mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 22:04:57 +00:00
Change: Always build baseset metadata, instead of including it in the repo.
This adds a script and project files to generate these files within MSVC.
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,11 +42,22 @@ MD5SUM := $(shell [ "$(OS)" = "OSX" ] && echo "md5 -r" || echo "md5sum")
NFO_FILES := $(GRF_DIR)/*.nfo $(GRF_DIR)/rivers/*.nfo
PNG_FILES := $(GRF_DIR)/*.png $(GRF_DIR)/rivers/*.png
# List of target files.
OBT_FILES := $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos.obg
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos_de.obg
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obg
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos.obs
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obs
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/no_sound.obs
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos.obm
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obm
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/no_music.obm
OBT_FILES += $(BIN_DIR)/orig_tto.obm
# Build the GRF.
all: $(OBT_FILES)
all: $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/orig_extra.grf $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos.obg $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos_de.obg $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obg $(BIN_DIR)/orig_dos.obs $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obs $(BIN_DIR)/no_sound.obs $(BIN_DIR)/orig_win.obm $(BIN_DIR)/no_music.obm
all: $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/orig_extra.grf
$(OBJS_DIR)/langfiles.tmp: $(LANG_DIR)/*.txt
@ -67,6 +78,10 @@ $(BIN_DIR)/%.obm: $(BASESET_DIR)/%.obm $(OBJS_DIR)/langfiles.tmp $(BASESET_DIR)/
$(E) '$(STAGE) Updating $(notdir $@)'
$(Q) awk -v langfiles='$(OBJS_DIR)/langfiles.tmp' -f $(BASESET_DIR)/translations.awk $< >$@
# Guard against trying to run GRFCODEC/NFORENUM without either being set.
# Compile extra grf
$(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf: $(PNG_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(GRF_DIR)/assemble_nfo.awk
$(E) '$(STAGE) Assembling openttd.nfo'
@ -89,9 +104,12 @@ $(BIN_DIR)/orig_extra.grf: $(PNG_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(GRF_DIR)/assemble_nfo.awk
$(Q) $(GRFCODEC) -n -s -e -p1 $(OBJS_DIR)/orig_extra.grf
$(Q)cp $(OBJS_DIR)/orig_extra.grf $(BIN_DIR)/orig_extra.grf
# Clean up temporary files.
$(Q)rm -f *.bak *.grf
$(Q)rm -f *.bak *.grf $(OBT_FILES)
# Clean up temporary files
mrproper: clean
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents more or less nothingness
name = NoMusic
shortname = NULL
version = 0
fallback = true
description = A music pack without actual music.
description.af_ZA = 'n Musiek stel sonder enige musiek.
description.ar_EG = مجموعة موسيقى بدون موسيقى
description.be_BY = "Пусты" набор музычнага афармлення, які не зьмяшчае ніякай музыкі.
description.bg_BG = Празен музикален пакет.
description.ca_ES = Una llista de música sense cap peça.
description.cs_CZ = Prázná hudební sada.
description.cy_GB = Pecyn cerddoriaeth heb unrhyw gerddoriaeth ynddo.
description.da_DK = En musikpakke uden musik.
description.de_DE = Ein Musikset ohne Musik.
description.el_GR = Ένα πάκετο μουσικής χωρίς πραγματική μουσική.
description.en_AU = A music pack without actual music.
description.en_US = A music pack without actual music.
description.es_ES = Un conjunto de música vacío.
description.es_MX = Paquete de música vacío
description.et_EE = Muusikakogu ilma muusikata.
description.eu_ES = Musika gabeko musika paketea.
description.fi_FI = Musiikkipaketti, jossa ei ole musiikkia.
description.fr_FR = Un pack de musiques sans musiques.
description.ga_IE = Pacáiste ceoil gan aon cheol iarbhír ann.
description.gd_GB = Pacaid ciùil anns nach eil fonn sam bith.
description.gl_ES = Un conxunto de músicas sen ningunha música.
description.he_IL = אוסף מנגינות ללא מנגינות.
description.hr_HR = Glazbeni paket bez ikakve glazbe.
description.hu_HU = Zenei alapcsomag zene nélkül.
description.id_ID = Paket musik tanpa musik sungguhan.
description.is_IS = Tónlistarpakki sem er í raun án tónlistar.
description.it_IT = Un pacchetto musicale non contenente alcuna musica.
description.ja_JP = 空の音楽パック
description.ko_KR = 실제 음악이 없는 음악 목록입니다.
description.la_VA = Sarcina musicae sine ulla musica.
description.lb_LU = E Musikpack ouni aktuell Musik.
description.lt_LT = Muzikos pakas be muzikos.
description.lv_LV = Mūzikas kopa bez mūzikas
description.ms_MY = Pek muzik tanpa muzik sebenar.
description.nb_NO = En musikkpakke uten noe musikk.
description.nl_NL = Een muziekset zonder muziek.
description.nn_NO = Ei musikkpakke utan noko musikk.
description.pl_PL = Zestaw utworów muzycznych nie zawierający żadnej muzyki.
description.pt_BR = Um pacote de músicas sem músicas.
description.pt_PT = Um conjunto de música vazio.
description.ro_RO = Un set de muzică fără muzică inclusă.
description.ru_RU = "Пустой" набор музыкального оформления, не содержащий никакой музыки.
description.sk_SK = Sada hudby neobsahujúca hudbu.
description.sl_SI = Glasbeni paket z vključeno glasbo.
description.sr_RS = Prazan skup muzičkih numera.
