(svn r15819) -Add: Nested widgets framework

This commit is contained in:
alberth 2009-03-22 21:15:45 +00:00
parent 56e7d2944b
commit 12a31f3d5c
4 changed files with 1236 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "company_func.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
@ -627,3 +628,858 @@ void Window::DrawSortButtonState(int widget, SortButtonState state) const
int offset = this->IsWidgetLowered(widget) ? 1 : 0;
DrawString(this->widget[widget].right - 11 + offset, this->widget[widget].right, this->widget[widget].top + 1 + offset, state == SBS_DOWN ? DOWNARROW : UPARROW, TC_BLACK);
/* == Nested widgets == */
* Base class constructor.
* @param tp Nested widget type.
NWidgetBase::NWidgetBase(WidgetType tp) : ZeroedMemoryAllocator()
this->type = tp;
/* ~NWidgetContainer() takes care of #next and #prev data members. */
* @fn int NWidgetBase::ComputeMinimalSize()
* @brief Compute minimal size needed by the widget.
* The minimal size of a widget is the smallest size that a widget needs to
* display itself properly.
* In addition, filling and resizing of the widget are computed.
* @return Biggest index in the widget array of all child widgets.
* @note After the computation, the results can be queried by accessing the data members of the widget.
* @fn void NWidgetBase::AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl)
* @brief Assign minimal size and position to the widget.
* @param x Horizontal offset of the widget relative to the left edge of the window.
* @param y Vertical offset of the widget relative to the top edge of the window.
* @param given_width Width allocated to the widget.
* @param given_height Height allocated to the widget.
* @param allow_resize_x Horizontal resizing is allowed.
* @param allow_resize_y Vertical resizing is allowed.
* @param rtl Adapt for right-to-left languages (position contents of horizontal containers backwards).
* @fn void NWidgetBase::StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl)
* @brief Store all child widgets with a valid index into the widget array.
* @param widgets Widget array to store the nested widgets in.
* @param length Length of the array.
* @param left_moving Left edge of the widget may move due to resizing (right edge if \a rtl).
* @param top_moving Top edge of the widget may move due to reisizing.
* @param rtl Adapt for right-to-left languages (position contents of horizontal containers backwards).
* @note When storing a nested widget, the function should check first that the type in the \a widgets array is #WWT_LAST.
* This is used to detect double widget allocations as well as holes in the widget array.
* Constructor for resizable nested widgets.
* @param tp Nested widget type.
* @param fill_x Allow horizontal filling from initial size.
* @param fill_y Allow vertical filling from initial size.
NWidgetResizeBase::NWidgetResizeBase(WidgetType tp, bool fill_x, bool fill_y) : NWidgetBase(tp)
this->fill_x = fill_x;
this->fill_y = fill_y;
* Set minimal size of the widget.
* @param min_x Horizontal minimal size of the widget.
* @param min_y Vertical minimal size of the widget.
void NWidgetResizeBase::SetMinimalSize(uint min_x, uint min_y)
this->min_x = min_x;
this->min_y = min_y;
* Set the filling of the widget from initial size.
* @param fill_x Allow horizontal filling from initial size.
* @param fill_y Allow vertical filling from initial size.
void NWidgetResizeBase::SetFill(bool fill_x, bool fill_y)
this->fill_x = fill_x;
this->fill_y = fill_y;
* Set resize step of the widget.
* @param resize_x Resize step in horizontal direction, value \c 0 means no resize, otherwise the step size in pixels.
* @param resize_y Resize step in vertical direction, value \c 0 means no resize, otherwise the step size in pixels.
void NWidgetResizeBase::SetResize(uint resize_x, uint resize_y)
this->resize_x = resize_x;
this->resize_y = resize_y;
void NWidgetResizeBase::AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl)
this->pos_x = x;
this->pos_y = y;
this->min_x = given_width;
this->min_y = given_height;
if (!allow_resize_x) this->resize_x = 0;
if (!allow_resize_y) this->resize_y = 0;
* Initialization of a 'real' widget.
* @param tp Type of the widget.
* @param colour Colour of the widget.
* @param fill_x Default horizontal filling.
* @param fill_y Default vertical filling.
* @param widget_data Data component of the widget. @see Widget::data
* @param tool_tip Tool tip of the widget. @see Widget::tootips
NWidgetCore::NWidgetCore(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, bool fill_x, bool fill_y, uint16 widget_data, StringID tool_tip) : NWidgetResizeBase(tp, fill_x, fill_y)
this->colour = colour;
this->index = -1;
this->widget_data = widget_data;
this->tool_tip = tool_tip;
* Set index of the nested widget in the widget array.
* @param index Index to use.
void NWidgetCore::SetIndex(int index)
assert(index >= 0);
this->index = index;
* Set data and tool tip of the nested widget.
* @param widget_data Data to use.
