mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:16 +00:00
(svn r605) -newgrf: Framework for supporting variational spritegroups . Deterministic only at the moment, but random ones support shouldn't be that difficult now It doesn't do anything, but makes these actions actually possible (pasky).
This commit is contained in:
@ -196,6 +196,9 @@ void SetWagonOverrideSprites(byte engine, struct SpriteGroup *group,
wos->overrides_count * sizeof(struct WagonOverride));
wo = &wos->overrides[wos->overrides_count - 1];
/* FIXME: If we are replacing an override, release original SpriteGroup
* to prevent leaks. But first we need to refcount the SpriteGroup.
* --pasky */
wo->group = *group;
wo->trains = trains;
wo->train_id = malloc(trains);
@ -207,8 +210,10 @@ static struct SpriteGroup *GetWagonOverrideSpriteSet(byte engine, byte overridin
struct WagonOverrides *wos = &_engine_wagon_overrides[engine];
int i;
// XXX: This could turn out to be a timesink on profiles. We could always just
// dedicate 65535 bytes for an [engine][train] trampoline.
// XXX: This could turn out to be a timesink on profiles. We could
// always just dedicate 65535 bytes for an [engine][train] trampoline
// for O(1). Or O(logMlogN) and searching binary tree or smt. like
// that. --pasky
for (i = 0; i < wos->overrides_count; i++) {
struct WagonOverride *wo = &wos->overrides[i];
@ -232,7 +237,9 @@ static struct SpriteGroup _engine_custom_sprites[256][NUM_CID];
void SetCustomEngineSprites(byte engine, byte cargo, struct SpriteGroup *group)
assert(group->sprites_per_set == 4 || group->sprites_per_set == 8);
/* FIXME: If we are replacing an override, release original SpriteGroup
* to prevent leaks. But first we need to refcount the SpriteGroup.
* --pasky */
_engine_custom_sprites[engine][cargo] = *group;
@ -240,6 +247,7 @@ int GetCustomEngineSprite(byte engine, uint16 overriding_engine, byte cargo,
byte loaded, byte in_motion, byte direction)
struct SpriteGroup *group = &_engine_custom_sprites[engine][cargo];
struct RealSpriteGroup *rsg;
int totalsets, spriteset;
int r;
@ -250,22 +258,26 @@ int GetCustomEngineSprite(byte engine, uint16 overriding_engine, byte cargo,
if (overset) group = overset;
if (!group->sprites_per_set && cargo != 29) {
/* TODO: Resolve surreal groups properly. --pasky */
rsg = TriviallyGetRSG(group);
if (!rsg->sprites_per_set && cargo != 29) {
// This group is empty but perhaps there'll be a default one.
group = &_engine_custom_sprites[engine][29];
/* TODO: Resolve surreal groups properly. --pasky */
rsg = TriviallyGetRSG(&_engine_custom_sprites[engine][29]);
if (!group->sprites_per_set) {
if (!rsg->sprites_per_set) {
// This group is empty. This function users should therefore
// look up the sprite number in _engine_original_sprites.
return 0;
direction %= 8;
if (group->sprites_per_set == 4)
if (rsg->sprites_per_set == 4)
direction %= 4;
totalsets = in_motion ? group->loaded_count : group->loading_count;
totalsets = in_motion ? rsg->loaded_count : rsg->loading_count;
// My aim here is to make it possible to visually determine absolutely
// empty and totally full vehicles. --pasky
@ -282,7 +294,7 @@ int GetCustomEngineSprite(byte engine, uint16 overriding_engine, byte cargo,
r = (in_motion ? group->loaded[spriteset] : group->loading[spriteset]) + direction;
r = (in_motion ? rsg->loaded[spriteset] : rsg->loading[spriteset]) + direction;
return r;
@ -1055,6 +1055,7 @@ static void NewSpriteGroup(byte *buf, int len)
uint8 numloaded;
uint8 numloading;
struct SpriteGroup *group;
struct RealSpriteGroup *rg;
byte *loaded_ptr;
byte *loading_ptr;
int i;
@ -1065,27 +1066,59 @@ static void NewSpriteGroup(byte *buf, int len)
numloaded = buf[3];
numloading = buf[4];
if (numloaded == 0x81) {
/* XXX: This just goes for the default superset for now,
* straight and safe. --pasky */
uint8 var = buf[4];
//uint8 shiftnum = buf[5];
//uint8 andmask = buf[6];
uint8 nvar = buf[7];
//uint32 val;
uint16 def;
if (numloaded == 0x81 || numloaded == 0x82) {
struct DeterministicSpriteGroup *dg;
int i;
grfmsg(GMS_WARN, "NewSpriteGroup(0x81): Unsupported variable %x. Using default cid.", var);
// Ok, this is gonna get a little wild, so hold your breath...
