(svn r20434) [1.0] -Backport from trunk:

- Fix: [NoAI] Clarify the documentation for AIBaseStation::GetLocation (r20238)
- Fix: Do not spend cash when building a statue fails [FS#3985] (r20227)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Vehicle var FE bit 6 did return incorrect values for new railtypes (r20175)
This commit is contained in:
rubidium 2010-08-10 09:48:32 +00:00
parent eaa79661cf
commit 133f5ba643
4 changed files with 109 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ public:
* Get the current location of a basestation.
* @param station_id The basestation to get the location of.
* @pre IsValidBaseStation(station_id).
* @return The tile the basestation is currently on.
* @return The tile the basestation sign above it.
* @note The tile is not necessarily a station tile (and if it is, it could also belong to another station).
* @see AITileList_StationType.
static TileIndex GetLocation(StationID station_id);

View File

@ -3399,6 +3399,7 @@ STR_ERROR_NO_SPACE_FOR_TOWN :{WHITE}... ther
STR_ERROR_TOWN_EXPAND_WARN_NO_ROADS :{WHITE}The town will not build roads. You can enable building of roads via Advanced Settings->Economy->Towns.
STR_ERROR_TOWN_CAN_T_DELETE :{WHITE}Can't delete this town...{}A station or depot is referring to the town or a town owned tile can't be removed
STR_ERROR_STATUE_NO_SUITABLE_PLACE :{WHITE}... there is no suitable place for a statue in the center of this town
# Industry related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_GENERATE_INDUSTRIES :{WHITE}Can't generate industries...

View File

@ -694,11 +694,10 @@ static uint32 VehicleGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, by
const Train *u = t->IsWagon() && HasBit(t->vehicle_flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON) ? t->First() : t;
RailType railtype = GetRailType(v->tile);
bool powered = t->IsEngine() || (t->IsWagon() && HasBit(t->vehicle_flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON));
bool has_power = powered && HasPowerOnRail(u->railtype, railtype);
bool is_electric = powered && u->railtype == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC;
bool has_power = HasPowerOnRail(u->railtype, railtype);
if (has_power) SetBit(modflags, 5);
if (is_electric && !has_power) SetBit(modflags, 6);
if (powered && has_power) SetBit(modflags, 5);
if (powered && !has_power) SetBit(modflags, 6);
if (HasBit(t->flags, VRF_TOGGLE_REVERSE)) SetBit(modflags, 8);
if (HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_BUILT_AS_PROTOTYPE)) SetBit(modflags, 10);