* @param tool_tip Tool tip string to use.
void NWidgetCore::SetDataTip(uint16 widget_data, StringID tool_tip)
this->widget_data = widget_data;
this->tool_tip = tool_tip;
int NWidgetCore::ComputeMinimalSize()
/* All data is already at the right place. */
return this->index;
void NWidgetCore::StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl)
if (this->index < 0) return;
assert(this->index < length);
Widget *w = widgets + this->index;
assert(w->type == WWT_LAST);
DisplayFlags flags = RESIZE_NONE; // resize flags.
/* Compute vertical resizing. */
if (top_moving) {
flags |= RESIZE_TB; // Only 1 widget can resize in the widget array.
} else if(this->resize_y > 0) {
/* Compute horizontal resizing. */
if (left_moving) {
flags |= RESIZE_LR; // Only 1 widget can resize in the widget array.
} else if (this->resize_x > 0) {
flags |= RESIZE_RIGHT;
/* Copy nested widget data into its widget array entry. */
w->type = this->type;
w->display_flags = flags;
w->colour = this->colour;
w->left = this->pos_x;
w->right = this->pos_x + this->min_x - 1;
w->top = this->pos_y;
w->bottom = this->pos_y + this->min_y - 1;
w->data = this->widget_data;
w->tooltips = this->tool_tip;
* Constructor container baseclass.
* @param tp Type of the container.
NWidgetContainer::NWidgetContainer(WidgetType tp) : NWidgetBase(tp)
this->head = NULL;
this->tail = NULL;
while (this->head != NULL) {
NWidgetBase *wid = this->head->next;
delete this->head;
this->head = wid;
this->tail = NULL;
* Append widget \a wid to container.
* @param wid Widget to append.
void NWidgetContainer::Add(NWidgetBase *wid)
assert(wid->next == NULL && wid->prev == NULL);
if (this->head == NULL) {
this->head = wid;
this->tail = wid;
} else {
assert(this->tail != NULL);
assert(this->tail->next == NULL);
this->tail->next = wid;
wid->prev = this->tail;
this->tail = wid;
NWidgetHorizontal::NWidgetHorizontal() : NWidgetContainer(NWID_HORIZONTAL)
int NWidgetHorizontal::ComputeMinimalSize()
int biggest_index = -1;
this->min_x = 0; // Sum of minimal size of all childs.
this->min_y = 0; // Biggest child.
this->fill_x = false; // true if at least one child allows fill_x.
this->fill_y = true; // true if all childs allow fill_y.
this->resize_x = 0; // smallest non-zero child widget resize step.
this->resize_y = 1; // smallest common child resize step
for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) {
int idx = child_wid->ComputeMinimalSize();
biggest_index = max(biggest_index, idx);
this->min_x += child_wid->min_x;
this->min_y = max(this->min_y, child_wid->min_y);
this->fill_x |= child_wid->fill_x;
this->fill_y &= child_wid->fill_y;
if (child_wid->resize_x > 0) {
if (this->resize_x == 0 || this->resize_x > child_wid->resize_x) this->resize_x = child_wid->resize_x;
this->resize_y = LeastCommonMultiple(this->resize_y, child_wid->resize_y);
return biggest_index;
void NWidgetHorizontal::AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl)
assert(given_width >= this->min_x && given_height >= this->min_y);
uint additional_length = given_width - this->min_x; // Additional width given to us.
this->pos_x = x;
this->pos_y = y;
this->min_x = given_width;
this->min_y = given_height;
if (!allow_resize_x) this->resize_x = 0;
if (!allow_resize_y) this->resize_y = 0;
/* Count number of childs that would like a piece of the pie. */
int num_changing_childs = 0; // Number of childs that can change size.
NWidgetBase *child_wid;
for (child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) {
if (child_wid->fill_x) num_changing_childs++;
/* Fill and position the child widgets. */
uint position = 0; // Place to put next child relative to origin of the container.
allow_resize_x = (this->resize_x > 0);
child_wid = rtl ? this->tail : this->head;
while (child_wid != NULL) {
/* Decide about vertical filling of the child. */
uint child_height; // Height of the child widget.
uint child_pos_y; // Vertical position of child relative to the top of the container.
