundations) allowed?
* @return true iff house can be built
* Checks if a house of size 2x2 can be built at this tile.
* @param tile The tile of the house's northernmost tile.
* @param z The maximum tile z, so all tiles are the same height.
* @param noslope Are foundations disallowed for this house?
* @return true iff house can be built here.
* @see CheckBuildHouseSameZ()
static bool CheckFree2x2Area(TileIndex tile, int z, bool noslope)
@ -2437,10 +2461,10 @@ static bool CheckFree2x2Area(TileIndex tile, int z, bool noslope)
* Checks if current town layout allows building here
* @param t town
* @param tile tile to check
* @return true iff town layout allows building here
* Checks if the current town layout allows building here.
* @param t The town.
* @param tile The tile to check.
* @return true iff town layout allows building here.
* @note see layouts
static inline bool TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
@ -2468,10 +2492,10 @@ static inline bool TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
* Checks if current town layout allows 2x2 building here
* @param t town
* @param tile tile to check
* @return true iff town layout allows 2x2 building here
* Checks if the current town layout allows a 2x2 building here.
* @param t The town.
* @param tile The tile to check.
* @return true iff town layout allows a 2x2 building here.
* @note see layouts
static inline bool TownLayoutAllows2x2HouseHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
@ -2503,13 +2527,13 @@ static inline bool TownLayoutAllows2x2HouseHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
* Checks if 1x2 or 2x1 building is allowed here, also takes into account current town layout
* Also, tests both building positions that occupy this tile
* @param tile tile where the building should be built
* @param t town
* @param maxz all tiles should have the same height
* @param noslope are slopes forbidden?
* @param second diagdir from first tile to second tile
* Checks if a 1x2 or 2x1 building is allowed here, accounting for road layout and tile heights.
* Also, tests both building positions that occupy this tile.
* @param tile The tile where the building should be built.
* @param t The town.
* @param maxz The maximum Z level, since all tiles must have the same height.
* @param noslope Are foundations disallowed for this house?
* @param second The diagdir from the first tile to the second tile.
static bool CheckTownBuild2House(TileIndex *tile, Town *t, int maxz, bool noslope, DiagDirection second)
@ -2529,12 +2553,12 @@ static bool CheckTownBuild2House(TileIndex *tile, Town *t, int maxz, bool noslop
* Checks if 2x2 building is allowed here, also takes into account current town layout
* Also, tests all four building positions that occupy this tile
* @param tile tile where the building should be built
* @param t town
* @param maxz all tiles should have the same height
* @param noslope are slopes forbidden?
* Checks if a 1x2 or 2x1 building is allowed here, accounting for road layout and tile heights.
* Also, tests all four building positions that occupy this tile.
* @param tile The tile where the building should be built.
* @param t The town.
* @param maxz The maximum Z level, since all tiles must have the same height.
* @param noslope Are foundations disallowed for this house?
static bool CheckTownBuild2x2House(TileIndex *tile, Town *t, int maxz, bool noslope)
@ -2554,10 +2578,10 @@ static bool CheckTownBuild2x2House(TileIndex *tile, Town *t, int maxz, bool nosl
* Tries to build a house at this tile
* @param t town the house will belong to
* @param tile where the house will be built
* @return false iff no house can be built at this tile
* Tries to build a house at this tile.
* @param t The town the house will belong to.
* @param tile The tile to try building on.
* @return false iff no house can be built on this tile.
static bool BuildTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
@ -2750,14 +2774,19 @@ TileIndexDiff GetHouseNorthPart(HouseID &house)
return 0;
* Clear a town house.
* @param t The town which owns the house.
* @param tile The tile to clear.
void ClearTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE));
HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile);
/* need to align the tile to point to the upper left corner of the house */
tile += GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies house to the ID of the north tile
/* The northernmost tile of the house is the main house. */
tile += GetHouseNorthPart(house);
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
@ -3088,6 +3117,12 @@ const byte _town_action_costs[TACT_COUNT] = {
2, 4, 9, 35, 48, 53, 117, 175
* Perform the "small advertising campaign" town action.
* @param t The town to advertise in.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseSmall(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
@ -3096,6 +3131,12 @@ static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseSmall(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
return CommandCost();
* Perform the "medium advertising campaign" town action.
* @param t The town to advertise in.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseMedium(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
@ -3104,6 +3145,12 @@ static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseMedium(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
return CommandCost();
* Perform the "large advertising campaign" town action.
* @param t The town to advertise in.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseLarge(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
@ -3112,6 +3159,12 @@ static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseLarge(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
return CommandCost();
* Perform the "local road reconstruction" town action.
* @param t The town to grief in.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionRoadRebuild(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if the company is allowed to fund new roads. */
@ -3222,6 +3275,12 @@ static CommandCost TownActionBuildStatue(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
return CommandCost();
* Perform the "fund new buildings" town action.
* @param t The town to fund buildings in.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionFundBuildings(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if it's allowed to buy the rights */
@ -3249,6 +3308,12 @@ static CommandCost TownActionFundBuildings(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
return CommandCost();
* Perform the "buy exclusive transport rights" town action.
* @param t The town to buy exclusivity in.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionBuyRights(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if it's allowed to buy the rights */
@ -3276,6 +3341,12 @@ static CommandCost TownActionBuyRights(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
return CommandCost();
* Perform the "bribe" town action.
* @param t The town to bribe.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @return An empty cost.
static CommandCost TownActionBribe(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
@ -3326,10 +3397,10 @@ static TownActionProc * const _town_action_proc[] = {
* Get a list of available actions to do at a town.
* @param cid the company that is querying the town
* @param t the town that is queried
* @return bitmasked value of enabled actions
* Get a list of available town authority actions.
* @param cid The company that is querying the town.
* @param t The town that is queried.
* @return The bitmasked value of enabled actions.
TownActions GetMaskOfTownActions(CompanyID cid, const Town *t)
@ -3413,6 +3484,10 @@ static void ForAllStationsNearTown(Town *t, Func func)
* Monthly callback to update town and station ratings.
* @param t The town to update.
static void UpdateTownRating(Town *t)
/* Increase company ratings if they're low */