description.sv_SE = Ett musikpaket utan någon musik.
description.ta_IN = இசை இல்லாத இசைத்தொகுப்பு.
description.th_TH = ชุดเพลงประกอบแบบไม่มีเสียงเพลง
description.tr_TR = Müzik içermeyen boş bir müzik paketi.
description.uk_UA = Порожній набір музики.
description.vi_VN = Gói âm nhạc này không có nhạc nào.
description.zh_CN = 一个没有实际内容的音乐包.
description.zh_TW = 不含任何音樂的音樂集。
theme =
old_0 =
old_1 =
old_2 =
old_3 =
old_4 =
old_5 =
old_6 =
old_7 =
old_8 =
old_9 =
new_0 =
new_1 =
new_2 =
new_3 =
new_4 =
new_5 =
new_6 =
new_7 =
new_8 =
new_9 =
ezy_0 =
ezy_1 =
ezy_2 =
ezy_3 =
ezy_4 =
ezy_5 =
ezy_6 =
ezy_7 =
ezy_8 =
ezy_9 =
default = This file was part of your OpenTTD installation.
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents more or less nothingness
name = NoSound
shortname = NULL
version = 2
fallback = true
description = A sound pack without any sounds.
description.af_ZA = 'n Klank stel sonder enige klanke.
description.ar_EG = مجموعة صوت بدوت اصوات مضافة
description.be_BY = "Пусты" набор гукавога афармленьня, які не зьмяшчае ніякіх гукаў.
description.bg_BG = Празен звуков пакет.
description.ca_ES = Una llista de sons buida.
description.cs_CZ = Prázdná sada zvuků.
description.cy_GB = Pecyn sain heb unrhyw effeithiau sain ynddo.
description.da_DK = En lydpakke uden lyde.
description.de_DE = Basissounds ohne Sound.
description.el_GR = Ένα πάκετο ήχων χώρις ήχους.
description.en_AU = A sound pack without any sounds.
description.en_US = A sound pack without any sounds.
description.es_ES = Un conjunto de sonidos vacío.
description.es_MX = Paquete de sonidos vacío
description.et_EE = Helikogu ilma helideta.
description.eu_ES = Soinurik gabeko soinu pakete bat
description.fi_FI = Äänipaketti, jossa ei ole ääniä.
description.fr_FR = Un pack de sons sans sons.
description.ga_IE = Pacáiste fuaimeanna gan aon fhuaimeanna ann.
description.gd_GB = Pacaid fhuaimean anns nach eil fuaim sam bith.
description.gl_ES = Un conxunto de sons sen ningún son
description.he_IL = אוסף צלילים ללא צלילים.
description.hr_HR = Zvučni paket bez ikakvih zvukova.
description.hu_HU = Hang alapcsomag hangok nélkül.
description.id_ID = Paket efek suara tanpa suara apapun.
description.is_IS = Hljóðpakki án hljóðs.
description.it_IT = Un pacchetto sonoro non contenente alcun suono.
description.ja_JP = 空の効果音パック
description.ko_KR = 아무런 효과음도 없는 효과음 팩입니다.
description.la_VA = Sarcina sonorum sine ullis sonis.
description.lb_LU = E Soundpack ouni iergendee Sound.
description.lt_LT = Garsų pakas be jokių garsų.
description.lv_LV = Skaņu kopa bez skaņas.
description.nb_NO = En lydpakke uten noen lyder.
description.nl_NL = Een geluidset zonder geluid.
description.nn_NO = Ei lydpakke utan nokon lydar.
description.pl_PL = Zestaw dźwięków nie zawierający żadnych dźwięków.
description.pt_BR = Um pacote de sons sem sons.
description.pt_PT = Um conjunto de sons vazio.
description.ro_RO = Un set de sunete fără nici un sunet inclus.
description.ru_RU = "Пустой" набор звукового оформления, не содержащий никаких звуков.
description.sk_SK = Zvuková sada neobsahujúca zvuky.
description.sl_SI = Zvočni paket brez zvoka.
description.sr_RS = Prazan skup zvukova.
description.sv_SE = Ett ljudpaket utan några ljud.
description.ta_IN = ஒலிகள் இல்லாத ஒலி தொகுப்பு.
description.th_TH = ชุดเสียงแบบไร้เสียง
description.tr_TR = Ses içermeyen boş bir ses kümesi.
description.uk_UA = Порожній набір звуків.
description.vi_VN = Gói âm thanh này không có âm thanh nào.
description.zh_CN = 一个空的音效包.
description.zh_TW = 不含任何音效的音效集。
samples =
default = This file was part of your OpenTTD installation.
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the non-German Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD.
name = original_dos
shortname = TTDD
version = 1
palette = DOS
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS uitgawe grafieke.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الرسومية نسخة الدوس
description.be_BY = Арыґінальная ґрафіка з Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS.
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals del Transport Tycoon Deluxe pel DOS.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro DOS).
description.cy_GB = Graffeg gwreiddiol fersiwn DOS o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originalgrafik fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS Basisgrafiken.
description.el_GR = Αρχικά γραφικά από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση DOS.
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS.
description.es_MX = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS.
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOSi versiooni graafika.
description.eu_ES = Transport Tycoon Deluxe originaleko DOS edizioko grafikoak.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxen DOS-version grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS).
description.ga_IE = Grafaicí bunaidhTransport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán DOS.
description.gd_GB = Grafaigeachd aig an deasachadh DOS tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Graficos da edición orixinal de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS.
description.he_IL = גרפיקות Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת DOS.
