2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
Option Explicit
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub FindReplaceInFile(filename, to_find, replacement)
Dim file, data
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, 0, 0)
data = file.ReadAll
data = Replace(data, to_find, replacement)
Set file = FSO.CreateTextFile(FileName, -1, 0)
file.Write data
End Sub
2007-10-21 15:59:05 +01:00
Sub UpdateFile(revision, version, cur_date, filename)
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
FSO.CopyFile filename & ".in", filename
2007-10-21 15:59:05 +01:00
FindReplaceInFile filename, "@@REVISION@@", revision
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
FindReplaceInFile filename, "@@VERSION@@", version
FindReplaceInFile filename, "@@DATE@@", cur_date
End Sub
Sub UpdateFiles(version)
2007-10-21 18:09:44 +01:00
Dim WshShell, cur_date, revision, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
cur_date = DatePart("D", Date) & "." & DatePart("M", Date) & "." & DatePart("YYYY", Date)
2007-10-21 18:09:44 +01:00
revision = 0
Select Case Mid(version, 1, 1)
Case "r" ' svn
revision = Mid(version, 2)
If InStr(revision, "M") Then
revision = Mid(revision, 1, InStr(revision, "M") - 1)
End If
If InStr(revision, "-") Then
revision = Mid(revision, 1, InStr(revision, "-") - 1)
End If
Case "h" ' mercurial (hg)
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg log -k " & Chr(34) & "svn" & Chr(34) & " -l 1 --template " & Chr(34) & "{desc}\n" & Chr(34) & " ../src")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
revision = Mid(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), 7)
revision = Mid(revision, 1, InStr(revision, ")") - 1)
End If
End Select
2007-10-21 15:59:05 +01:00
UpdateFile revision, version, cur_date, "../src/rev.cpp"
UpdateFile revision, version, cur_date, "../src/ottdres.rc"
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
End Sub
Function DetermineSVNVersion()
2007-10-21 18:09:44 +01:00
Dim WshShell, version, url, oExec, line
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
' Try TortoiseSVN
' Get the directory where TortoiseSVN (should) reside(s)
Dim sTortoise
sTortoise = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\TortoiseSVN\Directory")
Dim file
' Write some "magic" to a temporary file so we can acquire the svn revision/state
Set file = FSO.CreateTextFile("tsvn_tmp", -1, 0)
2007-09-12 23:05:53 +01:00
file.WriteLine "r$WCREV$$WCMODS?M:$"
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
file.WriteLine "$WCURL$"
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(sTortoise & "\bin\SubWCRev.exe ../src tsvn_tmp tsvn_tmp")
' Wait till the application is finished ...
Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream
Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile("tsvn_tmp", 1, 0, 0)
version = file.ReadLine
url = file.ReadLine
Set file = FSO.GetFile("tsvn_tmp")
' Looks like there is no TortoiseSVN installed either. Then we don't know it.
If InStr(version, "$") Then
' Reset error and version
version = "norev000"
' Do we have subversion installed? Check immediatelly whether we've got a modified WC.
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("svnversion ../src")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Dim modified
If InStr(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), "M") Then
modified = "M"
modified = ""
End If
' Set the environment to english
WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")("LANG") = "en"
' And use svn info to get the correct revision and branch information.
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("svn info ../src")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
line = OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
If InStr(line, "URL") Then
url = line
End If
If InStr(line, "Last Changed Rev") Then
2007-09-12 23:05:53 +01:00
version = "r" & Mid(line, 19) & modified
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
End If
Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream
End If
End If
End If
If version <> "norev000" Then
If InStr(url, "branches") Then
url = Mid(url, InStr(url, "branches") + 8)
url = Mid(url, 1, InStr(2, url, "/") - 1)
version = version & Replace(url, "/", "-")
End If
2007-10-21 18:09:44 +01:00
' svn detection failed, reset error and try mercurial (hg)
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg tip")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
version = "h" & Mid(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), 19, 8)
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg status ../src")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
line = OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
If Mid(line, 1, 1) <> "?" Then
version = version & "M"
Exit Do
End If
Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream
End If
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg branch")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
line = OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
If line <> "default" Then version = version & "-" & line
End If
End If
2007-09-12 08:11:48 +01:00
End If
DetermineSVNVersion = version
End Function
Function IsCachedVersion(version)
Dim cache_file, cached_version
cached_version = ""
Set cache_file = FSO.OpenTextFile("../config.cache.version", 1, True, 0)
If Not cache_file.atEndOfStream Then
cached_version = cache_file.ReadLine()
End If
If version <> cached_version Then
Set cache_file = fso.CreateTextFile("../config.cache.version", True)
IsCachedVersion = False
IsCachedVersion = True
End If
End Function
Dim version
version = DetermineSVNVersion
If Not (IsCachedVersion(version) And FSO.FileExists("../src/rev.cpp") And FSO.FileExists("../src/ottdres.rc")) Then
UpdateFiles version
End If