if (child_wid->fill_y) {
child_height = given_height;
child_pos_y = 0;
} else {
child_height = child_wid->min_y;
child_pos_y = (given_height - child_height) / 2;
/* Decide about horizontal filling of the child. */
uint child_width;
child_width = child_wid->min_x;
if (child_wid->fill_x && num_changing_childs > 0) {
/* Hand out a piece of the pie while compensating for rounding errors. */
uint increment = additional_length / num_changing_childs;
additional_length -= increment;
child_width += increment;
child_wid->AssignMinimalPosition(x + position, y + child_pos_y, child_width, child_height, allow_resize_x, (this->resize_y > 0), rtl);
position += child_width;
if (child_wid->resize_x > 0) allow_resize_x = false; // Widget array allows only one child resizing
child_wid = rtl ? child_wid->prev : child_wid->next;
void NWidgetHorizontal::StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl)
NWidgetBase *child_wid = rtl ? this->tail : this->head;
while (child_wid != NULL) {
child_wid->StoreWidgets(widgets, length, left_moving, top_moving, rtl);
left_moving |= (child_wid->resize_x > 0);
child_wid = rtl ? child_wid->prev : child_wid->next;
NWidgetVertical::NWidgetVertical() : NWidgetContainer(NWID_VERTICAL)
int NWidgetVertical::ComputeMinimalSize()
int biggest_index = -1;
this->min_x = 0; // Biggest child.
this->min_y = 0; // Sum of minimal size of all childs.
this->fill_x = true; // true if all childs allow fill_x.
this->fill_y = false; // true if at least one child allows fill_y.
this->resize_x = 1; // smallest common child resize step
this->resize_y = 0; // smallest non-zero child widget resize step.
for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) {
int idx = child_wid->ComputeMinimalSize();
biggest_index = max(biggest_index, idx);
this->min_y += child_wid->min_y;
this->min_x = max(this->min_x, child_wid->min_x);
this->fill_y |= child_wid->fill_y;
this->fill_x &= child_wid->fill_x;
if (child_wid->resize_y > 0) {
if (this->resize_y == 0 || this->resize_y > child_wid->resize_y) this->resize_y = child_wid->resize_y;
this->resize_x = LeastCommonMultiple(this->resize_x, child_wid->resize_x);
return biggest_index;
void NWidgetVertical::AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl)
assert(given_width >= this->min_x && given_height >= this->min_y);
int additional_length = given_height - this->min_y; // Additional height given to us.
this->pos_x = x;
this->pos_y = y;
this->min_x = given_width;
this->min_y = given_height;
if (!allow_resize_x) this->resize_x = 0;
if (!allow_resize_y) this->resize_y = 0;
/* count number of childs that would like a piece of the pie. */
int num_changing_childs = 0; // Number of childs that can change size.
for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) {
if (child_wid->fill_y) num_changing_childs++;
/* Fill and position the child widgets. */
uint position = 0; // Place to put next child relative to origin of the container.
allow_resize_y = (this->resize_y > 0);
for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) {
/* Decide about horizontal filling of the child. */
uint child_width; // Width of the child widget.
uint child_pos_x; // Horizontal position of child relative to the left of the container.
if (child_wid->fill_x) {
child_width = given_width;
child_pos_x = 0;
} else {
child_width = child_wid->min_x;
child_pos_x = (given_width - child_width) / 2;
/* Decide about vertical filling of the child. */
uint child_height;
child_height = child_wid->min_y;
if (child_wid->fill_y && num_changing_childs > 0) {
/* Hand out a piece of the pie while compensating for rounding errors. */
uint increment = additional_length / num_changing_childs;
additional_length -= increment;
child_height += increment;
child_wid->AssignMinimalPosition(x + child_pos_x, y + position, child_width, child_height, (this->resize_x > 0), allow_resize_y, rtl);
position += child_height;
if (child_wid->resize_y > 0) allow_resize_y = false; // Widget array allows only one child resizing
void NWidgetVertical::StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl)
for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) {
child_wid->StoreWidgets(widgets, length, left_moving, top_moving, rtl);
top_moving |= (child_wid->resize_y > 0);
* Generic spacer widget.
* @param length Horizontal size of the spacer widget.
* @param height Vertical size of the spacer widget.
NWidgetSpacer::NWidgetSpacer(int length, int height) : NWidgetResizeBase(NWID_SPACER, false, false)
this->SetMinimalSize(length, height);
this->SetResize(0, 0);
int NWidgetSpacer::ComputeMinimalSize()
/* No further computation needed. */
return -1;
void NWidgetSpacer::StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl)
/* Spacer widgets are never stored in the widget array. */
* Constructor parent nested widgets.
* @param tp Type of parent widget.
* @param colour Colour of the parent widget.
* @param index Index in the widget array used by the window system.
* @param child Child container widget (if supplied). If not supplied, a
* vertical container will be inserted while adding the first
* child widget.
NWidgetBackground::NWidgetBackground(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, int index, NWidgetContainer *child) : NWidgetCore(tp, colour, true, true, 0x0, STR_NULL)
assert(tp == WWT_PANEL || tp == WWT_INSET || tp == WWT_FRAME);
assert(index >= 0);
this->child = child;
if (this->child != NULL) delete this->child;
* Add a child to the parent.
* @param nwid Nested widget to add to the background widget.
* Unless a child container has been given in the constructor, a parent behaves as a vertical container.