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS.
description.is_IS = Upprunalega grafíkin úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione DOS.
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 グラフィック (DOS)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 디럭스 도스 에디션의 그래픽입니다.
description.la_VA = Graphica ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS.
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS Editioun Grafik.
description.lt_LT = Originali Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS leidimo grafika.
description.lv_LV = Oriģinālā Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdevuma grafika.
description.ms_MY = Grafik asal Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja grafik dla Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS.
description.pt_BR = Gráficos Originais do Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Edição DOS.
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição DOS de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul grafic original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru DOS.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodná grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe (DOS).
description.sl_SI = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za različico DOS.
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan.
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் DOS பதிப்பு அசைவூட்டங்கள்.
description.th_TH = กราฟฟิกต้นตำหรับของ Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS sürümü grafikleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальна графіка з Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition.
description.vi_VN = Đồ họa gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên DOS
description.zh_CN = 运输大亨DOS豪华版原版图形包.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版的圖形。
base = TRG1.GRF
logos = TRGI.GRF
arctic = TRGC.GRF
tropical = TRGH.GRF
toyland = TRGT.GRF
TRG1.GRF = 9311676280e5b14077a8ee41c1b42192
TRGI.GRF = da6a6c9dcc451eec88d79211437b76a8
TRGC.GRF = ed446637e034104c5559b32c18afe78d
TRGH.GRF = ee6616fb0e6ef6b24892c58c93d86fc9
TRGT.GRF = e30e8a398ae86c03dc534a8ac7dfb3b6
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = 67bcfac5911667309d86b7749ea8d08c
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = This file was part of your OpenTTD installation.
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original music as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for DOS CD.
name = original_dos
shortname = TTDD
version = 1
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition music.
theme = gm.cat
old_0 = gm.cat
old_1 = gm.cat
old_2 = gm.cat
old_3 = gm.cat
old_4 = gm.cat
old_5 = gm.cat
old_6 = gm.cat
old_7 = gm.cat
old_8 =
old_9 =
new_0 = gm.cat
new_1 = gm.cat
new_2 = gm.cat
new_3 = gm.cat
new_4 = gm.cat
new_5 = gm.cat
new_6 = gm.cat
new_7 =
new_8 =
new_9 =
ezy_0 = gm.cat
ezy_1 = gm.cat
ezy_2 = gm.cat
ezy_3 = gm.cat
ezy_4 = gm.cat
ezy_5 = gm.cat
ezy_6 =
ezy_7 =
ezy_8 =
ezy_9 =
gm.cat = 7a29d2d0c4f7d2e03091ffa9b2bdfffb
theme = 0
old_0 = 1
old_1 = 8
old_2 = 2
old_3 = 9
old_4 = 14
old_5 = 15
old_6 = 19
old_7 = 13
new_0 = 6
new_1 = 11
new_2 = 10
new_3 = 17
new_4 = 21
new_5 = 18
new_6 = 5
ezy_0 = 12
ezy_1 = 7
ezy_2 = 16
ezy_3 = 3
ezy_4 = 20
ezy_5 = 4
; Names get read from the CAT file
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original sounds as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD.
name = original_dos
shortname = TTDO
version = 0
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition sounds.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS uitgawe klanke.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الصوتية نسخة الدوس
description.be_BY = Арыґінальны набор гукавога афармленьня з гульні Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.bg_BG = Оригинални звуци на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS.
description.ca_ES = Sons originals del Transport Tycoon Deluxe pel DOS.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada zvuků Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro DOS).
description.cy_GB = Effeithiau sain gwreiddiol fersiwn DOS o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originallyd fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS Basissounds.
description.el_GR = Αρχικοί ήχοι από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση DOS.
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition sounds.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition sounds.
description.es_ES = Sonidos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS.
description.es_MX = Sonidos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS.
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOSi versiooni helid.
description.eu_ES = Transport Tycoon Deluxe originaleko DOS edizioko soinuak.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxen DOS-version äänet.
description.fr_FR = Sons originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS).
description.ga_IE = Fuaimeanna bunaidh Transport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán DOS.
description.gd_GB = Fuaimean aig an deasachadh DOS tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Sons da edición orixinal de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS.
description.he_IL = צלילי Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת DOS.
description.hr_HR = Originalni zvukovi za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS verziójának hangjai.
description.id_ID = Efek suara orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS.
description.is_IS = Upprunalega hljóðið úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Suoni originali di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione DOS.
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 効果音 (DOS)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 도스 에디션의 효과음입니다.
description.la_VA = Soni ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS.
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS Editioun Sound.
description.lt_LT = Originalūs Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS leidimo garsai.
description.nb_NO = Originale lyder fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.nl_NL = Originele geluiden van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Originale lydar frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja dźwięków dla Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS.
description.pt_BR = Sons Originais do Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Edição DOS.
description.pt_PT = Sons originais da edição DOS de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul de sunete original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru DOS.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальный набор звукового оформления из игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodné zvuky Transport Tycoon Deluxe (DOS).
description.sl_SI = Originalni zvoki Transport Tycoon Deluxe različice DOS.
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup zvukova Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalljuden från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan.
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் DOS பதிப்பு ஒலிகள்.
description.th_TH = เสียงต้นตำหรับของ Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS sürümü sesleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальний набір звуків з Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition.
description.vi_VN = Âm thanh gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên DOS
description.zh_CN = 运输大亨DOS豪华版原版音效包.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版的音效。
samples = SAMPLE.CAT
SAMPLE.CAT = 422ea3dd074d2859bb51639a6e0e85da
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the German Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD. It contains one broken sprite.
name = original_dos_de
shortname = TTDD
version = 0
palette = DOS
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) uitgawe grafieke.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الالمانية نسخة الدوس
description.be_BY = Арыґінальная ґрафіка зь нямецкай версіі Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS (немски) .