//val = (0xff << shiftnum) & andmask;
/* This stuff is getting actually evaluated in
* EvalDeterministicSpriteGroup(). */
buf += 4; len -= 4;
check_length(len, 6, "NewSpriteGroup 0x81/0x82");
if (setid >= _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count) {
_cur_grffile->spritegroups_count = setid + 1;
_cur_grffile->spritegroups = realloc(_cur_grffile->spritegroups, _cur_grffile->spritegroups_count * sizeof(struct SpriteGroup));
buf += 8 + nvar * 4;
def = grf_load_word(&buf);
_cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[def];
group = &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid];
memset(group, 0, sizeof(struct SpriteGroup));
group->type = SGT_DETERMINISTIC;
dg = &group->g.determ;
/* XXX: We don't free() anything, assuming that if there was
* some action here before, it got associated by action 3.
* We should perhaps keep some refcount? --pasky */
dg->var_scope = numloaded == 0x82 ? VSG_SCOPE_PARENT : VSG_SCOPE_SELF;
dg->variable = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->shift_num = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->and_mask = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->operation = dg->shift_num >> 6; /* w00t */
dg->shift_num &= 0x3F;
if (dg->operation != DSG_OP_NONE) {
dg->add_val = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->divmod_val = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->num_ranges = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->ranges = calloc(dg->num_ranges, sizeof(*dg->ranges));
for (i = 0; i < dg->num_ranges; i++) {
uint16 setid = grf_load_word(&buf);
/* XXX: If multiple surreal sets attach a surreal
* set this way, we are in trouble. */
dg->ranges[i].group = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid];
dg->ranges[i].range_low = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->ranges[i].range_high = grf_load_byte(&buf);
dg->default_group = malloc(sizeof(*dg->default_group));
memcpy(dg->default_group, &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[grf_load_word(&buf)], sizeof(*dg->default_group));
} else if (numloaded & 0x80) {
@ -1124,25 +1157,28 @@ static void NewSpriteGroup(byte *buf, int len)
group = &_cur_grffile->spritegroups[setid];
memset(group, 0, sizeof(struct SpriteGroup));
group->sprites_per_set = _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
group->loaded_count = numloaded;
group->loading_count = numloading;
group->type = SGT_REAL;
rg = &group->g.real;
rg->sprites_per_set = _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
rg->loaded_count = numloaded;
rg->loading_count = numloading;
DEBUG(grf, 6) ("NewSpriteGroup: New SpriteGroup 0x%02hhx, %u views, %u loaded, %u loading, sprites %u - %u",
setid, group->sprites_per_set, group->loaded_count, group->loading_count,
setid, rg->sprites_per_set, rg->loaded_count, rg->loading_count,
_cur_grffile->spriteset_start - _cur_grffile->sprite_offset,
_cur_grffile->spriteset_start + (_cur_grffile->spriteset_numents * (numloaded + numloading)) - _cur_grffile->sprite_offset);
for (i = 0; i < numloaded; i++) {
uint16 spriteset_id = grf_load_word(&loaded_ptr);