* You can add several childs to it, and they are put underneath each other.
void NWidgetBackground::Add(NWidgetBase *nwid)
if (this->child == NULL) {
this->child = new NWidgetVertical();
int NWidgetBackground::ComputeMinimalSize()
int biggest_index = this->index;
if (this->child != NULL) {
int idx = this->child->ComputeMinimalSize();
biggest_index = max(biggest_index, idx);
this->min_x = this->child->min_x;
this->min_y = this->child->min_y;
this->fill_x = this->child->fill_x;
this->fill_y = this->child->fill_y;
this->resize_x = this->child->resize_x;
this->resize_y = this->child->resize_y;
/* Otherwise, the program should have already set the above values. */
return biggest_index;
void NWidgetBackground::AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl)
this->pos_x = x;
this->pos_y = y;
this->min_x = given_width;
this->min_y = given_height;
if (!allow_resize_x) this->resize_x = 0;
if (!allow_resize_y) this->resize_y = 0;
if (this->child != NULL) this->child->AssignMinimalPosition(x, y, given_width, given_height, (this->resize_x > 0), (this->resize_y > 0), rtl);
void NWidgetBackground::StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl)
NWidgetCore::StoreWidgets(widgets, length, left_moving, top_moving, rtl);
if (this->child != NULL) this->child->StoreWidgets(widgets, length, left_moving, top_moving, rtl);
* Nested leaf widget.
* @param tp Type of leaf widget.
* @param index Index in the widget array used by the window system.
* @param data Data of the widget.
* @param tip Tooltip of the widget.
NWidgetLeaf::NWidgetLeaf(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, int index, uint16 data, StringID tip) : NWidgetCore(tp, colour, true, true, data, tip)
this->SetMinimalSize(0, 0);
this->SetResize(0, 0);
switch (tp) {
this->SetFill(false, false);
case WWT_IMGBTN_2:
this->SetFill(false, false);
case WWT_TEXT:
this->SetFill(false, false);
this->SetFill(false, true);
this->SetResize(0, 1);
this->min_x = 12;
this->SetDataTip(0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST);
this->SetFill(true, false);
this->SetResize(1, 0);
this->min_y = 14;
this->SetDataTip(0x0, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS);
this->SetFill(true, false);
this->SetResize(1, 0);
this->min_y = 12;
this->SetFill(false, false);
this->SetMinimalSize(12, 14);
this->SetFill(false, false);
this->SetMinimalSize(12, 12);
this->SetFill(false, false);
this->SetMinimalSize(11, 14);
this->SetDataTip(STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW);
this->SetFill(false, false);
this->min_y = 12;
* Intialize nested widget tree and convert to widget array.
* @param nwid Nested widget tree.
* @param rtl Direction of the language.
* @return Widget array with the converted widgets.
* @note Caller should release returned widget array with \c free(widgets).
Widget *InitializeNWidgets(NWidgetBase *nwid, bool rtl)
/* Initialize nested widgets. */
int biggest_index = nwid->ComputeMinimalSize();
nwid->AssignMinimalPosition(0, 0, nwid->min_x, nwid->min_y, (nwid->resize_x > 0), (nwid->resize_y > 0), rtl);
/* Construct a local widget array and initialize all its types to #WWT_LAST. */
Widget *widgets = MallocT<Widget>(biggest_index + 2);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < biggest_index + 2; i++) {
widgets[i].type = WWT_LAST;
/* Store nested widgets in the array. */
nwid->StoreWidgets(widgets, biggest_index + 1, false, false, rtl);
/* Check that all widgets are used. */
for (i = 0; i < biggest_index + 2; i++) {
if (widgets[i].type == WWT_LAST) break;
assert(i == biggest_index + 1);
/* Fill terminating widget */
static const Widget last_widget = {WIDGETS_END};
widgets[biggest_index + 1] = last_widget;
return widgets;
* Compare two widget arrays with each other, and report differences.
* @param orig Pointer to original widget array.
* @param gen Pointer to generated widget array (from the nested widgets).
* @param report Report differences to 'misc' debug stream.
* @return Both widget arrays are equal.
bool CompareWidgetArrays(const Widget *orig, const Widget *gen, bool report)
#define CHECK(var, prn) \
if (ow->var != gw->var) { \
same = false; \
if (report) DEBUG(misc, 1, "index %d, \"" #var "\" field: original " prn ", generated " prn, idx, ow->var, gw->var); \
#define CHECK_COORD(var) \
if (ow->var != gw->var) { \
same = false; \
if (report) DEBUG(misc, 1, "index %d, \"" #var "\" field: original %d, generated %d, (difference %d)", idx, ow->var, gw->var, ow->var - gw->var); \
bool same = true;
for(int idx = 0; ; idx++) {
const Widget *ow = orig + idx;
const Widget *gw = gen + idx;
CHECK(type, "%d")
CHECK(display_flags, "0x%x")
CHECK(colour, "%d")
CHECK(data, "%u")
CHECK(tooltips, "%u")
if (ow->type == WWT_LAST || gw->type == WWT_LAST) break;
return same;
#undef CHECK
/* == Conversion code from NWidgetPart array to NWidgetBase* tree == */
* Construct a single nested widget in \a *dest from its parts.