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals del Transport Tycoon Deluxe (alemany) pel DOS.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (německá verze pro DOS).
description.cy_GB = Graffeg gwreiddiol fersiwn DOS (Almaenig) o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originalgrafik fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Tysk) version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Deutsch) Basisgrafiken.
description.el_GR = Αρχικά γραφικά από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση DOS (Γερμανικό).
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS (Alemán).
description.es_MX = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS (en alemán).
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOSi (Saksa) versiooni graafika.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Saksassa julkaistun Transport Tycoon Deluxen DOS-version grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS allemande).
description.ga_IE = Grafaicí bunaidhTransport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán DOS (Gearmánach).
description.gd_GB = Grafaigeachd aig an deasachadh DOS (Gearmailteach) tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Graficos da edición orixinal (alemá) de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS.
description.he_IL = גרפיקות Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת DOS (גרמנית).
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Njemački) izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (német) verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS (Jerman).
description.is_IS = Upprunalega grafíkin úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (þýsku) útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe (tedesco), edizione DOS.
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 グラフィック (DOS・ドイツ版)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 디럭스 도스 에디션(독일)의 그래픽입니다.
description.la_VA = Graphica ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Germanica).
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Däitsch) Editioun Grafik.
description.lt_LT = Originali Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Vokiečių) leidimo grafika.
description.lv_LV = Oriģinālā Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (vācu) izdevuma grafika.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS (tysk).
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Duitse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS (tysk).
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja grafik dla Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German).
description.pt_BR = Gráficos Originais do Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Edição DOS alemã.
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição DOS (Alemã) de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul grafic original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru DOS (ediţia germană).
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из немецкой версии Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodná grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe (DOS) (v jazyku nemčina).
description.sl_SI = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za nemško različico DOS.
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup grafika nemačkog Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan (tyska).
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் DOS (செருமன்) பதிப்பு அசைவூட்டங்கள்.
description.th_TH = กราฟฟิกต้นตำหรับของ Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Almanca) sürümü grafikleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальна графіка з Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition (німецького).
description.vi_VN = Đồ họa gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên DOS (tiếng Đức)
description.zh_CN = 运输大亨DOS豪华德语版原版图形包.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版 (德國版) 的圖形。
base = TRG1.GRF
logos = TRGI.GRF
arctic = TRGC.GRF
tropical = TRGH.GRF
toyland = TRGT.GRF
TRG1.GRF = 9311676280e5b14077a8ee41c1b42192
TRGI.GRF = da6a6c9dcc451eec88d79211437b76a8
TRGC.GRF = ed446637e034104c5559b32c18afe78d
TRGH.GRF = ee6616fb0e6ef6b24892c58c93d86fc9
TRGT.GRF = fcde1d7e8a74197d72a62695884b909e
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = 67bcfac5911667309d86b7749ea8d08c
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = This file was part of your OpenTTD installation.
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original music as on the Transport
; Tycoon (with World Editor) for DOS CD.
name = original_tto
shortname = TTOD
version = 1
description = Original Transport Tycoon (Original/World Editor) music.
theme = gm-tto.cat
old_0 = gm-tto.cat
old_1 = gm-tto.cat
old_2 = gm-tto.cat
old_3 = gm-tto.cat
old_4 = gm-tto.cat
old_5 = gm-tto.cat
old_6 = gm-tto.cat
old_7 = gm-tto.cat
old_8 =
old_9 =
new_0 = gm-tto.cat
new_1 = gm-tto.cat
new_2 = gm-tto.cat
new_3 = gm-tto.cat
new_4 = gm-tto.cat
new_5 = gm-tto.cat
new_6 = gm-tto.cat
new_7 = gm-tto.cat
new_8 =
new_9 =
ezy_0 =
ezy_1 =
ezy_2 =
ezy_3 =
ezy_4 =
ezy_5 =
ezy_6 =
ezy_7 =
ezy_8 =
ezy_9 =
theme = 0
old_0 = 1
old_1 = 6
old_2 = 2
old_3 = 7
old_4 = 11
old_5 = 12
old_6 = 15
old_7 = 10
new_0 = 4
new_1 = 5
new_2 = 9
new_3 = 8
new_4 = 13
new_5 = 16
new_6 = 14
new_7 = 3
gm-tto.cat = 26e85ff84b0063aa5da05dd4698fc76e
; Names get read from the CAT file
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon CD-ROM.
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for Windows CD.
name = original_windows
shortname = TTDW
version = 0
palette = Windows
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows uitgawe grafieke.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الرسومية نسخة وندوز
description.be_BY = Арыґінальная ґрафіка з Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за Windows.
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals del Transport Tycoon Deluxe pel Windows.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro Windows).
description.cy_GB = Graffeg gwreiddiol fersiwn Windows o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originalgrafik fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Basisgrafiken.
description.el_GR = Αρχικά γραφικά από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση Windows.
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión Windows.
description.es_MX = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para Windows.
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windowsi versiooni graafika.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxen Windows-version grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version Windows).
description.ga_IE = Grafaicí bunaidhTransport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán Windows.
description.gd_GB = Grafaigeachd aig an deasachadh Windows tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Graficos da edición orixinal de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para Windows.
description.he_IL = גרפיקות Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת Windows.