View File

@ -2335,37 +2335,55 @@ const byte _town_action_costs[TACT_COUNT] = {
2, 4, 9, 35, 48, 53, 117, 175
static void TownActionAdvertiseSmall(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseSmall(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0x40, 10);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0x40, 10);
return CommandCost();
static void TownActionAdvertiseMedium(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseMedium(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0x70, 15);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0x70, 15);
return CommandCost();
static void TownActionAdvertiseLarge(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseLarge(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0xA0, 20);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0xA0, 20);
return CommandCost();
static void TownActionRoadRebuild(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionRoadRebuild(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
t->road_build_months = 6;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->road_build_months = 6;
SetDParam(0, _current_company);
GetString(company_name, STR_COMPANY_NAME, lastof(company_name));
SetDParam(0, _current_company);
GetString(company_name, STR_COMPANY_NAME, lastof(company_name));
char *cn = strdup(company_name);
SetDParam(0, t->index);
SetDParamStr(1, cn);
char *cn = strdup(company_name);
SetDParam(0, t->index);
SetDParamStr(1, cn);
return CommandCost();
static bool DoBuildStatueOfCompany(TileIndex tile, TownID town_id)
* Search callback function for TownActionBuildStatue.
* @param tile Tile on which to perform the search.
* @param user_data Unused.
* @return Result of the test.
static bool SearchTileForStatue(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
/* Statues can be build on slopes, just like houses. Only the steep slopes is a no go. */
if (IsSteepSlope(GetTileSlope(tile, NULL))) return false;
@ -2380,96 +2398,98 @@ static bool DoBuildStatueOfCompany(TileIndex tile, TownID town_id)
CompanyID old = _current_company;
_current_company = OWNER_NONE;
CommandCost r = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
CommandCost r = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_NONE, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
_current_company = old;
if (r.Failed()) return false;
MakeStatue(tile, _current_company, town_id);
return true;
* Search callback function for TownActionBuildStatue
* @param tile on which to perform the search
* @param user_data The town_id for which we want a statue
* @return the result of the test
static bool SearchTileForStatue(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
TownID *town_id = (TownID *)user_data;
return DoBuildStatueOfCompany(tile, *town_id);
* Perform a 9x9 tiles circular search from the center of the town
* in order to find a free tile to place a statue
* @param t town to search in
* @param flags Used to check if the statue must be built or not.
* @return Empty cost or an error.
static void TownActionBuildStatue(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionBuildStatue(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
TileIndex tile = t->xy;
if (CircularTileSearch(&tile, 9, SearchTileForStatue, &t->index)) {
SetBit(t->statues, _current_company); // Once found and built, "inform" the Town
if (CircularTileSearch(&tile, 9, SearchTileForStatue, NULL)) {
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
MakeStatue(tile, _current_company, t->index);
SetBit(t->statues, _current_company); // Once found and built, "inform" the Town.
return CommandCost();
static void TownActionFundBuildings(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionFundBuildings(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Build next tick */
t->grow_counter = 1;
/* If we were not already growing */
SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_FUNDED);
/* And grow for 3 months */
t->fund_buildings_months = 3;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* Build next tick */
t->grow_counter = 1;
/* If we were not already growing */
SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_FUNDED);
/* And grow for 3 months */
t->fund_buildings_months = 3;
return CommandCost();
static void TownActionBuyRights(Town *t)
static CommandCost TownActionBuyRights(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if it's allowed to by the rights */
if (!_settings_game.economy.exclusive_rights) return;
if (!_settings_game.economy.exclusive_rights) return CMD_ERROR;
t->exclusive_counter = 12;
t->exclusivity = _current_company;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->exclusive_counter = 12;
t->exclusivity = _current_company;
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 130, 17);
static void TownActionBribe(Town *t)
if (Chance16(1, 14)) {
/* set as unwanted for 6 months */
t->unwanted[_current_company] = 6;
/* set all close by station ratings to 0 */
Station *st;
if (st->town == t && st->owner == _current_company) {
for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) st->goods[i].rating = 0;
/* only show errormessage to the executing player. All errors are handled command.c
* but this is special, because it can only 'fail' on a DC_EXEC */
if (IsLocalCompany()) ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_BRIBE_FAILED, STR_ERROR_BRIBE_FAILED_2, 0, 0);
/* decrease by a lot!
* ChangeTownRating is only for stuff in demolishing. Bribe failure should
* be independent of any cheat settings
if (t->ratings[_current_company] > RATING_BRIBE_DOWN_TO) {
t->ratings[_current_company] = RATING_BRIBE_DOWN_TO;
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, t->index);
} else {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 130, 17);
return CommandCost();
typedef void TownActionProc(Town *t);
static CommandCost TownActionBribe(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (Chance16(1, 14)) {
/* set as unwanted for 6 months */
t->unwanted[_current_company] = 6;
/* set all close by station ratings to 0 */
Station *st;
if (st->town == t && st->owner == _current_company) {
for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) st->goods[i].rating = 0;
/* only show errormessage to the executing player. All errors are handled command.c
* but this is special, because it can only 'fail' on a DC_EXEC */
if (IsLocalCompany()) ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_BRIBE_FAILED, STR_ERROR_BRIBE_FAILED_2, 0, 0);
/* decrease by a lot!
* ChangeTownRating is only for stuff in demolishing. Bribe failure should
* be independent of any cheat settings
if (t->ratings[_current_company] > RATING_BRIBE_DOWN_TO) {
t->ratings[_current_company] = RATING_BRIBE_DOWN_TO;
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, t->index);
} else {
return CommandCost();
typedef CommandCost TownActionProc(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags);
static TownActionProc * const _town_action_proc[] = {
@ -2545,8 +2565,10 @@ CommandCost CmdDoTownAction(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_OTHER, _price[PR_TOWN_ACTION] * _town_action_costs[p2] >> 8);
CommandCost ret = _town_action_proc[p2](t, flags);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, p1);