* Construct a NWidgetBase object from a #NWidget function, and apply all
* settings that follow it, until encountering a #EndContainer, another
* #NWidget, or the end of the parts array.
* @param parts Array with parts of the nested widget.
* @param count Length of the \a parts array.
* @param dest Address of pointer to use for returning the composed widget.
* @return Number of widget part elements used to compose the widget.
static int MakeNWidget(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count, NWidgetBase **dest)
int num_used = 0;
*dest = NULL;
while (count > num_used) {
switch (parts->type) {
if (*dest != NULL) return num_used;
*dest = new NWidgetSpacer(0, 0);
if (*dest != NULL) return num_used;
*dest = new NWidgetHorizontal();
if (*dest != NULL) return num_used;
*dest = new NWidgetBackground(parts->type, parts->u.widget.colour, parts->u.widget.index);
if (*dest != NULL) return num_used;
*dest = new NWidgetVertical();
case WPT_RESIZE: {
NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast<NWidgetResizeBase *>(*dest);
if (nwrb != NULL) {
assert(parts->u.xy.x >= 0 && parts->u.xy.y >= 0);
nwrb->SetResize(parts->u.xy.x, parts->u.xy.y);
NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast<NWidgetResizeBase *>(*dest);
if (nwrb != NULL) {
assert(parts->u.xy_ptr->x >= 0 && parts->u.xy_ptr->y >= 0);
nwrb->SetResize(parts->u.xy_ptr->x, parts->u.xy_ptr->y);
NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast<NWidgetResizeBase *>(*dest);
if (nwrb != NULL) {
assert(parts->u.xy.x >= 0 && parts->u.xy.y >= 0);
nwrb->SetMinimalSize(parts->u.xy.x, parts->u.xy.y);
NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast<NWidgetResizeBase *>(*dest);
if (nwrb != NULL) {
assert(parts->u.xy_ptr->x >= 0 && parts->u.xy_ptr->y >= 0);
nwrb->SetMinimalSize((uint)(parts->u.xy_ptr->x), (uint)(parts->u.xy_ptr->y));
case WPT_FILL: {
NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast<NWidgetResizeBase *>(*dest);
if (nwrb != NULL) nwrb->SetFill(parts->u.xy.x != 0, parts->u.xy.y != 0);
NWidgetCore *nwc = dynamic_cast<NWidgetCore *>(*dest);
if (nwc != NULL) {
nwc->widget_data = parts->u.data_tip.data;
nwc->tool_tip = parts->u.data_tip.tooltip;
NWidgetCore *nwc = dynamic_cast<NWidgetCore *>(*dest);
if (nwc != NULL) {
nwc->widget_data = parts->u.datatip_ptr->data;
nwc->tool_tip = parts->u.datatip_ptr->tooltip;
return num_used;
if (*dest != NULL) return num_used;
assert((parts->type & WWT_MASK) < NWID_HORIZONTAL);
*dest = new NWidgetLeaf(parts->type, parts->u.widget.colour, parts->u.widget.index, 0x0, STR_NULL);
return num_used;
* Build a nested widget tree by recursively filling containers with nested widgets read from their parts.
* @param parts Array with parts of the nested widgets.
* @param count Length of the \a parts array.
* @param parent Container to use for storing the child widgets.
* @return Number of widget part elements used to fill the container.
static int MakeWidgetTree(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count, NWidgetBase *parent)
/* Given parent must be either a #NWidgetContainer or a #NWidgetBackground object. */
NWidgetContainer *nwid_cont = dynamic_cast<NWidgetContainer *>(parent);
NWidgetBackground *nwid_parent = dynamic_cast<NWidgetBackground *>(parent);
assert((nwid_cont != NULL && nwid_parent == NULL) || (nwid_cont == NULL && nwid_parent != NULL));
int total_used = 0;
while (true) {
NWidgetBase *sub_widget = NULL;
int num_used = MakeNWidget(parts, count - total_used, &sub_widget);
parts += num_used;
total_used += num_used;
/* Break out of loop when end reached */
if (sub_widget == NULL) break;
/* Add sub_widget to parent container. */
if (nwid_cont) nwid_cont->Add(sub_widget);
if (nwid_parent) nwid_parent->Add(sub_widget);
/* If sub-widget is a container, recursively fill that container. */
WidgetType tp = sub_widget->type;
if (tp == NWID_HORIZONTAL || tp == NWID_VERTICAL || tp == WWT_PANEL || tp == WWT_FRAME || tp == WWT_INSET) {
int num_used = MakeWidgetTree(parts, count - total_used, sub_widget);
parts += num_used;
total_used += num_used;
if (count == total_used) return total_used; // Reached the end of the array of parts?
assert(total_used < count);
assert(parts->type == WPT_ENDCONTAINER);
return total_used + 1; // *parts is also 'used'
* Construct a nested widget tree from an array of parts.