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi Windows.
description.is_IS = Upprunalega grafíkin úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione Windows.
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 グラフィック (Windows)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 디럭스 윈도 에디션의 그래픽입니다.
description.la_VA = Graphica ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows.
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Editioun Grafik.
description.lt_LT = Originali Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows leidimo grafika.
description.lv_LV = Oriģinālā Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdevuma grafika.
description.ms_MY = Grafik asal Transport Tycoon Deluxe edisi Windows.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja grafik dla Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows.
description.pt_BR = Gráficos Originais do Transport Tycoon, Edição Windows.
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição Windows de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul grafic original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru Windows.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodná grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Windows).
description.sl_SI = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za različico oken(windows).
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Windows-utgåvan.
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் விண்டோஸ் பதிப்பு அசைவூட்டங்கள்.
description.th_TH = กราฟฟิกต้ำตำหรับของ Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows sürümü grafikleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальна графіка з Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition.
description.vi_VN = Đồ họa gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên Windows
description.zh_CN = 运输大亨Windows豪华版原版图形包.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows 版的圖形。
base = TRG1R.GRF
logos = TRGIR.GRF
arctic = TRGCR.GRF
tropical = TRGHR.GRF
toyland = TRGTR.GRF
TRG1R.GRF = b04ce593d8c5016e07473a743d7d3358
TRGIR.GRF = 0c2484ff6be49fc63a83be6ab5c38f32
TRGCR.GRF = 3668f410c761a050b5e7095a2b14879b
TRGHR.GRF = 06bf2b7a31766f048baac2ebe43457b1
TRGTR.GRF = de53650517fe661ceaa3138c6edb0eb8
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = 67bcfac5911667309d86b7749ea8d08c
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = This file was part of your OpenTTD installation.
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original music as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for Windows CD.
name = original_windows
shortname = TTDW
version = 1
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition music.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows uitgawe musiek.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الموسيقية نسخة وندوز
description.be_BY = Арыґінальны набор музычнага афармленьня з гульні Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.bg_BG = Оригинална музика на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за Windows.
description.ca_ES = Música original del Transport Tycoon Deluxe pel Windows.
description.cs_CZ = Původní hudba Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro Windows).
description.cy_GB = Cerddoriaeth gwreiddiol fersion Windows o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originalmusik fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Musikset.
description.el_GR = Αρχική μουσική από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση Windows.
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition music.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition music.
description.es_ES = Música original de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión Windows.
description.es_MX = Música original de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para Windows.
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windowsi versiooni muusika.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäinen Transport Tycoon Deluxen Windows-version musiikki.
description.fr_FR = Musiques originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version Windows).
description.ga_IE = Ceol bunaidh Transport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán Windows.
description.gd_GB = Ceòl aig an deasachadh Windows tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Música da edición orixinal de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para Windows.
description.he_IL = מנגינות Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת Windows.
description.hr_HR = Originalna glazba za Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows verziójának zenéje.
description.id_ID = Musik pengiring orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi Windows.
description.is_IS = Upprunalega tónlistin úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Musica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione Windows.
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 音楽 (Windows)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 디럭스 윈도 에디션의 음악입니다.
description.la_VA = Musica ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows.
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Editioun Musik.
description.lt_LT = Originali Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows leidimo muzika.
description.lv_LV = Oriģinālā Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdevuma mūzika.
description.ms_MY = Muzik asal Transport Tycoon Deluxe edisi Windows.
description.nb_NO = Original musikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.nl_NL = Originele muziek van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original musikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja utworów muzycznych w Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows.
description.pt_BR = Música Original do Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Edição Windows
description.pt_PT = Música original da edição Windows de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul de muzică original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru Windows.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальный набор музыкального оформления из игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodná hudba z Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Windows).
description.sl_SI = Originalna glasba Transport Tycoon Deluxe različice oken(windows).
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup muzičkih numera Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalmusiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Windows-utgåvan.
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் விண்டோஸ் பதிப்பு இசை.
description.th_TH = เพลงต้นตำหรับชอง Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows sürümü müzikleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальна музика з Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition.
