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synced 2025-03-09 07:29:44 +00:00
(svn r6582) -Codechange: changed GenerateVehicleSortList() to reuse the same allocation over and over if possible (like BuildDepotVehicleList() )
This will prevent some reallocations when sorting vehicle list windows It also prevents moving the whole array into a new one each time the list is generated/updated (it used to make the list in one array and then move it into another one each time) Also ensured that neither GenerateVehicleSortList() or BuildDepotVehicleList() will never allocate lists longer than the total number of vehicles in the game
This commit is contained in:
@ -1606,12 +1606,7 @@ int32 CmdMassStartStopVehicle(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2
if (vehicle_list_window) {
uint16 window_type = p2 & VLW_MASK;
vl = malloc(GetVehicleArraySize() * sizeof(vl[0]));
if (vl == NULL) {
error("Could not allocate memory for the vehicle-goto-depot-list");
engine_count = GenerateVehicleSortList((const Vehicle**)vl, vehicle_type, _current_player, INVALID_STATION, INVALID_ORDER, window_type);
engine_count = GenerateVehicleSortList((const Vehicle***)&vl, &engine_list_length, vehicle_type, _current_player, INVALID_STATION, INVALID_ORDER, window_type);
} else {
/* Get the list of vehicles in the depot */
BuildDepotVehicleList(vehicle_type, tile, &vl, &engine_list_length, &engine_count, NULL, NULL, NULL);
@ -2200,9 +2195,9 @@ static int32 MaybeReplaceVehicle(Vehicle *v, bool check, bool display_costs)
/* Extend the list size for BuildDepotVehicleList() */
static inline void ExtendDepotListSize(Vehicle ***engine_list, uint16 *engine_list_length)
static inline void ExtendVehicleListSize(const Vehicle ***engine_list, uint16 *engine_list_length, uint16 step_size)
*engine_list_length += 25; // which number is best here?
*engine_list_length = min(*engine_list_length + step_size, GetVehicleArraySize());
*engine_list = realloc(*engine_list, (*engine_list_length) * sizeof((*engine_list)[0]));
@ -2242,11 +2237,11 @@ void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, ui
if (v->tile == tile && v->type == VEH_Train && v->u.rail.track == 0x80) {
if (IsFrontEngine(v)) {
if (engine_list == NULL) continue;
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendDepotListSize(engine_list, engine_list_length);
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendVehicleListSize((const Vehicle***)engine_list, engine_list_length, 25);
(*engine_list)[(*engine_count)++] = v;
} else if (IsFreeWagon(v)) {
if (wagon_list == NULL) continue;
if (*wagon_count == *wagon_list_length) ExtendDepotListSize(wagon_list, wagon_list_length);
if (*wagon_count == *wagon_list_length) ExtendVehicleListSize((const Vehicle***)wagon_list, wagon_list_length, 25);
(*wagon_list)[(*wagon_count)++] = v;
@ -2256,7 +2251,7 @@ void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, ui
case VEH_Road:
if (v->tile == tile && v->type == VEH_Road && IsRoadVehInDepot(v)) {
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendDepotListSize(engine_list, engine_list_length);
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendVehicleListSize((const Vehicle***)engine_list, engine_list_length, 25);
(*engine_list)[(*engine_count)++] = v;
@ -2265,7 +2260,7 @@ void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, ui
case VEH_Ship:
if (v->tile == tile && v->type == VEH_Ship && IsShipInDepot(v)) {
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendDepotListSize(engine_list, engine_list_length);
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendVehicleListSize((const Vehicle***)engine_list, engine_list_length, 25);
(*engine_list)[(*engine_count)++] = v;
@ -2277,7 +2272,7 @@ void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, ui
v->type == VEH_Aircraft &&
v->subtype <= 2 &&
v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) {
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendDepotListSize(engine_list, engine_list_length);
if (*engine_count == *engine_list_length) ExtendVehicleListSize((const Vehicle***)engine_list, engine_list_length, 25);
(*engine_list)[(*engine_count)++] = v;
@ -2288,7 +2283,8 @@ void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, ui
* @param sort_list list to store the list in. Note: it's presumed that it is big enough to store all vehicles in the game (worst case) and it will not check size
* @param sort_list list to store the list in. Either NULL or the length length_of_array tells
* @param length_of_array informs the length allocated for sort_list. This is not the same as the number of vehicles in the list. Needs to be 0 when sort_list is NULL
* @param type type of vehicle
* @param owner PlayerID of owner to generate a list for
* @param station index of station to generate a list for. INVALID_STATION when not used
@ -2296,7 +2292,7 @@ void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, ui
* @param window_type tells what kind of window the list is for. Use the VLW flags in vehicle_gui.h
* @return the number of vehicles added to the list
uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle **sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owner, StationID station, OrderID order, uint16 window_type)
uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle ***sort_list, uint16 *length_of_array, byte type, PlayerID owner, StationID station, OrderID order, uint16 window_type)
const uint subtype = (type != VEH_Aircraft) ? Train_Front : 2;
uint n = 0;
@ -2312,7 +2308,8 @@ uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle **sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owne
if (order->type == OT_GOTO_STATION && order->dest == station) {
sort_list[n++] = v;
if (n == *length_of_array) ExtendVehicleListSize(sort_list, length_of_array, 50);
(*sort_list)[n++] = v;
@ -2330,7 +2327,8 @@ uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle **sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owne
if (v != NULL && v->orders != NULL && v->orders->index == order) {
/* Only try to make the list if we found a vehicle using the order in question */
for (v = GetFirstVehicleFromSharedList(v); v != NULL; v = v->next_shared) {
sort_list[n++] = v;
if (n == *length_of_array) ExtendVehicleListSize(sort_list, length_of_array, 25);
(*sort_list)[n++] = v;
@ -2341,7 +2339,9 @@ uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle **sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owne
if (v->type == type && v->owner == owner && (
(type == VEH_Train && IsFrontEngine(v)) ||
(type != VEH_Train && v->subtype <= subtype))) {
sort_list[n++] = v;
/* TODO find a better estimate on the total number of vehicles for current player */
if (n == *length_of_array) ExtendVehicleListSize(sort_list, length_of_array, GetVehicleArraySize()/4);
(*sort_list)[n++] = v;
@ -2350,6 +2350,15 @@ uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle **sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owne
default: NOT_REACHED(); break;
if ((n + 100) < *length_of_array) {
/* We allocated way too much for sort_list.