group->loaded[i] = _cur_grffile->spriteset_start + spriteset_id * _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("NewSpriteGroup: + group->loaded[%i] = %u (subset %u)", i, group->loaded[i], spriteset_id);
rg->loaded[i] = _cur_grffile->spriteset_start + spriteset_id * _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("NewSpriteGroup: + rg->loaded[%i] = %u (subset %u)", i, rg->loaded[i], spriteset_id);
for (i = 0; i < numloading; i++) {
uint16 spriteset_id = grf_load_word(&loading_ptr);
group->loading[i] = _cur_grffile->spriteset_start + spriteset_id * _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("NewSpriteGroup: + group->loading[%i] = %u (subset %u)", i, group->loading[i], spriteset_id);
rg->loading[i] = _cur_grffile->spriteset_start + spriteset_id * _cur_grffile->spriteset_numents;
DEBUG(grf, 8) ("NewSpriteGroup: + rg->loading[%i] = %u (subset %u)", i, rg->loading[i], spriteset_id);
@ -1214,7 +1250,7 @@ static void NewVehicle_SpriteGroupMapping(byte *buf, int len)
stat->relocation[1] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
stat->spritegroup[1] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
@ -1232,7 +1268,7 @@ static void NewVehicle_SpriteGroupMapping(byte *buf, int len)
uint8 stid = buf[3 + i];
struct StationSpec *stat = &_cur_grffile->stations[stid];
stat->relocation[0] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
stat->spritegroup[0] = _cur_grffile->spritegroups[groupid];
stat->grfid = _cur_grffile->grfid;
SetCustomStation(stid, stat);
stat->classid = 0;
@ -1551,7 +1551,8 @@ static void DrawTile_Track(TileInfo *ti)
DrawTileSeqStruct const *seq;
// emulate station tile - open with building
DrawTileSprites *cust = &stat->renderdata[2 + (m5 & 0x1)];
uint32 relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(stat, 0);
/* FIXME: NULL Station! --pasky */
uint32 relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(stat, NULL, 0);
image = cust->ground_sprite;
if (image & 0x8000) image = (image & 0x7FFF) + tracktype_offs;
@ -1633,7 +1634,7 @@ void DrawWaypointSprite(int x, int y, int stat_id)
relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(stat, 1);
relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(stat, NULL, 1);
// emulate station tile - open with building
// add 1 to get the other direction
cust = &stat->renderdata[2];
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* depots or stations): */
typedef struct DrawTileSeqStruct {
int8 delta_x;
int8 delta_x; // 0x80 is sequence terminator
int8 delta_y;
int8 delta_z;
byte width,height;
@ -20,12 +20,16 @@ typedef struct DrawTileSprites {
DrawTileSeqStruct const *seq;
} DrawTileSprites;
// Iterate through all DrawTileSeqStructs in DrawTileSprites.
#define foreach_draw_tile_seq(idx, list) for (idx = list; ((byte) idx->delta_x) != 0x80; idx++)
/* This is for custom sprites: */
struct SpriteGroup {
struct SpriteGroup;
struct RealSpriteGroup {
// XXX: Would anyone ever need more than 16 spritesets? Maybe we should
// use even less, now we take whole 8kb for custom sprites table, oh my!
byte sprites_per_set; // means number of directions - 4 or 8
@ -43,4 +47,74 @@ struct SpriteGroup {
uint16 loading[16]; // sprite ids
/* Shared by deterministic and random groups. */
enum VarSpriteGroupScope {
// Engine of consists for vehicles, city for stations.