description.vi_VN = Nhạc gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên Windows
description.zh_CN = Transport Tycoon Deluxe(运输大亨Windows豪华版)的原版音乐包
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows 版的音樂。
theme = GM_TT00.GM
old_0 = GM_TT02.GM
old_1 = GM_TT06.GM
old_2 = GM_TT03.GM
old_3 = GM_TT12.GM
old_4 = GM_TT08.GM
old_5 = GM_TT13.GM
old_6 = GM_TT14.GM
old_7 = GM_TT10.GM
old_8 =
old_9 =
new_0 = GM_TT04.GM
new_1 = GM_TT01.GM
new_2 = GM_TT05.GM
new_3 = GM_TT15.GM
new_4 = GM_TT11.GM
new_5 = GM_TT16.GM
new_6 = GM_TT09.GM
new_7 =
new_8 =
new_9 =
ezy_0 = GM_TT18.GM
ezy_1 = GM_TT19.GM
ezy_2 = GM_TT21.GM
ezy_3 = GM_TT17.GM
ezy_4 = GM_TT20.GM
ezy_5 = GM_TT07.GM
ezy_6 =
ezy_7 =
ezy_8 =
ezy_9 =
GM_TT00.GM = 45cfec1b9d8c7a0ad45e755833cbf221
GM_TT01.GM = ab14ed3392d848abd2a2e90a9d75d121
GM_TT02.GM = dd4f696e4be5987ce738257b08b50171
GM_TT03.GM = a1bfde23343df9e4063419bf29c166b8
GM_TT04.GM = 4e6943aa0c455203d76c79389054747d
GM_TT05.GM = cee281cb85a2e2343552d97640545a47
GM_TT06.GM = 26d1de5efa8675f94065784e9d539e49
GM_TT07.GM = 6f2691e17558f552ec4c565e4ab7139c
GM_TT08.GM = a42bf2cb3340a822f1a69646fc7a487d
GM_TT09.GM = eb35761a58a8df3c59ed8929cce13916
GM_TT10.GM = 42fecd686720a785d20a78590c466a82
GM_TT11.GM = 50ef1ef02e49d2112786dd45e69dc3ee
GM_TT12.GM = 4ce707a0e0e72419f0681dd9bd95271b
GM_TT13.GM = e765753be29d889ec818f38009103619
GM_TT14.GM = 270e2d63bd32b95a4d007ce15a6ce45f
GM_TT15.GM = 89e116a1c0c69f1845cc903a9bfbe460
GM_TT16.GM = f824e2371b3bedfe61aad4b9c62dd6be
GM_TT17.GM = 1b23eebb0796c1ab99cd97fa7082cf7b
GM_TT18.GM = 15650de3bad645d0e88c4f5c7a2df92a
GM_TT19.GM = 7aec079e15bd09588660b85545ac4dfc
GM_TT20.GM = 1509097889dee617aa1e9a1738a5a930
GM_TT21.GM = a8d0aaad02e1a762d8d54cf81da56bab
GM_TT00.GM = Tycoon DELUXE Theme
GM_TT01.GM = Snarl Up
GM_TT02.GM = Easy Driver
GM_TT03.GM = Little Red Diesel
GM_TT04.GM = City Groove
GM_TT05.GM = Aliens Ate My Railway
GM_TT06.GM = Stoke It
GM_TT07.GM = Don't Walk!
GM_TT08.GM = Sawyer's Tune
GM_TT09.GM = Fell Apart On Me
GM_TT10.GM = Can't Get There From Here
GM_TT11.GM = Hard Drivin'
GM_TT12.GM = Road Hog
GM_TT13.GM = Hold That Train!
GM_TT14.GM = Broomer's Oil Rag
GM_TT15.GM = Goss Groove
GM_TT16.GM = Small Town
GM_TT17.GM = Cruise Control
GM_TT18.GM = Stroll On
GM_TT19.GM = Funk Central
GM_TT20.GM = Jammit
GM_TT21.GM = Movin' On
; MIDI timecodes where the playback should attemp to start and stop short.
; This is to allow fixing undesired silences in original MIDI files.
; However not all music drivers may support this.
; Theme has two beats silence at the beginning which prevents clean looping.
GM_TT00.GM = 768:53760
; Can't Get There From Here from the Windows version has a long silence at the end,
; followed by a solo repeat. This isn't in the original DOS version music and is likely
; unintentional from the people who converted the music from the DOS version.
; Actual song ends after measure 152.
GM_TT10.GM = 0:235008
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
; $Id$
; This represents the original sounds as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for Windows CD.
name = original_windows
shortname = TTDO
version = 0
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows uitgawe klanke.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الصوتية نسخة وندوز
description.be_BY = Арыґінальны набор гукавога афармленьня з гульні Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.bg_BG = Оригинални звуци на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за Windows.
description.ca_ES = Sons originals del Transport Tycoon Deluxe pel Windows.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada zvuků Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro Windows).
description.cy_GB = Effeithiau sain gwreiddiol fersiwn Windows o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originallyd fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Basissounds.
description.el_GR = Αρχικοί ήχοι από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση Windows.
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.es_ES = Sonidos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión Windows.
description.es_MX = Sonidos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para Windows.
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windowsi versiooni helid.
description.eu_ES = Transport Tycoon Deluxe originaleko Windows edizioko grafikoak.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxen Windows-version äänet.
description.fr_FR = Sons originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version Windows).
description.ga_IE = Fuaimeanna bunaidh Transport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán Windows.
description.gd_GB = Fuaimean aig an deasachadh Windows tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Sons da edición orixinal de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para Windows.
description.he_IL = צלילי Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת Windows.
description.hr_HR = Originalni zvukovi za Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows verziójának hangjai.
description.id_ID = Efek suara orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi Windows.
description.is_IS = Upprunalega hljóðið úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Suoni originali di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione Windows.
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 効果音 (Windows)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 디럭스 윈도 에디션의 효과음입니다.
description.la_VA = Soni ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows.
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Editioun Sound.
description.lt_LT = Originalūs Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows leidimo garsai.
description.nb_NO = Originale lyder fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.nl_NL = Originele geluiden van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-versie.
description.nn_NO = Originale lydar frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja dźwięków dla Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows.
description.pt_BR = Sons Originais do Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Edição Windows.
description.pt_PT = Sons originais da edição Windows de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul de sunete original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru Windows.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальный набор звукового оформления из игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodné zvuky Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Windows).
description.sl_SI = Originalni zvoki Transport Tycoon Deluxe različice oken(windows).
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup zvukova Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalljuden från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Windows-utgåvan.