* Now we will reduce how much we allocated.
* We will still make it have room for 50 extra vehicles to prevent having
* to move the whole array if just one vehicle is added later */
*length_of_array = n + 50;
*sort_list = realloc(*sort_list, (*length_of_array) * sizeof((*sort_list)[0]));
return n;
@ -2363,15 +2372,11 @@ uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle **sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owne
int32 SendAllVehiclesToDepot(byte type, uint32 flags, bool service, PlayerID owner, uint16 vlw_flag, uint32 id)
const Vehicle **sort_list;
const Vehicle **sort_list = NULL;
uint n, i;
uint16 array_length = 0;
sort_list = malloc(GetVehicleArraySize() * sizeof(sort_list[0]));
if (sort_list == NULL) {
error("Could not allocate memory for the vehicle-goto-depot-list");
n = GenerateVehicleSortList(sort_list, type, owner, (vlw_flag == VLW_STATION_LIST) ? id : INVALID_STATION, (vlw_flag == VLW_SHARED_ORDERS) ? id : INVALID_ORDER, vlw_flag);
n = GenerateVehicleSortList(&sort_list, &array_length, type, owner, (vlw_flag == VLW_STATION_LIST) ? id : INVALID_STATION, (vlw_flag == VLW_SHARED_ORDERS) ? id : INVALID_ORDER, vlw_flag);
/* Send all the vehicles to a depot */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@ -2383,12 +2388,12 @@ int32 SendAllVehiclesToDepot(byte type, uint32 flags, bool service, PlayerID own
* and we will issue the command. We can now safely quit the loop, knowing
* it will succeed at least once. With DC_EXEC we really need to send them to the depot */
if (!CmdFailed(ret) && !(flags & DC_EXEC)) {
return 0;
return (flags & DC_EXEC) ? 0 : CMD_ERROR;
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ int CheckTrainStoppedInDepot(const Vehicle *v);
bool VehicleNeedsService(const Vehicle *v);
uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle** sort_list, byte type, PlayerID owner, StationID station, OrderID order, uint16 window_type);
uint GenerateVehicleSortList(const Vehicle*** sort_list, uint16 *length_of_array, byte type, PlayerID owner, StationID station, OrderID order, uint16 window_type);
void BuildDepotVehicleList(byte type, TileIndex tile, Vehicle ***engine_list, uint16 *engine_list_length, uint16 *engine_count, Vehicle ***wagon_list, uint16 *wagon_list_length, uint16 *wagon_count);
int32 SendAllVehiclesToDepot(byte type, uint32 flags, bool service, PlayerID owner, uint16 vlw_flag, uint32 id);
@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ typedef struct Sorting {
static Sorting _sorting;
typedef struct vehiclelist_d {
const Vehicle** sort_list; // list of vehicles (sorted)
Listing *_sorting; // pointer to the appropiate subcategory of _sorting
byte vehicle_type; // the vehicle type that is sorted
list_d l; // general list struct
const Vehicle** sort_list; // List of vehicles (sorted)
Listing *_sorting; // pointer to the appropiate subcategory of _sorting
uint16 length_of_sort_list; // Keeps track of how many vehicle pointers sort list got space for
byte vehicle_type; // The vehicle type that is sorted
list_d l; // General list struct
} vehiclelist_d;
assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(vehiclelist_d));
@ -133,31 +134,11 @@ void ResortVehicleLists(void)
static void BuildVehicleList(vehiclelist_d* vl, PlayerID owner, StationID station, OrderID order, uint16 window_type)
const Vehicle** sort_list;
uint n = 0;
uint i;
if (!(vl->l.flags & VL_REBUILD)) return;
sort_list = malloc(GetVehicleArraySize() * sizeof(sort_list[0]));
if (sort_list == NULL) {
error("Could not allocate memory for the vehicle-sorting-list");
DEBUG(misc, 1) ("Building vehicle list for player %d station %d...", owner, station);
DEBUG(misc, 1) ("Building vehicle list for player %d station %d...",
owner, station);
n = GenerateVehicleSortList(sort_list, vl->vehicle_type, owner, station, order, window_type);
vl->sort_list = malloc(n * sizeof(vl->sort_list[0]));
if (n != 0 && vl->sort_list == NULL) {
error("Could not allocate memory for the vehicle-sorting-list");
vl->l.list_length = n;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) vl->sort_list[i] = sort_list[i];
vl->l.list_length = GenerateVehicleSortList(&vl->sort_list, &vl->length_of_sort_list, vl->vehicle_type, owner, station, order, window_type);
vl->l.flags &= ~VL_REBUILD;
vl->l.flags |= VL_RESORT;
@ -1281,6 +1262,8 @@ static void CreateVehicleListWindow(Window *w)
PlayerID player = GB(w->window_number, 0, 8);
vl->vehicle_type = GB(w->window_number, 11, 5);
vl->length_of_sort_list = 0;
vl->sort_list = NULL;
w->caption_color = player;
/* Hide the widgets that we will not use in this window
Reference in New Issue
Block a user