struct DeterministicSpriteGroupRanges;
struct DeterministicSpriteGroup {
// Take this variable:
enum VarSpriteGroupScope var_scope;
byte variable;
// Do this with it:
byte shift_num;
byte and_mask;
// Then do this with it:
enum DeterministicSpriteGroupOperation {
} operation;
byte add_val;
byte divmod_val;
// And apply it to this:
byte num_ranges;
struct DeterministicSpriteGroupRanges *ranges; // Dynamically allocated
// Dynamically allocated, this is the sole owner
struct SpriteGroup *default_group;
struct SpriteGroup {
enum SpriteGroupType {
} type;
union {
struct RealSpriteGroup real;
struct DeterministicSpriteGroup determ;
} g;
struct DeterministicSpriteGroupRanges {
struct SpriteGroup group;
byte range_low;
byte range_high;
/* This is a temporary helper for SpriteGroup users not supporting variational
* sprite groups yet - it just traverses those cowardly, always taking the
* default choice until it hits a real sprite group, returning it. */
static struct RealSpriteGroup *TriviallyGetRSG(struct SpriteGroup *sg);
/**** Inline functions ****/
static INLINE struct RealSpriteGroup *TriviallyGetRSG(struct SpriteGroup *sg)
if (sg->type == SGT_REAL)
return &sg->g.real;
return TriviallyGetRSG(sg->g.determ.default_group);
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ struct StationSpec {
byte tiles;
DrawTileSprites renderdata[8];
/* Sprite offsets for renderdata->seq->image. relocation[0] is default
* whilst relocation[1] is "CID_PURCHASE". */
struct SpriteGroup relocation[2];
/* Sprite offsets for renderdata->seq->image. spritegroup[0] is default
* whilst spritegroup[1] is "CID_PURCHASE". */
struct SpriteGroup spritegroup[2];
/* Here, @stid is local per-GRFFile station index. If spec->localidx is not yet
@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ void SetCustomStation(byte stid, struct StationSpec *spec);
/* Here, @stid is global station index (in continous range 0..GetCustomStationsCount())
* (lookup is therefore very fast as we do this very frequently). */
struct StationSpec *GetCustomStation(uint32 classid, byte stid);
uint32 GetCustomStationRelocation(struct StationSpec *spec, byte ctype);
/* Get sprite offset for a given custom station and station structure (may be
* NULL if ctype is set - that means we are in a build dialog). The station
* structure is used for variational sprite groups. */
uint32 GetCustomStationRelocation(struct StationSpec *spec, struct Station *stat, byte ctype);
int GetCustomStationsCount(uint32 classid);
#endif /* STATION_H */
@ -977,6 +977,9 @@ void SetCustomStation(byte local_stid, struct StationSpec *spec)
if (_waypoint_data[i].grfid == spec->grfid
&& _waypoint_data[i].localidx == local_stid + 1) {
stid = i;
/* FIXME: Release original SpriteGroup to
* prevent leaks. But first we need to
* refcount the SpriteGroup. --pasky */
@ -1003,25 +1006,30 @@ struct StationSpec *GetCustomStation(uint32 classid, byte stid)
return &_waypoint_data[stid];
uint32 GetCustomStationRelocation(struct StationSpec *spec, byte ctype)
uint32 GetCustomStationRelocation(struct StationSpec *spec, struct Station *stat, byte ctype)
struct RealSpriteGroup *rsg;
assert(spec->classid == 'WAYP');
/* In the future, variational spritegroups will kick in through this
* accessor. */
* accessor, using @stat. */
rsg = TriviallyGetRSG(&spec->spritegroup[ctype]);
if (spec->relocation[ctype].loading_count != 0) {
return spec->relocation[ctype].loading[0];
} else if (spec->relocation[ctype].loading_count != 0) {
return spec->relocation[ctype].loaded[0];
} else {
error("Custom station 0x%08x::0x%02x has no sprites associated.",
spec->grfid, spec->localidx);
/* This is what gets subscribed of dtss->image in grfspecial.c,
* so it's probably kinda "default offset". Try to use it as
* emergency measure. */
return 0x42D;
if (rsg->sprites_per_set != 0) {
if (rsg->loading_count != 0) {
return rsg->loading[0];
} else if (rsg->loading_count != 0) {
return rsg->loaded[0];
error("Custom station 0x%08x::0x%02x has no sprites associated.",
spec->grfid, spec->localidx);
/* This is what gets subscribed of dtss->image in grfspecial.c,
* so it's probably kinda "default offset". Try to use it as
* emergency measure. */
return 0x42D;
int GetCustomStationsCount(uint32 classid)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user