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் விண்டோஸ் பதிப்பு ஒலிகள்.
description.th_TH = เสียงต้นตำหรับของ Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows sürümü sesleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальний набір звуків з Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition.
description.vi_VN = Âm thanh gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên Windows
description.zh_CN = Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows (运输大亨Windows豪华版)的原版音效包.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows 版的音效。
samples = SAMPLE.CAT
SAMPLE.CAT = 9212e81e72badd4bbe1eaeae66458e10
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
Option Explicit
' This file is part of OpenTTD.
' OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
' OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
' See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim inputfile, outputfile, langpath, extra_grf
inputfile = WScript.Arguments(0)
outputfile = WScript.Arguments(1)
langpath = WScript.Arguments(2)
If WScript.Arguments.Length > 3 Then
extra_grf = WScript.Arguments(3)
End If
Function GetExtraGrfHash
Dim WSO, exe, line
Set WSO = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set exe = WSO.Exec("certutil -hashfile " & extra_grf & " MD5")
Do Until exe.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
line = exe.StdOut.ReadLine
If Len(line) = 32 Then GetExtraGrfHash = line
Set WSO = Nothing
End Function
' Simple insertion sort, copied from translations.awk
Sub ISort(a)
Dim i, j, n, hold
n = UBound(a)
For i = 1 To n
j = i
hold = a(j)
Do While a(j - 1) > hold
j = j - 1
a(j + 1) = a(j)
If j = 0 Then Exit Do
a(j) = hold
End Sub
Sub Lookup(ini_key, str_id, outfile)
Dim folder, file, line, p, lang, i
' Ensure only complete string matches
str_id = str_id & " "
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(langpath)
Dim output()
ReDim output(folder.Files.Count)
For Each file In folder.Files
If UCase(FSO.GetExtensionName(file.Name)) = "TXT" Then
Dim f
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile(file.Path)
Do Until f.atEndOfStream
line = f.ReadLine()
If InStr(1, line, "##isocode ") = 1 Then
p = Split(line)
lang = p(1)
ElseIf InStr(1, line, str_id) = 1 Then
p = Split(line, ":", 2)
If lang = "en_GB" Then
output(i) = ini_key & " = " & p(1)
output(i) = ini_key & "." & lang & " = " & p(1)
End If
i = i + 1
End If
End If
ReDim Preserve output(i - 1)
ISort output
For Each line In output
outfile.Write line & vbCrLf
End Sub
Dim line, p
Dim infile
Set infile = FSO.OpenTextFile(inputfile)
Dim outfile
Set outfile = FSO.CreateTextFile(outputfile, True)
Do Until infile.atEndOfStream
line = infile.ReadLine()
If InStr(1, line, "ORIG_EXTRA.GRF ") = 1 Then
p = Split(line, "=")
If Trim(p(1)) = "" Then
outfile.Write("ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = " & GetExtraGrfHash() & vbCrLf)
outfile.Write(line & vbCrLf)
End If
ElseIf InStr(1, line, "!! ") = 1 Then
p = Split(line)
Lookup p(1), p(2), outfile
outfile.Write(line & vbCrLf)
End If
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
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<CustomBuild Include="..\media\baseset\orig_tto.obm">
<Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\media\baseset\orig_win.obg">
<Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\media\baseset\orig_win.obm">
<Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\media\baseset\orig_win.obs">
<Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Filter Include="Baseset Metadata">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
<ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32">
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" Label="Configuration">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
<ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" Label="PropertySheets">
<Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros">
<OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">..\bin\baseset\</OutDir>
<IntDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">..\objs\baseset\</IntDir>
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ fi
# strgen_vs141.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2017
# generate_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
# version_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
# basesets_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
# openttd_vs140.sln is for MSVC 2015
# openttd_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ fi
# strgen_vs140.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2015
# generate_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
# version_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
# basesets_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
@ -197,6 +199,44 @@ load_settings_data() {
eval "$2=\"\$RES\$RES2\""
load_baseset_data() {
#4 <Langs>"
# Windows Folder sort and Linux Folder sort are slightly different.
# By removing the extension and sorting it on Linux, they are the same.
for i in `ls $2 | sed s~.txt$~~g | sort`
if [ "$FIRST" != "" ]; then
i=`basename $i`
# Windows Folder sort and Linux Folder sort are slightly different.
# By fiddling with the extension and sorting it on Linux, they are the same.
for i in `ls $1 | sed s~\\\.~000~g | sort | sed s~000~.~g`
i=`basename $i`
#2 <CustomBuild Include=\"..\\media\\baseset\\"$i"\">
#2 <Message Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">Generating "$i" baseset metadata file</Message>
#2 <Command Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">cscript //nologo ..\\media\\baseset\\translations.vbs \"%(FullPath)\" \"\$(OutputPath)$i\" ..\\src\\lang ..\\bin\\baseset\\orig_extra.grf</Command>
#2 <AdditionalInputs Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">\$(Langs);..\\bin\\baseset\\orig_extra.grf;%(AdditionalInputs)</AdditionalInputs>
#2 <Outputs Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">..\\bin\\baseset\\"$i";%(Outputs)</Outputs>
#2 </CustomBuild>
#3 <CustomBuild Include=\"..\\media\\baseset\\"$i"\">
#3 <Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>
#3 </CustomBuild>"
eval "$3=\"\$RES\$RES2\""
generate() {
echo "Generating $2..."