* @param parts Array with parts of the widgets.
* @param count Length of the \a parts array.
* @return Root of the nested widget tree, a vertical container containing the entire GUI.
NWidgetContainer *MakeNWidgets(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count)
NWidgetContainer *cont = new NWidgetVertical();
MakeWidgetTree(parts, count, cont);
return cont;

View File

@ -66,9 +66,10 @@ enum {
* Window widget types
* Window widget types, nested widget types, and nested widget part types.
enum WidgetType {
/* Window widget types. */
WWT_EMPTY, ///< Empty widget, place holder to reserve space in widget array
WWT_PANEL, ///< Simple depressed panel
@ -95,6 +96,22 @@ enum WidgetType {
WWT_EDITBOX, ///< a textbox for typing
WWT_LAST, ///< Last Item. use WIDGETS_END to fill up padding!!
/* Nested widget types. */
NWID_HORIZONTAL, ///< Horizontal container.
NWID_VERTICAL, ///< Vertical container.
NWID_SPACER, ///< Invisible widget that takes some space.
/* Nested widget part types. */
WPT_RESIZE, ///< Widget part for specifying resizing.
WPT_RESIZE_PTR, ///< Widget part for specifying resizing via a pointer.
WPT_MINSIZE, ///< Widget part for specifying minimal size.
WPT_MINSIZE_PTR, ///< Widget part for specifying minimal size via a pointer.
WPT_FILL, ///< Widget part for specifying fill.
WPT_DATATIP, ///< Widget part for specifying data and tooltip.
WPT_DATATIP_PTR, ///< Widget part for specifying data and tooltip via a pointer.
WPT_ENDCONTAINER, ///< Widget part to denote end of a container.
/* Pushable window widget types. */
WWT_MASK = 0x7F,
@ -122,4 +139,307 @@ struct Widget {
StringID tooltips; ///< Tooltips that are shown when rightclicking on a widget
* Baseclass for nested widgets.
class NWidgetBase : public ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
NWidgetBase(WidgetType tp);
virtual int ComputeMinimalSize() = 0;
virtual void AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) = 0;
virtual void StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl) = 0;
WidgetType type; ///< Type of the widget / nested widget.
uint min_x; ///< Minimal horizontal size.
uint min_y; ///< Minimal vertical size.
bool fill_x; ///< Allow horizontal filling from initial size.
bool fill_y; ///< Allow vertical filling from initial size.
uint resize_x; ///< Horizontal resize step (\c 0 means not resizable).
uint resize_y; ///< Vertical resize step (\c 0 means not resizable).
uint pos_x; ///< Horizontal position of top-left corner of the widget in the window.
uint pos_y; ///< Vertical position of top-left corner of the widget in the window.
NWidgetBase *next; ///< Pointer to next widget in container. Managed by parent container widget.
NWidgetBase *prev; ///< Pointer to previous widget in container. Managed by parent container widget.
/** Base class for a resizable nested widget. */
class NWidgetResizeBase : public NWidgetBase {
NWidgetResizeBase(WidgetType tp, bool fill_x, bool fill_y);
void SetMinimalSize(uint min_x, uint min_y);
void SetFill(bool fill_x, bool fill_y);
void SetResize(uint resize_x, uint resize_y);
void AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl);
/** Base class for a 'real' widget. */
class NWidgetCore : public NWidgetResizeBase {
NWidgetCore(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, bool def_fill_x, bool def_fill_y, uint16 widget_data, StringID tool_tip);
void SetIndex(int index);
void SetDataTip(uint16 widget_data, StringID tool_tip);
int ComputeMinimalSize();
void StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl);
Colours colour; ///< Colour of this widget.
int index; ///< Index of the nested widget in the widget array of the window (\c -1 means 'not used').
uint16 widget_data; ///< Data of the widget. @see Widget::data
StringID tool_tip; ///< Tooltip of the widget. @see Widget::tootips
/** Baseclass for container widgets. */
class NWidgetContainer : public NWidgetBase {
NWidgetContainer(WidgetType tp);
void Add(NWidgetBase *wid);
NWidgetBase *head; ///< Pointer to first widget in container.
NWidgetBase *tail; ///< Pointer to last widget in container.
/** Horizontal container. */
class NWidgetHorizontal : public NWidgetContainer {
int ComputeMinimalSize();
void AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl);
void StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl);
/** Vertical container */
class NWidgetVertical : public NWidgetContainer {
int ComputeMinimalSize();
void AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl);
void StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl);
/** Spacer widget */
class NWidgetSpacer : public NWidgetResizeBase {
NWidgetSpacer(int length, int height);
int ComputeMinimalSize();
void StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl);
/** Nested widget with a child. */
class NWidgetBackground : public NWidgetCore {
NWidgetBackground(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, int index, NWidgetContainer *child = NULL);
void Add(NWidgetBase *nwid);
int ComputeMinimalSize();
void AssignMinimalPosition(uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl);
void StoreWidgets(Widget *widgets, int length, bool left_moving, bool top_moving, bool rtl);
NWidgetContainer *child; ///< Child widget.
/** Leaf widget. */
class NWidgetLeaf : public NWidgetCore {
NWidgetLeaf(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, int index, uint16 data, StringID tip);
Widget *InitializeNWidgets(NWidgetBase *nwid, bool rtl = false);
bool CompareWidgetArrays(const Widget *orig, const Widget *gen, bool report = true);
/* == Nested widget parts == */
/** Widget part for storing data and tooltip information. */
struct NWidgetPartDataTip {
uint16 data; ///< Data value of the widget.
StringID tooltip; ///< Tooltip of the widget.
/** Widget part for storing basic widget information. */
struct NWidgetPartWidget {
Colours colour; ///< Widget colour.
int16 index; ///< Widget index in the widget array.
/** Partial widget specification to allow NWidgets to be written nested. */
struct NWidgetPart {
WidgetType type; ///< Type of the part. @see NWidgetPartType.
union {
Point xy; ///< Part with an x/y size.
Point *xy_ptr; ///< Part with a pointer to an x/y size.
NWidgetPartDataTip data_tip; ///< Part with a data/tooltip.
NWidgetPartDataTip *datatip_ptr; ///< Part with a pointer to data/tooltip.
NWidgetPartWidget widget; ///< Part with a start of a widget.
} u;
* Widget part function for setting the resize step.
* @param dx Horizontal resize step. 0 means no horizontal resizing.
* @param dy Vertical resize step. 0 means no horizontal resizing.
static inline NWidgetPart SetResize(int16 dx, int16 dy)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_RESIZE;
part.u.xy.x = dx;
part.u.xy.y = dy;
return part;
* Widget part function for using a pointer to set the resize step.
* @param ptr Pointer to horizontal and vertical resize step.
static inline NWidgetPart SetResize(Point *ptr)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_RESIZE_PTR;
part.u.xy_ptr = ptr;
return part;
* Widget part function for setting the minimal size.
* @param dx Horizontal minimal size.
* @param dy Vertical minimal size.
static inline NWidgetPart SetMinimalSize(int16 x, int16 y)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_MINSIZE;
part.u.xy.x = x;
part.u.xy.y = y;
return part;
* Widget part function for using a pointer to set the minimal size.
* @param ptr Pointer to horizontal and vertical minimal size.
static inline NWidgetPart SetMinimalSize(Point *ptr)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_MINSIZE_PTR;
part.u.xy_ptr = ptr;
return part;
* Widget part function for setting filling.
* @param x_fill Allow horizontal filling from minimal size.
* @param y_fill Allow vertical filling from minimal size.
static inline NWidgetPart SetFill(bool x_fill, bool y_fill)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_FILL;
part.u.xy.x = x_fill;
part.u.xy.y = y_fill;
return part;
* Widget part function for denoting the end of a container
* (horizontal, vertical, WWT_FRAME, WWT_INSET, or WWT_PANEL).
static inline NWidgetPart EndContainer()
NWidgetPart part;
return part;
/** Widget part function for setting the data and tooltip.
* @param data Data of the widget.
* @param tip Tooltip of the widget.
static inline NWidgetPart SetDataTip(uint16 data, StringID tip)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_DATATIP;
part.u.data_tip.data = data;
part.u.data_tip.tooltip = tip;
return part;
* Widget part function for setting the data and tooltip via a pointer.
* @param ptr Pointer to the data and tooltip of the widget.
static inline NWidgetPart SetDataTip(NWidgetPartDataTip *ptr)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = WPT_DATATIP_PTR;
part.u.datatip_ptr = ptr;
return part;
* Widget part function for starting a new 'real' widget.
* @param tp Type of the new nested widget.
* @param col Colour of the new widget.
* @param idx Index of the widget in the widget array.
* @note with #WWT_PANEL, #WWT_FRAME, #WWT_INSET, a new container is started.
* Child widgets must have a index bigger than the parent index.
static inline NWidgetPart NWidget(WidgetType tp, Colours col, int16 idx)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = tp;
part.u.widget.colour = col;
part.u.widget.index = idx;
return part;
* Widget part function for starting a new horizontal container, vertical container, or spacer widget.