if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
@ -263,6 +303,11 @@ settingsfiles=`echo "$settings" | grep "^#4" | sed "s~#4~~g"`
settingscommand=`echo "$settings" | grep "^#3" | sed "s~#3~~g"`
settingsvcxproj=`echo "$settings" | grep "^#2" | sed "s~#2~~g"`
load_baseset_data "$ROOT_DIR/media/baseset/*.ob?" "$ROOT_DIR/src/lang/*.txt" baseset
basesetfiles=`echo "$baseset" | grep "^#3" | sed "s-#3--g"`
basesetvcxproj=`echo "$baseset" | grep "^#2" | sed "s~#2~~g"`
basesetlangs=`echo "$baseset" | grep "^#4" | sed "s~#4~~g"`
generate "$openttdvcxproj" "openttd_vs140.vcxproj"
generate "$openttdfiles" "openttd_vs140.vcxproj.filters" "$openttdfilters"
generate "$openttdvcxproj" "openttd_vs141.vcxproj"
@ -275,3 +320,7 @@ generate "$settingsvcxproj" "settings_vs140.vcxproj" "$settingscommand"
generate "$settingsfiles" "settings_vs140.vcxproj.filters"
generate "$settingsvcxproj" "settings_vs141.vcxproj" "$settingscommand"
generate "$settingsfiles" "settings_vs141.vcxproj.filters"
generate "$basesetvcxproj" "basesets_vs140.vcxproj" "$basesetlangs"
generate "$basesetfiles" "basesets_vs140.vcxproj.filters"
generate "$basesetvcxproj" "basesets_vs141.vcxproj" "$basesetlangs"
generate "$basesetfiles" "basesets_vs141.vcxproj.filters"
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' strgen_vs141.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2017
' generate_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' version_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' basesets_vs141.vcxproj is for MSVC 2017
' openttd_vs140.sln is for MSVC 2015
' openttd_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' strgen_vs140.vcxproj.filters is for MSVC 2015
' generate_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' version_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
' basesets_vs140.vcxproj is for MSVC 2015
Sub safety_check(filename)
Dim file, line, regexp, list
@ -267,6 +269,48 @@ Sub load_settings_data(dir, ByRef vcxproj, ByRef command, ByRef files)
End Sub
Sub load_baseset_data(dir, langdir, ByRef vcxproj, ByRef files, ByRef langs)
Dim folder, file, ext, first_time
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(langdir)
langs = " <Langs>"
For Each file In folder.Files
If first_time <> 0 Then
langs = langs & ";"
first_time = 1
End If
file = FSO.GetFileName(file)
ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(file)
langs = langs & "..\src\lang\" & file
langs = langs & "</Langs>"
first_time = 0
Set folder = FSO.GetFolder(dir)
For Each file In folder.Files
file = FSO.GetFileName(file)
ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(file)
If ext = "obm" Or ext = "obg" Or ext = "obs" Then
If first_time <> 0 Then
vcxproj = vcxproj & vbCrLf
files = files & vbCrLf
first_time = 1
End If
vcxproj = vcxproj & _
" <CustomBuild Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\media\baseset\" & file & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Message Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">Generating " & file & " baseset metadata file</Message>" & vbCrLf & _
" <Command Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">cscript //nologo ..\media\baseset\translations.vbs " & Chr(34) & "%(FullPath)" & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & "$(OutputPath)" & file & Chr(34) & " ..\src\lang ..\bin\baseset\orig_extra.grf</Command>" & vbCrLf & _
" <AdditionalInputs Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">$(Langs);..\bin\baseset\orig_extra.grf;%(AdditionalInputs)</AdditionalInputs>" & vbCrLf & _
" <Outputs Condition=" & Chr(34) & "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" & Chr(34) & ">..\bin\baseset\" & file & ";%(Outputs)</Outputs>" & vbCrLf & _
" </CustomBuild>"
files = files & _
" <CustomBuild Include=" & Chr(34) & "..\media\baseset\" & file & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf & _
" <Filter>Baseset Metadata</Filter>" & vbCrLf & _
" </CustomBuild>"
End If
End Sub
Sub generate(data, dest, data2)
Dim srcfile, destfile, line
WScript.Echo "Generating " & FSO.GetFileName(dest) & "..."
@ -338,3 +382,10 @@ generate settingsvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs140.vcxproj", setting
generate settingsfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs140.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate settingsvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs141.vcxproj", settingscommand
generate settingsfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/settings_vs141.vcxproj.filters", Null
Dim basesetvcxproj, basesetfiles, basesetlangs
load_baseset_data ROOT_DIR & "/media/baseset", ROOT_DIR & "/src/lang", basesetvcxproj, basesetfiles, basesetlangs
generate basesetvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs140.vcxproj", basesetlangs
generate basesetfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs140.vcxproj.filters", Null
generate basesetvcxproj, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs141.vcxproj", basesetlangs
generate basesetfiles, ROOT_DIR & "/projects/basesets_vs141.vcxproj.filters", Null
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "settingsgen", "settingsgen_
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "regression", "regression_vs140.vcxproj", "{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "basesets", "basesets_vs140.vcxproj", "{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
@ -83,6 +85,14 @@ Global
{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@ -1361,6 +1361,10 @@
<ProjectReference Include="basesets_vs140.vcxproj">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
@ -365,6 +365,10 @@
<ProjectReference Include="basesets_vs140.vcxproj">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "settingsgen", "settingsgen_
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "regression", "regression_vs141.vcxproj", "{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "basesets", "basesets_vs141.vcxproj", "{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
@ -83,6 +85,14 @@ Global
{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{4712B013-437D-42CE-947F-DEBABA15261F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12E77CA-C0F1-4ADA-943F-4929274249D3}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@ -1361,6 +1361,10 @@
<ProjectReference Include="basesets_vs141.vcxproj">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
@ -365,6 +365,10 @@
<ProjectReference Include="basesets_vs141.vcxproj">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user