* @param tp Type of the new nested widget, #NWID_HORIZONTAL, #NWID_VERTICAL, or #NWID_SPACER
static inline NWidgetPart NWidget(WidgetType tp)
NWidgetPart part;
part.type = tp;
return part;
NWidgetContainer *MakeNWidgets(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count);
#endif /* WIDGET_TYPE_H */

View File

@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ byte _special_mouse_mode;
/** Window description constructor. */
WindowDesc::WindowDesc(int16 left, int16 top, int16 min_width, int16 min_height, int16 def_width, int16 def_height,
WindowClass window_class, WindowClass parent_class, uint32 flags, const Widget *widgets)
WindowClass window_class, WindowClass parent_class, uint32 flags, const Widget *widgets,
const NWidgetPart *nwid_parts, int16 nwid_length)
this->left = left;
this->top = top;
@ -66,8 +67,45 @@ WindowDesc::WindowDesc(int16 left, int16 top, int16 min_width, int16 min_height,
this->parent_cls = parent_class;
this->flags = flags;
this->widgets = widgets;
this->nwid_parts = nwid_parts;
this->nwid_length = nwid_length;
this->new_widgets = NULL;
/** Get widget array of the window description. */
const Widget *WindowDesc::GetWidgets() const
const bool rtl = false; // Direction of the language is left-to-right
/* If nested widgets are present, convert them to a widget array. */
if (this->nwid_parts != NULL && nwid_length > 0 && this->new_widgets == NULL) {
NWidgetContainer *nwid = MakeNWidgets(this->nwid_parts, this->nwid_length);
this->new_widgets = InitializeNWidgets(nwid, rtl);
if (!rtl && this->widgets != NULL) {
/* There are two descriptions, compare them.
* Comparing only makes sense when using a left-to-right language.
bool ok = CompareWidgetArrays(this->widgets, this->new_widgets, false);
if (ok) {
DEBUG(misc, 1, "Nested widgets are equal, min-size(%u, %u)", nwid->min_x, nwid->min_y);
} else {
DEBUG(misc, 0, "Nested widgets give different results");
CompareWidgetArrays(this->widgets, this->new_widgets, true);
delete nwid;
const Widget *wids = (this->new_widgets != NULL) ? this->new_widgets : this->widgets;
assert(wids != NULL);
return wids;
* Set the window that has the focus
@ -1159,7 +1197,7 @@ static Point LocalGetWindowPlacement(const WindowDesc *desc, int window_number)
Window::Window(const WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number)
Point pt = LocalGetWindowPlacement(desc, window_number);
this->Initialize(pt.x, pt.y, desc->minimum_width, desc->minimum_height, desc->cls, desc->widgets, window_number);
this->Initialize(pt.x, pt.y, desc->minimum_width, desc->minimum_height, desc->cls, desc->GetWidgets(), window_number);
this->desc_flags = desc->flags;

View File

@ -41,18 +41,26 @@ extern Window *_focused_window;
struct WindowDesc : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
WindowDesc(int16 left, int16 top, int16 min_width, int16 min_height, int16 def_width, int16 def_height,
WindowClass window_class, WindowClass parent_class, uint32 flags, const Widget *widgets);
WindowClass window_class, WindowClass parent_class, uint32 flags, const Widget *widgets,
const NWidgetPart *nwid_parts = NULL, int16 nwid_length = 0);
int16 left; ///< Prefered x position of left edge of the window, @see WindowDefaultPosition()
int16 top; ///< Prefered y position of the top of the window, @see WindowDefaultPosition()
int16 minimum_width; ///< Minimal width of the window
int16 minimum_height; ///< Minimal height of the window
int16 default_width; ///< Prefered initial width of the window
int16 default_height; ///< Prefered initial height of the window
WindowClass cls; ///< Class of the window, @see WindowClass
WindowClass parent_cls; ///< Class of the parent window, @see WindowClass
uint32 flags; ///< Flags, @see WindowDefaultFlags
const Widget *widgets; ///< List of widgets with their position and size for the window
int16 left; ///< Prefered x position of left edge of the window. @see WindowDefaultPosition()
int16 top; ///< Prefered y position of the top of the window. @see WindowDefaultPosition()
int16 minimum_width; ///< Minimal width of the window.
int16 minimum_height; ///< Minimal height of the window.
int16 default_width; ///< Prefered initial width of the window.
int16 default_height; ///< Prefered initial height of the window.
WindowClass cls; ///< Class of the window, @see WindowClass.
WindowClass parent_cls; ///< Class of the parent window. @see WindowClass
uint32 flags; ///< Flags. @see WindowDefaultFlags
const Widget *widgets; ///< List of widgets with their position and size for the window.
const NWidgetPart *nwid_parts; ///< Nested widget parts describing the window.
int16 nwid_length; ///< Length of the #nwid_parts array.
mutable Widget *new_widgets; ///< Widgets generated from #nwid_parts.
const Widget *GetWidgets() const;